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File: 292 KB, 1440x1000, MG_1_1_New_York_City-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17320523 No.17320523 [Reply] [Original]

Visiting New York City later this year, where are the best places to eat? I don't want to visit the tourist traps, I'm looking for proper places serving up New York food that New Yorkers actually eat

>> No.17320529

Garbage cans

>> No.17320533


>> No.17320547 [DELETED] 

Yeah literally no one has ever asked this before.

Also ironically those shitty halal carts are both tourist traps AND where "real" (working class NY Post reading chud) new yorkers actually eat. Yuppie transplants avoid it like the plague.

Other "real new yorker" shit: jimbo's hamburgers, golden krust (jamaican), fresco tortilas (chinese run "mexican" only found in NYC) , la dinastia (chinese run chino-dominican), papaya king, zaro's, kennedy fried chicken, and any of those 99c pizza places.

Not commenting on the quality of any of the above (some are good, some not so good), but as a "real new yorker", there you go. You're welcome, and don't come whining to me that it wasn't what you expected. You didn't ask for good, you asked for "what new yorkers actually eat", and I assume you don't mean schermerhorns, astors, or vanderbilts.

>> No.17320549

Mahmoud's Falafel is so fucking good.

>> No.17320560

Don't bother, it's a worthless shithole these days, bloomberg, di blasio and coumo pretty much destroyed it.
If you have to go somewhere check out the dimsum cart places in Chinatown south of Canal st, I think on Mott, the names change but go to the crowded ones.

>> No.17320561


>> No.17320568

... schmuky schumer too

>> No.17320579

>proper places New Yorkers actually eat
Go to Brooklyn

>> No.17320583 [DELETED] 

>the names change
Lol no they don't asshat. This is such a classic dumb ass whiteoid move. There's a very short list of highly beloved dim sum joints and none of then have difficult names. Nom Wah. Golden Unicorn. Jing Fong (RIP). There. Idiot.

>> No.17320610

Nobody goes to brooklyn if you live in Manhattan, get over yourself, I bet you're a black that wears a baseball cap sideways or backwards. The names do change in Chinatown Manhattan, sometimes the name is just the number of the address.
You dont know jack shit.

>> No.17320631 [DELETED] 

1. You're just too racist to accept that chinese restaurants actually have names and are distinguished from one another by the regulars. Oooh oooh chinky chinky arrr rook same!

2. I'm not black. And black people haven't worn baseball caps backwards since like 1999. Idiot whiteoid boomer.

2. My post had jack shit to do with brooklyn, that must be the senile dementia talking.

>> No.17320635

You put #2 twice, is that racist.
I've lived in manhattan longer than you've been alive and know enough to know that nobody deals with brooklyn. Fuck off.

>> No.17320647 [DELETED] 

>You put #2 twice
How can you be sure about that though, don't the numbers change a lot? They all look pretty much the same to me grandpa
>I've lived in manhattan longer than you've been alive and know enough to know that nobody deals with brooklyn.
So you're just going to dig deeper, weird hill to die on but if I was suffering from senile dementia I'd probably want a quick death too.

>> No.17320655 [DELETED] 

Simple enough to copy and paste it.
>>17320610 (You)
1. You're just too racist to accept that chinese restaurants actually have names and are distinguished from one another by the regulars. Oooh oooh chinky chinky arrr rook same!

2. I'm not black. And black people haven't worn baseball caps backwards since like 1999. Idiot whiteoid boomer.

2. My post had jack shit to do with brooklyn, that must be the senile dementia talking.

Stupid brooklyn negro

>> No.17320663

I’m starting to think this type of post is just someone writing articles or blogs on their website or it’s actual journalists which explains the state of the business

>> No.17320673

That would be CNN or MSNBC, shithole writing, that's not journalism.

>> No.17320674 [DELETED] 

You can say 'nigger' grandpa, you're anonymous here. And even if you somehow dox yourself inadvertently, it's not like anyone is going to be shocked that a retarded whiteoid geezer who hasn't seen a black person since the WTC was still standing said the naughty n-word.

>> No.17320684

You really have your head up your ass to think TV when someone says journalism.
Or your over 40.

>> No.17320685

Big werds coming from a brooklyn nobody

>> No.17320696

Damn right I'm white and not some stupid negro, are you a dumb negro?

>> No.17320704 [DELETED] 

>doubleposting racist boomerposting about NYC
Oh it's just angry phillip morris programmer guy again. Haven't seen you in a while, still seething about the H1B that took yer jeerrrrb?

>> No.17320727 [DELETED] 

And btw if you want your PCA to take you to meet me at 116th and Frederick Douglass Blvd (it was called 8th ave when you last set foot in the city), I'd be happy to buy you a case of Ensure or a box of adult diapers, just let me know. But we both know you haven't been within 100 miles of the city since ghouliani


>> No.17320728

What are you on about?
Are you jealous of people in Mahattan?

>> No.17320731

Stupid nigger you are, threating in words and saying nothing.

>> No.17320751 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 680x383, 297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the rant about standing on line at starbucks, the kids haven't heard that one for a while

>> No.17320771

>116th and Frederick Douglass Blvd
Why would any human want to be there to compete with a big dumb negro?
Why don't you compete with me on wall st, we'll get shit done real fast you dumb brooklyn moron.

>> No.17320781

simpsons is that, that's real good, divert to a lame tv show you pathetic cunt brooklyn twink.

>> No.17320821 [DELETED] 

>Why don't you compete with me on wall st, we'll get shit done real fast
Why what are you going to do, look for a boiler room operation that got shut down by the feds in 1997 so you can impress me that you used to be allowed to use their phone line to post stock price misinformation on usenet? Nothing has happened on wall street in like 15 years, it's all done in a data center in secaucus now
>116th and Frederick Douglas
Wow you really are losing it

>> No.17320933

I recommend Xi'ans famous foods. Only avoid if you're a white person that can't avoid any spice at all other wise you can order their low spice levels at least (1-3). Very delicious Asian food. Great flavor, great prices. They have 'em in a few locations around the city. In a city the size of New York there generally will be few if any well agreed upon can't miss joints. Food can be too subjective and there's just too many choices. Katz Delis is incredibly famous and I've wanted to go for a while, maybe next time I visit. Chopped cheese from your local bodega is also a quintessential New York experience that I recommend.

>> No.17321838

Corner bistro
Breakfast sandwich from bodega
Shake shack
Dollar pizza slice joints
Whatever 1+ Michelin star restaurant appeals

>> No.17322417

For me, it is the chinese popeyes on Canal st

>> No.17322445
File: 137 KB, 900x900, 3D28BA52-BBFD-483B-A38D-5988A673B440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katz’s Deli of course! Pro tip, try the pastrami sandwich! Tell’em /ck sent you!

>> No.17322458 [DELETED] 

it's "chop cheese", only ditzy blonde food bloggers from idaho say "chopped cheees". And it's pretty much just an uptown/bronx thing. anyone selling you a chop cheese downtown or in br-----n is pulling a fast one on you. as mta announcer robot voice guy likes to say, "don't fall for it"

>> No.17322486

>avoid if you're a white person that can't avoid any spice at all
So if I’m not white and I don’t like spicy it’s ok for me then? Only whites who don’t like spicy should avoid it is what you’re saying.

>> No.17322503 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1298790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white hands typed this post

60% of the population make up 97% of the karens who leave 1 star reviews on yelp because the spicy dish was spicy. just giving you the facts, if you find facts racist I don't know how to help you

>> No.17322791 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 2042x1076, spicyjanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to take things so personally, janny-kun. It's just statistics.

>> No.17322857
File: 1.19 MB, 856x768, 04F3E369-F282-407A-9884-D8ED9B76B513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t go to Peter Luger because it’s in Brooklyn?

>> No.17322870

it's an overpriced tourist trap but it is some good ass meat

>> No.17322878

Sounds like you know your way around a good piece of meat. Wanna hook up?

>> No.17322928

Whenever I’m in nyc I eat at bubba gumps shrimp in Times Square. Best shrimp in the city, and the intimate atmosphere can’t be beat

>> No.17322942
File: 57 KB, 550x385, 3BC06608-6CE0-47F0-A50E-99178352E24C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Visiting New York City later this year, where are the best places to eat?
Right here bro

>> No.17322944

No I don't. Why would I go all the way to brooklyn for gangster shit when I could go to Keens in Manhattan. You dumb fuck.

>> No.17322972

What human being would want to go Brooklyn for a steak that's prepared way better in Manhattan and is closer to me.
Only morons and gangsters go to Brooklyn for a steak to pay cash and be seen. That's pretty much it, they want to be seen.

>> No.17322977

Look at me, look at me, I want to be seen.

>> No.17323058

Wear stupid little hats in brooklyn for the sake of paying cash and being seen, how special.

>> No.17323082

check the michelin guide

theres a ton of really great places on the upper west side along amsterdam, just walk around and wait until you find something that seems nice. There's too much good food, you wont be able to get all of it.

If you want bagels go to russ and daughters or barney greengrass

If you want pizza just go to whatever place sells a slice for less than 2 dollars and has a line of people

bad restaurants dont survive long so most places are gonna be worth checking out if they look decent

>> No.17323093

Fuck the michelin guide they get paid off for reviews and are about as trustworthy as the ny times.

>> No.17323099

If you trust the ny times then your a fuckin sucker.

>> No.17323112

i mean yea

don't take it as gospel but if you just wanna find a good restaurant without looking too hard then its nice. idk abt you but when im on vacation I dont like spending the entire time deciding where to eat so that i can actually enjoy myself

>> No.17323237

shake shack is overpriced

>> No.17323252

good german food n beer at the heidelberg on 85th and 2nd, also a great little german market and sausage stand right next foor. if you're in the mood for beer and wurst

>> No.17323258

Fuck that shithole. Stay away from southern New York. IN fact don't come to my state. Nigger.

>> No.17323262

based retard

>> No.17323513

Is that Peter Luger? That sear is amazing.

>> No.17323703


>> No.17323707

Basically yes. No matter how low your spice tolerance or preference is if you're not white you can still go lower.

>> No.17323946

Everyone posting in this thread who lives in new york is a kike faggot. You faggots will die from the vaccine when the kikes are dumb tricking you all into taking vaxs in order for you to step outside your houses. You will die community suicide style like those faggots who killed themselves using poisoned koolaid.
Fucking neck yourself you kikes. stay in your jew containment zone (((NEW YORK))) and stop posting on /ck/. Yeah I mean the italians to, you fucking guineas

>> No.17323950

Yeah whatever nigger

>> No.17324695

Just googlemap a restaurant near your hotel or whatever you're visiting and if the pics are nice book a table. Simple as.

>> No.17324707

Sear? What are you stupid, that's burnt and nignogs pay cash for that crap.

>> No.17325492

There is a really good pizza shop near the downtown called s'barros. It's been many years since ive been there so may be gone.

>> No.17325497

God damn it kek dont screw over op

>> No.17325552

>uses the word 'whiteoid'
>then lists off asian places to eat


>> No.17325587
File: 31 KB, 406x406, AHnMVxa3Z9BRnjgDaPD7HFn99ye_6okLSYvzpX6Hm4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already been mentioned here
It really is unique. Pizza by the slice and a slices is served in these cute individual boxes

>> No.17325624
File: 1.37 MB, 3024x4032, y1nl1kwzn6451[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17325653

Wo hop
Spice market
Caravan of dreams

>> No.17325671

Definitely go to Katz Diner

>> No.17325705

What restaurants do mobsters go to? I want to go there and stab my spaghetti while I breathe heavy

>> No.17327295

m e d s

>> No.17327748

Yep. Really great. There are a few of them. I used to go to the one in New Haven, Ct all the time. Very good.

I live in Brooklyn now. If you're open to suggestions there, let me know. Stay out of Times Square to avoid tourist traps. Little Italy is full of them too.

Pho - Madame Vo
Pizza - Joe's Pizza or John's of Bleeker for NYC style pizza
Pastrami/Jewish - Katz Delicatessen (Is it expensive? Yes but the sandwich is huge)
Speaking of Jewish - get a bagel. Russ & Daughters is great but many lists out there for good bagel spots
Pasta - Aunt Jakes is good.

If you want something specific, let me know. NYC is a big old place and can easy take 30+ min to get somewhere that looks close to you on a map. I'm not gonna list out Brooklyn if you're not going. All of these places I've either been to or have come recco'd from people who know what is good.

>> No.17327815

nuke it from orbit.

>> No.17327887
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 7E32C972-EA2B-4A9C-B515-08B36DD0B4C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17329867

let the shit flinging recommence

>> No.17329872

Sneaky name for a strip club

>> No.17330368
File: 96 KB, 640x640, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gambino crime family boss Paul Castellano and underboss Thomas Bilotti were gunned down outside that entrance on December 16, 1985.The hit was given under the orders of John Gotti. At least he had a nice steak dinner for his last meal

>> No.17330510

Just go to a michelin started place that has a seat open

>> No.17330534
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, Daniel-Lounge-NYC-Review-Wagyu-Beef-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just go to a michelin started place that has a seat open
A friend of mine went to Daniel which has two Michelin stars and he loved it

>> No.17331992
File: 27 KB, 288x375, john_munch_6563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower east side, check out everything you can't pronounce. It'll be cheap (er), good, and different than most of the other shit you've tried.

Don't go to a cultural hub like NYC and waste all of your money eating at faggy Apple Bees reskins in central Manhattan.

Washington Square has some decent food around there as well.