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File: 35 KB, 500x500, Homemade-Vanilla-Extract-8-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17283379 No.17283379 [Reply] [Original]

Beware, if you don't already know, vanilla extract tastes like death by itself, doesn't taste like how it smells, also it contains a lot of alcohol so you can get drunk easily if you drink too much
Why they haven't invented vanilla flavored juice is beyond me but I don't want this stuff that tastes horrid and gets you drunk, it was expensive as fuck too

>> No.17283382


>> No.17283390


Just get vanilla paste, OP

>> No.17283429

you're not supposed to drink vanilla extract.

>> No.17283442

why the fuck would you drink it unless you're an alcoholic

>> No.17283453

Can I mix that with something to get vanilla juice?
I thought it was like vanilla juice, I knew it was used in cooking but didn't know it was part hard liquor and it tastes way worse than alcohol anyway, I don't know who could stomach it, even if they are an alcoholic

>> No.17283456

what the fuck is vanilla juice? that doesn't exist

>> No.17283459

My great uncle used to be an alcoholic, and he would drink perfume when nothing else was available.

>> No.17283465

I know it doesn't exist. Read my OP post. I wish I did exist, it's what I'm looking for. A pleasant drink that tastes like vanilla that isn't a soda.

>> No.17283480

Vanilla bean is just a second-rate tonka bean

>> No.17283503


>> No.17283513

oh wow OP thanks for that fresh bit of information, totally haven't seen it reposted every fucking where for years and years

>> No.17283517
File: 231 KB, 500x375, 1374271991642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called a milkshake.

>> No.17283530

Try vanilla milk.

>> No.17283644

op i mean this in the nicest way possible, but are you retarded?

>> No.17283756

>Why they haven't invented vanilla flavored juice is beyond me

It's called cream soda you absolute fucking retard

>> No.17283819
File: 48 KB, 695x516, 1459898347430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.17283876

I don't want soda, see >>17283465

>> No.17283945
File: 77 KB, 570x990, il_570xN.2413482797_s56z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be what you're looking for. It drinks like a thick juice, like a nectar, but tastes strongly of vanilla. Vanilla's flavor doesn't carry well in water, it needs to be dissolved in alcohol or fat, which is why extracts will be alcoholic, and most vanilla beverages will contain dairy for fat.

>> No.17284086

I swear there was this same thread a couple weeks ago involving a retard not knowing vanilla extract has alcohol and vehemently defending his idiocy

>> No.17284409

Had a friend in colleg who drank that stuff to get drunk because he was underaged. He also ordered these weird flower seeds off of ebay that apparently made him trip.

>> No.17284637

>Why they haven't invented vanilla flavored juice is beyond me
They did. It's called imitation vanilla extract and it's shit made for poor people

>> No.17284686

this thread again?

>> No.17284729

Do americans really drink vanilla extract straight from bottle?

>> No.17285292

Thanks I'll consider it.
Well I'm sure this is a very common issue, no surprise.

>> No.17285386

>vanilla flavored juice
The fundamental issue is that vanilla is a spice - to extract it would be like trying to get nutmeg juice, but thankfully alcohol is really hydrophilic and will be infused with the flavor. it's also why it doesn't really go bad.

If you want vanilla flavored juice? Buy vanilla flavored almond milk, or mix milk and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

>> No.17285400

Probably morning glory seeds or Hawaiian baby woodrose

>> No.17286171

Morning Glory, yeah those are the ones. All I saw happen was him fall asleep while a bunch of us where watching that jap movie with all the violence. It had a villain whose mouth was cut open. Pretty sure he slices off his own tongue halfway through the movie.
Man I am bad at remembering names.

>> No.17287693

>Why they haven't invented vanilla flavored juice is beyond me
good question. i have vanilla flavor for making vape juice, the flavor is super strong and no alcohol. idk if safe for eating, not keen on trying

>> No.17287703

That's what "extract" means, an herb soaked in high proof alcohol like Everclear to extract its base components.

>> No.17287765

>Why they haven't invented vanilla flavored juice i

Add the paste to the milk, black tea or even try water with sugar but I don't think it would be good

>> No.17287998

Ichi the Killer. Just saw the poster on /v/.

>> No.17288574

Unsweetened vanilla almond milk is great, OP.

>> No.17288660

Cream soda is basically vanilla flavoured juice.