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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17303660 No.17303660 [Reply] [Original]

Alright so we dry aged this rib roast for 30 days and this is the result. Currently dry brining them in the fridge for steak night on Friday. Going to sous vide them after and then smoke 2 and finish them all off with a pan sear. My main question I have is...I need a phenomenal recipe for a side dish.

>> No.17303663


>> No.17303667

Just do some steamed fresh veggies and a garlic mash.

>> No.17303672

you a real steak nigga. how do you dry age them? just keep them in a fridge? do you have a sous vide machine? what is different about dry brining and ageing? what are you gonna smoke them with?

>> No.17303675

What did this stupid fucking comment add?

>> No.17303677

cook veggies better than steaming them wtf. steam brocollini, coat in lemon, oil, salt, and grill it off for just a minute.

>> No.17303679

you aged already aged meat?

>> No.17303684
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Dry aged in an umai dry bag just in the normal fridge on top a cooling rack. Obviously I have a sous vide since I mentioned using it.
A Traeger will be used to smoke them

>> No.17303689

>Being this retarded

>> No.17303693
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It was a phenomenal comment

>> No.17303697
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Dry brining allows the meat to soak up the salt and disperse it through out the fibers. It also drys it out a little bit, condensing flavor.
I also rendered the fat trimmings down in to tallow to use for whatever.

>> No.17303800

well now i regret talking to you about food becausee you're being a fucking dick.
>obviously i have...
do you think people fucking invented a sous vide machine before anyone ever sous vide anything you dumb faggot? there are other ways of doing it
>a traeger
i was asking about smoking fuel
fuck you faggot. just trying to chat since this is a cooking forum. i hope you choke on your steak. also, youre fat and we both know it. gross.

>> No.17303813

The only part that could be perceived as rude is the obviously sous vide machine, and he's totally right htat it is obvious from his post that he uses one. While technically possible to sous vide without one it's not done and certainly someone who has wacky wild equipment like dry aging bags isn't going to throw his steak in a ziplock in the dishwasher. I think you're the one being a dick.

>> No.17303850

Op is a pretentious asshole

>> No.17304191

he didn't tell me he had dry aging bags until after i'd asked my initial questions.
>technically possible
it's easy af to sous vide without a machine and is done. for real, how do you think people started SVing shit in the first place?

>> No.17304202

why do you have silk in your fridge? that's groce

>> No.17304227

Don't all redditors have silk in their fridge?

>> No.17304315

imagine having to
>dry age
>sous ide
meat to be able to eat it

your meat taste like water americucks

>> No.17304469

>dry brining
Wait, hold up -- I don't believe I've heard this term before. What is dry brining, is it different from curing?
Also, for meat given that much TLC, I'd say go traditional with a baked potato -- butter (or beef gravy from the rendered fat and reserved liquid), sour cream and some chives -- or whatever topping you prefer on your potatoes.

>> No.17304530

parboil some asparagus and then sear in some EVOO and salt
boil some parsnips and mash until smooth and creamy, mix in some butter and garlic, top with fresh cilantro

there you go OP

>> No.17304870

Seethe harder, soy boy.

>> No.17304887
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Chill, dude. Sorry to get your panties in a bunch. Also...sorry but I'm not fat. I can answer any other questions you guys have. Check out Sous Vide Everything on YouTube to up your steak game.

>> No.17304890

You clearly have a rudimentary understanding of cooking.

>> No.17304895

There are going to be around 10 people eating this. I am also doing some NY strip as well. We've done the potatoes thing often and am looking to switch it up.

>> No.17304897

>while technically possible to sous vide without one it's not done
it absolutely is done. also 'sous vide machine' is pretty vague and arguably a misnomer if he's talking about an immersion circulator

>> No.17304900

>heating your meat in a bag

>> No.17304903

Sous vide machines are like 40 bucks, man. And they give a consistent temp with out having to constantly fuck with the temperature.

>> No.17304914

Also sorry but dry brining is when you salt steaks down and put them on a cooling rack in the fridge to let the salt penetrate and reduce moisture content. Try it out, it makes a huge difference. The steaks don't sweat as much when you cook them, you also get a better sear.

>> No.17304931

You knock it until you try it. I usually use reusable silicon bags. You also have to pat them dry and sear them afterwards. Sous vide gives you a reliable perfectly cooked steak every time.

>> No.17305005

nice try jack. how's writing with one arm and a chicken wing?

>> No.17305069

*notices your bulge*
OWO can I taste your meat

>> No.17305085

idk what the fuck a sous vide is but that guy probably is a fat faggot and he should choke on his fancy rotten meat

>> No.17305094

What are you talking about, dipshit?
This is a cooking forum. You are supposed to elevate you culinary skills but apparently trying new and better ways to elevate your meals isn't what you're in to.

>> No.17305105

Not a fat faggot, sorry to disappoint your fantasy.

>> No.17305109

no fun are ya?

>> No.17305126

No fun because you're trying to clown on me and got clowned yourself? My bad, pussy.

>> No.17305183

Holy fuck are you weird

>> No.17305198

>Look at meeeeee
>I crave attention
Beta bitch

>> No.17305202

>No I'm not gay
>Why would you think that

>> No.17305230

You're fucking weird, faggot. You're just mad I don't fit in to your fantasy of being a lard ass.

>> No.17305231

Look this guy has such a morbidly obese face he has to cover it with an emoji. Damn bro even fatter than I thought

>> No.17305237

Lmao seethe harder cuck boy. You thought I was a tubby and I did the alpha thing and posted proof of the opposite.

>> No.17305239

In what way is it a misnomer?

>> No.17305243

Lmao true. I have 420 chins

>> No.17305244

you've made it weird now lad i was interested in your cooking but you've ruined your thread by getting involved in the shittalking

>> No.17305253

>being baited THIS easily
also paired with the fact you posted yourself on /ck/ of all things means you’re screaming for recognition. how about this, nice figure bro im totally mirin youre so alpha that you need to prove yourself to complete strangers. keking at your life right now

>> No.17305254

>but but you can't talk shit back to me, that's mean.

>> No.17305262

I didn't post for you fags to mire, I posted you you whining faggots thought I was a lard ass because my cooling skills are styling on yours and now you're mad because I don't fit your fantasy of being a fat loser.

>> No.17305266

it happens in every thread. an op's one job is to not get dragged into it cos it derails the thread. you now seem like an over-sensitive cunt and i want you to fail in your shitty dinner.

>> No.17305271

sous vide means under vacuum. immersion circulators don't have anything to do with that, and usually when people do 'sous vide' they don't actually vacuum seal the product. even if they did, that's not the job of the circulator.

>> No.17305273

That won't happen, but thanks I'll be sure to aggravate you guys more with another post of it's success.

>> No.17305276

You don't have to put them on a rack and let them drain for it to be dry brining. As long as you're salting something without extra liquid it's considered dry brining.

>> No.17305283

>trying to be this technical with the usage of the word and device.

>> No.17305288

How do I dry brine without making it too salty? Last time I tried this with a tenderloin it was too salty.

>> No.17305299

You put them on a rack to have air circulating around the steak. Same thing when dry aging.

>> No.17305307

Use coarse kosher salt and expirement with different amounts. Don't use fine table salt.

>> No.17305315

i just mean when the guy asked 'do you have a sous vide machine' it wasn't a dumb question. OP could be doing it without a vacuum machine or even without a circulator/water bath.

>> No.17305317

no capacity to learn

>> No.17305319

you don't need to have air circulate around the steak. you're not trying to dry it out.

>> No.17305327

Always cringe to hear about americans and their jew salt

>> No.17305328

>alpha thing
By posting a nude pic on a cooking board filled with 12 year old boys? Fucking weirdo

>> No.17305331

You are trying to reduce the moisture content slightly. If you didn't then you could do a marinade instead. Two slightly different results. Go ahead and try both amd see which one you prefer.

>> No.17305338

You're the fucking weirdo who is looking or thinking that 12 year olds surf this board. Cry more.

>> No.17305342
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>> No.17305353

OP's clearly an obese newfag who has no idea what he's doing

>> No.17305356
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>> No.17305359
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ITT: good fishing

>> No.17305363

brining is to increase the moisture retention of the steak, not reduce it. if you don't drain it the meat loses some moisture at first but then reabsorbs some of it as the salt concentration goes up. once the meat absorbs the salt it loses less moisture overall when you cook it.

>> No.17305381

Test both ways and report back.

>> No.17305384

I have.

>> No.17305386

Seethe and dialate.

>> No.17305399
File: 3.32 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200727_194135584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the sigma male enjoys steak

>> No.17305406

Yes exactly but at the same time the steaks shrink a bit when dry brining while at the same time pulling in amd retain moisture in the fibers. Both results produce better steaks then not salting at all, or when cooking.

>> No.17305424

Looks delicious, man. These whiny betas in here complaining that I'm trying to elevate their steak game.

>> No.17305465

>These whiny betas
Idk what you mean. Us sigmas don't get offended by betas that easily

>> No.17305470

they definitely lose some, and some surface drying is good for searing, i'm just saying that's not necessarily the point of a dry brine.

>> No.17305471

It's fun to dish the trolling back sometimes. Can't let them have all the fun.

>> No.17305488

True, side effect. Salt penetration is the main thing you're looking for. Makes a world of difference vs an unsalted steak.

>> No.17305500

The mods should just delete this and We'll start a new Steak general that's not so off topic.

>> No.17305523

yeah but its still fun to find out the exact kind of weirdos that you talk to on here sometimes

>> No.17305541

Like you, weirdo?

>> No.17306001

It's a machine designed for sous vide. Hence, a "sous vide machine". Mods please remove this child

>> No.17306066

Dry aged meat looks disgusting as fuck

>> No.17306081
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Looks better than that Nancy op parading around in his undies

>> No.17307195 [DELETED] 

Clearly you know nothing of this game but thanks for your low IQ comment anyway.

>> No.17307201


>> No.17307332

>He’s still responding

>> No.17307354

maybe one where OP isn't so unbelievably fat