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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17342987 No.17342987 [Reply] [Original]

i dont know why america cuisine gets so much hate. the stuff at my supermarkt is amazing

>> No.17342996
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i mean who wouldn't?

>> No.17343001 [DELETED] 

I'll be honest I didn't read your thread or look at picture. I just came here to tell you that whatever you posted is garbage and you should be shot.

>> No.17343015

thanks for the bump

>> No.17343019
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x2000, IMG_20220127_203746_resized_20220128_034149025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mike mitchell must be huge across the pond.

>> No.17343063

Do euros really?

Also never trust a man with 2 first names.

>> No.17343080

>4 buns
>5 dogs
real germs must not shop here

>> No.17343107

...are those hot dogs pickled? What the fuck?

>> No.17343135

foreign takes on american food are always wild to me. I hope when they see us making their food they get that same feeling of something that technically checks off the marks for authentic food but the more you look at it the more foreign and bizarre it seems to the point where it looks like martians are trying to fit into earth culture.
Also who the hell is Mike Mitchell? Some weird euro celebrity that pretends to be american?

>> No.17343148
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Why are the hot dogs in a jar??? That sounds disgusting

>> No.17343157

I wish I had a round meal right about now

>> No.17343168


Guttentag, herr mike mitchell

>> No.17343173

Mit Schweinflesche!

>> No.17343192

who is mike mitchell? is it just supposed to be a name that sounds american?

>> No.17343203

In a way it makes sense. We have Oscar Mayer which sounds like fake german so of course germans need Mike Mitchell which sounds like a fake american name

>> No.17343209

Oscar meyer doesn't sound german though it sounds English

>> No.17343217

what's the difference? hot dogs already sit in a water saline.

>> No.17343224

Hot dogs in America are packaged dry, they aren't packed in brine water

>> No.17343225

except Oscar Ferdinand Mayer was german

>> No.17343230

have you not opened a pack of dogs? they literally sit in their own water. even on the package it will say packed with 2% salt solution.

>> No.17343237

I have no idea why euro's can/jar their hotdogs in an excess of water but it's the most common way to see them on store shelves
they aren't completely dry, the packages are vaccum sealed with a small amount of water

I suspect it has to do with consumer expectations where in the US you expect to see plastic packages in a refrigerated meat section or deli and in euroland they expect to see it with other canned things

>> No.17343247

a jar is better anyway since you can actually close it

>> No.17343267
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the added cost just isn't worth it, cheaper plastic packaging can just be thrown into a ziplock
or some brands integrate a ziplock closure at the end of the pack anyway

>> No.17343273

im not seeing these cost savings with how ludicrously expensive 't'gs have become

>> No.17343280

Hot dogs are still crazy cheap though? Like i can get an 8 pack of jumbo dogs for less than $3.

>> No.17343437

If you've the taste buds of a 8 year old kid you stupid moron.
Check out the sugar content and what you are paying for is dressed up sweet shit that costs peanuts to put together and fills you for a short time and does nothing good for you in the long term. Also looks like yomit but good for you if you are happy with your preferences.

>> No.17343450

Why would you close any container of Glizzies? Are you a weakling or something?

>> No.17343495

Hot dogs don't have sliced pickles on them. Chicago dogs have spears. Your "hot dog" pickles are actually hamburger style.

>> No.17343517

Why don't you take it up with Mike?

>> No.17343528

One is refrigerated and the other isn’t

>> No.17343787

why do they sell pickles with the buns then?

>> No.17343840

he was until he got caught with cunny on his computer

>> No.17343842

who is they? Because it's not done that way in America.

>> No.17343901

No it doesn't, at all. It sounds german

>> No.17343905
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>mike mitchell must be huge across the pond.
The Spoonman is worldwide

>> No.17344526

this is an aldi, right?
hoestly they should just sell that shit in america, it would definitely sell.

>> No.17344537

Its a Penny market.

>> No.17344565

nor a man who wears a belt with his suspenders, a man who can't even trust his own pants.

>> No.17344600

oh snap, it's hot dog week again in germany? i must go to the store immediately!

>> No.17344722

Yeehaw pardners, it's your ol' pal Mike Mitchell with my special chili con carnee, authentic Yankee style!

>> No.17344760

t. pronounces it "mee-yurr"

>> No.17344794

This is really shitty. Corn in chili? Beans in chili? Fucking euros. At least when Americans appropriate another cultures cuisine they make it better.

>> No.17344921

>achtung scharf

>> No.17345076
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>bbq noodles
ah yes an american classic

>> No.17345091
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Real American Names

>> No.17345289

>Mike Truk

>> No.17345503
File: 2.69 MB, 2064x2808, Mike The Spoonman Mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very funny that they chose they chose the name Mike Mitchell for their American food brand

>> No.17345522

He's American so he's huge no matter where he goes. Y'know. Cuz they're fat. Americans are very, very fat.

>> No.17345525

You laugh at their names, but you can't tell me you didn't cry a American tear of joy when Dwigt Rortugal pitched a no-hitter at the All-Stars World Game Series Demi-Final.

>> No.17345530

Deutschfreunde, wouldja send me dem bottled hot dogs? Here in Ameriland, there are practically no pork hot dogs and I miss wustel from back home. : (

>> No.17345818

bruh these fucking jarred hot dogs always make me nauseous if i eat more than 2. its not worth the shipping costs on som 2 euro dogs

>> No.17345846
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american cuisine

>> No.17345955

>chicken in sauce
oh the humanity, what will those crazy americans do next.

>> No.17346000
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>> No.17346043

>I'll come to you
He's not giving you a choice, is he?

>> No.17346070

davis also serves 3 men

>> No.17346084

>details inside
details are stored in the ball

>> No.17346094

He once served 3 men in a parking lot

>> No.17346467




>> No.17346590

Why the fuck would anyone eat more than two? Have one and that's the end of it.

>> No.17346767

you know not long ago everyone in this country was a european immigrant?

>> No.17347278

Based glizzie guzzler.

>> No.17347482
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>> No.17348159

Except for the slaves, the natives, the Chinese railworkers, the Mexicans and so on.

>> No.17348167

Holy shit they are 3 bucks now? I remember when I was poor and would pick up a pack of bar s for a buck...and that wasn't very long ago

>> No.17348180

Hey no one will ever steal as many bases as Onson Sweemey did during his career With the All American Mustangs

>> No.17348187

It's a sexual promise. His kink is sweepstakes winners

>> No.17348212

These shit's are delicious. Little bit of Arrabiata sauce with them and a grilled chicken breast. Yum...

>> No.17348218
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>> No.17348256
File: 425 KB, 480x196, aIQOiYe (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just you. I'm high and haven't had a single problem image posting

>> No.17348303

sneed test

>> No.17348319


Go back to your own reality faggot, this is a Mayer reality

>> No.17348320

I too love Simpsons pal

>> No.17348329

i only watch ntsc sorry

>> No.17348726

it’s to make you buy 5 bags and 4 jars

>> No.17348820

what do you think that disgusting plastic package is? Its a jar you fucking retard they are packaged the same way except glass doesn't' leach chemicals into your food.

>> No.17348824

is this from idiocracy?

>> No.17349047

>American cuisine
>literally posts tv dinners and shit
come on, at least try. find something that's actual food that's disgusting. Just try to knock biscuits and gravy or general tso's

>> No.17349464
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>I have no idea why euro's can/jar their hotdogs in an excess of water but it's the most common way to see them on store shelves.
Europe is not 1 country. Speak for your own shithole.

>> No.17349927
