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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 640x640, pinut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17284165 No.17284165 [Reply] [Original]

i have peanut butter but no bread,what can i replace bread with?
stores are closed :(

>> No.17284171


>> No.17284177

I only have wheat oats,reccomend any recipe or something?

>> No.17284191

heat milk, oats and the peabutt
should be ok and healthy

>> No.17284192

>wheat oats

>> No.17284197
File: 306 KB, 1300x957, wheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what oats bruh
>pic related

>> No.17284228

I eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon and wash it down with milk

>> No.17284232

mhh im thinking too of the spoon method,no milk though,maybe yes,but maybe no also

>> No.17284246

fry up a couple eggs and use them how you would bread

>> No.17284248
File: 1.62 MB, 498x474, peep tea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically sounds interesting,have no eggs tho :(

>> No.17284254

what do you have?

>> No.17284266

in the end i decided what to do
I put some wheat flakes inside my peanut butter jar and got myself a cup of milk,almost what this anon reccomended>>17284228
its preety good,the wheat flakes are crunchy and not invasive and the milk washes it well

>> No.17284279

have fun

>> No.17284447

bread is just extra carbs.

>> No.17284456

ze bulk never stops

>> No.17284552

I like peanut butter on saltine crackers.

>> No.17284586

Unironically crepes, some hazelnut-based chocolate spread (nutella doesn't work, get like a slavic off-brand shitter one) and Smooth peanut butter

>> No.17284695

that's just rolled wheat

>> No.17284718

If you have crunchy Cheetos you have a complete meal. Trust me on this.

>> No.17284722

Do you feel a need to eat all peanut butter around you fatty?

>> No.17284885

Replace the bread with your gfs toes and soles

>> No.17284886

make some bread then put peanut butter on it

>> No.17284912

Spread it on your boyfriend's meatsword and lick it off

>> No.17284943

If you have some flour, salt, and some cooking oil make some fresh tortillas.

>> No.17285029

Apple or banana

>> No.17285375

I like to take peanut butter into the bathroom at parties and smear it around on the walls and sink and on the back of my pants and when someone notices the mess in the bathroom I get really aggressive THATS NOT MINE then I swipe a little off the wall with my finger and eat it then another swipe from the wall and with the other hand a swipe from my pants and push both in the hosts face and say NOT THE SAME! TASTE THEM! NOT THE SAME! Then I pretend to pass out and piss all over myself and the rug.

>> No.17285399

fukin grew up on that, poor as shit and that was our version of snacks

>> No.17285688
File: 42 KB, 1340x874, spoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you need

>> No.17286254

I'll pea in ur butt

>> No.17286291

cover your partner's face with peanut butter and lick them clean

>> No.17286779

I sometimes eat pb in saltines.

>> No.17287691

use it in stirfries, make a peanut sauce. shit is amazing

>> No.17287774

I used to eat straight peanut butter in college, but it gave me intestinal blockage. I would wake up in the middle of the night with intense stomach pain until I shit out a sloppy mess of liquid and solid shit

>> No.17288369



>> No.17289221

Just eat a spoonful.

>> No.17289261

Just use your hands, scoop up some peanut butter, and smear it into your mouth OP. No one is watching and no one is there to judge you.