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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 242 KB, 1200x879, elderly-woman-grocery-shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17303670 No.17303670 [Reply] [Original]

>that old white lady fingering the SHIT out of the presliced deli meat.

Why she gotta grab EVERY SINGLE BAGGIE and SQUEEZE THE SHIT out of them. Look at the price and BUY or SKIP.

>> No.17303688
File: 168 KB, 1192x672, P-38_Can_Opener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't convince me these open cans

>> No.17303815

p38 works fine, your hand just sucks

>> No.17303825

They’re supposed to have their own shopping hours but decide to go when everybody else does

>> No.17303829

better than the old asiatic lady opening up eveything for her "free samples"

>> No.17303830

>They’re supposed to have their own shopping hours but decide to go when everybody else does

as a grocery store worker this isn't true at all. actually i'm shocked at how many people in general come into the grocery store at fucking 8am to buy random shit on a weekday. but since everyones unemployed in america and abusing foodstamps I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.17303832

t. hasn't worked in a grocery store since 2019

>> No.17303836

I do it on purpose when others are looking just to piss faggots like you off. I even let out a few coughs during the process. I'm glad making you angry is working.

>> No.17303845

I remember there was this old lady opening all of the strawberry containers and squeezing them

>> No.17303856

All I wanted was a jar of Claussen's. My path was blocked by a lady checking the expiration dates on every jar of pickles. THEY'RE FUCKING PICKLED YOU DUMB BITCH.

>> No.17303868

How about try not to be a faggot your entire life and say "excuse me" instead of running home and posting this on an anime website like the faggot spaz you are.

>> No.17304122

start out as an infant entirely,
head out as an infant mentally.
>wiping snot from nose or grabbing their diaper bulge with their bare hands, and proceeding to touch things without a single fuck given
>lets rip a guttural shart
>"supper's ready!"
>customers start clapping; awed by the presence of chef excrements

>> No.17304610


>> No.17305181

>use drive-thru
>get food with a friend
>they insist on eating in the parking lot because "the food will get cold"
>"should've dined in, anon!"
>>drive is no more than a few minutes away
>either be around noisy children and hooting miscreants, or take food with you back to the comfort of your own home, with company
What's the deal with eating piping hot food in the first place?
It blisters your mouth, and you can't taste it, especially, after the burning has taken its toll.
Absolutely asinine.

>> No.17305199

>that old white lady fingering the SHIT out of the presliced deli meat.
I see no problem here.

they do I have used them.

never buy beans from open troughs of them in a super market. kids like to run their snotty hands through them. I know because I Was one of those kids.

>> No.17305285
File: 36 KB, 400x400, EOSZTZGU8AAmJkJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just boomers in general honestly. They do a lot of aggravating shit.
>boomer runs into their boomer friend and decide to park both their carts in the middle of the aisle to have a conversation, blocking off the entire fucking aisle for everyone else
>boomers literally punching touch screens with their fingers or knuckles instead of just tapping them
>insisting on using checks in the year of our lord 2022
>trying to haggle at a grocery store like it's an arabian market stall

>> No.17305303

>>boomers literally punching touch screens with their fingers or knuckles instead of just tapping them

I hate how they all shout at the iphones or on zoom then get frustrated because they talk in jilted speech instead of talking normally

>> No.17305334

>insisting on using checks in the year of our lord 2022
There's literally nothing wrong with this.

>> No.17305376

Yes there is, cashiers aren't trained to deal with cheques anymore and it's usually hidden on a submenu within the till system, a cashiers job is to scan your shit and manage change so they don't run out of it to give and that's why you can't have your change in bills either boomer, it's not a bank

>> No.17305385

>cashiers aren't trained to deal with cheques anymore
What better time to learn than now? Always glad to help.

>> No.17305388

>organize product on cooler shelves, stock a bit more than enough to get through the two days I'm off
>take two days off
>come back, coworkers have not only crammed the cooler full of product, but also placed everything randomly and not rotated product
>overloaded products stale out, customers constantly ask where items are since they're not in their usual locations, backup supply is nonexistent due to being shelved and subsequently thrown away


I get that "retail food associate" isn't going to require a goddamn PhD, but if we sell 3 coconut cream pies a week and there's enough space for 2 at a time, it amazes me how people insist on wedging 8 in our cooler every Monday.

>> No.17305405

>What better time to learn than now?
the year 1980 you geriatric fuck

>> No.17305414

Of course, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. But the second best time is now.

>> No.17305416

Oh FUCK, Chang the Janny isn't going to like you DISSING Asians and their anti-social bugman manners

>> No.17305427

There was this boomer couple at the iceberg lettuces and the lady was carefully inspecting each one she picked up, it took her like 3-4 minutes while I waited, which is in my opinion way too long. It was too long for her husband too since he told her "Catharine pick a god damn lettuce"
I found it amusing to watch but yeah when old people retire they really do take their time with dumb bullshit. Same with the ones who check each milk for a longer expiration date

>> No.17305439
File: 149 KB, 530x600, 1635958950843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I won't just sign off the till and "get my manager in the back"
If a store worker ever saids they're checking the back they aren't, we never do

>> No.17305440

>trying to haggle at a grocery store
I have never seen this, I call bullshit. Where do you live Saudi Arabia?

>> No.17305443

Based boomer husband

>> No.17305448

What's wrong with trying to buy the freshest items?

>> No.17305451

Only two coconut pies:
>hmmm... they probably sit there forever. Pass.
Eight coconut pies:
>wow, these must be popular. I'll take two.

>> No.17305456

only acceptable with grapes

>> No.17305461

If you can't tell without touching, the difference is too minuscule to matter.

>> No.17305466

maybe to you, you arrogant casual.

>> No.17305467

What about checking for the longer expiration date on Milk? Sometimes they can be a week or more apart

>> No.17305472

Irrelevant. We have a huge list of items for the cooler and there isn't space to justify keeping 3x what we sell on display, especially on our slowest days. Throwing away 7 pies isn't justified by selling 1. Our customer base is consistent and predictable, with the exception of items going on sale.

>> No.17305490

i find that only ugly people block an isle with their cart, while attractive people get their shit and leave. ugly people want attention while the attractive ones get too much.

>> No.17305491

Arrogance is assuming the right to paw through fresh produce that is all at the same price point, ruining everything else for everyone else, to claim the One Lettuce To Rule Them All for yourself.

Just read it without touching. Get glasses if you need them.

>> No.17305501

The hell it is unless you're at some bodega where they hardly sell any

>> No.17305509

You know produce grows in the dirt or outside and a bunch of mexicans already finger fucked it in the field, right?

>> No.17305514

no, that is expertise

>> No.17305529

We don't all shop at your faggot store that sells out of milk daily thanks to Biden shortages. Some stores get new shipments of milk that have different expiration dates than the milk currently on the shelf and choosing the fresher milk is the right choice, no matter what

>> No.17305540

just be lactose intolerant you keks

>> No.17305546
File: 946 KB, 910x966, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>produce is grown in dirt
>covered in literal cow shit to help it grow
>chopped out of the ground by a filthy tractor blade attachment and thrown into an unwashed collector, or hand picked by a migrant who hasn't washed his hands all day
>brought onto a truck in dirty, re-used cardboard boxes and left there for days to weeks in transit
>thrown onto a store shelf that hasn't been truly cleaned in years
>left out for days while some produce mister squirts on it
>but grandma, who likely sanitized her hands when she walked in because of the wu flu, touched it to see if it's firm so it's just ruined for everybody now

>> No.17305552

looking at produce isn't enough... i must experience it's freshness for myself by man handling all of them

>> No.17305557

Well when the fuck do you want me to pick up groceries? Maybe you start your workday at 6am and I start mine at 9am, don't be a judgemental shitbag because I want to pick up something for lunch before starting work. Should grocery stores only be open from 5pm to 8pm or something?

>> No.17305570

Do you think produce doesn't get washed before hitting shelves or something? Are you mexican?

>> No.17305577

>he thinks foodstampers wake up at 8 AM for anything
Maybe for their DUI court hearing once in a blue moon but certainly never to get their fucking groceries. It's a miracle for the average welfare rat to even be awake before noon.

>> No.17305585

> Should grocery stores only be open from 5pm to 8pm or something?
this would be black friday every day

>> No.17305604

why not talk to your cashier in Morse code too, while you're insisting in using dead media?

>> No.17305641

We get it dude, you're poor and don't have a chequing account. No need to be jealous.

>> No.17305656

no, I do, and I swipe my plastic check card when I need to buy my fucking BC headache powder.
because computers are better record-keepers than fucking trees.

>> No.17305662

>because computers are better record-keepers than fucking trees.
never heard of a family tree you silly?

>> No.17305683

every time I talk to someone who deals in produce they tell me to wash my vegetables because of the untold horrors that go on before they end up on the shelf. I am sure they get washed at some point but there's other things that happen, including other shoppers who just took a shit touching my cucumbers

>> No.17305698

There is literally not a single person on EBT in the country getting out of bed before 3pm

>> No.17305700

I grab olives out of the olive bar as my shopping snack lol

>> No.17305706

People squeezing in fruit specially fruit that goes bad quicker such as advocados, peaches anything like that.

>> No.17305709

retractable-clawed paws typed this post

>> No.17305717
File: 115 KB, 1162x608, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computers are better record-keepers than fucking trees.
Computers experience random errors from cosmic rays all the time. It's called a Single Event Upset.
These errors have grounded planes and halted elections. We've known about these errors since the 1970s and there is literally nothing we can do to prevent them.

Meanwhile my paper is doing just fine :)

>> No.17305720

I mean yeah you should rinse it at home too but it's not like you're getting a shit covered dirt laden cucumber. People just fondle the fuck out of produce.

>> No.17305722
File: 110 KB, 1067x600, autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point this hard
There's worse shit that happens to your vegetables than someone touching them, retard.

>> No.17305724

Not him but I think he means the elderly woman placing one item at a time on the belt and checking the scan price against her newspaper flyer to make sure she's getting that sweet, sweet $0.60 savings on tomatoes

>> No.17305732


>> No.17305740

Shop with mom. Fruit aisle, she grabs fruit like cherries or grapes then proceeds to eat 3 of them. Sometimes she doesn't buy them but just eats them as she grabs apples or whatever. Just cause it is small doesn't mean you should eat it even when you're not buying like it is some fucking buffet. If everyone did that then there would be nothing left and I am sure there are other boomers who do this also. I have to tell her off like some child or try and ignore her and act as if we don't shop together.

>> No.17305742

That sweet sweet $0.60 would be a lot more sweet if the Jewish Federal Reserve and ZOG didn't inflate money to trap working people into an endless cycle of poverty

>> No.17305744
File: 19 KB, 282x282, 1540189300877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get double points on groceries

>> No.17305748

Thank G_D there are BRAVE warriors like you ready to defend Corporate profits and shame your own mother. You're truly doing the (((Chosen's))) work, Goy

>> No.17305773

>>but grandma, who likely licked her hands when she walked in because she had to make sure her fingers were wet enough to split the money notes, touched it to see if it's firm so it's just ruined for everybody now.

>> No.17305777

Enlighten me to the secrets of people taking steaming shits in the middle of a grocery store then, oh fucking wise one

>> No.17305780

You're both goys.

>> No.17305782

I mean, its the same ol' shit.
>Oldies skillfully taking up 70% of aisle space with their cart
>Meat & fish vendor MIA
>Restockers blocking the thing I need

>> No.17305784

>have grounded planed and halted elections
No the fuck they haven't. A single bit error doesn't collapse the whole system, it's not a tower of glass fucking needles

>> No.17305794

for me it's always the deli meat guy who's never there. The other dumb thing is they shut it down after 7pm and I forget all the time

>> No.17305822

Literally my dad. Lol, all aged boomers are fucking illiterate.

>> No.17305843

im ugly and i try to get my stuff and leave and not get in anyones way

>> No.17305853

>i'm shocked at how many people in general come into the grocery store at fucking 8am

I started going at this time of day to avoid the troglodytes that refuse to wear a mask while in store. They're invariably drug abusing reprobates, so there is no chance of seeing them at this time.

>> No.17305881

Fuck them.
>duhhh but me got beard me can't wear mask
Yeah, and the beard is ugly as fuck. Try wearing a mask if you need to cover your lower face.

>> No.17305883

What the hell does that even mean?
>flaccid pumpernickel

>> No.17305908

Whatever you want kitten

>> No.17305936

Most POS system still have checks as primary payment option and the ones that don't usually only require a single additional button press. On top of that most registers use e-check system where the blank check is scanned and handed back to the customer and it functions like a debit card. The real hold up is old people stopping to fill out the check when told not to and getting confused when you hand it back to them, or people whose checks are declined and throw a fit.

>> No.17305965

Yea we have a super sturdy system, it's not like a flu could irrevocably fuck the entire world economy or anything

>> No.17305972
File: 987 KB, 944x914, 1541015405333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oldies skillfully taking up 70% of aisle space with their cart
>old fuck meandering down the isle in a serpentine pattern at .5mph

>> No.17305976

There has been a lot of progress made in tech since becoming aware of this phenomenon. I actually work on L1 cache design as my job and parity detection and correction for bit flips is a common way to mitigate. Today, the likeliness of a noticeable error manifesting from this is much lower than it used to be. Here is kind of a neat example of a bit flip changing an election count in Belgium back in 2003.


Today’s machines are a lot more robust to prevent this kind of thing, but there could be a very small chance of at least freezing the machine with one of these events. They could even cause your computer to freeze more often than you realize.

>> No.17306079

They work but I know what you're saying, they seem like the most unwieldy piece of shit in the world when you first try to use one.

>> No.17306110

>These errors have grounded planes and halted elections
So cosmic rays are how Biden won? I thought it was just regular voter fraud lol

>> No.17306133
File: 299 KB, 2400x1151, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A single bit error doesn't collapse the whole system,
A single bit error added 4096 votes to the Belgian election system, requiring a recount.
A single bit error corrupted the angle-of-attack data of Quantas Flight 72, hospitalizing 14 when the plane erroneously attempted to correct itself.
A single bit error caused Toyota drive-by-wire cars to accelerate at random, prompting a 9 million car recall around 2010.

>> No.17306144

>deadliest 2 years in human history
>literally business as usual
yeah, what a weak system

>> No.17306150

>licked her hands when she walked in because she had to make sure her fingers were wet enough to split the money notes
This shit right here. Also people who lick their fingers before they turn a page in a book. Like how the fuck can anyone lack the basic dexterity it takes to fumble apart two pieces of paper?

>> No.17306178

>Stock clerks load the wrong version of the product (example: putting 1% milk in the section labelled whole milk)

Grocery stores, please stop hiring illiterate stock clerks because I will mess your shit when I see that.

>> No.17306215

Too bad the boomer remover didn't do its job

>> No.17306235

How about you suck me through my jorts faggot

>> No.17306249
File: 1.40 MB, 473x1024, 1641402816388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok retard

>> No.17306297

obviously when you count third world shitholes, any disease is going to be much worse

>> No.17306383

The lettuce is dirtier than my hands, it's grown out of the ground and picked by brown people and tossed in massive dirty piles into the backs of trucks

>> No.17306395

Blacks and other minorites.

>> No.17306409

>the blacks filling up a sack and cycling off without paying

>> No.17306410

So somehow that 56 deaths / day has "irrevocably fucked the entire world economy", while the 4k/day deaths don't?
What point are you trying to make, anon?

>> No.17306418

based jortschad

>> No.17306422

>shopping for the best produce
fucking idiots

>> No.17306443
File: 235 KB, 1024x920, 1614250941689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually work on L1 cache design

>> No.17306457
File: 69 KB, 412x471, 1618693649598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A single bit error added 4096 votes to the Belgian election system, requiring a recount.
>A single bit error corrupted the angle-of-attack data of Quantas Flight 72, hospitalizing 14 when the plane erroneously attempted to correct itself.
>A single bit error caused Toyota drive-by-wire cars to accelerate at random, prompting a 9 million car recall around 2010.

>> No.17306475

>seasonal flu
haha everyone knows the flu just vanished as soon as covid showed up, these numbers must be fake

>> No.17307078

Lol I work full time and have been approved for ebt. But goddamn if those assholes aren't dragging their fucking feet to send me the card

>> No.17307114

get the fuck off this website you fucking normie. They literally have. Are you on /g/? Get off this site, you're humiliating us

>> No.17307212

March 2020, when it had barely spread beyond China, a nation that notoriously lies in all its datakeeping to "save face"? Nice graph, numbskull.

>> No.17307648

Big grandma

>> No.17307963

Some bitch at a rite-aid that was always sick and sneezing and touching my beer cans. I brought that up to their management and they banned me from their store. Then they got fucked and it became a much cooler store.
She got me banned from the store because she claimed that I expected her to do her fucking job. I'm glad that place went out of buisness and was replaced by a better company.

>> No.17307968
File: 190 KB, 381x500, 1639286124859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 star post Anon.

I don't give a fuck about Aunt Muffy's trip to Florida, I want to grab the food I need and get the fuck out the store quickly as possible

>> No.17307985

What kind of shithole place do you work?
I've worked retail in NYC and never seen this kind of podunk bullshit that your claiming.

>> No.17307991

Don't go shooting up a school becuase your a pathetic homosexual.

>> No.17308535
File: 41 KB, 734x466, us_daily_covid_deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>March 2020
Kek you fuckwits are as dumb as they come. There were 3-4k covid deaths/day last winter in the US ALONE. And that's with at least some level of restrictions in most states.

>> No.17308554

I have 3 supermarkets within walking distance (<5 minutes) that are open 24/7

>> No.17308656


>> No.17308679

She is checking to make sure the packages aren't breached in any way. It's a good practice.

>> No.17308768

Just press the exact cash button

>> No.17308772

using an unwieldy overkill can opener just looks goofy after you use these about 3 times

>> No.17308781

then get written up when your till is short, great plan
cmon anon these people have meltdowns when you give them a two dollar bill, try to make their lives a bit easier

>> No.17308895

Old ppl don't wash their hands

>> No.17308943

It doesn’t. Most cases of food borne illness come from raw veggies.

>> No.17309358

>not "oh, god, these expire tomorrow and the shelf is STILL full"
Managerial hands typed this post if you think "the more shit we have out there, the more money we'll make."

>> No.17309377

This must be the thread redditors use to vent so they don’t risk losing their sweet karma crying over there lol

>> No.17309667


>> No.17309943

>off by one
the gods have spoken, go back

>> No.17309961

>There were 3-4k covid deaths
>covid death
>hospitals getting paid more for each 'covid related' case/death
>tick a box and get free money
>government gets free Enhanced Stats to fearmonger with
lmao you fell for this

>> No.17310080

Lmao you’re STILL masking? Jesus Christ dude how are you still this afraid of Covid? What a sad pitiful life you must live.

>> No.17310086

You haven’t learned about world wars yet? Or mass genocides? How disingenuous of you to say this.

>> No.17310095
File: 1.46 MB, 498x379, ghfgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moronic samefag is moronic samefag.

>> No.17310106

>you can’t post twice in the same thread
Uh oh here comes a third one! Hope you don’t sperg out again because you’re afraid of the flu and demand everyone get a useless vaccine.
Hope you don’t freak out that other people and do things you don’t like!
I hope you get better anon. Mental illness must be dreadful.

>> No.17310109

>better than the old asiatic lady opening up eveything for her "free samples"

I was walking in my neighborhood and noticed some holes where some of the recent plants put in by the municipality were. I noticed it but didn't think much of it. A week or two later I was walking and saw that a house recently bought by a Chinese family had a halfass new planting of ornamental grasses and shrubs. Which were the exact plants put in by the city. There is one Chinese family in my neighborhood and within months of moving in they stole plants kek

>> No.17310124

>Goes down the thread making multiple individual comments instead of reading the entire thread and replying to all at once
>Not a moron

Yeah, pick one, Fat.

>> No.17310458

my grocery store has a security guard that kicks you out if you don't have one and I don't want to make a scene or be hassled when I buy strawberries

>> No.17310496

Chinese bugmen have no sense of shame and want to scam anyone and everyone. It's in their bug culture to try and swindle and cheat whenever possible.

>> No.17310595
File: 109 KB, 500x373, Pringles-French_Onion_Dip-url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pringles tick me off, they don't serve any purpose.

>> No.17311161

knock dat bitch dafuq dawg

>> No.17311426
File: 711 KB, 790x767, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Self Checkout scale loses its mind when you open a second bag requiring a wagie to come over and unlock it

>> No.17311468

For me it's people who take two steps inside the store then stop dead in their tracks to look at their phone

>> No.17311508

I REFUSE to use self checkout for this purpose at Kroger. It is constantly saying “unexpected item in the bagging area” every time I put stuff in there.

Last night I waited in a normal lane until the self checkout lady came over and scanned my groceries. It was so empty and quiet you could hear her sigh from 5 lanes away. Gotta say, what a fucking scam it is that I have to put my groceries in the cart, scan them myself, and pay for them. What a fucking racket Big Grocery has goddam

>> No.17311626

I am not racist but I believe you are correct. They have this mentality that they better take it before anyone else does.

From a /ck/ perspective this explains why they are constantly poaching crab, fish, clams and anything they can get their hands on. I don't know if it comes from living in a densely populated society or communism or what but it is so short sighted and backwards.

>> No.17311643

mass replying is spam.

>> No.17311662

>boomer runs into their boomer friend and decide to park both their carts in the middle of the aisle to have a conversation, blocking off the entire fucking aisle
Boomers are particularly bad about this, but I've found everyone over the age of 40 does it, not just cotton-tips. Old people have no consideration for others, and only pretend they do to feed their ego.

>> No.17311688

I don't mind when people do this stuff because I think we are too fast paced and anonymous. It reminds me of when I'm in a small east coast town and people stop their vehicles on the road to chat. It's mildly annoying but it's also how we should be as a society instead of focusing on running as fast as possible in the same spot without being bothered or interacting.

>> No.17311700

Yeah but I have friends I promised to spend time with after grabbing groceries. So I will move their carts myself. Some of their reactions are priceless.

>> No.17311711

>I am not racist
You should be

>> No.17311727

There is nothing wrong with saying "excuse me" or going so far as to move their carts.

I think the real issue is that you are disproportionately emotionally affected by basic social situations and the prospect of confrontation. You are so used to at-your-fingertips instant gratification that minor interruptions or delays are a big deal especially since they suggest the world does not actually gravitate around you (which goes against what your parents, public schools and society taught you). Being a narcissistic zoomer is not a good look bro, and I say this as your bro.

>> No.17311731

>Checkout clerks who are too timid or autistic to do their job
>People who cut the checkout line and don't get called on it.
>Parents who take their kids shopping and cause all sorts of lane congestion
>People who bring a full cart to the express lane
>People who pull out their fucking phone because shopping is so boring they need a screen to handle a simple 20 minute to half hour task at most.
>People who don't clear their shit at self checkout or step away to grab something and take forever to come back

>> No.17311738

I am I just like to preface any comment about race with "I am not racist."

>> No.17311739

ganji kankiri is over 9000 times better

>> No.17311742
File: 128 KB, 999x531, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sweet, innocent fools.
Grocery store aisle chatting isn't even their final form.

>> No.17311796

That's part of my job
Who do you think has to be at the office at 7 am every day just to make sure there is coffee and toilet paper before everyone else shows up?
This miserable fucker

>> No.17311817

>not getting that shit delivered in bulk by an office supply depot

you're fucking up

>> No.17311891

I've always assumed it's just half-assing coworkers doing anything to not have backstory.

>> No.17311993

>you are a narcissistic zoomer used to instant gratification
I'm person from Gen-X who is upset half the grocery store is filled with people treating it like a meet and greet. I'm trying to work around my friends' and relatives' schedules and these cattle can't see past their own life far enough to line their carts up.

>> No.17312010

Because the older you get, the less you give a fuck about everyone else. All these faggot zoomers with their mental illnesses are going to realize how retarded they were in 10-20 years.

>> No.17312092

Boomers that get pissed when they cant buy wine or other alcohol at the self checkout and get mad when they have to wait in line again

>> No.17312100
File: 138 KB, 651x738, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>store has a bunch of fancy paté that never sells
>snap it all up on firesale, all at once for less than one of them normally
>rinse and repeat every other month
>eventually they catch on and stop discounting it

>> No.17312123

Just spray Liquid Ass in their face the way you would with an unruly cat, or pin them to the floor and deliberately shit your pants.
That'll teach them not to double park in the aisle.

>> No.17312255

Rubber check writer hands typed this post.

>> No.17313437

No. You are wrong. People between 30 and 60 get in and get out. Olds dodder and socialize. Youngs cluster into groups and take pictures of the food for instagram or something. Same amount of aisle hogging as the olds.

>> No.17313652

She can't read she's old. She literally has to take a minute to find and read the package.
Have patience man.

>> No.17313671

some people have very poor spatial awareness and dont think logically, but theyll be there to comfort you when you need a shoulder to cry on. or maybe theyre really good at scamming you.

>> No.17313687

always great when go i into a state and run into this pointless rule, like california. being a drunk that travels is infuriating sometimes and all the fags that don't ever leave them get perplexed that their state is the only one that does this gay shit

>> No.17313691

>young people go to grocers to take group pics with the food on instagram just as much as the old folks block the lanes talking
Fuck I can't stop laughing.

>> No.17313931

Because if you don't cram them all into the case, you have to find a spot for them in the back, and nobody wants to do back stock

>> No.17313950

Oh shit I've been of vh qpa, i didn't know Airbus had these problems in the past

>> No.17313980

Literally no one in the world thinks like this, you home office dumbfuck

>> No.17314421

>Liquid Ass
Do Americans really?

>> No.17315322

Imo boomers aren't even that bad at this. Mormons and foreigners are on an entirely other level.

>> No.17315408

You haven't seen this before? Kids are retarded or something now. It annoys me more than the old people.

>> No.17315988

Wageslaves seething

>> No.17316861

>and there is literally nothing we can do to prevent them
Error correcting codes my retarded friend

>> No.17317271

Plz elaborate

>> No.17317339

What's your problem?

>> No.17317514

>People who bring a full cart to the express lane
Wouldn't they be told to go to a different lane? Unless it was rush hour or something that shit wouldn't fly where I live.

>> No.17317526

Lol you're so wrong. I have over $2500 saved in EBT and I get up everyday at 6 am. I just know how to work the system while you flounder in life by being a stupid piece of shit.

>> No.17317541

if you actually cook why the fuck don't you have an electric can opener in 2022? manual can openers are strictly for emergencies or novelty.

>> No.17317542

Based bottom feeder

>> No.17317591

The fucks wrong with you people? You're already vaccinated which gives you effective resistance to the virus and you're going to be standing 20 feet away from people anyway so whats the point of even throwing a shit fit over someone not wearing a mask?

>> No.17317597

They just shrug and stay where they are.

>> No.17317662

Why don't you work in a grocery store?

>> No.17317740

Just raising your voice and saying "Hello, excuse me." will immediately get them out of your way and they'll likely apologize for not noticing you. The reactions you're getting are the reactions of people watching a retard who can't even say three words grabbing someones cart and shoving it to the side. Its pretty stupid of boomers to not notice someone walking down the aisle, but what you're doing is downright schizoid behavior.
>but I'm a busy man that has things to do
They cost you forty-five seconds at worst. Believe me, you have wasted plenty of your time in other ways and your family isn't going to starve because timmy didn't get his yogurt in time.