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File: 665 KB, 2560x1681, Red-Wine-on-Summer-Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17284372 No.17284372 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 99.9% of wine made from grapes? there is a whole world of different fruits that could be made into wines yet people only ever use grapes.

>> No.17284388

>99.9% of wine made from grapes
[citation required]

>> No.17284399

go to a any liquor store and the wine section is almost entirely grape wine.

>> No.17284413

we've reached an impasse

>> No.17284420

rice wine and agave wine come to mind. it's definitely not 99.9%

>> No.17284427

wine serves zero purpose other than pretentiousness.

>> No.17284438

dude, have you ever kinda heard about uhm cider? yeah, apple wine it is

>> No.17284442

it's cheap self medication. your statement is false

>> No.17284458

>cheap self medication
for pretentiousness.
just drink beer.

>> No.17284464

because wine is alcohol made from grapes.
making alcohol from other fruits makes different drinks, like cider or perry.

>> No.17284513

Because more work has gone into studying the entire process on every level compared to any other kind of wine, and the culture and economics of wine consumption are self-sustaining and almost universally understood, so it's much easier to have a viable business around turning grapes into wine where you know your costs, your outcome, your target market segment, your profit margin, and all the rest. If you want to spend the next 2000 years creating a culture around durian wine and building knowledge and creating cultivars, I'm sure humanity will appreciate your work, but for now we have grape wine

Fat blotchy pink type 2 diabetec flyover hands typed these posts

>> No.17284564

Why is 99.9% of hamburgers made from beef? there is a whole world of different meat that could be made into hamburgers yet people only ever use beef.

>> No.17284567

It if ain't 100% beef it ain't a hamburger sandwich

>> No.17284590

I've wondered this too. Like why were grapes chosen and prized over almost every other fruit? Why can't we have orange wine? Or blackberry wine? Or bananna wine?

>> No.17284608

Orange wine exists and has recently become very popular among younger people

>> No.17284620

I was arguing with some dude on here the other day who said citrus wine is almost exclusively made by and for convicts

>> No.17284649

Grape wine was the sacrament of the early church so this probably explains the distinctive continuity of grape wine culture compared to other alcoholic beverages which have come in and out of favor through history

That's not the kind of orange wine they mean

>> No.17284658

Orange wine is still grape wine it's the color orange like how there's red, white, rosé, pink chocolate

>> No.17284663

Because we call them cider.
High abv ciders are disgusting btw.

>> No.17284691

Why does The Church(tm) have to ruin everything good?

Ok so we have wine, cider, and perry. That's 3 fruits out of the uncountable varieties out there that you could ferment.

>> No.17284706

You could do a search for fruit wines you'd have had all the information you're looking for by now.
I know in the balkans they make plum brandy, probably peach brandy. Germans make a lot of different fruit schnapps.
There's wine made from strawberry

>> No.17284708

This, anything but corn syrup and palm oil slop is pretentious and communism

>> No.17284741

Cider isn't one fruit.

>> No.17284742

You mean codifying, preserving, and continuously improving the production of various alcoholic beverages?

>> No.17284762

Kill yourself you metropolitan shithole living winigger

>> No.17284776

for anyone interested in making wine from unconventional sources or just homemade wine in general, CJJ Berry's First Steps in Winemaking is the book you should go for. winemaking can be a pleasant hobby for anyone with a little extra space for some demijohns and the patience to see how they can perfect their own process over the years. my mum has been making wine at home for decades and i look forward to sampling her peach and blackberry wines respectively every year.

>> No.17284824
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Grape wine was likely the first discovered alcoholic beverage. Grapes naturally have the highest sugar content out of any fruit, and have a very high yeast concentration on their skins. By simply crushing the grapes and leaving the skins mixed in, it will ferment into a beverage with a relatively high alcohol content, up to double the amount of other fruit wines. Other fruits may also be too acidic or contain lipids that may interfere with the yeast or create bad flavors.

>> No.17284834

Apple wine != cider, the two are different but I can't remember the specifics

>> No.17284847
File: 614 KB, 600x600, 1626358489494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is 99.9% of wine made from grapes
probably because wine by definition is made from grapes

>> No.17284857

apple wine and cider are distinctions without a difference since apple wine is just uncarbonated cider with higher abv but cider isn't required to be carbonated and it doesn't have a set abv

>> No.17284862

>apple wine and cider are distinctions without a difference since apple wine is just uncarbonated cider with higher abv
so... it's wine then

>> No.17284867

no. wine is made with grapes

>> No.17284890

For me it's cleanskins for under $7 to get sloshed

>> No.17284906

>type 2 diabetec flyover hands typed these posts
how could i have type 2 if i don't drink rotten grape juice, asshat?

>> No.17284914

because only jermaine stewart knows the value of cherry wine.

>> No.17284941

>Grape wine was likely the first discovered alcoholic beverage.
fermented grain gruel predates wine by several thousand years and production of wine, mead, fruit wines, and primitive beers all seem to ramp up at about the same time.

>> No.17285096
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Idk, probably genetics

>> No.17285106

an attempt was had

>> No.17285313
File: 365 KB, 1280x1600, Purity-DM-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a flyover was mad

>> No.17285325

The process of malting grains requires a lot more steps than winemaking. Grain agriculture made alcohol much more available in the way of beer, but fermenting burst grapes is probably tens of thousands of years older than the neolithic revolution due to its inherent ease of production. It was independently discovered many times around the world.

>> No.17287216

you're trying too hard, these distinctions are too broad to really mean anything
the distinction between wine and cider was never really made until the 12th century by of course the french, who need to give everything fancy names
but in the end you could call anything made from fruit a wine, as the majority of people then would, as you can call mead honey wine just the same
going hard into this stuff just doesnt work because everyone has different definitions, some may call anything made from grain an ale but still call sake rice wine

>> No.17287226

Used to get some great blueberry wine from this dude at the farmer's market. Shit slapped

>> No.17287242

I've read that it was probably beehives being flooded which diluted the honey and allowed it to start fermenting being the first time alcohol was discovered. Or it could've just been fruit that naturally got overripe and became a bit alcoholic, we can still see animals getting buzzed by eating overripe fruit today.

>> No.17287246

Wine grapes have a really high sugar content which might be the main reason. I tried a cherry wine and it was only around 6% ABV which I didn't mind, but it also kind of tasted like red wine anyway and it was a bit more expensive than a decent bottle of red. Unless you're making a fresher sweeter wine it probably doesn't make as much of a difference to flavor as you think it would like when comparing fresh fruits to each other.

>> No.17287251

imagine being proud of being from the once great lawless wastelands that are this nation's coastal shittys

>> No.17287517

Wine has more sugar than most other fruits. Some varieties will produce 15% abv wine.

The other reason is that grapes have natural preservatives in good quantity. This makes a longer lasting beverage than other fruits. Some red wines will age well for 50 years or more.

>> No.17287554

Is raspberry wine any good?

>> No.17288227

Imagine going out of your way to only ever eat and drink the most vile mass produced crap because you think nice things are "elitist" and you want to "own the coastiecucks"

>> No.17288251

Yup. Had raspberry, strawberry and blackberry wines, all of them breddy gut.

>> No.17288267

Here in Germany we have all sorts of wines. Cidre obviously being the most popular but also wines made from pears,cherries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, mirabelles etc.
Most don't taste as different as you'd expect. At least when you buy dry varieties. If you want actual fruity wine rather mix syrups into regular cheap wines.

>> No.17288318


Wine is as old as the first grape to be burst open and the juice exposed to the air.

>> No.17288453

You made this one up you kraut fuck

>> No.17288469


>> No.17288504

>and has recently become very popular among younger people
Well then now I hate it!

>> No.17288507


What do you think happens to make grape juice ferment anon?

>> No.17288511

I like strawberry wine.


>> No.17288516
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>> No.17288561

Checked. I’m more of a sweet berry wine guy myself

>> No.17288565

Ok /ck/ riddle me this: why does some wine make my tummy hurt, but others do not bother me? Is it added sulfates? What’s going on?

>> No.17288571

Some wine makes me feel a bit nauseous if it's too tannic. Does it seem like red wine bothers you more than white? Also might depend on how much food is in your stomach.

>> No.17288572

Nice photoshop Hans.Did Fritz help you? Don't make me come over there and bash the bosch over your silly made up fruits.

>> No.17288587

It's the same as any other alcoholic beverage. Ethanol is a poison and how you react to it depends on what else you ate, how fast you drank, how strong it is, and other factors. Since people usually pick the beverage based on a mood, their consumption habits are roughly correlated with the type of beverage, and this can cause you to erroneously ascribe certain effects to irrelevant attributes. See also: "tequila makes me go crazy"

>> No.17288615


>> No.17288616

Usually it’s very sweet wines (and alcoholic drinks in general) that bother me

>> No.17288637

Then it could just be too much sugar. Ever seen a kid throw up after eating too much sugary stuff? I've noticed that if I eat something with a lot of sugar it can sometimes make my throat feel irritated, so it must do something similar to your stomach.

>> No.17288654

Fondly remember mates dads damson wine, Made you go blind.
The gooseberry one wasnt as good.