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17319654 No.17319654 [Reply] [Original]

Is soul food just a cheap cop out to make African Americans feel relevant in gastronomy cumulating white food or is their some validity to soul food being African American?

>> No.17319655


>> No.17319658

It's the tradition of it as well as how the meals got put together. Soul food is based. I fucking miss it. I just had a can of tuna as my "got home from the bar" snack. I didn't even drink tonigh.t

>> No.17319669

Poor blacks had to make do with what they could get/afford. The shitty cuts of meat and barely edible veggies that whites either tossed out or sold for next to nothing became the staple diet for the negro.
So it's kind of neat that they fashioned something edible out of literal garbage.

>> No.17319708

I like it but I still see as btec version of white american food

>> No.17319727 [DELETED] 

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.17319806


>> No.17319829

Soul Food is the cuisine of both poor white and black southerners

>> No.17319830

yes its a cop out of white food or is it culture

>> No.17319860

The barely edible veggies I think you're talking about come from Africa, so I doubt they ate those because they were poor but because it was traditional.

>> No.17319866

Nah not really. Like many types of cuisine it was made from food that the rich land owners didn't want.

>> No.17319888

kys poltroll

>> No.17319895

yeah but I can dispute that it was theirs or purely theirs, as their have been numerous information detailing that the remnants of the food was eaten by poor southern whites first.

>> No.17319910

take your meds retard, soul food is pinnacle gastronomy. Seethe

>> No.17319912

Why do niggers insist on calling their "meals" "soul food". They are literally the most soulless looking meals I have ever seen. I hate niggers so fucking much.

>> No.17319916

>whites didn’t eat chicken
>whites didn’t eat collard greens
>whites didn’t eat okra
>whites didn’t eat Mac and cheese
>whites didn’t eat ribs
Lmao what a retard

>> No.17319923

Okra is African, so they definitely weren't eating it before the slave trade.

>> No.17320270
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Part of the black american psyche is constantly being in the opposite state of hygge

>> No.17320302

I will now make some meatballs.

>> No.17320344 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1200x630, bill-oreilly-quote-lbt3x4v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black culture has made some priceless gifts to humanity especially in the form of music but the food isn't really worth talking about. I am sure it has sentimental value to a lot of people but that doesn't carry much weight with the general population. I live next to Sylvia's and Red Rooster and if "the best soul food in the country" is merely pretty good, that doesn't really speak well for black american gastronomy. Especially considering one of them is run by a literal swede, come on now.

The best thing about soul food in my opinion is it can produce some unintentional humor from wh*teoid boomers, pic related.

>> No.17320349
File: 38 KB, 474x452, 27AAD85F-0FD7-4676-AA71-2621603CB4FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know why you people hate black people. My friend Pierre in like 5th grade was an ethiopian and his whole family was very nice and intelligent.

>> No.17320834

it's just generic southern food that had a nostalgic taste for blacks who moved to northern cities, that's it. malcom x coined the term

>> No.17320841

fried chicken is a luxury because you have to kill a young bird for it. actual poor person chicken is stewing hens

>> No.17320850

kale is native to asia minor, okra's origins are disputed but probably from asia also. collards are native to europe

>> No.17320885

It would be interesting to read a book about the history of soul food. Maybe I will do that

>> No.17320898

This is not a joke. Get checked for schizophrenia. You're ranting on points that were never even made.

>> No.17321086

White people are the ones who call anything a black person cooks "soul food", and niggas are tired of that phrase every time they so much as cook anything with chicken or catfish in it.

>> No.17322564

I would expound on that and say because families tend to cook and eat together, certain recipes, seasoning mixtures, get passed down.
I've never had authentic soul food that was cooked by a white person. I could try to imitate what I've seen myself but as a white guy I never got that close to the kitchen.

>> No.17323207

soul food is cultural appropriation of the highest order

>> No.17323247

Nah bruh we waz kangz

>> No.17323283

Is that like feng shui

>> No.17323539

It is valid, but not nearly valid as West Indian food when it comes to authentic "slave food". Fried chicken is something African Americans surely ate, but the soul food genre has a lot of generic southern food under its umbrella.

>> No.17323549

I mean there is a reason half of "soul food" is Thanksgiving food. Can't get more American than that.

>> No.17323645

oh you mean southern food?

>> No.17323662 [DELETED] 

yeah idk West Indian food also comes the umbrella as inauthentic, due to its roots. The "soul food" is basically southern (white) food.

>> No.17323669

yeah idk West Indian food also comes under the umbrella as inauthentic, due to its roots. The "soul food" is basically southern (white) food.

>> No.17323846

Jesus, LA really has gone to shit hasn't it.

>> No.17323879
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Maybe, but its fucking delicious

>> No.17323902

I will admit some dishes are but overall still quite trite, many others even say so. I remember everyone (West Indians) talking it up and when I went there it was mediocre not even comparable to something like Peruvian food.

>> No.17324154

What the hell is white about okra?

>> No.17324157

I like okra. People in my family like okra. Okra is used in gumbo.

>> No.17324570

i mean what is; chifas rule

>> No.17324607

I can draw some comparisons like Italian, but West Indian food is overrated and lacks variety. I honestly rather bong food kek.

>> No.17324676

They just get good at cooking about 5 dishes because it's all they ever cook.

>> No.17324687

>they could import nogs but not plants
big big brains on this fella

>> No.17324728

I mean, Europeans don't eat okra. No one there even bothers growing it. It seems like white people only started eating it during the slave trade and it was only white Americans eating it.

>> No.17324884

Neither were Africans. They were only eating other Africans

>> No.17325008

Gumbo is a multi-ethnic dish. Remove one ethnic group from it, and the whole thing falls apart.

>> No.17325242

nah its white

>> No.17325304
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lmao it's not a matter of opinion.
Enslaved black people were incredibly influential in creating many types of American cuisine as were their African American descendants.

Watch the Netflix documentary High on the Hog if you want to learn about the history of soul food. It's pretty fascinating actually.

Another good food history doc is called "Searching for General Tso" which explains how Chinese food became such a big thing in America and why so many Chinese restaurants almost follow a cookie-cutter approach with the same types of dishes, aesthetic, etc. Also looks for historical evidence of real life General Tso.

If you stop buying into the white supremacist propaganda that white people invented everything worthwhile and actually take a couple hours to learn about history, you can learn some really cool stuff.

>> No.17325315

i eat it somewhat regularly, and i live in western europe, but it's true that you can't really find it often in supermarkets

>> No.17325566

is that why niggers open up restaurants and call it a soul food kitchen every fucking time?

>> No.17325665

i challenge everyone in this thread to find a more reddit post than this

>> No.17325786

>is their some validity to soul food being African American?

It it's not African American how come I have to buy it at African American restaurants?

>> No.17325991

you mean an informative post that answers OP's questions with over 90% grammatical accuracy and doesn't contain any slurs???

>> No.17326019

The only thing authentic about soul food is that they cook grass.

>> No.17326023

>grammatical accuracy
>three question marks in a row
shutup, faggot.

>> No.17326049

The only authentically black soul food is chitlins (pork offal you have to drown in hot sauce to make edible) and collard greens (leaves that are steamed to a taste and nutrient devoid mush). Everything else was taken from whites.

>> No.17326085

it used to be legit but no black woman under 40 cooks

>> No.17326086

Does shilling a Netflix show that's probably mostly filler and propaganda really make your post informative?

>> No.17326115

>Is soul food just a cheap cop out
Not sure what you mean by that.
It’s a legitimate classification of a certain form of food, using certain ingredients and/or methods of preparation, originating in a certain geographic region.
It is a valid category of “cuisine” by any reasonable sense.

The only issue I have with it is the near-exclusive association people seem to have with it being uniquely African American.
It’s southern poverty food. Sure, blacks ate it during and after slavery, but the countless southern whites who were poor as fuck ate the same stuff.
It’s a regional cuisine unique to an economic demographic, not a racial one.

>> No.17326125

their secret is to cook everything with copious amounts of salt, sugar and vegetable shortening

>> No.17326127 [DELETED] 

go back to /pol/

>> No.17326129

idk why you think it's for black people, poor whites in the south eat the same shit

>> No.17326130

to attract whites

>> No.17326141

it mentions netflix, its enough to be considered garbage

>> No.17326153 [DELETED] 

Nigger "soul" cuisine is just white southern food that's been scrubbed with dish soap beforehand

>> No.17326161

Coping mechanisms for melanin-rich mutts:
>soul food
>sweet barbecue sauces

>> No.17327569
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>Pierre? Like from the song?

>> No.17327577


>> No.17328067

You I'm pretty sure that's what he means about being a cheap cop-out, due to African Americans calling it only theirs. Even nearly all of it is basically white food inherently.

>> No.17328075

So why black people exclusively say it's their food, when in reality the food is basically white food.

>> No.17328081

Stop being a shill

>> No.17328115

Someone with an actual answer, even though those foods could be white aswell. Where did you get your sources?