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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17342593 No.17342593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

not my problem

>> No.17342598

>see someone not return cart
>leave my cart behind their car
not my problem either bud

>> No.17342601

It will be your problem when I see you leave your cart in the middle of the parking lot and I follow you home, cut your head off and leave it on your porch for your family to find.

>> No.17342602

when I worked at a big store I literally did not give a shit about anything
not theft, spills, shit on the floor, angry customers, kids pulling pranks, nothing
I assure you no one in the store cares about carts

>> No.17342604
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n̶o̶t̴ ̵m̸y̵ ̴p̷r̷o̸b̸l̸e̶m̴

>> No.17342606

>find a cart behind my car
>move it over 2 yards so it's behind the next person's car
no longer my problem

>> No.17342612

I am well aware, it's redditors who think they're somehow 'doing their civic duty' with this useless shit that I'm trying to upset.

>> No.17342616
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>> No.17342620
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doesnt bother me none

>> No.17342621

not sure how you would do that since I just push my cart just past the door get in and drive off. but I supposed you could fantasize.

>> No.17342627

no you won't empty threat is empty you impotent moron.

>> No.17342630

I live in a high trust society where something like that would never happen. Inconveniencing others with such laziness just seems weird to me. You can't possibly live a desirable lifestyle.

>> No.17342632

Try doing that shit at Aldi shitheads

>> No.17342639

I so badly want one of these retards to give me an excuse to legally kill them. It would be such a one-sided conflict, these are low test faggots with emotional issues so they'll be shaking way too hard to be able to perform, plus they'll probably give lots of advance warning with one of these shitty redditor 'zingers'.

>> No.17342645

based cart narc

>> No.17342654

Oh no, not my quarter!
How is it being poor like you?

>> No.17342656

Yeah well I don't, America is a shithole and wasting energy on petty issues like shopping carts just makes it more that way. The only people I know who make any sort of an issue out of stuff like this IRL are subhumans who are trying to find a way to claim not to be.

I once knew a guy (tweaker looking weirdo who acted auper edgy all the time) who says that every time he holds the door open for someone and they don't say thank you he says "wow, you're a piece of shit!"

>> No.17342658 [DELETED] 

He sat back on his overly padded chair the pain he felt was constant. his lack of muscle and fat made sitting painful.

At last he had posted his magnum opus those clueless non cart corallers would surely change their ways now. His brain was fogged from his constant lack of energy but he was certain his logic was inescapable.

He reached for a carrot (it took all his effort) feebly he gnawed on it. washing it down with sips of soylent.

he dreamed of his next semen shake he would get from his boyfriend. his only source of protein.

He should go for a walk but the last time he did he broke a bone in his foot. the neuropathy (from lack of B12) in his hands made it difficult to type. It had taken all day and all his strength to type the one paragraph.

Tyrone (he feebly called) I am ready for you now.

>> No.17342659

I'll just take a cart that another anti-carter left free in the parking lot

>> No.17342682

>and wasting energy on petty issues like shopping carts
It can be annoying if you find a parking spot when it's crowded but see that it's being half blocked by a cart someone left behind. I just return the cart so I don't end up inconveniencing someone else like that. The cart itself isn't a big deal and I don't think it's about doing what you're "supposed" to do being the issue, but if you just don't care how you affect anyone else and you're fine with causing problems for other people like that it could be indicative of deeper issues.

>> No.17342684 [DELETED] 
File: 789 KB, 720x368, Fucking Told.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the utter nonsense of you thinking it's ok to kill someone for not putting a cart in a corral.

you won't do anything you say. your so scared of getting in trouble you meekly would drag your cart a mile to obey the stupidest rules.

you're a mindless drone an npc, a vacuous intellect.

rage on impotently while you feebly scream at your phone or keyboard or whatever it is you use to interact from your sick bed.

I will continue to do what I want and you cannot AND will not do anything about it.

>> No.17342695

you realize I made that comment in agreement with you, right? I want to kill the pro-carters

>> No.17342698

You wear a mask

>> No.17342699

my bad

>> No.17342701

of course not, they pay people to put that shit away

>> No.17342702

I think the first guy was joking anyway

>> No.17342713
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I watch The Mask.

>> No.17342716

It will be when I kick that cart into your piece of shit car if you do that next to my car

>> No.17342737

The implication that someone obsessed with following the most useless and purely advisory "rules" of society would commit a property crime in broad daylight is just absurd. We all know you will never do shit about this, I'd be very surprised if you even complained about it out loud.

>> No.17342746

I only realized just now why the carts where I live require you to put in a dollar to use one, so faggots have an incentive to put them back! haha, I'm like 20 years late to this.

>> No.17342748


>> No.17342771

It's a retarded system made by someone who doesn't understand business, you're going through all this trouble and alienating customers (it's a known thing that people really don't like getting out their wallets for tiny purchases, least of all for something so condescending) just to not have to pay one employee to be on 'parking lot duty', who you'll have to pay anyway since some people still won't put them back and there is other shit that needs to be done outside either way.

>> No.17342786
File: 24 KB, 474x395, never-returned-his-cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Barring a few allowable exceptions--like the elderly, handicapped, and the autistic or mentally retarded--anyone who refuses to return the cart to the corral is a barbarian or a low-IQ sociopath.

Have you ever been trying to find a parking space on a crowded/busy day, and you see a free spot, but it's blocked by a cart? Or have you ever returned from shopping to find that a free cart has rolled into your car, damaging it? A normal, healthy person with the capability for human empathy uses these experiences to justify the tiny inconvenience of returning the cart by "paying it forward" to his fellow man. Someone who is either unable--or worse, unwilling--to thusly identify with the community should be institutionalized or ostracized from it. Even from a purely selfish utilitarian perspective, an intelligent man will see how his participation is reinforcement of a social convention that will eventually benefit him in return, if he "plays along".

Now consider about the type of person who lacks even such basic foresight. It's horrifying that these cart-tards are permitted driving licenses at all, considering that driving on public roads is an essentially social activity. There is doubtless a strong correlation between cart-abandonment and criminal records, broken homes, unemployment, and low education. Sad, many such cases...

>> No.17342791

I don't deserve this level of flattery

>> No.17342799

Nice arts degree hypothesis, but anyone can already see that it works well in practice with no loss of custom.

>> No.17342800


>> No.17342826


>> No.17342828

I spent enough money to buy a shopping cart full of groceries. If their shitty grocery store can't employ people to clean up the parking lot then it deserves to be a shit show. Take it up with the establishment that owns the parking lot, loser.

>> No.17342832

So do all the places that don't bother with that. It's legitimately retarded to use the "um well the store didn't burn down so therefore it's a great and necessary thing!" angle on something that would obviously make only a tiny marginal difference in people choosing to shop ar a store.

The real issue is that you discourage people from buying more, like "huh I kind of want to get a cart because I ended up wanting to buy more groceries than I could carry in a basket, but I don't want to deal with all that dollar bullshit so I'll just buy what I have"

>> No.17342837

you have a mental illness

>> No.17342842
File: 2.32 MB, 3024x4032, 1622742141391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At Aldi, it's just a quarter (in USA). You get your coin back when you return your cart. The system doesn't deter people from shopping there, and the store doesn't have to employ dedicated cart-wranglers.

>> No.17342844

>at aldi you can pay the homeless to put your cart away for you

Pretty good system.

>> No.17342847

You have absolutely no way of knowing if the system deters people from shopping there, retard.

>> No.17342849

Doesn't happen. It just makes the shopping experience more pleasant.

>> No.17342850


>> No.17342851

A woman I will never be

>> No.17342857

if you zoom in you can see nikacado's spread ass

>> No.17342861

you have a child's worldview, not kidding

>> No.17342876

This, they might as well seethe at us for not cleaning the store's floor after we walk on it. It's not our responsibility to take care of everything we touch in a business we are giving money to.

>> No.17342896

So many fucking niggers in this thread

>> No.17342905

If you were white you'd be able to articulate a response to these things instead of dropping empty buzzwords, but unfortunately you have an IQ of 85.

>> No.17342913
File: 27 KB, 600x750, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent enough money to buy a shopping cart full of groceries. If their shitty grocery store can't employ people to clean up the parking lot then it deserves to be a shit show. Take it up with the establishment that owns the parking lot, loser.
>they might as well seethe at us for not cleaning the store's floor after we walk on it. It's not our responsibility to take care of everything we touch in a business we are giving money to.

>> No.17342917

figgy detected

>> No.17342920

No buzzwords in that statement my douchy friend

>> No.17342923

Based cart narcs

>> No.17342933

>see someone leave their cart behind my car
>run them over
>slowly drive over their head
Not my problem

>> No.17342934

Heavy cope, you know that the fedora tipper thing is making a big deal out of the fact that you do little 'courtesies' like holding doors. They don't call themselves "gentlemen" anymore since they got bullied so hard so they try to act edgy by saying it's a matter of whiteness.

>> No.17342936

Ah you got butthurt because you know you act like a subhuman? Do you litter too?

>> No.17342937

yeah if one is in the spot I want i park, get out, and push it out of the spot. simple as. if i see someone leave one and then go in the store ill use the cart to scratch their car and skedaddle

>> No.17342943
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>> No.17342946

someone tried trading me a quarter for my cart when I was going into aldi and I told them to fuck off with their dirty ass quarter.

>> No.17342955

Yes I do, do you wear the mask?