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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 225 KB, 1200x971, 5BDE119F-485C-4298-B21E-2E5C12282CAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17302514 No.17302514 [Reply] [Original]

I hate these in store pickup people and their carts and it’s only getting worse. They are always in the way, it’s like a warehouse order picker but I have to shop around this bs.
Does anyone else hate these people or is it just me. Get out of the aisle NOW!

>> No.17302519

maybe don't shop at walmart?

>> No.17302529
File: 96 KB, 500x379, 40-40-40-ish-oo-malt-liquor-18678802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't been to a grocery store in like a decade

>> No.17302542 [DELETED] 

I hate it when I bend down to get something from the bottom shelf and the jest drops a penny in my ass crack

>> No.17302545

yeah "social cohesion" is breaking down they say... odd and totally unprecedented

>> No.17302549

I hate it when I bend down to get something from the bottom shelf and the jester drops a penny in my ass crack

>> No.17302718

the parking lot bugs me more. target has like 30 parking spots dedicated to pickup orders so i have to fight boomers in the back of the lot when it gets crowded just to get a spot

>> No.17302730

Right after I read your post my wife told me I was laughing like Jack Nicholson in the Shining .

>> No.17302765

I bent down to get something off the bottom shelf and a woman tutted at me as she walked past ahahha yeah you look at my hairy asscrack you bitch

>> No.17302770

You gotta be fast or he is gonna get ya

>> No.17302803

I can't count the reasons you should stay.

>> No.17302817

why are they allowed to carry around scanners but I have to go to the self checkout like a cuck

>> No.17302824

At a store called pak n save in new zealand, we can use a scanner and scan our stuff as we shop, then we don't have to queue at checkout to pay. We do the job of the cashier :)

>> No.17302827

More like Cuck n Save

>> No.17302836
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Perfect for this country.

>> No.17302842

Americans(including myself) would steal so much shit because we want to fuck over the corpos

>> No.17302996
File: 979 KB, 855x1003, jacinda_ardern_fake_poster_illustration.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, but actually New Zealand handeled the COOF pretty well

>> No.17303029
File: 118 KB, 1360x816, 1639118317744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg really it was fake?! OH MY GOD my mind is blown right now, thanks detective anon.

>> No.17303031


>> No.17303040

>h-haha I w-was just jooooking
Nigga, Labour is retarded when it comes to taxes and the budget debt but they handled the 'rona pretty gud mate

>> No.17303054
File: 123 KB, 881x905, 1632881836774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a neet on ebt I get a new walmart+ account every month for free grocery delivery

I am the creator of your nightmares :) wagie

>> No.17303066

Walmart wageslave here, they hate you too. They have a job to do, and you fucks zig zag across the entire aisles, block off paths to just stand there on your phone, and you are always speeding up just to cut them off from getting to their next pick. We are so happy when you finally get your shit and get the fuck out.

>> No.17303071

Though I'd outsmart him by squatting but he put his clown dong on my head and I couldn't stand back up til I apologized.

>> No.17303077
File: 542 KB, 640x640, 1626315323303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't live in the Northwest because I really love to stick soda bottles and any fresh produce slightly up my asshole when I have to fill instacart orders. I wipe away any poop residue with a lukewarm moist towel that I never wash. This is my revenge on the world. Haven't been caught yet because I'm careful.

>> No.17303089

Alternatively, you could just come to terms with the fact you are a massive faggot with a compulsion to stick random things up your ass?
Food for thought.

>> No.17303109
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Unfortunately I don't stick the food far enough up my ass to massage my prostate but I do oftentimes end up with a boner thinking about a coomsumer getting sick from my handiwork. I've got it down to a pretty good system too, I'll intentionally stick produce up my ass that I know doesn't cook for very long like carrots or even better lettuce and onions that are often times served raw. When I quit for my new job I'm going to take a shit in the water sprinkler system that sprays the entire produce rack I'll make it watery enough so no one ever knows. :)

>> No.17303138

>it’s like a warehouse order picker but I have to shop around this
that's what you get for going into a wal-mart after 2016 you fucking idiot.

>> No.17303142

Grocery store experience? I always try to get in and out as fast as I can because I have shit to do.

>> No.17303144

You are one stupid fuck. The people who order the food would be same way in the way if they did the picking themselves.

>> No.17303167

>Go Back
to the store? fuck off, jester

>> No.17303173

>cucking for labour

>> No.17303229

Are you retarded?

>> No.17303307

>shoves lettuce up his ass
Enjoy infection and necrosis when bits rip off inside you

>> No.17303320

>Enjoy infection and necrosis when bits rip off inside you
What part of not very far do not understand? Thank you for your concern but I have my techniques don't worry. I sometimes use another more sturdy vegetable to transfer the germs to more flimsy vegetables I've had plenty of practice.

>> No.17303323

Poop will push it out.

>> No.17303348

>this is what being a wagie does to you

>> No.17303601

i used that service to order 2x of every great value canned food they have. i have the most diverse pantry on the block now.

>> No.17303611

Your fault for fucking grocery shopping at Walmart. I thank God every day I live in NYC and have endless grocery options and don't have to deal with the shit you shit-western people have to deal with. Go eat at Buffalo Wild Wings or Panera Bread for dinner tonight losers

>> No.17303616

everyone in new zealand is still going to get the rona. they are just putting it off.

>> No.17303634

Nothing slogan, I could walk past it and immediately forget the cunt
Says something and it's straight to the point, would vote for this person

>> No.17303638

>Twenty fucking people texting on their phones asking if it's ok to replace strawberry flavored icecream with banana because the store run out
No, it's not the same

>> No.17303640

Oh I'm a walmart wagie and I hate these fuckers too. Get in our way while we're working AND piss customers off. Boss doesn't care either, treats them like they're better than the rest of us. I hate them so much its unreal

>> No.17303642

kek OP's too fat to fit into the aisle with his mobility scooter, even gunt(her) in your pic can fit on the side why can't you fatty? hahahahaha

>> No.17303643

>Canned not dry
Enjoy your sloppa and your botulism

>> No.17303646

You're both worthless degenerates and deserve each other. Now kiss.

>> No.17303647

>Enjoy your sloppa and your botulism
idk what this is
if i was stupid enough to eat from an open can.

>> No.17303652

go back

>> No.17303653

seethe harder you unoriginal nigger.
>go back
wow haven't read that one 1,000 times yet. you sure showed me.
if you reply to me your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.17303665

Bragging about living in nyc lmao

>> No.17303673

Just be thankful you don’t live in a melanated city where the lazy stockboys take all week to put a few cans on the shelves and take breaks for every 10 seconds of work leaving the big ass carts full of goods just clogging up half the isles all day

>> No.17303676

Your fault for shopping at Target

>> No.17303681

>New Zealand handeled the COOF pretty well
And the second they ease up restrictions their whole country is gonna get it all all the old people will die. Good thing they are constantly updating the definition of “fully vaccinated” so that almost nobody actually qualifies and these deaths can’t be laid at the feet of the leaky vaxx

>> No.17303742

>because we want to fuck over the corpos
You mean because you're niggers?

>> No.17303786

you hipster nerds are pathetic

>> No.17303802

corpos are the niggers of earth

>> No.17303855

>The Facebook and Instagram posts sharing the altered version of the poster were flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
Keep this in mind next time you hear tech companies and politicians talk about "combating internet misinformation".

>> No.17303884

i love curbside pickup. i no longer have to waste an hour of my time grocery shopping and interacting with fat people and minorities. i just pull my car up, tap a button on my phone, and some wagie loads my trunk -- FOR FREE.

>> No.17303890

they have a phone app scanner at walmart. you still have to go to a self checkout so it can scan your phone or something. it really is retarded.

>> No.17303923
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>> No.17303924


I really despise walmart and I pocket stuff from there all the time, primarily because they're no longer open for 24 hours.

I notice that at the hour before closing, they close all the damn registers and only leave self-checkout open, and there's a humongous line of 15+ people there. Lazy ass employees.

HEB doesn't even do that.

>> No.17303950
File: 19 KB, 594x350, IMG_20141019_140028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

All these FUCKING PUSSIES are afraid of this covid bullshit. Luckily I live in a hardcore red county and no one wears masks. When I'm in the city (rarity these days) and have to run and get something when I see non-masked people i say "hello fellow republican". Most people are so afraid that they just do online pickups. The online pick ups are retarded as fuck. You do an online pick up if you're out of town for a week and want to pick it up on your way home so you have fresh food in the house or something. These people are having some 14 year old run around throwing shit in their cart because they're scared of getting some wittle sniffies.

I've taken this shit to the next level. What I do is I go grocery shopping. I throw shit in my cart. Then, with the supply chain issues I SPECIFICALLY LOOK FOR shit that they're out of that is cheap or on sale. For example, if they are out of bone in chicken on sale, the wagie will have to substitute it. If they're out of baby back ribs, they will have to substitute it.

Recently the wife and I have been doing this and loading up on meat. We walk around, look for stuff not on the shelf. Order it online, and make them substitute something better or more expensive.

For example: we noticed they were out of country ribs. We ordered 6 online. They have their wagie go around and pick stuff up. Wagie goes "omg no country ribs for 1.99 a lb. Guess I'll have to give them 3.49 a lb baby backs or spare ribs for the same price" "I edited and noted the substitions on your online order form"

It works flawlessly. We've saved like 60$ a week doing this. The wagies don't give a fuck. The mega corps are fucking evil and gay, and just in case they have something in the back when they try to substitute it you can just cancel it off the order.

As far as actually walking around the store, people are fucking assholes and idiots. NORMIE SHEEPLE aren't conscious. The key is to WAKE THEIR ASS UP by just ramming their cart.

>> No.17303964
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>> No.17303965
File: 39 KB, 400x369, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of WALLY WORLD

Has anyone tried it?

>> No.17303972

Most likely a fat person or minority picked the food for you. Enjoy everything being touched by fat black spic hands retard.

>> No.17303976

>I thank god every day I have super high taxes, it reeks like garbage every time I leave my residence, can't carry a firearm, live in a space the size of most people's rooms, and can get food from the local rat eatery

nigga why the fuck are you buying food at target

>> No.17304005

>I notice that at the hour before closing, they close all the damn registers and only leave self-checkout open, and there's a humongous line of 15+ people there. Lazy ass employees.
the last two times I've gone during the day it has been like this. one time there was a line 3 deep at the self checkouts and I waited a few minutes until a manager opened a lane and called the people behind me to get help and I had to just look at them like I'm an asshole for wanting help first. I almost abandoned my cart there because I had like 25+ items and I wasn't fucking interested in using the self checkout either and yet the fuckhead with 6 items gets helped first.

>> No.17304089
File: 544 KB, 677x678, 1637025963345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I did Walmart pick-up, I ordered a $3 bucket that they were supposedly out of and it got subbed for a $25 painting kit with a bunch of painting tools inside a bucket and it only charged me the $3.

>> No.17304096

Walmart and Costco are based. Target is globohomo pozzed shit

>> No.17304145

Yes this is so easy. Between this and the degenerates actually skipping buying shit at the registers; Maybe we can actually make a dent in this retards profits

>> No.17304147

makes you a perfect match for them yourniggerself

>> No.17304153

maybe but the person loading my car has been, for the past few months, a cute asian girl in her mid/late 20s. (i assume she's a drug addict because an asian girl must have REALLY fucked up to be a walmart curbside attendant.)

>> No.17304154

The only warm moments I had when visiting NYC twice was the warm vents on the sidewalk that weren't caked in homeless

>> No.17304169

even worse

>> No.17304173
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1614426629936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make a dent you need weight, you may as well not exist. Saving a couple of dollars a month means something to you because money matters to you. The wealthy do not care about money.

>> No.17304177

Whoa, that's asking to much from the white trash

>> No.17304207

their profit margins are a few percent. if you steal a $5 item every time you spend $100 on groceries, you're making them lose money overall.

>> No.17304221

>typical shut in who only ever goes out for groceries every month
>look at online ordering
>$5/lb for potatoes
>only has a handful of products and only available in one size
>would still have to go and pick it up
I honestly don't understand how people became stupid and lazy enough for this to work. I get groceries at 8am with no mask and don't deal with bullshit. Can also get a lot of half price meat that is fresh enough for them to leave out all day.

>> No.17304241
File: 34 KB, 579x663, 1630783776560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought kiwis were all enlightened peter jackson elves
you mean theyre actually angry racists?

>> No.17304265

Turns out most of the world outside of jewed colleges is racist

>> No.17304301

Most major grocery stores are starting to set this up where I live. Except Aldi/lidl

>> No.17304339

>Most major grocery stores are starting to set this up where I live.

because it's the future of grocery shopping. it's my theory and belief that you won't ever go into a grocery store in the future. there will only be lanes for grocery pickup and you will do all your shopping on the phone etc

>> No.17304364

>Can also get a lot of half price meat that is fresh enough for them to leave out all day.

it'll take time but even 50% off meat will be available on the app and they'll order that off the shelf before your sticky hands could touch it

>> No.17304370

The majority of the world is stupid? Color me surprised.

>> No.17304395

how much debt did you go in to get this indoctrinated

>> No.17304409

A lot of people from NYC like to travel to NJ to do grocery shopping because NJ has no sales taxes on groceries.

>> No.17304478
File: 126 KB, 945x1220, E9rTRHcVkAAuTXS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how common are landwhales like these in the US?

>> No.17304492

In walmart she would be considered slim.

>> No.17304544

Incredibly common sadly. And that pic is not a "landwhale". The woman in the pic is fat and disgusting for sure, but not heavy enough. The real landwhales are much larger than she is.

>> No.17304553

Anon, that's not even a whale, that's just a slightly fat dolphin

real whales hobble or can't even walk and require a motor scooter.

>> No.17304594

Just park in a pickup spot. The customer is going to spend 20 minutes trying to contact customer service before they give up and go into the store. Inside customer service is just going to say "oh well" and give the customer their stuff. Worst case scenario and a manager wants your car towed, it's going to be at least another 30 minutes before a tow truck arrives. Unless you plan to spend multiple hours inside target you will be fine.

>> No.17304623

Imagine still walking around and picking stuff off shelves yourself then waiting in line like some commoner when you can now do everything so easily online lol

>> No.17304831

Buncha fucking teenagers trying so hard to sound edgier than each other itt. Fuck 4shit I’ve been hanging out here way too long.

>> No.17304845

See you tomorrow

>> No.17304966

Except I'm not a teenage anymore I turned 18 last year so I'm a man now. Get stuffed loser you just got owned.

>> No.17304969
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>> No.17304985

Wait, so amerifats order their grocery at home/from car, someone at market preps it and then brings it all the way up to their car?

Do americans really??

>> No.17305000

check out the stats for australia. 1.3 million cases and 0.0% seriously unwell (around 400).

this is what happens when you use restrictions to delay, then let it rip when you have 95% vaccination and the latest variant is harmless. fucking smashed it, cunts.

>> No.17305042

what about the final omega ultimate demonlord variant?

>> No.17305057

we're all fucked then mate, at least we're at the beach right now

>> No.17305065

It became a thing with COVID and the social distancing craze.
There's a grocery store chain near me offering almost $20/hr plus benefits for people to do that shit.

>> No.17305648

Its especially funny cause now they're fact checking the babylon bee....

Like wtf... Are people really that fucking stupid? Fact checkers on their own are a retarded thing(cause it seems like they're far from impartial... "Remember, Clinton did not use acid to destroy her emails, as trump alleged!!! THAT IS FICTION!!!!"... .... ....She used a program called bleachbit) but them feeling the need to even step in on a babylon bee article tells everyone just how fucking hopeless this entire 21st century society really is.

>> No.17305906

Yep. This allows the company to:
>fully automate transactions (fire all the cashiers and most accountants)
>operate as a warehouse (fire all customer facing staff, fire all the janitors, save money on lighting, save space)
>collect information on consumer purchasing trends (sell market data for profit)
>provide targeted advertising to you in the app (ad revenue)
The future is beautiful

>> No.17306686

I don't have to deal with it because I am comfy in my car while the picker gets me stuff. Get fucked OP.

>> No.17306737

hi. former shelf'let replenisher here. these were our gods. the online order picker >is< the customer.

if you've got a problem with it, go fuck yourself. then maybe write a complaint to the chain, because they don't get a lot of post so tend to chimp out over anything they do get

>> No.17307165

haha good one bro haha. he wouldn't do it guys that would be...
you wouldn't really do it...would you anon?

>> No.17307288

>enlightened peter jackson elves

How the fuck would they stay that way if they weren't racist? Think it through nigger.

>> No.17307294

Sounds like what a Washingtonfag would be into. You probably eat raw potatoes and drink craft beer too.

>> No.17307428

Clearly you've never used the service

>> No.17307638
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>When another shopper warms you just in time

>> No.17307717

Of course not. I'm not a lazy fatass.

>> No.17307743

>excuse me
>oh, I'm sorry, lemme move this
Not that hard man.

>> No.17307760

the only real addition is jews

>> No.17308407

what do you do instead?

>> No.17308442
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Just shop somewhere else.

>baww, I don't like this store

It's your money and you invited your own misery. Grow up.

>> No.17308465

Honestly, this. You don't have any right to tell me how I learn a living. Don't like it? Pick a different grocery store. Oh, wait, they're all offering home delivery? Guess you're out of luck, bud. Enjoy starving.

>> No.17308471

I bet that yYolanda'aa has a EXTRA spicy butthole

>> No.17308899

>Whoa, that's asking to much from the white trash
>Nice try, but actually New Zealand handeled the COOF pretty well
>The majority of the world is stupid? Color me surprised.
>>h-haha I w-was just jooooking
>Nigga, Labour is retarded when it comes to taxes and the budget debt but they handled the 'rona pretty gud mate
>Wait, so amerifats order their grocery at home/from car, someone at market preps it and then brings it all the way up to their car?
>Do americans really??

>> No.17308916

I eat my bf's cummies as my sole sustenance

>> No.17308925

You forgot your gay fucking soy image, you dumb schizo bitch. Is your brain breaking?

>> No.17308942 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1024x821, 1638645446081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You forgot your gay fucking soy image, you dumb schizo bitch. Is your brain breaking?
>I eat my bf's cummies as my sole sustenance

>> No.17308958 [DELETED] 

Okay, that's it. I'm calling your mom and telling her what you've been posting online.

>> No.17308965 [DELETED] 
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>Okay, that's it. I'm calling your mom and telling her what you've been posting online.

>> No.17309013

You are seriously and horrendously mentally ill, bro.

>> No.17309030
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>> No.17309035

Yeah man she is not hot at all, I get what you're saying. It's why I hire escorts for two hours and once the sex is over after like ten minutes we go shopping and I have something nice to look at.

>> No.17309256

She’s cute

>> No.17309354

I prefer this completely.
>Women chatting in the middle or at the entrance to an aisle.
>Old people walking stupidly slow in the middle of an aisle
>Those people that look like they have stood looking at an item for hours, but only ever fucking move when you are trying to pass them and you're now walking along side each other
>Those people that walk the wrong way down an aisle, sit in the place you were going to go or block an item you were about to look at/were going to and then sit there reading the ingredients for ages, put it down and then leave.
>Kids running around with a loud mouth fatass shouting at them to stop but they don't
I hate shopping so much.

>> No.17309648

Hey anon, I agree with you on some of that. Let me help you and other anon out. These are three key talking tracks I use in the store. Using these usually makes me the least retarded in the store.

"If I am in your way of something you need, please let me know" - said to shoppers parking their cart near mine and shopping in same aisle

*while pointing and walking towards a shelf* "I want some _brand_food, can I grab one?" - said to people chatting and blocking my item

"Hey, can I scoot by you, sir?" "Hey, can I get past you, please?" - said to people who are slower than me in same aisle

I have had no issues using this and every response has been 100% a kind one. Try it out, social-anxiety anons.

>> No.17310083
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Is he you Basement Daddy ?

>> No.17310137

Those are actually awesome, the signs scare normies away so I always have plenty of open parking right in front of the door, and its not illegal or scummy like taking a handicap spot.

>> No.17310405

Yeah I mean if you need a spot just take the drive up spots. Who cares? They have to code that scenario into their app anyway.

>> No.17310812

Hello, I didn't read the thread, I just want to let OP know that I order all my groceries online because I'm no white trash who still shops for his own groceries like a cave man.

The fact that I know people like OP are getting annoyed by the minimum wage employees gathering my groceries is just a bonus.

>> No.17310822

the average customer they are shopping for isnt much brighter either. the concept of keeping to the right side so people can pass on the other side is an alien concept to most NPCs now.

>> No.17310990

Or maybe everyone can be aware of their surroundings instead of being autistic retards who need everything constantly explained to them

>> No.17311201 [DELETED] 
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>You are seriously and horrendously mentally ill, bro.
>Hello, I didn't read the thread, I just want to let OP know that I order all my groceries online because I'm no white trash who still shops for his own groceries like a cave man.
>The fact that I know people like OP are getting annoyed by the minimum wage employees gathering my groceries is just a bonus.

>> No.17311237

NO. spending time in the store is for PLEBS in 2022. Either prime it, shipt it, or pick up. I refuse to go to the store and shop.

>> No.17311286

I believe that these pickers are more considerate than the absolutely oblivious mouthbreathers that would otherwise be standing in the middle of the aisle

>> No.17311373
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I work for Amazon fresh and go out of my way to fuck with people's orders.

Bread got smashed?
>not my problem
Eggs broken?
>not my problem
Chips got crushed up?
>not my problem

Don't buy groceries online. People will literally order 1 lemon and have it delivered 40 miles away. Sometimes I'll swap it out for a lime because I'm a gigantic homo like that. I also drive with my high-beams on nonstop.

>> No.17311443

How is this any different then some grandma getting stuff in an aisle

>> No.17311448

>not turning their lemon into a lemon pig for them
Come on

>> No.17311580

>I also drive with my high-beams on nonstop.
everybody does that
either that or everyone has those goddamn halogen nuclear sunbeams

>> No.17311616


>> No.17311631

oh MY KEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!