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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 900x675, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17337371 No.17337371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not my problem

>> No.17337375
File: 1.65 MB, 4160x3120, cart not in corral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not MY problem.

>> No.17337381

skim milk? and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.17337388

Don't give a shit
Kill on sight

>> No.17337394

I do this if they're rude.

>> No.17337396

I left that cart there. I only put them in the corral if I park right next to it. fuck you. cart corrals are just the stores not wanting to pay someone to round them up like in the good ol' days.

>> No.17337400

How many times have you started this retarded thread with the same damn pic?

>> No.17337401

They still come out and round them up retard. You're just an asshole.

>> No.17337429
File: 51 KB, 2389x930, 1F265212-6D9E-4D65-8E3C-2DB5B88E26F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enters wagemart deli
>asks for 2 pounds of potato wedges
>wagie puts in 2 1/8 pound of wedgies
>asks me if that’s ok since it’s close
>agrees reluctantly, wagie puts sticker on and tells me to have cashier scan the bag when I check out
>goes into Hispanic isle and eats the most of the wedges
>leave 2-3 in bag and slides it under shelving unit
>not my problem

>> No.17337431

You're just lazy. It's okay anon. I still hate you since you exist,regardless if you put the milk back.
Are you braindead? My store schedules people to run around the parkinglot to collect them

>> No.17337442

you deserve the rope you fucking nigger

>> No.17337445

Not them but I don't put my cart away anymore because of that cart douche guy.

>> No.17337695
File: 157 KB, 1024x757, 1628136155692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I barely gave it a thought before but the nu-/pol/ "shopping cart test" is such an obnoxious and outright retarded reddit meme that I now go out of my way not to put it back. I've pretty much objectively laid out how their """theory""" makes no sense (simply, you're upholding a society that you actively oppose) but they can't understand it since they're NPC faggots who are literally just advocating mainstream normie values but putting the word nigger in their arguments.

>> No.17337706
File: 1.53 MB, 720x480, Authority.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fuck you cart corrals are lazy. they didn't exist before the 90's. I do what I want.

>> No.17337709

>dude im protesting like society and shit by leaving my cart in a parking space
just be a lazy nigger lol nobody cares about your justification

>> No.17337718

This, we used to just pay people to take care of these sort of things. All of these useless chores we have to do for ourselves now just took work away from people who would benefit from it while returning no value to the consumer (I mean, look at the prices of everything today, look at your taxes).

>> No.17337719

The only law in society should be if you don't put the cart back you are executed by firing squad.

>> No.17337723

I'd believe that if you didn't come and unironically seethe in every single one of these threads with the same empty statements. You aren't cool for saying nigger, I say nigger too.

>> No.17337734
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 24499610-B7F6-4E78-B2D7-8E6971902958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I worked grocery I found an ice cream box melted tucked behind cans

Lots of rotting meat hidden too

>> No.17337742

you ate 2 pounds of fried potatoes in a wal-mart.

>> No.17337748

>that cart douche guy

>> No.17337749

Kind of blackpilling how so few people have connected the "just do X (useless thing you have no reason to) you brat!" mindset with covid dystopianism. The idea that you are less important than any sort of organized authority that can come up with some half-baked justification for a rule is how we got to a place where demanding someone cover their face in order to go about their day is seen as normal rather than obscenely offensive.

>> No.17337750

Also people open shit and half consume then and hide it

>> No.17337754

exactly now the stores have self checkout lines, and in some places no baggers so you have to bag the groceries.

>> No.17337758

Yep and we've all seen our grocery bill go down since then, right? Right?

>> No.17337759

empty threat is empty. eat me.

>> No.17337767

You will be first against the wall on the Day of the Cart make no mistake.

>> No.17337774

half gallon ice cream isn't a half gallon any more.
1 lb of bacon now 12 oz.

10 packs of hot dogs, now 8, 7, or 6.
16 oz cans now 15.

>> No.17337781

This baiting energy would be better spent elsewhere. Just tell us what you think.

>> No.17337790

Good point. I think its way worse when they lower quality and/or quantity instead of just raising prices, it takes away the option to just get fucked on the bill and still get what you want.

>> No.17337792

>Leaves 12 pack of soda in the freeze section

>> No.17337795

a day that will never happen.
I love making you incels seethe.

>> No.17337796

>ruining a product
>misplaced cart

I hate reddit cart narcs

>> No.17337807

first of all wedges are the cheapest thing at the deli, like a whole 2 dollars a lb. secondly you had to be told to scan something at the register? and thirdly you deserve only the worst for shopping at shartmart

>> No.17337820

likewise. I used to always do it now I'm begging for some faggot to come out and tell me to put it back. every cart narced is 2 more unreturned

>> No.17337825

Shut up nigger

>> No.17337837

Making a useless statement that isn't tangible enough for someone to respond to is a good way to get someone to shut up

>> No.17337844

nobody asked

>> No.17337868

You realize you're paying the guy that has to get the carts right?

>> No.17337874

If I'm paying him then I'm not going to do his job, retard.

>> No.17338058


>> No.17338072
File: 1.75 MB, 2764x1936, 1619570332253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17338098

Giving in to antisocial urges that you'd usually suppress is part of the fun of going to walmart

>> No.17338128
File: 37 KB, 530x398, fgdese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based.

>> No.17338129

Mario Mario? From Brooklyn?

>> No.17338135
File: 27 KB, 474x474, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trigger warning, these confrontations may activate some legit anxiety:

>> No.17338140

No, dummy, the Bing Bing Wahoo Mario.
None of that fonfa business, or it's the fishes for youse.

>> No.17338143

You're white enough to take your cart back to the corral but are you white enough to take it back into the store?

>> No.17338148

That's not the point is it, silly cunt. Wagies should do as their told. If they get told 2lbs it should be 2 and no more.
Now you got to go clean up some rotten potatos lmao clean it up wagie.

>> No.17338151

The one where the dude gets a gun pulled on him is great.
Hope someone plugs one of these idiots one day.

>> No.17338159

Wouldn't surprise me. Not returning your cart is a sign of sociopathy. He's confronting people whom he already knows are selfish, lack empathy for other humans, and are unable to foresee consequences of their actions, and have low impulse control. Balls of steel.

>> No.17338162

Get fucked, Dr. Phil. Stop being a drain on society.

>> No.17338164

I think proudly labeling yourself as a "cart narc" and doing this is way more cringe than just leaving your cart somewhere

>> No.17338174

>t. lazybones

>> No.17338192

You shouldn't do this because there are many, many retarded employees who believe they're "helping the company" by putting should-be discarded perishables like this back into the cooler. I watched it many times when I worked at Safeway. Literally milk that was sitting out overnight got shoved in the cooler.

>> No.17338197

>CтoпХaм for public safety
>Cart Narcs for jolly trolley follies.

>> No.17338225


Anyone else here like to flip the cart upside down, leaving it wheels-up in the middle of a lane, or directly behind someone else's car?

>> No.17338228

Companies already employ people to retrieve carts (because otherwise they would lose all the carts from people who have to walk home with the cart), so confronting people about carts inside the parking areas is moronic.

>> No.17338238

>be me, perusing the isles at Target
>decide I'm gonna be hungry, get two large popcorns from the dining lounge
>eat both nearly completely
>dump the rest in the middle of the aisle and walk out
>go to theater across the street
>get another large buttered 'corn
>decide halfway to my seat I'm done, the entire thing out onto the stairs
>decide I no longer want to see the flick
>go home
Not my problem

>> No.17338288

Great bait.

As far as I can figure, cart returns just exist to make it so people don't have to worry they're doing the wrong thing with a cart, it makes just about zero difference for the company or other customers as there are still employees designated to return the cart. Some more neurotic people just wouldn't feel good leaving a cart in a random spot next to their car even if they were supposed to. It's one of many systems designed with a detail that will give the useless customer something to do so they don't feel out of control, loosely related to "push to cross the street" buttons (which don't actually do anything).

>> No.17338300

Extremely low quality forced meme threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/6 and >>>/global/rules/10
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.17338301

>not a problem

>> No.17338345


>> No.17338449

>crosswalk buttons don't do anything
now THAT is great bait.

t. use the correct number of button presses to turn all lights to red for motorists, and set the crosswalk lamps to white for adjacent zebras for 40 seconds.
at first i felt bad about doing this, but after seeing the way white people drive (especially white women, good god), i am perfectly fine with being safe rather than sorry when on my way to work.

>> No.17338604

Your Target still has that?
Every fucking store around here replaced ALL of their food corners with Starcucks as if there wasn't one every single block for 3 miles.

>> No.17338650

/pol/ is mostly not my problem pilled now.

>> No.17338693
File: 215 KB, 600x800, 4277 - angry beard distorted frown glasses long_face soyjak stubble variant_gapejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't give a shit
>Kill on sight
>The only law in society should be if you don't put the cart back you are executed by firing squad.
>>t. lazybones
>They still come out and round them up retard. You're just an asshole.
>you deserve the rope you fucking nigger
>You're just lazy. It's okay anon. I still hate you since you exist,regardless if you put the milk back.
>Are you braindead? My store schedules people to run around the parkinglot to collect them
>>dude im protesting like society and shit by leaving my cart in a parking space
>just be a lazy nigger lol nobody cares about your justification
>Shut up nigger
>nobody asked
>You will be first against the wall on the Day of the Cart make no mistake.
>Get fucked, Dr. Phil. Stop being a drain on society.
>Wouldn't surprise me. Not returning your cart is a sign of sociopathy. He's confronting people whom he already knows are selfish, lack empathy for other humans, and are unable to foresee consequences of their actions, and have low impulse control. Balls of steel.
>>crosswalk buttons don't do anything
>now THAT is great bait.
>t. use the correct number of button presses to turn all lights to red for motorists, and set the crosswalk lamps to white for adjacent zebras for 40 seconds.
>at first i felt bad about doing this, but after seeing the way white people drive (especially white women, good god), i am perfectly fine with being safe rather than sorry when on my way to work.

>> No.17338713

I can’t imagine worrying so much about a corporate grocery store’s profits that I would actually trek back to return a product (refrigerated, frozen or not). It’s like the retards who think returning the cart is some act of altruism. Fuck it they pay wagies to gather the carts I’m not going to do their job.

>> No.17338717

Yeah I’m think this guy’s based

>> No.17338762
File: 43 KB, 800x420, bf52fba0-99ad-11ea-8867-43e46fa5810e_800_420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow yeah that's really punk of you, pic related.
not always. when i worked in grocery it was an additional task, like cleaning the restrooms. bigger stores like costco have people specifically for carts but most mid-sized stores do not. you're still being sociopathic because given the choice of being lazy and making someone's job harder you're choosing to make someone's job harder.

i've done carts a lot at this point and over time i have settled on it being a societal issue. it's severely sociopathic and entitled to think you can take an object from a place and not return it there, it's literal baby logic. i really think if we just stopped collecting carts and put up a sign about it or something people wouldn't need to collect carts anymore because we wouldn't be enabling the shitty behavior of customers. having a cart corral is like putting a box out for a baby who can't put his toys back in his room, and even then with these clearly designated spots people can't spend the 2 seconds to toss the cart there. it's such deep entitlement.

>> No.17338764
File: 216 KB, 568x1023, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to post this for you. pic related.

>> No.17338863

Every store where I am the same people that wrangle outside carts with their special trailers are the ones going into the car park and doing all the carts inside at the same time.
Except Aldi which has the dollar deposit carts.
The cost of the cart returner is already built into the prices of the groceries I buy, so by returning my own cart I'm effectively giving a billion dollar corporation free money.

>> No.17338867

>ask for 2 pounds
>change mind and ask for 2 1/8 pounds
somehow this is the wagies fault

>> No.17338873

Just a heads up that meat and deli clerks will call you out to any PiC or loss prevention officer if you get anything valued more than $50 in case you pull shit like this, we have a list of people we don't make specialty cuts for anymore.

>> No.17338874

audibly kek'd

>> No.17338880

sorry you're just a nigger

>> No.17338902

>I'm a nigger

>> No.17338912

>can't afford car
>complains about white drivers
gonna need to see those hands chief

>> No.17338915
File: 340 KB, 760x704, 1633138836585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extremely low quality forced meme threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/6 and >>>/global/rules/10
>OP is a faggot.
>Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
>Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.17338918

>Act like complete cunt and make everyone else's day worse by merely existing
>Wonder why societal trust is eroding and no one's friendly to strangers anymore
Industrialization didn't ruin the human race, it's self-interested pieces of shit like you. We have to shop at supermarkets instead of nice local grocers now because only the supermarket can weather the hit of worthless pathetic fucks shoplifting and wasting food.

>> No.17338923

most toddlers eventually outgrow crying when it's time to sing the clean-up song and pick up their messes, but you miraculous retards have managed to grow all the way up and seethe over the simple act of putting your shit where it belongs.

>> No.17338933

It kind of is your problem. Your own poor moral character and lack of values is your personal issue.

>> No.17338965


>> No.17338968

it's always funny when the cyclical nature of 4chan contrarianism leads to people making excuses for acting like niggers/white trash

>> No.17338976

>I shouldn't make someones job easier and more convenient, and also not block parking spaces because someone gets paid to retrieve them even tho it takes less than 30 seconds to go put it back

found the nigger

>> No.17338990

I return my cart but I don't care if other people return theirs or not. They hire people to deal with the carts, and if people are so worried about carts hitting their cars they can just park further away or shop at a gay ass store like ALDI that has quarter cart return systems.
Also, fuck people that run up with a quarter trying to "buy" my cart from me before I return it. You are saving yourself, what, 2 fucking seconds? If you do that you are a braindead "person"