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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.92 MB, 608x1080, Microwave.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17296472 No.17296472 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else's microwave attract insects?

How do I get them out and keep them out?

>> No.17296479

not opening that

>> No.17296482

this is bait

>> No.17296490
File: 314 KB, 248x200, nopered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17296499

burn your living situation down and yourself

>> No.17296508

You move

>> No.17296509

>can afford a high quality smartphone and internet to record and upload this video
>can't afford a new microwave to replace his invested one

Americans have strange priorities

>> No.17296511

Open the microwave anon

>> No.17296520

it do be like that at times regardless if this whole thread is bait

>> No.17296529

those roaches remind me of that old canadian stop motion with the bugs who come out and party at night after the bar closes down, superchannel would show weird stuff at night between movies and all that

>> No.17296535

forgot the link wtf

>> No.17296564
File: 279 KB, 754x563, shutitdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I used to have a friend who had a house like that. Worst infestation I've ever seen. The roaches would just crawl around openly during the day. All around the house. You couldn't leave an open drink around. Even a fast food cup, they would crawl into the straw when you weren't looking. They would get into appliances. I remember I left a laptop over there for a while. When I got it back you could see little bits of them in the fan, in the keyboard, and when I saw one crawl out from the case when I was using it I threw it away. You would constantly hear little "smacks" as they fell from the ceiling. The few times I crashed on his couch, they would keep you up at night crawling on all over you.

>> No.17296721

That sounds fucking horrific

>> No.17296743

It's probably the heat and the light. When flatscreen TVs came out roaches were all inside my trashy uncle's TV, and any who has been around a druggies place knows they'll crawl inside every electronic device. That's why malfunctions were originally called bugs.

>> No.17296744

I bet someones still using it for microwaving hotpockets. Mutts, man...

>> No.17296749

A smartphone is as cheap as free and data plans are like $40 for one person. It's not exactly a sign of wealth.

>> No.17296840
File: 175 KB, 825x652, 1641996350586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my life right now. i live in an apartment that came with the fuckers unknown to me at the time and i found them living in the microwave and had to throw it out. my girlfriend replaced it with a ninja foodi but it too has these strange vents along the side that seemingly do nothing but provide a hiding space for these fuckers to dwell. i found a roach crawling on top of it today (we thought we had got rid of them) and sprayed it down with raid and bleach and quarantined it outside just to be safe. seriously though, why do all electric cooking appliances have these weird vents on them?

>> No.17296849

thats their home now

>> No.17296850

I have roaches but I keep them well under control.
You've let it get to the point where you need to burn your house down.

>> No.17296859

They have vents to regulate heat. Get boric acid and some diatomaceous earth, look up how to plant them and go to town.

>> No.17296868

Once you see one...

Those fuckers are all over your place man. If you live in a decent place ask your landlord to bring in an exterminator because he doesn't want that shit to spread or make it unlivable for the next person.

>> No.17296879

>diatomaceous earth
I actually did pour a bunch of that in there. My place looks like a pizza kitchen because I have that floury shit everywhere. it's a shame that i can't just shove steel wool in those vents i fucking hate these bastards

>> No.17296889

Apparently when there's enough of them, they start chewing on humans.

>> No.17296899

Images like this make me remember how thankful I am I live in a desert near the equator and not a tropical equatorial zone. I've visited those zones enough to despise the bugs. Sure, I have all matter of spider, scorpion, and centipede sort of creepy crawlies to contend with, but so long as I am relatively cognizant about not leaving doors and windows open without screens, it's not that big of an issue. In tropical zones, those critters will eat their way through meters of wood to get inside your home within a couple of years. Might as well set your alarm clock to play la cucaracha.

>> No.17296923

why would you stay there? Or leave something?

>> No.17296924

maybe attracted to the light? we dont have bugs like that near me, but you could get a brighter light somewhere else to draw them away. if that doesn't work you could spray something that bugs don't like to smell on it like how citronella makes mosquitoes fly away

>> No.17296930

they have been known to eat people's eyelashes while they sleep :)

>> No.17296944

He did call up an exterminator but he was a goondick who looked like he had just smoked a joint before he walked in my front door. We got into it after he did some stupid shit and I've had to deal with it myself ever since.

>> No.17296953
File: 876 KB, 1413x1350, 1637510284083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy this, lay a hundred of these sticky traps around your house.
this is how I solved my cockroach infestation.

>> No.17296965
File: 172 KB, 442x509, 1519160032176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread theme

>> No.17296968
File: 206 KB, 1301x1192, 71hpSlrcnHL._AC_SL1301_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely your greatest ally.

>> No.17296983
File: 211 KB, 1024x685, istockphoto-471805971-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this.
More vids like this please.

>> No.17297077

apparently they are repelled by minty things
another reason to brush and use mouthwash before bed
couple months ago, got drunk, ate 2 burgers, and passed out
woke up in the middle of the night to the odd sensation of something almost daintily scurrying across my left brow and nose then mouth
>full grown american cockroach
never knew until that night that roaches are smart enough to charge at threats as an intimidation tactic

>> No.17297094

this is absolute retarded nonsense
nothing in this thread is p. americana and you're also a retard

>> No.17297098

This is bait but get a big jug of peppermint oil. Usually comes with a sprayer but you can buy a pump spray for cheap so w/e. Personally never used it for bugs but yo keep my shed free from raccoons. Been told most bugs find it poisonous as well which is why I'm bringing it up. S!ells good too.

>> No.17297100

idiot meme solution that doesnt work.
Diatomaceous earth is the only thing anyone would ever need

>> No.17297104

Why do you want them out? They aren't hurting anything

>> No.17297106

>pot calling the kettle black

>> No.17297109

please tell me more about all the american roaches anyone in this thread is talking about especially because they don't infest homes you dipshit retard

>> No.17297113

You sound like a fucking cockroach. Of course roaches will eat eyelashes, especially if they are starved. You fuckers will eat anything organic.

>> No.17297140

>hmm yes roaches will seek out the least nutritionally viable food when they’re already in a filthy environment that obviously has enough food to sustain an infesting colony

you’re fucking retarded and you don’t know anything

>> No.17297144


>> No.17297147

Yeah because they don't behave like German roaches. People spaz about the American one because it's big

>> No.17297149

i mentioned said cockroach for illustrative purposes
>they don't infest homes
like hell they won't albeit less likely than the smaller ones
>dipshit retard
>>echo chamber

>> No.17297153

periplanta americana is not an infesting species and you're retarded and embarassing yourself

>> No.17297157

you're just moving the goalposts like the contentious little cunt you are. no one here believes your propaganda anyway you eight legged shit eating fucker.

>> No.17297158

Did you know some people likes roaches on their peepee?

>> No.17297162

six legged* don't mean to offend any spiders here by comparing them to your kind

>> No.17297163

>8 legged
retard confirmed

>> No.17297164

>is not an infesting species
>>t. never witnessed, therefore, impossible

>> No.17297167

>sound of you slurping up the shit of your youngest child
cockroach confirmed

>> No.17297168

>saying im w-rong is m-moving the g-goalposts!1!!
kill yourself retard

>> No.17297175

t. uneducated florida resident

>> No.17297177

>i say they are starved
>you say they have plenty to eat
just ctrl+f eyelashes and fuck off you roach defending twit

>> No.17297184

>infestations happen without viable food sources
imagine unironically being this stupid
roaches dont bite. that's the first thing they claim and its already balls to the wall idiotic

>> No.17297196

move to the penthouse - cockroaches don't climb that high. you be alright there yo

>> No.17297201


>> No.17297224

that's actually the fucking opposite of what it says you insect brained motherfucker and it's common sense that many roaches aren't afraid of humans and will eat anything they come across being filthy fucking cockroaches which is literally what it says

>> No.17297236
File: 67 KB, 602x308, 90bf21750106112442831c976aa8945d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the opposite of what it says
you are even more retarded than i thought if you genuinely believe that roaches have big enough jaws to bite people

>> No.17297251

fucking hell

>> No.17297258

I don't know I've never looked a cockroach in the face before dickhead, I know flies bite and ants bite and fucking FLEAS bite so why the fuck would I believe you and your roach buddies could not??

>> No.17297262

talk about moving the goalposts. i cannot imagine embarrassing myself like you have

>> No.17297272

yeah no shit somehow this conversation went from whether or not cockroaches eat human eyelashes (a documented fact) to you poisoning the well and rubbing your thorax on everything any chance you get

>> No.17297283

provide a single document other than le ebin pestwiki you dipshit imp

>> No.17297290


>> No.17297293

Holy fuck, why do you fucking care so much? What are you, an entomologist or something? Why are you defending dirty, filthy, cocksucking little faggot ass bugs this fucking hard? Who the fuck gives a shit if they bite, they're nasty little beasts regardless.

>> No.17297296

hmm i wonder if a pest control company might have motivation for misrepresenting facts hmmmmmmmmmm wow that’s a real thinker. fuck me you’re so goddamn dumb it’s amazing you can even use a keyboard

>> No.17297300

Cockroaches eat fucking anything they can chew. This is a fact. It is also a fact that I have woken up in a fucking fit from having a cricket crawl on my face (equally notorious for eating anything they can chew) and mashing the little fucker into my bed sheets, then having to change my bed sheets at 3am because of smashed cricket guts and GF even more freaked out than I was. While crickets are much more common here, cockroaches are 100x the menace in other areas, and I completely understand the abhorrence.

>> No.17297308

>what are you an entomologist?
roaches aren’t bugs retard

>> No.17297311

good thing they provided a nice little bibliography at the bottom of the page for you to review their sources then :)

>> No.17297313

they cannot bite humans and the only fact in your entire post is that you’re a bumbling retard who should have been aborted

>> No.17297325

Well excuse me for sleeping all clumsy like, you fucking douche bag piece of shit.
Yeah, fuck you too, you leftist murdering filth.

>> No.17297340

Nobody gives a shit. They aren't even cool bugs like ants, they're just stupid fucking dirty trash bugs. Your job is gay and you're a faggot.

>> No.17297344

this was my very first /ck/ thread holy fucking kek

>> No.17297348

I'm convinced this guy is actually a sentient hive of roaches. I've never seen someone do so much damage control for disgusting pests, at least not since all media outlets called the fentanyl Floyd riots peaceful.

>> No.17297352

It's pretty fun here, huh?

>> No.17297364

Bring in wolf spiders to eat ze bugs.

>> No.17297383

ants aren’t bugs

>> No.17297385

>his invested one
think of how much he has put into it

>> No.17297388

All arthropods are bugs. Seethe more, nerd.

>> No.17297395

same, are cockroaches really allowed to post here??

>> No.17297398

an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking

>> No.17297405
File: 65 KB, 1000x667, Killing-cockroach-by-poison-spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17297409
File: 207 KB, 1200x900, kill 'em all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bug posted this. You can tell by the typo because bug legs can't even handle virtual keyboards.

>> No.17297412

Wtf nigga

>> No.17297415


its 2am here on east coast, i finally caught a mouse that had been around my room last few weeks. at least mice are just annoying, but insects are big NOPE, i am compelled to kill any i see on sight.

>> No.17297422
File: 100 KB, 735x541, 59405AAE-4E7A-4DA2-B48D-0AB58D1D90B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17297423

great now to find her children

>> No.17297427
File: 14 KB, 250x250, stepping-on-roach_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17297487

>I wasted eight years of my life going to school to study fucking bugs of all things
No one fucking gives a shit. Do you understand? I read the same faggot nerd shit about bugs in the 3rd grade, I know that, (((scientifically))), bugs are a specific kind of insect. Can you not understand that no one, save for some fucking dweeb who spent eight years and tens of thousands of dollars studying BUGS, cares about the distinctions and intricacies of fucking dumb ass bugs.

>> No.17297508

"Bug" only refers to insects within the order hemiptera

>> No.17297513

I unironically found a fly walking around like this between the two layers of glass in my microwave door

>> No.17297551

You're actually a faggot.

>> No.17297694

sometimes the living situation back home is even worse.

>> No.17298155
File: 315 KB, 381x396, 1619844164446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how in the fuck
>this is bait
I'm biting, what in the god damn