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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17289897 No.17289897 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm tired of people pretending that bong cuisine is bad

>> No.17289903

and i'm tired of bongs pretending it isn't

>> No.17289948

bong cuisine ? elaborate?

>> No.17289959

Fancy uses of pot i guess

>> No.17289966

>Implying we pretend.

>> No.17289968

>What do you mean you don't like unseasoned fried fish on mushy vegetables?

>> No.17289982
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I eat too much kebab

>> No.17289993

(I'm a little worried about this. We can't be sure he's even going to want to talk to us. If he does, he could be a plant, or be so scared that he'll just stay hidden for the rest of his life, or run away. I'll be watching for any signs of that, but I'm going to have to be careful not to provoke him.)


"Pain can be your greatest ally, from pain you can learn to apply it, endure it and avoid it. Without pain there is no

>> No.17290007

I could certainly go for a proper meat pie or some bangers and mash about now. You would have thought meat pies at least woulda clicked with Americans. The only ones you can really find at the grocery are like some food stamp, prison food bullshit. The real ones are legit best thing ever.

>> No.17290080

I shit on American food practices, but when it comes to variety of ingredients, there's nothing like America.

>> No.17290086

i only call bong food bad because i hate british people so much. i'm sure there's something over there that's edible that isn't just something from a different country.

>> No.17290108
File: 74 KB, 826x620, 1de75143-5e6a-4bff-845b-1035947ca33f-beef_pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Pasty which is pretty much the same thing as a meat pie.

>> No.17290531


>> No.17290569

Meat pies can be good. I've had far too many that are 70% potato, or have fish in them, or worst of all, are 60% crust.
t. son of parents from country that gained independence in 1960

>> No.17290605

bong as in britbong. from when a burger autist described his visit to bongland with big bong chiming bongs and everyone jumping and chanting "bong'o'clock"

as for food,
mince pies, sunday roast, full english, pasty, welsh cakes, haggis, etc.

there are some decent meals to be had, but it never really evolved beyond peasant food. mostly evolved in medieval period where it was all about "balancing humors". that shit left a strong mark. brought some interesting things like pork & apple, which transitioned into pork & honey, but there was a period where "invention" was backwards.

nobility came from abroad and ate their own food, but that was defore nobility started inventing food as well.

by the time britain developed enough to spend time in the kitchen, it was already lapped a few times, so it was easy to just adopt. then ww1 & 2 came, and it was back to square 1.

it doesn't help that promotion of british quisine involves food for political purposes
tikka masala - by asian immigrants (means indian/pakistani/bangladeshi/... in uk)
fish and chips - jewish sabbat food
coronation chicken - used as sandwich spread, made up for, well, coronation of the current queen.

that, plus brits have never taken pride in their food. and i think this will be the main reason.
sandwich comes from bongland, and like pizza, it's become a meme because it's easy, fast and tasty.
unlike pizza, noone will associate sandwich with any geographic location.
i mean, the sandwich culture is so strong that a new sandwich filling was deemed appropriate as a food invention for a royal event. and yet...

>> No.17291034
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I eat store bought menudo

>> No.17291066

I want to bake stuff so much but i am on a diet

I wish there was a zero calorie flour. The inventor of that will be rich

>> No.17291067

I genuinely enjoy Velveeta and think it's great not only on its own with crackers/bread but also in most things that require cheese

>> No.17291094

I like to put piece of bacon in my popcorn.

>> No.17291104

I use garlic power instead of mincing garlic when I don't feel like scrubbing my hands afterwards.

>> No.17291206

I'm against fast food but still go to Taco bell.

>> No.17291288

Haha, poopie. Poopie fast foodie. Some are addicted to drugs or porn or sex, you're addicted to scrubbie poopie. I bet you use a rice cooker

>> No.17291397

>I bet you use a rice cooker
Making rice is retard easy. Even if you fuck up it's still usable bar it being burned.

>> No.17291431

could this be..?