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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 289x174, kayscooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17331831 No.17331831 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorite Kay's cooking moments!

>> No.17333260


>> No.17333307


>> No.17333334

You lookin' to fap to her too?

>> No.17333344


>> No.17333413

When she did'nt coock the rice for special fried rice and just dumped it uncoocked in a pan kek

>> No.17333416

Imagine her at 8 with peachfuzz cunny.

>> No.17333507


>> No.17333513


>> No.17334187
File: 8 KB, 291x173, 803FAB16-4811-46E7-B9C4-51270F98B96A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her meatballs are by far the most offensive things she’s ever made

>> No.17336274


>> No.17338327

you are not fucking kidding. wow. took a lot out of me to watch that video. disgusting.

>> No.17338420

Why are all her dishes so grey and anemic looking, I feel like it takes talent to consistently fuck it up that bad

>> No.17338767

kay is my favourite fag hag

>> No.17338773

Lot of boomers cook like that, any sear or caramelization at all is "burned". Pretty disgusting and not a far cry from those foul 50s canned/gelatin dishes.
Same reason any oldtimer on the grill means an 90% chance you're getting a shoe leather steak, because anything less is "raw".

>> No.17338807

Do you think she's genuine or is it all a joke?

>> No.17339247

she's trolling, she even corrects herself when she correctly says "onions" and repronounces it "HONions" etc.
Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.17339288

such enjoyable content

>> No.17339292

it definitely started out genuine, she's aware of how she's perceived and since she continues to produce the same content you could say it's now trolling

>> No.17339865


>Big Lee's mum

Love britain, me.

>> No.17339878

I think Jack has the market cornered with his culinary horrors.

>> No.17339914
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, special fried rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely the special fried rice. Turning the garlic to charcoal and adding uncooked rice, her son even ate some of it. It's a spectacle of cookery.

>> No.17339929

How does whimsically mispronouncing something mean she's a deliberate troll?

>> No.17341680


>> No.17341702


>> No.17341705

allow me to apologise from the britbong nation. we're not all like this. no. honestly, we're not. she looks like some community care case who got forgotten by her tard wrangler and left to her own devices.

>> No.17341718

Hi peepo!

>> No.17341767

Post her version of "spagghetti bolognese".

>> No.17341784

i genuinely think she must have some sort of brain damage. probably from alcoholism. you can tell she's drunk in most of her videos. feel really sad for the kid.

that said, favorite moment:
>"rice'z a bet crouncheh"

>> No.17341841

>I've always loved tae cook
ok did she start like last year...?
>my fourth grade teacher taught me hae

>> No.17342265

"Big Mac moi way" turns out to be a handful of ground beef (not shaped) inside a hamburger bun. Nothing else.

>> No.17342301

It's a geographical and class thing, not a generational thing. Urban boomers invented fusion cuisine and craft beer back when they were yuppies, working class and rural millennials still eat garbage.

>> No.17342542
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>> No.17342553

That was just insane. The rice was literally uncooked and the garlic was black. The son said it tastes "good" but the rice was "a little crunchy". what the actual fuck.

>> No.17342783

Jack has more kinds of kitchen felony going on but Kay's literal terror on cooking goes so deep with her worst offences. The meatballs, the weird as fuck burnt dry spaghetti things, uncooked rice, etc.

>> No.17342854

>The best thing about making meatballs is that Norfers don't know how to

>> No.17342985

Hi Josh!

>> No.17343213

agreed, i lol'd hearing it crunch when eaten

>> No.17344997
File: 387 KB, 536x371, kay knife dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, you have it all wrong. The hardest thing about watching kay's cooking is when she's doing veggie prep. That she hasn't seriously injured herself with one of those egregiously dull ceramic knives may be the 9th wonder of the world.

>> No.17345018

>any sear or caramelization at all is "burned"
Kay has absolutely no problem burning the shit out of her food though, she's just that bad.

>> No.17345027
File: 128 KB, 1030x1158, 1623241260915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my eternal shame, I made rice like that as a teenager a couple times (not stir fry, but just not cooking the rice long enough).

>> No.17345056
File: 2.42 MB, 640x360, kay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17345060

When she thought an eggplant was an avocado and used it for avo on toast.

>> No.17345176

uh, source? I need to see this.

>> No.17345278

harry hill show...or something

>> No.17345304

ty, I found it. I'm not familiar with UK TV.

>> No.17345335

It's really something. I can't watch it all the way through.

>> No.17345339

The difference is Kay doesn't think she's a celebrity chef.

>> No.17345827

Would love to smother margarine all over her titts while she blows cigarette smoke in my face

>> No.17345851

and she somehow farts repeatedly and frequently into the night

>> No.17345903

kay milkers in your mouth yum yum

>> No.17346490

In one video Lee comments on her knives being blunt and that she should use a sharper knife, Kay saids they're dangerous and this knife is safer
While she cuts a potato in half using the palm of her hand as a cutting board
A couple of years ago a police chief in the UK suggested the uk ban sharp knives to prevent knife attacks and it got some momentum behind it briefly before everyone with an IQ above double digits shouted them down for being retarded

>> No.17346532

she went on thinking it was in good sport then realized after they were shitting on her and so dislikes this, if I recall correctly

>> No.17346555
File: 101 KB, 866x498, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are a very stupid country.

>> No.17346577

if you have government CCTV then maybe a real time satellite knife grid isn't that crazy

>> No.17346601

have you got a loicense for that?
sometimes i just don't have an answer to burgers dabbing on bongs because fucking idiots like him prove they have a point

>> No.17346748

came here to post this, theyre fucking insane