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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17327076 No.17327076 [Reply] [Original]

What is this shit? I ordered curry and they gave me this silly looking spoon. Do they actually expect me to EAT with this? I had to order a regular spoon because it was too messy to eat with. Anyone familiar with this type of spoon for curry? It's so dumb.

>> No.17327350

It's Chinese culture, get used to it Bigot. Spoons that actually work are White Supremacy

>> No.17327364

That is a soup spoon.

>> No.17327373

Soup spoon my ass. It fucking sucks!

>> No.17327380

>soup spoon my ass
I'm sure many have

>> No.17327405

you're not supposed to put the entire thing in your mouth. You drink from the side

>> No.17327425

I had thick curry with pieces of chicken and vegetables in it. I can't eat that by putting the side of the spoon to my mouth and slurping it. Regular spoon is way better and more efficient.

>> No.17327525

Just to clarify, you’re saying that a spoon, a literal spoon, which performs the same general function as any other spoon, and is utilized by following what’s effectively the same operating procedure as other spoons, presented an insurmountable challenge?

>> No.17327544

Have you ever used one of those bugmen spoons? They're pretty much the worst design for a spoon you could come up with

>> No.17327660

Yeah, it's hard to use. Your attempt at reasoning your way into "owning" me or whatever is pathetic. Fuck you.

>> No.17327746

>Your attempt at reasoning your way into "owning" me or whatever is pathetic
Relax bro I’m not trying to “own” you. The spoon doesn’t need my help and I’d probably just get in its way.

>> No.17327835

>Anyone familiar with this type of spoon for curry? It's so dumb.
You're actually paying to use that very spoon, not the soup itself. The curry is just leftover broth water and nonstandard ingredients, a cost which the Yakuza absorbs to maintain their money laundering operation for Big Spoon.
You don't pay to eat the curry, you pay for the experience of feeling like an authentic nip.

>> No.17327894

To think that I would see the day that a "normal" human being is unable to use a spoon.


>> No.17327920

you see skippy... can I call you skippy? great!

so the way you use a spoon like that is you fill it and then bring it to your lips and sip contents. then when it comes to the non liquid parts after sipping the liquid you eat those like any other spoon. it's simple really. I figured it out in a second when I first used one. no one had to show me. it's utility is obvious.

you are just a moron.

>> No.17327934

I know right? Why can't gooks eat with a normal spoon and have to use this big lopsided thing?

>> No.17327936

I am always amazed when someone comes to this board and shouts and carries on in outlandish ways all just to show how retarded they are.

>> No.17327941

that is a normal spoon. you are just too stupid to use it.

>> No.17327952

Yeah because that’s a totally normal spoon.
>I figured out how to row a boat in 5 seconds so I could totally operate a nuclear submarine now
See how dumb you sound?

>> No.17327957

Enjoy your big spoon, skippy. Big spoon for the big boy. Ohh, don't get mad skippy. Don't get so mad over a 4chud post, you'll have a stroke being so stressed out!

>> No.17328013
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>can't figure out how to eat with a spoon
>calls other people dumb

>> No.17328068

>Retard incel shut-in has never been to a Chinese restaurant and used one of those spoons

>> No.17328145

But it’s not a spoon in the normal sense. You can’t just treat it like a normal spoon.
It’s disingenuous of you to imply it doesn’t have a valid learning curve.