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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__recipes__images__2016__04__20160323-french-omelet-vicky-wasik--29-4443fd8d1f5b4e359f31e384d901cefb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17318007 No.17318007 [Reply] [Original]

I literally can't go back to regular omelettes after trying french omelettes. Pure mouth sex

>> No.17318012

Facts. The classic style is a real eggspression of what incredible things eggs can become.

If you want something close, but slightly less refined go for the country style french omelette. Much easier to make and still has that delicious rare center.

Beets + chevre go great with an omelette btw.

>> No.17318019

Love a nice French omelette. They say it’s a true test of a chef’s mettle.

>> No.17318021

>mouth sex
now you sound just like your dad

>> No.17318031

THE BEST! I used to smoke these all the time back in college.

>> No.17318046

taste like baby food tho,i like my food chewy

>> No.17318088

did you try turning on the pan?

>> No.17319024

I still mess up the roll and putting on the plate

>> No.17319071
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That's twinkies you stupid sack of shit.

>> No.17319116
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French omelets are absolute shit. Eggs without browned bits is like a steak cooked without any sort of searing, no crust, just a consistent shade of Grey through the cut.

Eggs are vastly better browned, you've been tricked by the (((french)))

>> No.17319204

I vastly browned your mom last night

>> No.17319517
File: 115 KB, 1024x988, 10A7410E-5E2A-4231-A10D-BC4F68B46BF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly an intelligent board

>> No.17319522

French omelettes are way too rich for me. Maybe something I'd eat maybe once a month, but I would rather have regular scrambled eggs for my daily breakfast.

>> No.17319527

You have objectively shit taste. If I have any browning in my scrambled eggs then I consider it a failure.

>> No.17319552

If you love them so much why didn't you post an oc pic of one you cooked?

>> No.17320367
File: 111 KB, 913x602, 1634963162184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking pan is all fucked up now, non-stick is fucked a few places in the middle. I've heard the inside should have the consistency of dog slobber but I don't make out with dogs so I don't know wtf that's supposed to be like.

It would be nice if there was a place to get these so I would know wtf they're supposed to tasty like.

>> No.17320375

>truly an intelligent board
>post anime
oh the ironing

>> No.17320683

Kill yourself weeb nonce

>> No.17320688
File: 41 KB, 686x428, 35C5805F-9DED-4CA1-8E47-C374265A160E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try one like this next time.

>> No.17320714

>french omelette
anything would taste good with a full stick of butter in it. French "cooking" is such a scam

>> No.17320719
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looks like a banana flip snack cake

>> No.17320730
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Best omelette coming thru!

>> No.17320735

that actually looks pretty good

>> No.17320740

literally an egg burrito

>> No.17320791
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>> No.17320829


>> No.17320855
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They’re great. I’ve heard they’re a New England thing and the only place I’ve found here in Michigan that makes them is Desi's Taco Lounge up north in Oscoda.

>> No.17320857
File: 17 KB, 400x311, Billy_Meier_Flying_Saucer-Garbage_Can_Lids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs some garbage can lids.

>> No.17320865

guess I'm adding that to my cross-country food stop

>> No.17320875


>> No.17320906
File: 325 KB, 800x532, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you want to pair that omelet with rice, right?
Seafood sauce is the ultimate flavor.

>> No.17320921
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Yeah, vigo

>> No.17320935
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>spanish rice

>> No.17320945
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>> No.17320968

Needs more American cheese

>> No.17320978

american "cheese" is only good on burgers

>> No.17320986

And crammed in omelettes with some ham or sausage it’s perfect

>> No.17321007

>And crammed in omelettes with some ham or sausage it’s disgusting

>> No.17321154


>> No.17321503

>country style french omelette

>> No.17321535


>> No.17321538
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>> No.17321544
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>scraping a teflon pan with a fork

>> No.17321594

well, its dick shaped. Just what I'd expect from faggy OP and the faggy french

>> No.17321600

Pepin is based.

>> No.17321603


>> No.17321870

French omelettes are retard level easy to cook, I don't know how this meme persists that they're hard to cook. If you're making 50 an hour and need to cook each one in under a minute then yea, it's hard, but if you're cooking yourself just lower the fucking heat, take an extra minute, and get a perfect french omelette every time.

>> No.17323516

>corned beef hash
My man.

>> No.17323530

You can have any kind of eggs with a shit ton of butter, OP. It doesn't have to be just an omelette

>> No.17323563

your mother is a whore

>> No.17323579

She slept with me last night

>> No.17323640

I guess I'm a retard then. I've watched Jacque Pepin make it many times and I just can't replicate it at home. Feels bad, man.

>> No.17323650

Just never crank the heat up. Instead of this retard "high heat quick stirring turn the heat down immediately when it starts setting" bullshit just keep it on low heat and let it set more slowly. Takes a minute instead of 20 seconds. Then you don't have to worry about stirring aggressively or burning. Once it starts setting just start rolling it. Don't even have to adjust the heat. Once it's rolled add a sliver more butter and spoon over the top.

>> No.17323907

>mouth sex
Sounds fucking gay

>> No.17323984

Try using room temp eggs.

>> No.17324001
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I don't care for french omelettes or philia of the what others perceive as exotic

>> No.17324631
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OP here, I haven't slept in 28 hours but I'm hungry and it's 10am so I'm gonna make a french omelette. See you in a minute

>> No.17324666

It's been four minutes anon
What happened

>> No.17324667

can a mouth be used as a vagina?

>> No.17324716

Did you make a shitty omelette? Show us, so that we can laugh at your failure.

>> No.17324733
File: 2.79 MB, 900x1271, 719A2AD4-A32A-4A40-A5F5-68869CF2ABC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the start cooking now. Wondering if should make scrambled eggs instead since my dad baked a loaf of sourdough the other day. I’ll go for the omelette but I wish I had taken the eggs out of the fridge before hand

>> No.17324790
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>> No.17324795

That's gonna need some cheddar cheese.

>> No.17324805

They're really good, I used to work for a French company and some guy would pull out a little omelette pan and make omelettes and crepes for us, I used to watch that and learn.

>> No.17324806

I could go for one of those right now at 6:43am in the morn.

>> No.17324822


Quelle domage

>> No.17324825

beets? what kind of weirdo puts beets in eggs?

>> No.17325157

Omelets are just overcooked eggs

>> No.17325298

Touch preteen smooth

>> No.17325312

Horrific appearance but still a thumbs up.

>> No.17325635


Dont knock it before you try it cooklet 1, and cooklet 2.

>> No.17325821
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, FC90374E-838F-4D4D-AFD9-EFEAD1299951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’s not my best. I have trouble with the getting it onto the plate. Here’s a note presentable picture. Still tastes great

>> No.17325824

how do you mess up the roll

>> No.17325849

what are you talking about
omelettes are dead easy even if you do it fast
i have a bed and breakfast and i churn them out like hotcakes for the guests

the biggest tip is to salt right before you roll it up
if you salt it when mixing the eggs the proteins break down and the mix becomes thin
with salt you can never get the right consistency

>> No.17326026

>zoomer has never fucking seen pepin's omelet video

my god

>> No.17327346

its clealy anodized aluminium though, it can take punishment unlike some non-stick coatings i won't mention

>> No.17327352

>he used a fork on teflon
you deserve the brain cancer

>> No.17327358

boomer egg salt meme, complete horseshit

>> No.17327366
File: 13 KB, 474x237, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the infamous MRE omelet lmao

>> No.17328409

How many eggs are you supposed to add? 3 eggs just seems way too much for breakfast.

>> No.17328419

3 is standard, but I find that pan size determines how many eggs you should use, so use a lil babby pan for a 1 or 2 egg omelette.

>> No.17328445

an egg is 70 calories. 3 eggs is 210 calories. Is 210 calories too much for breakfast, for you?

>> No.17328452

Don't forget about the butter and or cream/milk, you coward.

>> No.17328457

Omelette was okay if you made it right. You needed to trade your desert for someone's crackers and an extra cheese and it was good. Pogs never gave it a chance because they didn't know the way of the mre bowl

>> No.17328461

a tbsp of butter is 100 calories. Is 310 calories too much for breakfast, for you?

>> No.17328475
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I don't think 3tbs of butter + 4 eggs is too much for bfast, but I'm not the bird(>>17328409) who is asking.

>> No.17328511

i used to meal prep these amazing breakfast burritos with eggs, sausage, bell peppers, sour cream, and some hot sauce. Probably something like 750 calories, but I would literally look forward to getting out of bed to eat my delicious burrito and drink my coffee. It was pretty kino.

>> No.17328561

To make this, you just get 3 eggs, salt, tablespoon of butter, milk, and beat it until it turns into frosting?

>> No.17328585

Looks like a log that a racooon shat out and was sitting in the hot sun for 18 hours.

>> No.17328621
File: 2.83 MB, 3024x3024, french omelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they keep coming out like this

>> No.17328754

A french omelette is what all omelettes should be. Regular omelettes are just failed french omelettes.

>egg looks like bath sponge
>bacon looks like grapefruit flesh
What the fuck is going on here?

Nice, someone on /ck/ who actually cooks. Be honest, was it any good?

>> No.17328769

That looks so good

>> No.17328784

I don't understand the appeal in eating half-cooked egg

>> No.17328796

Imagine a really nice creamy and rich sauce. Thats what the inside of a french omelette should be like. It's delicious.

>> No.17329441

It was a hotel breakfast, it was SHIT

>> No.17329760

It looks like those plastic toys shaped like food, though this is better than what you'd expect from a sleep deprived person
Check if you actually turned the gas off btw

>> No.17329986

I dont care fore my eggs too rare

>> No.17330611

try it for yourself

>> No.17330621

i think he means the cholesterol, not the calories

>> No.17330773

I feel your pain. I just came back from a trip and I was reminded how most hotel breakfasts are at the lower bounds of acceptably edible. Thankfully there was an incredible coffee shop just a 2 minute walk from our accommodations.

>> No.17332259

Nice bait

>> No.17332759
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>Nice, someone on /ck/ who actually cooks. Be honest, was it any good?
Yeah it delish >>17325821 this is how I ate it. There's something so much more flavourful about the frog style compared the regular country one so even when I fuck it up a little and looks ugly it still taste amazing
28 hours isn't too bad. Once you hit 32 hours that's when you really start to zonk out. What's the longest you guys have gone without sleeping even a wink? I've never tried to stay up but sometimes I just can't sleep even if I'm dead tired and lying down with my eyes shut. The longest one of these sleepless spells have lasted was around 75 hours give or take. Your face gets so itchy and oily when you're that tired

>> No.17332769

Not sleeping for that long can cause brain damage. Try supplementing with magnesium L-threonate is great for sleep, but any will do.

>> No.17332802

Why is her body 1/2 the size of her cranium? Is this a respectable art style?

>> No.17332812

It is chibi

>> No.17332823

Large head small body makes our brain say, "baby!" That triggers a bunch of stuff in our brain that makes us think they're cute and we should love and protect them. It's manipulative and disgusting.

>> No.17332829


>> No.17333080

You sure got lucky with a coffee shop nearby. I spend most of my life in hotels, 96% are complete jokes for food.

>> No.17333102

I agree. I haven't made one in awhile, thanks for reminding me.

>when you get the perfect creamy inside that requires no cheese or extra ingredients

feels fucking good

>> No.17333103

French omelettes are good, but I prefer sauteing frozen bell pepper and onion mix in half a table spoon of butter and making a two egg omelette. Salt, pepper, garlic powder, cumin, and cayenne. Excellent. Even better if you brown some ground sausage in a pan then get all that fond by deglazing the pan when the peppers begin to thaw and release liquid

>> No.17333104

Eggs full of shit is midwit-tier.

>> No.17333150

Scrambled eggs should never be browned. Omelettes can be browned, but this should be achieved by first lightly browning the butter in the pan before adding the egg, and cooking on a slightly higher heat than normal. It looks almost the same as if you just burn your eggs, but the taste is entirely different. Browned eggs =/= burnt eggs.

Also, of course fried eggs are delicious with crispy edges

>> No.17333180

I too make an omelette like that. golden beets, chevre, bacon, maybe some mushrooms or a bitter leafy vegetable such as raddicchio? great omelette

>> No.17333460

Jacques is a god.

>> No.17333568
File: 46 KB, 600x665, 1630047240787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure mouth sex

>> No.17333580

I thought it was a tamal

>> No.17333591

Don't use a fork than.

>> No.17333608

If you're willing to bake beets for 2 hours try out this recipe. The first 5ish steps detail how to roast the beets.

Hands down the most delicious way to cook beets. The juice that forms at the bottom of the pouches is superb.

I'll put a small to medium amount of semi thinly sliced roast beets in the omelette. Just enough for some beet with each bite. Then drizzle the juices that collect from baking on top after cooking.


>> No.17333780
File: 167 KB, 960x960, 271598966_608427686915635_5922188494678303664_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who soft scramble on toast here?

>> No.17333834

What is the best kind of pan for making a french omelette? I succeeded in making them a few years ago after watching a Jacques Pepin video on them but over the past year when I've tried I keep fucking up. I use gargantuan amounts of butter and a non-stick pan but it just doesn't seem to work, there's always some egg that sticks to the pan and then when I go to fold it over it breaks.

Driving me insane because it's the same pan I would use a few years ago when I made them. I'm thinking that maybe the issue is that the non-stick has worn off and the pan is scratched up a little bit? But then how did they make them before non-stick pans?

Should I just get a stainless steel pan? Is that my best hope to make a french omelette?

>> No.17334096
File: 42 KB, 452x679, mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have Julia Child in your kitchen teaching you how to cook a French omelette
>you will never hear her shrill 1940s keepin up appearances accent in your ear scolding you for not keeping the kitchen clean during down time or comforting you with ways to save your curdled hollandaise
>you will never feel her soft hands with the crushing grip of a wood carver on your fingers when she shows you how to hold a knife correctly
>you will never be crushed against the kitchen drawers while she uses your arms to show you how to whisk egg whites into stiff peaks
>you will never sit down with her after a long days shooting to enjoy a delicious meal with a longing gaze into her beady eyes
>you will never feel her hands around your throat while she demonstrates where to gut a fish
Why even live?

>> No.17334121

>mouth sex
If you enjoy gagging on slime OK. Maybe /gif/ has some threads for you.

>> No.17334172
File: 1.26 MB, 1800x3076, 20220126_010934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was inspired and made the beet omelette I've been talking about. I had some cooked homegrown beets in the fridge.

Lil too much butter, but I could care less about that.

Recipe for the best beets: >>17333608

The sweet and earthy flavor of the beets is excellent with the richness of the eggs.

>> No.17334185

She has some quote out there about something being as hot as a dick in hand

>> No.17334188


>> No.17335138


>> No.17336408


>> No.17336454

>country omelette
>large curds, browned on one side
absolutely beautiful
>classic french omelette
>curds as small as possible
>low heat
>gentle roll
>the old banging the pan to fold from the other side
absolutely beautiful, perfect

>> No.17336491

Wait... Is that not a regular omelette? Well, wtf is a regular omelette, then? Cuz that one in OP is the only omelette I ever make.

>> No.17336498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17336526

you really don't know what other omelettes exist
do you live exclusively in some high end parisian hotel that you never leave

>> No.17336613
File: 49 KB, 800x534, A85528AF-CBE5-4C61-B68B-E2C64A29FCD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raccoon shit is usually brown/dark brown and full of small bones, berry seeds, hair and looks similar to a log. I love collecting it and sniffing it