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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 960x720, ecFLe3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17294264 No.17294264 [Reply] [Original]

What do you have for your birthday dinner/dessert? You're not just a basic bitch that gets pizza and cake, right?

>> No.17294278

Happy bday, anon. We already have a thread.

>> No.17295298

Nothing because I'm older than 12.

>> No.17295382


I never understood how little connection with reality some people have. I can understand wanting to show a kind gesture but when they pcik up that camera and stare through the lens or at the digital camera screen just what do they see other than something so depressing, even pathetic, and think to themnselves 'maybe this isn't right - maybe this isn't what I want that person to experience' on this special day'.

>> No.17295541

the last birthday I celebrated with people I grilled ribs

>> No.17295610

last birthday my family tried to arrange a party for me for which i halfheartedly agreed to and then on my birthday i slept all day so they all had the party without me lol

>> No.17295618

I haven't celebrated my birthday in over 20 years. I have nothing against those that do it's just not for me. My self esteem can't take that shit

>> No.17295634

depends on the decade. first, yeah, pizza and cake for many friends. second, chilis or applebees or whatever, and a movie, all with 2 friends. after 18 i started just hanging out with james for 2-3 days drinking, which we also did on his birthdays. that stopped in my late 20's. now i buy myself a steak, maybe call him for a few, and drink myself to sleep

>> No.17295638

This seems typical. Useless son because shitty father and overbearing mother. Kid is almost 18 and is still incredibly useless. The kid knows this and recognizes the dissapointment he causes his father. The mother is in her own world of unconditional love and justifies her existence through the coddling of her only child.

I will say it is remarkable how well this image captures the failure of modern boomer tier parenting. This women created a masterfully composed image by accident.

Tl;dr basically the story of the little mermaid.

>> No.17295655

I'm not a basic bitch that gets le special epic b-day dindin

>> No.17295670

they literally don't think about this stuff
the NPC shit is not a meme

>> No.17295701

>kid disappoints father
other way around. parents are a disappointment to the kid. the parents have already given up on their own humanity long ago. The crooked frames, the trash on the floor, the mismatched furniture, the cheap house, the tasteless tablecloth.
Kid doesn't even get to own any of that. The kid is trying to cope growing up under parents that don't care at least in the ways that matter. The kid doesn't know what it means to be a free human being, just an inner instinct, but everything around him is wrong, and he doesn't know how to connect the dots and act to fix it.

Even the cake is the bare minimum, look at that frosting job. He won't know why but in 10 years time he'll be a borderline neurotic perfectionist. He'll have a desire to make a cake for an occasion he won't be able to explain and he won't settle for anything less than a perfect frosting job.

Make Cake Great Again

>> No.17295713

Based and cakepilled.

>> No.17295829

my mom made my cakes with betty crocker cake mix, i didnt care she didnt make it from scratch because it was soulful

>> No.17295848

That's sad. My wife makes me a nice steak dinner and bakes apfelstrudel.

>> No.17295876

Dude, NPCs can't fucking think about things like that, are you joking?

>> No.17295891

I literally came here to post something very similar in response to this >>17295638 midwit take

>> No.17295906

This is the kind of shit that destroyed me. Growing up and seeing my schizoid mom and my ADHD dad kill themselves in different ways was just insanely shameful, and that shame stays with me today. That shame will be the death of me.

>> No.17295944

Same but I grew up poor, I'm lucky to be blessed with great friends who have come to my birthday parties for the last 10 or so years.

Now that I have money on my own I'd really like to break the cycle andstart throwing proper, happy, birthday celebrations for my parents, bc they probably didn't have ones when they were young.

>> No.17296087

>schizoid mom and ADHD dad
thats not the sort of combination youd expect

>> No.17296110

Yeah. Every generation is ashamed of every generation that comes before or after them. Also water is wet

>> No.17296115

I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was a teenager

>> No.17296122
File: 558 KB, 367x265, 1642556729518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend makes me meatloaf. She does it in a muffin pan for maximum crispy parts with a sweet/spicy sauce. Phenomenal.

>> No.17296126

weak effort boomer

>> No.17296127
File: 70 KB, 500x363, party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17296129


>> No.17296197

My mom manipulated my dad into a relationship and then she hid for most of my childhood.

>> No.17296213
File: 732 KB, 828x818, wowshack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meatloaf is an abomination.

>> No.17296221
File: 688 KB, 2048x2730, 1642558102071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All she'll say is the sauce has lemon juice and jalapenos in it. Only reason I keep inviting her ass back so I don't blame her. Sorry bud. Have a doggo.

>> No.17296225

Italian meatloaf is a real slapper. You basically stew the meatloaf in beef broth, potatoes, and veggies. By the time the well seared meatloaf cooks the potatoes are perfectly cooked and you have a wonderful stew with your loaf. Fuck it's so good.

>> No.17296251
File: 355 KB, 2048x2730, 1642558609790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an untrustworthy homosexual
Side note: It freezes real nice in that form. Reheat a couple meat muffins at a time in the microwave.
Desire to know more intensifies.

>> No.17296260
File: 212 KB, 720x732, Screenshot_20210415-185227_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, bb. If you try the recipe a cookalong thread would be much appreciated. It's truly delicious.

It's kinda tricky to flip the meatloaf when you're searing it, but a couple spatulas usually gives you enough support for the flip.

>> No.17296281
File: 470 KB, 2730x2048, 1642559012108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved. Cheers m8

>> No.17296297

That picture makes me incredibly sad.

>> No.17296460

this is what every suburban cumskin whiteoid household looks and feels like. devoid of culture, devoid of community. devoid of love.

>> No.17296498

I did korean barbeque at my house.
And yes I'm so lonely I had to prepare for my own birthday party.

>> No.17296568

Vegetable tray

>> No.17297509

Who even uploaded this picture?
The kid or the mother?

>> No.17297570

His mom probably uploaded it to facebook and didnt think it would be spread to millions of people.

>> No.17297597

What a grim picture. I hope the son is doing better

>> No.17297601

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting every year for the past 36 years or so. Look forward to it every year still.

>> No.17297608


Everything and everyone has there place, there has to be have nots for there to be haves beautiful people and beautiful lives wouldn’t be so if it weren’t for the unfortunate making their lives look beautiful in contrast. Those people don’t know any better or different because that moment is their reality and life you are the one disconnected from reality for questioning those people’s and implying there’s some other way for things to be other than what they are.

>> No.17297615

Based stroke poster

>> No.17297622

my birthday was last week and i had pizza, orange fanta, and a haagen daz bar. i also had pizza for the previous 3 birthdays.
thing about early january is everyone is worn out from all the holidays and even i dont care enough to do anything too fancy.

>> No.17297635

My b'day is on the 4th of July, but I'm Canadian so no one gives a fuck

>> No.17297665

i dont mind that, less phone calls and messages to deal with.

>> No.17297765

Plus you're presumably over 18 years old.

>> No.17297798

I was one of these boys. My dad worked his arse off and I always appreciated him, but he worked nights and then, when he wasn't working, he was out drinking or zombie-mode in front of TV. You can't really blame them, and it comes across as pathetic if you keep doing it way into your 20s and 30s.

>> No.17297803

it’s actually my birthday today and im having a kbbq party with my family

cheers bros

>> No.17297873

>The kid doesn't know what it means to be a free human being, just an inner instinct, but everything around him is wrong, and he doesn't know how to connect the dots and act to fix it.

The existential crisis of 18-25 is something i don't want to live through again. Life is so complicated until you finally know how to answer the questions. Then it feels so obvious despite your conclusions needing multiple layers of recursive reasoning to make any sense.

I go to my parents where my dad makes us slow cooked southern American style ribs. My brother or mum makes a cake which is awesome.

>> No.17297904

Why isn't the father in the room singing happy birthday?

>> No.17297908

Stop being a faggot

>> No.17297931

happy birthday :)

>> No.17297973

Cringe and boomerpilled.
Captcha: VWGAY.

>> No.17297999

yes, basic bitch life is very enjoyable I hear

>> No.17298054

i had a tradition to eat a big fucking sandwich at a store every year but then it got too expensive.
Then pizza with anchovies and then it got too expensive to make.

So now i don't even celebrate my birthday

>> No.17298103

My alcoholic single mother being drunk and taking away any joy from birthdays and most activities you can imagine.
Single mothers are cancer

>> No.17298328
File: 541 KB, 622x863, birthday boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17298337

> twink son
> fat boomer dad on the couch

>> No.17298365

At least he got a chocolate cake and he is cute
Other pictures like these feature a mountain of shitty cookies and cupcakes with more coming out of birthday boxes

>> No.17298802

Unsurprising, but will always disgust.

>> No.17298810

Dumb fuck. This is why you RSVP in the invitation.
I hope they made him eat all 32 portions of food as punishment.