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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17308066 No.17308066 [Reply] [Original]

CNN did a list and it's all wrong.

What soups need to get off that list and what soups need to get on it?

>> No.17308081

>no archive
>trying to drum up clicks
surprised you didn't use an amp link too you smelly piece of dung

>> No.17308122

dude, i just wanna discuss soups


>> No.17308191

cnn, hanoi jane channel, no thanks not clicking that link, bye

>> No.17308196

What's to discuss, you posted a link to cnn, they decided. Dumbass.

>> No.17308246

Where is snert

>> No.17308251

>he thinks the 30 autistic retards on /ck/ are a significant traffic source

>> No.17308253

Just list the 20 soups retards. If stilton soup with parmesan croutons isn't on the list, it's trash written by Ameripigs

>> No.17308274

>Just list the 20 soups retards
Banga | Nigeria: We'll start our world tour of the tastiest soups with banga. It hails from West Africa's largest nation, Nigeria. Fruits from the oil palm tree flavor the soup, which also features fresh catfish, beef and dried seafood.

Beef pho (phở bò) | Vietnam: Beef is simmered for hours with cinnamon, star anise and other warm spices to create a wonderfully aromatic base for this rice noodle soup.

Borscht | Ukraine: Borscht is anything but basic beet soup. It gets a tangy kick from kvass, a lacto-fermented beet juice.

Bouillabaisse | France: Saffron, olive oil, fennel, garlic and tomatoes blend with fish fresh from the sea in Bouillabaisse, a dish synonymous with the coastal city of Marseille.

Caldo verde | Portugal: This rustic soup blends thinly sliced greens with potatoes and onions for a hearty meal. In many versions, tender Portuguese chouriço sausage is added.

Chorba frik | Algeria, Libya and Tunisia: Tender wheat grains absorb a tomato broth and aromatic spices, their flavor combining with chickpeas plus stewed chicken, beef, mutton or lamb.

Chupe de Camarones | Peru: This creamy shrimp chowder with potatoes and corn gets a kick from the addition of ají amarillo, a chili pepper.

Gazpacho | Spain: The residents of Andalusia, Spain, use this cold tomato-based soup to cope with their scorching hot summers.

Groundnut soup | West Africa: Enjoy meat, fish or chicken simmered in a thick peanut soup that's pure comfort food in nations from The Gambia to Nigeria.

Gumbo | United States: A star of Louisiana cuisine, gumbo is influenced by West African, Native Choctaw and French cuisines. Versions made with seafood, chicken and sausage are among the most popular.


>> No.17308280

Harira | Morocco: These are traditional bowls of Moroccan hariri, a chickpea-based delight flavored with cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and pepper.

Kharcho | Georgia: What's the secret behind this delicious soup of fatty beef and ground walnuts from the nation of Georgia? It's a tart plum sauce called tkemali.

Lanzhou beef noodle soup | China: Hand-pulled la mian noodles anchor a bowl of beef broth that includes tender beef, pale slices of radish, chili oil and fresh herbs.

Mohinga | Myanmar: This noodle soup with fish is aromatic -- and it's often made for breakfast.

Menudo | Mexico: This traditional Mexican soup is made with tripe (cow stomach) and hominy in a garlicky broth.

Moqueca de camarão | Brazil: If you love shrimp, you'll have to sample this coconut broth soup tinted with palm oil and tomatoes.

Soto ayam | Indonesia: This is chicken noodle soup with an Indonesian twist. Fresh turmeric, star anise, cinnamon, lemongrass and lime leaves combine for deeply layered flavor, with soft-boiled eggs adding extra richness.

Tom yum goong | Thailand: Hitting major taste sensations -- sweet, sour, spicy and salty -- this soup's broth is the ideal environment for sweet, tender shrimp or other seafood.

Tonkotsu ramen | Japan: Long-simmered pork bones impart intense flavor to this classic ramen, whose broth is cloudy with marrow and fat.

Yayla çorbasi | Turkey: Some Turkish hospitals serve this creamy yogurt soup to recovering patients.


>> No.17308295

ive tried five of these soups and none of them were as good as clam chowdah or lobster bisque

>> No.17308297

those are soups

>> No.17308303

Anons, I will save you the trouble of reading this.

>#1 - african soup made of palm oil
>#2 - pho
ok. I mean pho is good but it's not that good.
>#3 - Borsht, credited to ukraine
borsh is not ukrainian and not very good. shouldn't even be on the list
>#4 - Bouillabaisse
broth is good but picking mussel shells out of food is 3rd world tier.
>#5 - some portuguese potato soup
literally a meme choice, you can find the same soup in almost every european cuisine, no reason to pick this specific one.
>#6 - meatless arab wheat soup
poverty "soup"
>#7 - peruvian watery seafood chowder with a random egg
why not just pick new england clam chowder? it's better in every way.
>#8 - spanish cold vegetable puree
gazpacho is not even a soup
>#9 - african """soup""" made of a pile of nuts and random vegetables
>#10 - gumbo
based. this should be way higher up
>#11 - meatless arab chickpea soup
poverty "soup"
>#12 - georgian harcho
based, should be #1 or #2
>#13 - some chinese beef noodle soup
seems like they just needed a chinese one and picked a random one off google. looks like a shitty version of ramen
>#14 - burmese fish noodle soup
ok. probably tastes pretty good. should be higher up than all the poverty soups above.
>#15 - mexican tripe soup
pretty good, should be in top 5
>#16 - brazilian poverty palm oil shrimp soup
>#17 - indonesian chicken soup
just like normal chicken soup but piled with random curry and other shit to mask the spoiled meat taste. no thanks
>#18 - thai shrimp soup
same as above
>#19 - ramen
fucking finally. really, all the way down here, CNN? the pinnacle of soup? ok Amerifats.
>#20 - turk rice and yogurt "soup"
it's more of a gross runny rice pudding. no thanks

>> No.17308310

Asia: 6/20 soups
Europe: 6/20 soups
Africa: 4/20 soups
South America: 3/20 soups
North America: 1/20 soups

How come Americans are souplets?

>> No.17308329

>pho is good but it's not that good
It can be THAT good, tho. Deserves to be on the list, imo.
>borsh is not ukrainian shouldn't even be on the list
Well, it's p. much everyone's in the region. Agreed on excluding it.
>pinnacle of soup
LOL, fuck off

>> No.17308335

>clam chowdah
>lobster bisque
Those are French.

>> No.17308342

this retard thinks they ordered the soups from 1-20 lmao

>> No.17308348

So it's backwards? Turk yoghurt bowl is the #1 soup? That's even worse.

>> No.17308354

francechads i kneel

>> No.17308362
File: 1.27 MB, 1419x1980, winter-french-onion-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French onion soup should be added to the list, easily top 10.
>has 160 years history
>eaten all around the world
>shitton of ways to make it
>can be Michelin tier or trash tier, meaning requires technique to master

Here's Pepin:
Here's CookinginFinland:

>> No.17308382

I dont agree with the idea that ramen is a soup

>> No.17308385

Every time I tried it, it tastes like burnt onions. Then you have the huge greasy cheese on top. I appreciate what they tried to do, but it's not good.

>> No.17308394

I appreciated your post, but it's not good.

>> No.17308401

This. It's soggy spaghetti at best.

>> No.17308402
File: 51 KB, 657x420, 148-1486857_11125521-apustaja-hug[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect your valid opinion, friend

>> No.17308408

You don’t say. Also,
>browsing CNN

>Tom yum goong | Thailand
This gets all the attention but tom kha gai is vastly superior.

>> No.17308410


The ones that are absolutely top of the list are
Tom Yum
The others are all diversity hire tier soups.

For the record the best soup I've ever had in my life was a michelin star Frutti di Mare in an Italian restaurant. As much as I despise subhuman Italian scum I have to admit that was a good fuckin soup.

>> No.17308414

it requires no fuckin technique to caramelize onions you donkey brain bitch, french onion soup is overrated as fuck, you just want to eat cheesy salty bread

>> No.17308416

No fucking pea soup, which is a staple in like every European country but plenty meme soups. Also missing goulash.

>> No.17308419

Agree about tom kha gai. It's really, really fucking good.

>> No.17308424

thanks for giving us free advertising you pathetic virgin

>> No.17308426

Absolutely the fuck not. Coconut as a soup base is straight disgusting. Call it an aquired taste if you want but it's straight up disgusting.

>> No.17308427
File: 61 KB, 600x626, 43t45ghaerg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the best soup I have ever had was 'sup kambing' in a muslim restaurant. Great spices and lots of flavor from the lamb bones.

>> No.17308429

oh what a lucky day for you all let me tell you
today I'm going to tell you how to make my wiener soup. its served me well over these years and has even helped convinced a lady to put my wiener in her soup, if you catch my drift (vagina)

1 onion
about 10 wieners
garlic. lots
edible gold (for the shine)

>> No.17308444

Russian Okroshka
Thai Tom Kha Gai
French Onion Soup
Hungarian Goulash
Italian Minestrone

>> No.17308450

Basic chicken soup
Japenese Chanko Nabe
Random stew made of beef
That's it. Those are all the soups worth eating

>> No.17308467

Best soup I ever had was in Zanzibar. It was a squid and octopus soup with a sour curry-like base. Very light but blasting with flavor at the same time. It's the perfect soup for the stupid fucking climate they have there (humid and hot). And as always, it wasn't in one of the highly priced tourist traps, but in a restaurant where the local workers were lining up to eat.

>> No.17308474

Basic chicken soup < Tarragon Chicken Soup

>> No.17308504

Yeah a lot of the good stuff comes from tiny shitty looking places that is too scary for the generic tourist.
Sour-curry reminds me of Asam laksa. So much better than regular laksa. A fishy spicy sour soup. I think the sourness comes from tamarind.

>> No.17308510

call me sentimental, but whatever chicken and vegetables or beef and barley soup my mom would serve us after a morning of running around in the snow with my brother, carrying twigs in an onion bag pretending they were arrows and we were elf warriors, going down the hill with crazy carpets, getting wrecked at the rink because two of the other kids were like 3 years older than us, absolutely shits on any lemongrass seafood concoction all of Asia could ever muster. We'd cut up little bits of cheese curds or cheddar into it and have it with toast. Honorable mentions to pea soup and pottage.

>> No.17308511

Based, but I will stick to basic chicken soup

>> No.17308527

Fuck this meme shit. Nobody has even tasted half that list. Top 20 soups, unranked, are

Ham and pea
Chicken noodle
French onion
Cream of mushroom
Cream of chicken
Hot and sour
Split pea
Clam chowder
Lobster bisque

Plus four more of your choice.

>> No.17308545
File: 429 KB, 1000x664, alphabet-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, preferably with alphabet pasta

(you humongous faggot)

>> No.17308550

>pumpkin instead of butternut squash
why are you such a shitty human being

>> No.17308555
File: 702 KB, 900x1350, frenchonionsoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.17308558
File: 122 KB, 700x1050, beefstew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef stew is another classic. If ramen counts as a soup so does beef stew.

>> No.17308564
File: 687 KB, 1360x2040, chickentortillasoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken tortilla soup is also delicious. However, it would seem CNN is trying to do a world showcase of soups.

>> No.17308568
File: 89 KB, 720x1080, hamandcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ham and corn chowder looks like puke. It's actually quite tasty.

>> No.17308572

stew is not a soup, just like how a pottage isn't a vegetable soup

>> No.17308573

probably written by a super pretentious poorshit from Iowa that travelled a couple times and thinks they're worldly now. that list is some of the most tryhard faggotry ive seen In awhile

>> No.17308579
File: 232 KB, 2048x1366, loadedsoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who can forget loaded baked potato soup?

Gumbo stays on the list.

>> No.17308581

I bet you can't write a better top 10 list, you faggot, top 5, even.

>> No.17308594

Why bother when there's already a better one in this thread?

>> No.17308633

uhm, no?

>> No.17308640

i love borscht

>> No.17308644

cioppino (spelling?)
it's better than bouillabase

>> No.17308677

green (sorel) or regular?

>> No.17308684

yeah, I have a half and half, wonton and egg drop soup just waiting for me. Fuck it's cold out but I suspect folk from Alaska would laugh and call it balmy.

>> No.17308784

I love a lot of soups and a bunch were on that list, french onion soup can also be top tier as anons mentioned already.
Haven't seen anyone mention lohikeitto from finland, which I think is the greatest in terms of effort/payoff ratio for me.

>> No.17308785


>> No.17308791

know good recipe/video of this?

>sup kambing
know good recipe/video of this?

>play Counter Strike
>keep on winning
>my friend asks me:
dude, how come you always winning?
>sup, kambing

>> No.17308812

>know good recipe/video of this?
Not sure. I originally learned about the soup from this video:
and can confirm that it tastes good, but it contains some shortcuts and I have never had "authentic" lohikeitto in Finland, so I can't say for sure if I am missing out on something.
Andong can be a bit on the "vlog youtuber" side, which I get turns some people off, but the recipe seems solid to me.

>> No.17308821

Non white people good
White people bad

Also where is bat coof soup? Fucking chinks get away with murder

>> No.17308871

The list is in alphabetical order of soup name in case some actually didn't catch it and thinks it's in any ranked order.

>> No.17308878

I see math is not one of your strengths, Mr. "White EVROPEAN American": >>17308310

>> No.17308973

Who counts Mexico as South America?
Not necessarily objecting, but asking.

>> No.17309057

My fault, should have "Latin America'd" it.

>> No.17309074

unless "Wuhan bat stew" is on the list, you know it's just propaganda.

>> No.17309080

>seven is more than 13
what a strange take

>> No.17309230

Just a small point:
As a brazilian I never eat moqueca de camarão as a pure soup.
Moqueca de camarão is more a side dish than a soup. That's the reason why when you look at it online it is often paired with rice.
You eat the shrimp and the ''soup'' would be like gravy.

>> No.17309299
File: 99 KB, 1600x900, theshin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you got the shine boy

>> No.17309386

Your "muh hwites" are actually over-represented if you look at population statistics.

>> No.17309393

This is my favorite sup kambing recipe
>ginger garlic paste
>a pinch of nutmeg
>goat shanks or necks, bone in (note i use goat because kambing means goat, lambs are stronger so you might need a bit more help to it)
>lime to finish
>some liquid to deglaze, preferably stocks
>sear the meats
>take the meats out once they're nicely browned
>mirepoix in (celery, onion, carrot), sauté until translucent, but not caramelized
>garlic ginger paste in, cook for about 2-3 minutes
>deglaze with stock and cook for 3-4 minutes until they're reduced
>add stocks (beef, chicken or vegetables)
>add the meat back
>simmer for 3-4 hours, the longer the better
>add leaks 5-10 minutes before it's done
>squeeze a bit of lime/lemon

>> No.17309730

I've had and loved all of them except gazpacho (don't like), harira (don't like), kharcho (never had), menudo (like it but don't love it because I'm not a fan of tripe) and yayla shorbasi (my grandmother used to make this shit and it's fucking horrid).

I'm surprised hu tieu nam vang mi isn't on the list. It's like the bastard love child of pho and ramen. Replace the beef bones in pho with pork and add organ meats as toppings and there you are. It's just so fucking good, especially when Cambodians make it v Viets (in which case, it's called kuyteav phnom penh). I'm also surprised soto /is/. Not that I don't think it belongs there, just that I didn't think it was well-known.
I would add gulai kambing and Neapolitan beef soup to the list. Also halaszle. And skink. And cockieleekie. Y'know what? All soups. Fuck me, I love soups.

>> No.17309741

I prefer tom khlong to either, though. Also yentafo.

>> No.17309746

>>can be Michelin tier or trash tier, meaning requires technique to master
It's possibly the easiest soup on the planet to make. I can't comprehend which step people could fuck up, unless they forget about it and go to sleep whilst cooking the onions.
The only thing that separates good from bad french onion soup is the quality of the ingredients, or being a retard who doesn't know basic cooking.

>> No.17309754
File: 202 KB, 1360x2040, loaded-baked-potato-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows loaded baked potato soup is the best soup.

>> No.17309766

>[borsh] is not very good. shouldn't even be on the list
opinion disregarded

>> No.17310363

>No Tarhana
>no Bab Leves
>No Griesnockerlsuppe
Holy mother of horrible taste.
Boulabaise is merely ok.

>> No.17310390

>crap from countries where people live in sheetmetal shacks, and gumbo
thank you cnn I feel like a world traveler now

>> No.17310391

>How come Americans are souplets?
1) It's CNN so they have to tryhard about foreign places
2) They kind of are because soup is considered cope in American culture

>> No.17310393

Pea soup is not good

>> No.17310402

>Also missing goulash.
Nobody cares about OG Goulash, anon. The modern definition of goulash is the Austrian one, which is very flagrantly a stew.

>> No.17310447

>Nobody cares about OG Goulash
Nor do people care about all these listed meme soups. Also gumbo is a fucking stew too and still listed there.

>> No.17310453

it's not a ranking retard

>> No.17310462

>Ramen is a meme soup
>Pho is a meme soup
>Borscht is a meme soup
But yes. This list is weird as hell.
> Also gumbo is a fucking stew too and still listed there.
I was gonna bitch about that, too, but I couldn't be assed. If you make gumbo as a soup you WILL be killed in broad daylight by hundreds of thousands of angry New Orleans people materializing out of thin air, and you'll very much deserve it.

>> No.17310469

>Pea and ham
>French onion

Well they got those right at least.

>> No.17310475 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 600x600, 1642555288470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based retard
Based hick from Walmartville KY
t. 12 yr old

>> No.17310519

I like pho, I have for a long time. It was my favorite food in Earthbound. But Bun Bo Hue blows it the fuck out of the water. That said IDK if I have a particularly strong opinion on this list overall, the things I've tried that were mentioned there have generally been pretty damn good.

>> No.17312024

>"Aw, man, I guess we have to put something from the United States on this list. That sucks, because I really fucking hate white people."
>"Don't worry, I'll be sure to include the blackest soup I can find."

>> No.17312095

This is definitely very different compared to the sup kambing I get in those mamak stalls in Malaysia, a lot of spices are missing (e.g. star anise, coriander, cardamom etc), but I will try it. I’ve coincidentally got some goat forequarter in my freezer.

>> No.17312103
File: 77 KB, 480x480, EAEDF07E-E669-454C-A6B5-C7F97652E21D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, no Bob Evan’s sausage chili which is way better than any of those soups

>> No.17312301

yeah the claim that gumbo is influenced by west african and choctaw cuisine is fucking pure bullshit. cajun food is a direct line from french peasant food

>> No.17312306

they left out new england clam chowder

>> No.17312327

Homemade veggie soup is always the nicest, especially at this time of year. Winter comfy in a bowl

>> No.17312345

they were more interested in being worldly than actually presenting the best soups. the list should be half US/FR/CN. nobody gives a fuck about west african soup. not having chowder on the list is a fucking crime

>> No.17312432

>everything is shit
damn you're so cool and cultured

>> No.17313827

God Moqueca de Camarão is so fucking good. I highly recommend you try making it. Like this anon said >>17309230 you usually don't eat it as pure soup though. But i really suggest giving it a try, its not particularly difficult to make and its so damn good.

>> No.17313844

clam chowder is objectively American

>> No.17313850

>t. works for CNN

>> No.17313861

Why do Americans try to put things in order when it is about personal taste? Not a measureable thing. Only measureable thing is how well it is made. The same goes for music or movies too.

>> No.17313867

And political leaders, but go aheaf and kerp hating democracyu

>> No.17313879

>you just want to eat cheesy salty bread

What's wrong with that?

>> No.17313906

Nah this is DEFINITELY a middle age childless new england yuppie that's only had maybe 6 of the soups on this list and they were only NYC restaurants, for the rest she just googled "soups around the world" and picked a bunch of meme country poverty slop

>> No.17313947

>meatless arab chickpea soup
This is actually good though. Basically the best Maghrebis have to offer (eat shit Tajine fags)
>thai shrimp soup
Also really good

>> No.17314168

Sup kambing uses a lot of poppy seeds powder

>> No.17314175

>Listening to a network staffed by rapists, faggots an degenerates.
Please kys.

>> No.17314187

>It gets a tangy kick from kvass, a lacto-fermented beet juice.
The fuck?
This person have never seen kvass or borscht. Or even bothered to google what they are.

>> No.17314252

Are we just going to ignore Italian Stracciatella?

>> No.17314280

>No-name African soup nobody has had is front and center while somehow sounding less appetizing than half the soups on the list.
I am 0% surprised.

>Kvass can only be made of beets
True investigative journalism.

>All quirky named niche soups full of pretentiousness.
Beef stew is peak comfort, flexible in ingredients and complexity and easy as shit. Yet they fear it. Even a simple leek and potato soup sounds better than some of these.

>> No.17314329
File: 48 KB, 760x902, 1595611477318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17314429


soup-gourmand level based

>> No.17314434

menudo is disgusting. if eating soup in mexico, i'd go with pozole rojo

>> No.17314451

Its yet another mulitculti virtue signaling listicle

"Look at all the nonwhite stuff we have here aren't we HECKIN DIVERSE"

>> No.17314474

Imagine what levels of inferiority complex you have to be on to come to a fucking cooking forum of all places and cry about whites being oppressed by gastronomical articles.

>> No.17314482

Moqueca de camarão isn't even a soup wtf
God I hate Americans.

>> No.17314500

As if some fag on CNN is on authority on anything.

>> No.17314523

Absolutely shocked they don’t have chicken noodle soup, for obvious reasons

The list isn’t terrible but I think they tried hard to have a perfect smattering from across the world, with some relatively obscure stuff from Africa ir South America instead of more well known things from Europe or Asia

>> No.17314526

>Newfags that can't greentext
Tell me you're from Reddit without telling me you're from Reddit

>> No.17314550
File: 1.34 MB, 400x300, y9Q7ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of them are literal what from shithole countries because diversity
I hate women and liberals so much

>> No.17314560

Broccoli and stilton soup is my favourite. French onion is maybe a close second.

I don't like ramen or broth soups really.

>> No.17315298

is this just sloppa chilli in soup form?

>> No.17315424

Not at all. I know tonnes of Maghrebis (mostly Algerians) and while I find most of their food absolutely horrible (cinnamon on chicken? nah, get fucked) there's this one dish my old cleaning lady used to make, mtewem. It's tiny meatballs of beef, lamb or both which are about 50% chopped garlic by weight ("tewem" means "garlic" and "mtewem" means "garlicked" or "with garlic"). Anyway, they're served in a paprika-based sauced made from beef or lamb tallow and topped with slivered almonds. Served on some at least semi-properly made couscous (not gonna tell anyone to make it from scratch, but ffs, at least get a non-instant variety) with a few vegetable dishes alongside and it's just fucking glorious.

Not soup, though.

Why thank you.

>> No.17315625

not even one italian soup?
pasta e fagioli?
minestra maritata?
better naming every third world slop instead

>> No.17315722

Seeing as CNN wrote it I'm surprised the list isn't exclusively Chinese, Mexican, South American and African soups.

>> No.17315738

Not for much longer, God willing.

>> No.17315828

The part of Italy I'm from, pasta with beans isn't a soup. What part makes it a soup?

>> No.17315873

Just made a delicious soup myself. Cooked a little bacon, add garlic, lentils, chili pepper, bonito and a little beef stock, tiny pinch of cloves. HEARTILY recommended. No idea what country it's from or what it would be called, I made it up myself.

>> No.17315915
File: 267 KB, 1200x1600, ricetta-PASTA-e-FAGIOLI-zuppa-Vegan-Italian-Pasta-e-Fagioli-Recipe-piatto-unico-vegan-soup-gluten-free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a mostly liquid dish made with vegetables and other ingredients that you eat with a spoon, aka a soup.
I don't know if there's also a dry version.

>> No.17316022
File: 187 KB, 640x640, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it can be soupy, but in my mind, it's not soup.
This is how it's made in my area.

>> No.17316037

No Wuhan bat soup. Fuck them. That shit is killer.

>> No.17316304

try again
and go easy on the cheese in my opinion

>> No.17316399

I use cream of mushroom soup as white gravy on everything except for a straight biscuit. And yes I have a melancholic temperament.

>> No.17316763

they should have put one italian soup in the list
A good fresh minestrone should have made the list (or minestra maritata)

it's soupy for me too. desu it should be considered "risottata", like in the pic >>17315915

>> No.17316768

How old is you boomer no cap

>> No.17316832

>takes Pepin’s quick delicious 20 minute soup
>turns it into a 6 hour process

>> No.17316839 [DELETED] 

> is this just sloppa chilli in soup form
This chili and a sandwich is the greatest combo and everyone in Bob Evans is really old and white and no one harasses me and even if they did I wouldn’t care they’ll all be dead soon

>> No.17316843

>watching or reading CNN shit
the absolute state of (you)

>> No.17316858
File: 40 KB, 550x318, FF85292B-B749-4617-950C-1B6CF408524D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this just sloppy in chili form?
This chili and a sandwich is the greatest combo ever. Also everyone in Bob Evans is really old and white and no one harasses me and even if they did I wouldn’t care because they are old and they’ll all be dead soon

>> No.17316944

>picking mussel shells out of food is 3rd world tier.
>What is seafood
Dear god tastelet poorfags never fail to impress me.

>> No.17316951

Split pea has a bad rap. It is in my top five.

>> No.17316972

Hey, for the record, I'm just plain retarded. no autism here!

>> No.17316976

Cuck National News can't even fact check a fucking dish holy shit.

>> No.17316979

Lentil soup with creme costs dogshit is easy as fuck to make and btfo pho bouillabaisse shorbah whatever (I tried them all)
If you made it out of petit salé leftovers you're a fucking peasant but based.

>> No.17317020

>Expecting people on /ck/ to give a fuck about a recipe
You probably should try /int/

>> No.17317077

is it ok if i cut the gold into a line and snort it instead?

>> No.17317098

How is that "poorfag?" Mussels are so goddamn cheap. At least they are where I live.

>> No.17317794

Nah u r

>> No.17319030

>being obsessed with who's a newfag and who's not
Newfag detected

>> No.17319043

donde esta la sopa de macaco braziubros?

>> No.17320390

it could be x18 times more delicious

>> No.17320762

Fake news

>> No.17320854

>no french onion
shit list

>> No.17320900

>not even one italian soup?
That would require them to say something nice about white people.

>> No.17322522
File: 172 KB, 611x289, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>menudo over birria

>> No.17323270

I don't follow

>> No.17323871

why did they leave chili without beans AKA spicy texas meat stew out?

>> No.17324589

Best soup I ever had was a Billy bye bye soup in a Marco Pierre White restaurant

>> No.17325490


>> No.17325576

A lot of those aren't soups. Ramen is not fucking soup.

>> No.17325664

I realized my mistake as soon as I typed it.

>> No.17326216

America has plenty of great soups, this was just written by self hating whites at CNN who were terrified of praising anything American because they think that would make them xenophobic. I bet the only reason the even put gumbo on the list is because a lot of blacks live in Louisiana, kek.

>> No.17326229

What? Since when does technique trump taste? Yes, onion soup is simple, but its delicious. Who cares if you can tickle the testicles of a bull trough his colon if it wont make the steak taste better.

>> No.17326307

The list is ordered alphabetically you dumbass

>> No.17326320

>lobster bisque
hmm, my restaurant use to do this, so goddamn good.
also that one guy who complained about not having whole chunks of lobster can fuck right off.

>> No.17326334

>guys we need to add a mexican soup to appease white moms! What's the best mexican soup?
>How about the one with braised beef with chilies and spices?
>How about the one with hominy and braised pork?
>how about the one with chopped up guts and buttholes with lard on top?

>> No.17326352
File: 1.49 MB, 1225x665, 1629486093341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17326658

Maybe it's a prank? Get those white suburban moms to cook menudo at home and make their house smell like an open sewer.

>> No.17326781

where's the brunswick stew...?

>> No.17327778

fuck you

>> No.17327799

>No Vegemite soup
Fucking CUNTS

>> No.17327849

ramen is chinese though

>> No.17327860

lol ... the one viewer CNN has left came to /ck/ to bitch about CNN

>> No.17327873

Let me guess. Not a single soup from the US. Or they mention some but bring up the “origins” of the soups as anything but white people.

>> No.17327940

Why does every country only have 1 dish? At least one of he following :Thailand, china or Vietnamese should have 2 dishes. Also
>menudo for mexican
What the fuck? How did this get above pozole, tortilla soup or birria.