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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17287140 No.17287140 [Reply] [Original]

>sir, recently we've changed our policies to reduce waste and lower our carbon footprint. each piece of single-use packaging with your order will incur an additional fee of $0.15 per item.

>> No.17287142

No thanks. Anyway, can I get uhhh........

>> No.17287146

I'll just put it in my pocket

>> No.17287147

Um sweety, you dont get to decide what we charge you, youre the one addicted to this shit

>> No.17287165

Okay, you can put it directly into my mouth
The customer is always right

>> No.17287187

Why would they tell you? They just charge it.

>> No.17287201

Take off those clothes, I'm not paying to be served in that.

>> No.17287202

Boner: Activated

>> No.17287707

I just kinda wanna lick her small titties and body up and down for awhile. Anyone else?

>> No.17287876

nah.. anyways ill have uuhhh....

>> No.17287920
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Interminably based.

>> No.17287932

Self-checkout aisles in my grocery store just started doing this. Thn you have to manually enter the number of bags you used. Your own bags trigger the weight alarms. I'm considering putting each item on the bagside scale individually, then back into my cart as the loose items start to roll off. Big fun. I'm going to punish them for this bullshit.

>> No.17287944

I imagine it's going to waste about two minutes of the cashier's time every time I do a self-checkout. I want to see if I can get it to trigger the manager override codes, too. Haha.

>> No.17287962

Ooh. Another fun one to try would be to load up 12-dozen eggs into one plastic bag to save the environment. Then the bag breaks when you lift it up and eggs are all over the checkout line floor.

>> No.17287967

i always click 0 bags then take what i need. what are they gonna do chase you for stealing a carrier bag?

>> No.17287971

I haven't done that yet. I have double-bagged really heavy shit and counted it as one bag. I just don't get it. The whole thing is really stingy and retarded. What a shitty, skeevy way to charge more for groceries.

>> No.17287974

Can't do that, they keep the bags behind the checkout lines.

>> No.17287990

>using self-checkout
they paying you to scan your own items or do you their work for them for free like a good little cuck?

>> No.17287996

today I stole $100 worth of vanilla by hiding it in my bag while shopping, then putting the bag on the self serve and checking out $10 of groceries

>> No.17288000

thanks for letting me know, you may cancel the order and i wish you a good day.

>> No.17288002

Dude they fucking closed all the regular lines! The only times I can get there are early morning or late at night. 0 regular checkout aisles are ever open. It's fucking bullshit. God, I fucking hate grocery stores now.

>> No.17288007

And technically now I'm fucking paying them to bag my own shit. Fuck. This is why I'm going to cause shenanigans.

>> No.17288032

Start getting expensive produce and ringing in up as cheap stuff

>> No.17288048

I would go so far as guesstimating a $0.50 discount off my total or whatver the new bag use tax penalty is. It's just so fucking petty and disgusting.

>> No.17288052

Or maybe save the ones from the last time and pop them back on the bag holders and give them shit if they try to charge me for them.

>> No.17288057

Okay, you can eat my food, digest it and shit it into my mouth
The customer is always right

>> No.17288065

what don't you get? carrier bags don't come from the magic carrier bag tree, they are plastic, which comes from oil and does not biodegrade. the charge is supposed to encourage you to think 'fuck it, i'll just make the minimal effort required to take my own reusable bag' but obviously that would require you to not have a smooth brain so its a losing battle

>> No.17288076

Like I said, the bagging scale has a freakout when you put your own bags on it. Every time they have to come over and punch in a code. And in regular human checkout aisles they won't fucking touch the bags you bring in becaue cooties. Meanwhile everything in the damn store is covered in plastic. Single serving, individually wrapped plastic packaging. It's just a shitty little tax to say fuck you to customers.

>> No.17288245

>scan first item
>put it in bag
>but bag with item in it on scale
wow so hard

>> No.17288540

>The customer is always right
>Pseudo philosophical ideology catered to human refuse with mental instabilities in effort to empower their narcissistic egos, in order to, validate their existence, encourage them to return, and spend even more money on garbage they're too lazy/inept to make themselves
They're working, just not in an environment where the decrepit have a voice and direct leverage over your frugal opportunity to make ends meet.

>> No.17288569


>> No.17288580

>reeeeeeeeee I have to work for a living reeeeeeeeeeee it's not fun it's work reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dealing with the general public is difficult reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee $15 minimum wage reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.17288588

Lol imagine being such a trashy piece of shit that you think like this.

>> No.17288590

You are pathetically coping and you know it

>> No.17288632

>celebrating hundred billion dollar companies taking jobs away from people
>massively inconveniencing shoppers who are buying more than a couple items
I will never ever shop anywhere with self checkouts.

>> No.17288648


>> No.17288655

>waah laser scanners are a jewish trick to start wildfires and make us wear seatbelts
if I ever turn into this much of a hidebound recalcitrant boomer, I hope someone has the decency to put a pillow on my face and put me out of my misery

>> No.17288792

We told you dumbasses what would happen when you raised the minimum wage. It's not our fault you don't understand economics.

>> No.17288811

The minimum wage is way lower than the wage McDonalds actually pays right now, inflation has shot up so much the purchasing power of minimum wage is so low that even shit-tier employers pay more than it to keep their workers coming in. It's almost completely irrelevant to the issue right now.

>> No.17288844

I just refuse to buy stuff using the self checkout. I'd be more inclined to use the self checkout if they gave me a 5% discount or something but if I'm getting absolutely nothing out of it and I have to touch a dirty screen then I am just going to wait until a manager opens a new register for me

>> No.17288870

Yes. Not doing any of that is an option. An option that society seems to freak out if you decide to say "no thanks" to their only system.

>> No.17288897

>minimum wage goes up massively in short time

>companies adjust their starting pay to for the inflation in minimum wage

>because of this it is that much more expensive to employ people

>companies respond by putting in self checkouts and other cost cutting measures to replace expensive wagies

>along comes to coof (started by the same people who voted for minimum wage hikes)

>more inflation (driven by the policies of the people that started the coof and voted for minimum wage)

>its even more expensive for companies to employ wagies

>more cost cutting measures by companies at the expense of expensive wagies

Retard midwit take
>duuuurrrrrrrr It's almost completely irrelevant to the issue right now.

>> No.17288898

>t. a twat who is the very essence of societal downfall
Notice how I never mentioned minimum wage rate? That's because it's a separate issue.
Notice how I never mentioned anything about work being fun?
That's because, by design, it isn't. You're paid to perform tasks with your time, otherwise, it would be volunteering.
Correction, dealing with the (modern) public is difficult.
Fundamental principles of a civilized society have been rapidly and rabidly eviscerated by Liberal policies, and, as a result, the consequences are being wrought upon others regardless of support.
People are realizing it's better to seek work as an apprentice carpenter, or in a warehouse, a tradesman, anything other than dealing with human refuse directly.
The hospitality industry is a poison, and people are getting sick of it.

>> No.17288935
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>> No.17288951

>the current hyperinflation is caused by a few states raising their minimum wage
I don't know how a person this retarded gets the nerve to try to claim to know anything about economics. Also,
>reddit spacing

>> No.17288976

>>along comes to coof (started by the same people who voted for minimum wage hikes)

>>more inflation (driven by the policies of the people that started the coof and voted for minimum wage)

Midwit retard take
>the current hyperinflation is caused by a few states raising their minimum wage

>>reddit spacing

>> No.17288989

you have to go back

>> No.17289002
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>picture of a minimum wage worker
>thread immediately turns into a schizo /pol/ conspiracy thread
Every single time

Why do poors get so triggered by the sight of other poors? It's almost as reliable as putting a really stupid animal in front of a mirror

>> No.17289008

shit on the counter and turn 360°

>> No.17289022
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>> No.17289028

Very well. Give me my food on a plate. I will eat it and then give you back the plate, wash it, and give it to another customer. Better yet, have an employee bring my plate from the kitchen to my table and back when I'm done with it, so you don't risk customers breaking all your ceramic.

>> No.17289048


>> No.17289157

Exactly. Anyone who says it's to be green hasn't thought about the problem

>> No.17289167

Does that mean your cocksleeve is for sale for 15 cents? Might b cool

>> No.17289174

Dude... she is way over 13. Take your geriatric fetish shit elsewhere.

>> No.17289516

ok I'll just take my $5 and instead spend it on a gallon of gas which I will burn pointlessly in my backyard.

>> No.17289585

that was so pathetic and pointless, you might as well have just said "I still don't like you"

>> No.17289593

extremely based

>> No.17289708
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>be me
>at the self-checkout
>machine asks me how many bags I used
>hit 0
>mfw I actually used 4 or 5

>> No.17289803
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>> No.17289824

It's about 50/50 whether you are baiting or you are an actual boomer from r/the_donald

>> No.17289865
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There is a 110% chance you're a turbo retard

>> No.17290400

jfc I can see this happening

>> No.17290510

What's the problem? Why *shouldn't* you pay for the packaging?

>> No.17290613


>> No.17290672

Retard if they really cared about the environment they would give us free reusable bags. Instead you're expected to buy that shit for $10 each.
No thanks.

>> No.17290679

This is already a thing in Canada right now.

>> No.17290716

Before covid I think the large box stores (walmart/Kroger,etc) were pushing to end plastic bags due to all the blacklash over them filling up landfills or something like that. You'd have to bring your own bag or buy one at the store.. Fucking hell I'm glad covid came and caused such talk to die..