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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17298845 No.17298845 [Reply] [Original]

>being a picky eater is pathetic.

>> No.17298847

so is your dick but we don't constantly bring that up

>> No.17298850

coffee is just liquid shit

>> No.17298853

What do you mean?

You brought my dick up last night baby and then rode it.

>> No.17298856

that's not unpopular

>> No.17299019

Having food preferences is fine. Being a picky little bitch, however, is not.

>> No.17299024

Now define picky eater.

>> No.17299052
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I think broccoli should be steamed, salted and the very tops of it should be cut off and served in a burger with the stems on the sides. I've never seen anyone say this.

>> No.17299056

I'm the pickiest eater.

>> No.17299083

name the foods you don’t eat

>> No.17299238

God I wish

>> No.17299384

I'll eat anything. Picky eaters infuriate my sensibility. Green vegetables are god-tier nutrition.

>> No.17299403
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Here's the list of foods I won't eat:

Macaroni(got yelled at for this one once because apparently spaghetti's the same thing and I like that one)
fries if the ketchup has been touching it too long
sweet pickles
lobster(it's too much work)
any fish that has bones in it
soup broth(except for potato soup)
sweets(chocolate, candy, etc)
red wine
poutine(just no)
apples that aren't green
chocolate ice cream
Jams & Jellies
any beverage with a straw(except milkshakes)
quail eggs
chicken wings with any sauce besides hot
black olives

>> No.17299404

>nooooo you have to eat food you don't like!!!!!!

>> No.17299411

That's literally how you come to like foreign flavours and foods. Most picky eaters will say they don't like something because it's foreign to them, even though they have never tried it in their life.

>> No.17299422

no one asked

>> No.17299423

Someone who doesn't try things not based on experience or looks or whatnot, just based on the fact that they won't think they'll like it.

>> No.17299431

Unironically, yes. Stop being a fucking bitch and try foods that aren't Banquet dollar frozen dinners

>> No.17299439

I'm perfectly capable of asking myself questions, thank you. Good Bye.

>> No.17299449

There was an episode of one of those TLC shows where a grown 40-something man would literally only eat plain dry takeout hamburgers (just bun and meat) and had several heart issues, all because his mom never forced him to eat a piece of broccoli

>> No.17299457

I do this with movies. Someone kept telling me to watch the funny spiderman guy movie but I kept telling the cunt I don't like superhero movies or witty zaney one liner shit.

>> No.17299462

>tfw watch my favorite movies over and over again but with different people
It's fun to get new reactions.

>> No.17299466

what fish doesn't have bones? you scran jellyfish?

>> No.17299471

the salmon I buy has no bones. fishsticks have no bones. canned fish has no bones.

>> No.17299482

Yeah I have about 10 movies I watch every year. I don't watch them with other people because half of them are 3 hours or close to 3 hours long. Plus when people say they want to watch a movie they don't really, they want to say they did while they remain buried in their phones.

>> No.17299563

Nobody ever went hungry with a plate of food in front of them unless it was truly inedible to them.

>> No.17299661

wtf is wrong with u

>> No.17299676

I can count the foods I won't eat on one hand:
Beans (in a fryup)

thats about it

>> No.17299778

My bf is genuinely a picky eater but gets mad at me for these:

Baked beans are gross
Kraft Dinner is gross
Soup from a can is gross
I don't like pancakes

>> No.17299790

Pieces of cartilage, bone marrow, and organ meat are very unappealing in a way completely unrelated to flavor. I have tried several times to get over it, as those cuts end up in the cooking of people in my household, but I just can't shake the feeling. Liver pate is fucking delicious bros and I want to be able to enjoy it.

>> No.17299803

It's a good thing you'll never breed.

>> No.17299824

yknow that makes me feel better, i always try to eat better and try new things but I never like it. I always curse my palate for being so shit but I feel better being able to distinguish that from being someone who thinks different foods are gross. Thanks anon

>> No.17299839


>> No.17299851

what? who was trying to feed you chlorine?

>> No.17299852
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I don't like mustard or cilantro
I also don't like a lot of sauces or strong herb flavors

>> No.17299856

chlorine is in your tap water

>> No.17299863

my sister-in-law is literally bubble bass when it comes to food orders. She contributes nothing to humanity.

>> No.17299883

youre thinking of pool water

>> No.17299961

>implying I don't keep hydrated by nothing but the purest of mtn dew

>> No.17299965

Dining out is pointless unless you're out for BBQ or pit beef or something that's not easy to make at home.

>> No.17300005

>Soul food is just southern food

>ny style pizza is garbage, but still manages to be better than authentic italian pizzas

>veganism is a cult

>keto diet works and is healthy

>reddit spacing is superior

>> No.17300030

>why do two girls only have one cup?

>> No.17300082
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Sbarro is really good pizza. I love the individual boxes

>> No.17300083
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>every fish type tastes the same, it's taste like 'sea' (a watery washed out flavor). even crabs and squid tastes like sea
>it's the only meat that you have to eat like a prospector, looking for bones
>it's the only food that if you fail at 'prospecting' you can kill yourself
>fish is so shitty that actively tries to hurt you
>there are no good dishes, and most people only eat fried, because that is the only way to make this garbage somewhat tasty
I hate everything about fish. Shrimp is the only thing that comes from water that doesn't taste watery or tries to kill you.

>> No.17300093

How is that unpopular at all?

>> No.17300094

Based fish hater

>> No.17300096
File: 362 KB, 1600x1067, 17E9216F-438C-4D35-AE2A-64BA0E905765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish delis suck ass and you are just going to be pissed that you got ripped off

>> No.17300103

How do Jewish delis rip you off? Never been to one.

>> No.17300104
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The best pizza? Ohio valley pizza

>> No.17300105

knife+fork and milk required

>> No.17300106

It's unpopular in Italy, Japan, and some parts of USA. OP probably thinks the entire world is like his local area.

>> No.17300109

Compound interest

>> No.17300119 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 338x450, 32A576BC-FDFF-469A-B6A4-6047923BE4D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastrami sandwich, $19.75. Abc it’s not that good

>> No.17300126
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x2666, B7F2DB2E-AA6A-482B-BF45-5479894291DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pastrami sandwich $19.75. And it’s not really even that great

>> No.17300140

The most outrageous thing on that menu is the price of bologna $12.95 for a fucking bologna sandwich.

>> No.17300147

No problem anon. If you at least give the effort of trying the food, I wouldn't consider you picky. Not everyone has broad tastes; some people just like a few things.
Movies are different, I'm not eating a movie and I don't need movies to live. It's a leisure activity to watch a movie. I don't watch many movies either; it has to really grab me and keep my attention or I just wind up being bored.

>> No.17300154

You ever see the sandwiches from this deli? They're fuckhueg; you can make at least two meals out of them. It's not an everyday thing but I'd pay for that once every other month.

>> No.17300179

All fish is disgusting you are my friend

>> No.17300190

Having twice as many food dislikes to food likes and outright refusing to give new things a try

>> No.17300206

I get the high price on the restaurant made expensive corned beef and pastrami, but $12.95 is excessive, unless they are making it in house too, then higher price seems more reasonable, but you would think if it was made in house, they would state so. It's probably just whatever they can get from sysco.

>> No.17300218

>I never eat shit should I try that

>> No.17300230

pineapple on pizza is fine and people pretend it's grosser than it is only because it's fun to jump on a bandwagon and trash something that others like.

>> No.17300237

Oh you mean specifically the bologna? Yeah I agree that's too expensive for a cheap ass deli meat. But then again, why would you go to Katz and order bologna? Maybe it's just bait for stupid people or picky eaters.

>> No.17300243

Texture is the most valid reason for disliking food out of preference

>> No.17300296

macaroni is not fucking spaghetti you moron

>> No.17300324

That's JYC. Try Rosenfeld's in Ocean City, MD.

>> No.17300373
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>> No.17300389

Wow who knew jap pan was so gay. euros everyone knows are gayer than michelle obama standing to take a piss.

>> No.17301702

>eat what you want
>Be happy
>Strangers seethe for eternity

>> No.17301939

Someone who needs to be accommodated for, not due to a medical issue

>> No.17301940

more than anything, it's proof of shitty parenting

>> No.17302887


>> No.17302948

Fool you are missing the fuck out it's fucking delicious
>Quail eggs
This is the only thing I'm not allergic to that I just cannot do.

>> No.17302950

get a load of this pathetic picky eater throwing a tantrum

>> No.17302960

I would unironically slam your hand into a george foreman grill and make you eat the smoldering mass of your wrist

>> No.17302962

literal autism

it's a sensory thing

>> No.17302965

Katz's is expensive because 1. Jews 2. HUGE portions 3. NYC 4. Tourist attraction

>> No.17302971

mac and cheese isn't an entree. if you eat mac and cheese as a whole meal you're a literal child

>> No.17303088

you should be grateful you have anything to eat at all

>> No.17303094

An adult child who refuses to eat a basic universal ingredient like tomatoes or onions

>> No.17303111


>> No.17303598

WTF are you even doing on /ck/ then, you don't even like food

>> No.17303626

The onions one baffles me. Onions are a foundational ingredient of savory dishes in pretty much every cuisine around the world. If you like chicken noodle soup, you like onion. If you like pot roast, you like onion. The worst is when you see people at a place like Panda Express or Chipotle asking the staff to not give them any from the stir fry or fajita veggies, as if all of the other veggies and meat the onions were cooked with and have been sitting with all that time don't taste like onions too.

>> No.17303741
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Thats a solid definition anon. Thank you, I'm gonna use that from now on.

>> No.17303755
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someone who doesn't like what I like and i have no choice but to throw a tantrum until they stop eating well done steaks

>> No.17304928

I have a coworker who refuses to eat tomatoes. Just fucking baffling honestly.

>> No.17304945
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American Pizza is the best in the world. American coffee is the best in the world. Not contraversial but people will pretend it is.

>> No.17305004

The existence of restaurants is weird and stupid. You pay an insane markup for an inferior product. More importantly, sitting in a room surrounded by strangers while you eat is unnatural.

>> No.17305020

Eh, sometimes you just wanna pay someone else to cook for you.

>> No.17305025

If you know how to properly structure your week and plan ahead, you should have prepped freezer meals for such an occasion.

>> No.17305038

It's the texture for most tomatophobes, same as okra

>> No.17305043
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>> No.17305131

>define picky eater.
Watching a friend spend a full 30 minutes picking every last miniscule bit of mushrooms from spaghetti sauce before he took the first bite, wrapping them in a napkin, carrying the napkin to the restroom to throw in the trash, then proudly proclaiming upon his return, " I don't eat fungus"

>> No.17305148

Some fish dishes are good, but the fish taste (the taste that makes you recognise it as fish) is bad and everybody knows that. They just sort of tolerate it because of the other qualities of fish dishes.

>> No.17305223

I think the American aversion to tomatoes is because most Americans are incapable of cooking for themselves, so the entirety of their exposure to tomatoes are flavorless crap that fast food restaurants use, or stuff you buy from the produce section of a store.

Canned tomatoes, ironically, have much more flavor--so do farm fresh/homegrown tomatoes.

>> No.17305260
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fish and gourds are inedible

>> No.17305291

I won't eat tomatoes on their own because they taste watery and have a horrible texture, I don't know how or why you would avoid eating them as an ingredient though, they're in nearly everything

>> No.17305297
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5 points or more on this chart.

>> No.17305318
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>> No.17305349

>white chocolate
These are genuinely not food and shouldn't be counted

>> No.17305421

I hate you

>> No.17305476


>> No.17305487

Calling food you don't like "genuinely not food" gets you 5 additional points

>> No.17305512


Quality image

>> No.17305575
File: 445 KB, 900x1032, 93720D11-2CBD-4465-9A96-87FBE4BE626A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had oysters

>> No.17306003

I only agree partially.

Sometimes you can make it at home just fine and still enjoy the way other places make it. If not that, you just don't feel like doing all that prep or clean-up.

>> No.17306008

That's a grievance, not an opinion.

>> No.17306011

White foods are superior.

>> No.17306024

It's not that those things aren't useful in other forms, I just see no point in eating onions that haven't been cooked in some fashion and tomatoes outside sauces and sundried just don't do it for me.

>> No.17306026

His mom was trying to give him a chlorine enema to cure his autism

>> No.17306059

It's edible but the problem I have is people acting like it's such a delicacy that it's worth having.

You can not prefer having it not because you hate it or that you're jumping on a bandwagon but rather whatever kind of pizza you're a in a mood to have is anything but the salty and tart ham and pineapple pie. Speaking personally it's a grievance because that's usually the "festive" and "adventurous" choice of free pizza in a gathering you put up with but I'll be damned if I chip in for that combination when I'd rather have something else.

>> No.17306063

I've tried it, and I'd eat more if I had to, but escargot really are just pencil erasers in a tasty butter garlic sauce.

>> No.17306069

with enough boxes, it's a meal but you'll have a bitch of a time on the can.

>> No.17306077

There’s no such thing as “high-quality” pasta.

Pasta is all the same and there is no difference between brands or price.

Expensive pasta is just a scam.

>> No.17306093

I like to make pineapple pizza but I have a whole flavor profile I like with it so I have to be making the sauce.
I fry up a bunch of bacon, take my bacon out the grease and chop it, sautee a couple yellow onions in the grease, then add my tomatoes, pineapple, and jalapenos and cook that down to a jammy consistency.
Then top that with mozz, cheddar, and the bacon from earlier.

Most toppings are honestly better in the sauce instead of on top of a pizza.

>> No.17306104

What about fresh made, desu?

>> No.17306109

The only thing I dislike is liver, I'd still eat it though.

>> No.17306116

It's an unpopular opinion thread.
OP talked about picky eaters.

No one had to ask for anon to go off as he did, it makes sense in context.

>> No.17306120

never had liver or tofu
wont eat brussel sprouts, eggplant, or beets

>> No.17306121

You must have no chin, anon.

>> No.17306176

isn't nutella basically chocolate frosting? I've never eaten it and don't want to because I don't eat chocolate frosting. if someone put a nutella something in front of me I'd eat it but the opportunity has never presented itself and I refuse to buy that shit

>> No.17306185

It's hazelnut spread with cocoa in it.

I mean it's practically frosting in a way but you shouldn't use it as such because you'll kill people with nut allergies.

>> No.17306224
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it just looks gross to me and the nutella craze years ago was so dumb. who the fuck would spread chocolate frosting on toast and think it's a good snack? why wouldn't you use peanut butter? how much do these people weigh?

>> No.17306255

The single dumbest post in this thread. Have you ever heard of taste?

>> No.17306267

only 3 points for me. broccoli, mayo and ranch. they all make me gag

>> No.17306273

do you mean flavor? because texture is part of taste

>> No.17306322

I must've meant flavor, sure. Regardless, whatever I mean is more important than texture to a dish.

>> No.17306755

Maybe if you're buying the dried shit but fresh made pasta has a much better texture

>> No.17307900

That's not unpopular at all. Literally every picky eater I've met has either been an autist or someone with extreme anxiety problems that they don't cope with in a healthy way. I once outright dated a girl who unironically called 911 because she more or less accidentally didn't order from the kid's menu

>> No.17307905

Basically anyone who refuses entire cuisines for arbitrary reasons, even without giving them a chance. I'm personally allergic to shellfish and in general don't like seafood but I'll at least still give it a chance

>> No.17307908

Damn dude, have you been preying on the mentally handicapped for an easy fuck?

>> No.17307918

I have never eaten Indian food and have no real desire to do so

>> No.17307919

Michel Roux actually did exactly that, but with a poached salmon and bois boudran sauce. Bois boudran sauce fucking slaps btw.


>> No.17307922

>Canned tuna
I'll eat it but I would never go out of my way to do so. So fucking dry
Too sweet
Hate the taste but I'll eat it, I just scarf it down as fast as possible
Just don't loik em
Nice, made it

>> No.17307924

>more or less

So, you ordered food she didn't want to eat because according to you it "doesn't matter" and she, quite rightly, called the police because her boyfriend is a control freak. I know your type, and the next step probably would have been force-feeding. Good on her for nipping that one in the bud.

>> No.17307940

>blue cheese
too strong for me
never had any reason to order them, so never eaten them
>ranch dressing
disgusting fat soup
never had any reason to order them, so never eaten them
i feel like they taste like eating a watermelon rind. i avoid at all times. however i love pickles
never had any reason to order them, so never eaten them
never had any reason to order them, so never eaten them
the flavor is ok but i really hate the sticky, gummy texture
i just cant

>> No.17307941
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what a fishlet

>> No.17307970

i dont like mushrooms. so im the devil and i should die thats this thread

>> No.17307989

I don't have a wide palate because I'm an autistic incel shut-in who has no reason to expand my palate to unique or expensive tastes. I remember when I was a little kid I would go to restaurants with my parents and ate things that were viewed as I guess pretty unique for kids to eat like calamari and fares that would be at decently fancy restaurants when most kids and teens would just eat finger foods

I'm just too cheap man. The rare times I go out to a decent restaurant I'll just order their "fancy" hamburger because I don't want to pay $30 for a meat main course.

>> No.17308086

Am I picky if I love sushi but won't eat cooked fish?

>> No.17308119

Such a beautiful video, I've made my own version of bois boudran with capers.

>> No.17308129

Only have one, maybe two.
I despise beans especially when they're not cooked properly. Wheat bread is very hit or miss for me.

>> No.17308233

Eat real, garden fresh tomatoes with fresh mozz, basil and balsamic vinegar. Grocery store ones are GMO shit.

>> No.17308447

I refuse to eat the gross parts of animals, no matter how delicious or "traditional" it is.

>> No.17308491


>> No.17308616
File: 2.12 MB, 1020x1015, 3DDA47DE-6C29-44F9-9D2D-4C7022C2DC20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I actually completely agree with all of these wtf
Never had this happen with lists like these

>> No.17308631

I mostly come in here to call pretentious food queers dumb niggers and never reply to their posts

>> No.17308956

you cant have any sort of intellectual prejudice against flavour because you cant describe it retard

>> No.17309078

A lot of "picky eater" habits are merely because they were routinely served the worst possible version of said food/ingredient or wanted to "try something else for once" and bought the cheapest pre-packaged version (if applicable) or whatever fruit that needs to be mature to be good. Then they immediately chomps it down "in a vacuum", imagine trying a blonde lager beer after eating a cinnamon bun, shits terrible. Then reflexively reject the unripe/old/mushy/cold/hot/cheap/dry/chemical smelling/tasting thing as "horrible, how can anyone eat this? I hate it!". Then obviously refuse ever touching it again.

Then a person might recognize this and make them taste a proper version of it but people tend to dig their heels in and summon the image of the shit they tasted earlier plus feel their person is threatened so they still sour the taste of whatever they are given and only through pure curiosity or peace of mind would change their opinion of it. All of this is obviously not any of their conscious thoughts.

>> No.17309119

Chicken breast >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicken thighs.

I'm happy that's an objectively unpopular opinion because it makes the chicken breasts here way cheaper than any other kind of meat.

>> No.17309150

I've never had ranch so cannot comment on it but I'd be willing to eat everything on that list. Escargot are just a vessel for the garlicy sauce, not fantastic but fine. Not super big on white chocolate but I wouldn't refuse to eat it.

>> No.17309165

>eats dog anus
>won't eat a pack of fries

>> No.17309203

Just liver. Some of the stuff I don't really like, but can eat without making a scene or faces, like white chocolate for example is too sweet for me. Also, I don't think vinegar is supposed to be had by itself

>> No.17309441

0 points, I win

>> No.17309444

what "reason" do you need to order a food? Did you mean to type "opportunity"?

>> No.17309458

>old lady acting like a fucking picky toddler
id pull that chair from under her seat and curbstomp that fucking prune

>> No.17309491

My best friend is a picky eater and it really bothers me because I enjoy sharing food with people and my best friend never eats my food because LITERALLY EVERYTHING has "something" he doesn't like. The only thing I can make for him is fucking pizza or chicken nuggets. We get fast food almost exclusively when we hang out because he won't eat anything else.

>> No.17309493

why is that prick your friend

>> No.17309549
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FUCK tomatoes
FUCK liver
and FUCK raisins

>> No.17309558


>> No.17309668
File: 227 KB, 800x914, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17309697

>enjoy sharing food with people
no you enjoy dopamine rush you get from being validated by others
just make him chebureki with few sauces

>> No.17309938

how is it that when i say i don't like a food, you think that i've never tried it? what is wrong with your brain.

>> No.17309960

I don't drink coffee and I have never had escargot.

>> No.17309975

>I don't drink coffee
I can't imagine a more Reddit thing to say.
You have to go back.

>> No.17310004

Maybe just stop sharing food with him then, you dumb bitch?

>> No.17310005

imagine being this obsessed with reddit

>> No.17310010

Zero. The only thing I'm picky about is artichokes. Fuck artichokes.

>> No.17310042
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I'm not even a picky eater. I'll eat mayonnaise and mushrooms, but not on their own. Only when they're part of a dish.

>> No.17310056

Oh, same with carrots. I'm not a big fan of raw carrots but they go well in some dishes.

>> No.17310114 [DELETED] 

snails and frogs are ok

>> No.17310321

Lobster isn’t too much work

I’m extremely lazy and it’s quite fun to me.

>> No.17310366


Don’t really like soy sauce

>> No.17310382

It’s not frosting you

I don’t even have an insult for this

It doesn’t look like frosting, it’s not made with icing sugar. Just look it up.

I don’t even like it nowadays because of the sugar but the extra cocoa might be for you.

>> No.17310406

So many of you are literal children. I would be embarrassed if I had kids like this.

>Muh choice

Grow up, you’re just not used to it or had a bad experience.

My family are like the hunter gatherers we really are. We are omnivores not ‘eat what isn’t icky to me vore’

>> No.17310408
File: 501 KB, 800x914, picky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm picky

>> No.17310445

someone whose parents didn't discipline them enough so they just bought them frozen fried food to get them to eat something.

>> No.17310482

I haven't had escargot, but I'm not opposed to trying it

>> No.17310528

Liver raisins mushrooms

>> No.17310757

Vegetarian detected.

>> No.17310772

>lobster is too much work

says it all, you are a child go ask mummy to cut the crusts of your sandwich

>> No.17310777

maybe if it tasted great it'd be worth the work but it's a subpar fish so I can live without it

>> No.17310778

never anything i wont eat but there is stuff i don't like

>> No.17310783

fish curry is good, white fish>, I love nonfish seafood especially, muscles scallops squid yummy

>> No.17310787

My cousin is 29, orders burgers plain, nothing on it but cheese, the same goes for pretty much anything. He eats as if he's a 10-year-old, a picky one at that.

>> No.17310798

do you even bother cooking? Just eat bread and cheese, everything else is too much worse

>> No.17310814

If you tried to frost a cake with nutella the cake would tear, it's a nut butter with added palm oil, sugar, and cocoa.
It's more like to stuff inside a chocolate truffle than a frosting.

>> No.17310825


get over your obsession with your freaky fish

you have to eat it with a garbage bag beside you and it's a 3/10 fish.

people just eat it because they think it makes them look good

it just makes you look stupid but you might already be stupid anyway

>> No.17310835

1 point, and thats Nutella, and that shouldn't even be on there. It's a fucking cop-out. Kill yourself.

>> No.17310849
File: 181 KB, 850x850, Creamy-seafood-pasta-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, this shit is delicious

>> No.17311186

picky adults are disturbingly cringe

>> No.17311610

Mushrooms are hard to like.

>> No.17311660

Still not putting tomatoes in my steak sandwich, faggot.

>> No.17312071

I don't particularly like Tofu or Celery and would never buy them, but I wouldn't refuse a dish that happens to contain them.

0 points, I'm a true omnivore, a little chunky too, I probably taste delicious.

>> No.17312220

lol this fucking faggot wont eat tofu. learn to cook

>> No.17312253

Not that guy but tofu literally has the consistency of a soaked-up sponge and makes squeking noises against your teeth. Plus, you know, it has no flavor. Don't get me wrong, there's nice dishes that contain tofu, but along with snails and liver it can't be enjoyed on its own and is therefore one of the more resonable choices on the list.