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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17282650 No.17282650 [Reply] [Original]

How in the fuck are these still a thing? Time to get your ass into the 21st century

>> No.17282653 [DELETED] 

>Incoming gas rangelets in 3, 2, 1....

>> No.17282657

I have a gas range. Heats fast. Do you really need fancier devices for heating food?

>> No.17282661
File: 25 KB, 458x458, serviciu-umplere-butelie-gaz-serviciu-disponibil-cu-butelie-la-schimb-in-magazinele-vasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17282662

>into the 21st century
And what is "21st century"?

>> No.17282667
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It certainly ain't fire

>> No.17282669

Gas is ok but most people who tout the superiority of it have those 8000btu prices of shit that aren't even vented correctly
I'll take electric coil or induction over that shit any day

>> No.17282670

Why? And what then?

>> No.17282671


>> No.17282676

at least they work during a power outage.

>> No.17282728

How fat are you and/or how bad is your areas power grid that this is an actual issue?

>> No.17282735

>t. seething poorfag

>> No.17282970

>Time to get your ass into the 21st century
he doesn't know that electric cooking is from the early 1900's.

>> No.17282973

I just bought a house in an all electric neighborhood. I'm having propane installed so I can have a real stove not some fisher price crap.

>> No.17282981

Why do you want propane fumes in your house?

>> No.17282990

Because I'm not an effeminate castrated zoomer?

>> No.17282998

In Florida the electricity can go out for weeks when a hurricane comes through.

>> No.17283011

>real men huff hydrocarbons
Big cringe and yikes

>> No.17283014

Go back

>> No.17283033


>> No.17283086

There won't be.

>> No.17283103

i live in FL, whenever the power goes out we just use the microwave

>> No.17283114

>whenever the power goes out we just use the microwave

>> No.17283121
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What are you gonna do if the gas goes out?

>> No.17283124

>he can't use fire
Firechads winning since 7000 BC

>> No.17283141

Imagine not wanting a gas range
>can do charring or flash roasting easily
>gets oil to heat significantly quicker
>Boils water rapidly
>Way more heat control since you're not gated to having it on a flat surface
>pilot light in the stove is a minor heat making it a perfect place to proof dough
>Cheaper overall usage/maint than electric/induction
>Oven isn't worthless trash that looses half it's heat when it's open for a few seconds and comes back to temp quicker

I've literally never heard anyone in my entire life say they'd rather have electric over gas, there's no reason to ever choose electric.

>> No.17283154
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What are YOU gonna do when we run out of trees?

>> No.17283167

Ill grow more tress you fetal alcohol bitch

>> No.17283170

It's just a couple of losers who are trying to justify their shitty apartment without a gas range.

>> No.17283177

You forgot
>get to have your house built on top of a gas pipeline

>> No.17283186

>Not having gas central air heating and cooling
Thinking you homies are just hangry since you're hungry waiting for your water to boil for an hour so you seethepost about gas ranges

>> No.17283201

My stove isn't broken so it takes about 4 minutes to boil water

>> No.17283202

>run out of trees
>earth just keeps getting warmer, and therefore more beneficial for plant life to thrive
>huge global lumber industry, in which trees are constantly planted to keep up with demand
Quick, stop eating french fries, before we run out of potatoes forever! You no-brain heifer.

>> No.17283631

burn people.

>> No.17283765

Agreed, freestanding ranges are retarded when drop-in models exist that don't prevent you from centering pans larger than 5 inches in diameter on the rear burners and require reaching over/behind shit you're cooking to work the oven controls.

>> No.17285125

You mean like built into the counter top? Why does it matter?

>> No.17285162
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>> No.17285164

I have a gas range AND a wood stove. Checkmate

>> No.17286090

Look up freestanding ranges vs drop in (also called slide in sometimes). If you don't understand why freestanding models are suboptimal shit used primarily by poorfags in shitty rentals then you don't cook.

>> No.17286096

I mentioned Florida earlier, thanks to today's tornados 7000 people are without power.

Regarding the microwave guy, some people have generators.

>> No.17286114
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Got it. I've got a slide in

>> No.17286139

Obvious bait is obvious, no one is THIS stupid on purpose.

>> No.17286607

And gas is from the early 1800. What's your point?

>> No.17286614

Here freestanding ranges have controls on he front.

>> No.17286623

Which one does your mom use?

>> No.17286629

How is this stupid?

>> No.17286957

this anon gets it

>> No.17286966

Grow more

>> No.17286970

electric sucks but you need at least one electric range for the sole purpose of being able to boil a pot of water in less than 2 hours

>> No.17286984

How do you improve on perfection?

>> No.17286997

>pilot light
what is this, 1960?

>> No.17287222

My oven is less than 20 years old and has a pilot light

>> No.17287354

Only an american would boast about having gas stoves. I don't even think we even have gas pipelines in my country. America is in every sense still a developing country. It's quite sad really.

>> No.17287379

gas stove saved my ass during the texas winter storm last year

>> No.17287397

Plenty of euro's are on gas and are happy about it. Electric ones need you to buy a proper model if you want it to function properly: descend heat up times etc. Induction is expensive and no rental home uses these because of that, also you may have to replace all your pans in order to use it.

>> No.17287404

It's too bad you couldn't depend on your state having infrastructure better than a Nigerian village for that

>> No.17287444

I'm from Norway. We do not use cheapo alternatives. EVER. Good lord it must be shit to be from a developing country such as the US

>> No.17287459

Yuroid’s Law

>> No.17287463

>why isn’t southern France prepared for blizzards deep in the negatives
What do you think would happen to Monaco if out of nowhere it hit -10° tomorrow and stayed there for over a week?

>> No.17287469

Gas cooktops are objectively and subjectively best too cook with

>> No.17287516


>> No.17287521

I've used electric and gas stoves to cook, and gas is by far the best.

>> No.17287525
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>> No.17287527

Gas is cheaper than electricity, at least where I am

>> No.17287533

I don't use electricity because my house could burn down from a spark

>> No.17287574
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being this unable to face reality

>> No.17287586

Why not just go full neanderthal and just go wood fire oven?

>> No.17287591


u shouldnt play with fire when ur intoxicated.

>> No.17287639

>as a discussion on the internet progresses, the probability of a yuropoor obsessing about americans approaches 1

>> No.17287689

We dont think about you at all.

>> No.17287750

I don't live in america so I do'nt have to concern myself with lack of basic, functional infrastructure.

>> No.17287758

I need something that doesn’t spew nitrous-oxide into my home poisoning my loved ones

>> No.17287759


>> No.17287761

How many natural disasters happen in your region, on average?

>> No.17287762

But what kind of retard would live in Florida?

>> No.17287763

You do realise that it is america that is poor, right? You guys are really totally oblivious to the fact that most countries in the world surpass you in wealth in every way

>> No.17287773

Turn on your hood vents you stupid fuck.
If you have a gas range and no efficient airflow you deserve the gas poisoning.

>> No.17287776

True wealth is created by freedom. Sure there are a lot of poor people here, but they are free to become wealthy whenever they choose to do so. Truth is they are just lazy good for nothings.

>> No.17287780
File: 60 KB, 860x666, A2235F35-BA96-46E2-9473-61C1324B7747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn on your hood vents you stupid fuck.
>If you have a gas range and no efficient airflow you deserve the gas poisoning.

>> No.17287783

Stop spewing this "muh freedom" shit. Everybody knows you're not free. That shit may have worked 50 years ago but it ain't flying with anybody these days.

>> No.17287786

t. fat basement dwelling virgin

>> No.17287812
File: 150 KB, 750x949, 5556583A-D463-4C57-A65B-5DE1149121D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure unfiltered cope. The average Swede (highest income in Europe, if I recall) only makes about 75% of what the average American makes, and that’s before taxes. The average Swedish tax rate is nearly double what the US’s is. Europeans are dirt poor on average, and conflate tax-funded schemes like mass transit trains and subsidised healthcare with personal wealth.

>> No.17287825
File: 350 KB, 368x450, 1639698642206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how to food preparation/appliance safety
>so i shall quote the main and valid points of your post and attach a wojack

I am so very smart.

>> No.17287826

Even Canada is better than you

>> No.17287830
File: 30 KB, 1096x624, 1618007058391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA is 20, China is 23.
That has got to fucking hurt

>> No.17287831
File: 66 KB, 720x552, 9407937F-25EF-4FA2-BDCA-1153669BDC06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t worry about the machine spewing poison into your house
>just get a fan bro
this is how Americans actually reason

>> No.17287838

They're just not thinking straight. Must be the carbon monoxide poisoning.

>> No.17287844

The worth of a currency and its buying power is different. 1 dollar-equivalent goes further in some places then others. Don't take stuff at face value.

>> No.17287859

>metrics for qualification include: “how left wing is the nation?”, with a higher score being applied the more leftist it is

>> No.17287871

USA should be at the top then

>> No.17287878

Into your mother's womb, weak baby man

>> No.17287879

A gallon of gasoline is $8 in the UK, and broadly similar across the western EU nations. It’s less than $4 in the US.


>> No.17287889

You make less than $10 an hour. That's why it's "cheaper". You can't just compare prices like that you dumb cunt

>> No.17287895

i just moved from the richest part of my country, one of the richest places in the world,
to a very poor part
ive never been happier

>> No.17287903

>you make less than minimum wage
I’m not an illegal alien. Minimum wage where I live is almost identical to the UK minimum wage. Difference is, working for minimum wage is a common occurrence across Europe whilst in the US only teenagers and deadbeat degenerates work for minimum wage. Average income in the US is nearly $10k higher than any country in Europe, whilst the cost of living is lower in every state save for lefty shitholes like California

Fucking COPE

>> No.17287905

Minimum wage is $11 by me, and rent is like $550 a month. Gas is $3.xx. Even making a few dollars above minimum I can live a comfortable life with a decent car, I have savings, and can afford to travel a couple times a year. I just bought a new motorcycle last year as well.

>> No.17287915

Yuros really don’t get it. They giftwrap 60% of their income to their central government via taxes, and then spend the other 40% on living wages. They can barely afford rent or the operating costs of a 1.3L dinky hatchback, but think they live like kings because the Kremlin gives them a bus pass and a loaf of bread every week. It’s no wonder they have such high suicide rates

>> No.17287919

40% on living expenses*

>> No.17287978

>60% tax
Where the fuck are you getting your numbers from?

>> No.17287982

>Minimum wage where I live is almost identical to the UK minimum wage
UK minimum wage is pathetically low though.

>> No.17287985

He actually thinks Russia is whole of Europe. Russia is Europes dirty little brother who has to be forcibly thrown in the shower. We spit at Russia.

>> No.17288220

We had something like that when I was a kid (not so sophisticated), it works really well but of course there's the burden of storing wood etc.

>> No.17288222
File: 105 KB, 1010x929, cuisinière à bois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic of course

>> No.17288241

this is awesome
ive been looking for a vintage one just to use outside for fun

>> No.17288412

this reminds me of that pepe meme with the wine glass. or was that drawing done in her likeness lmao

>> No.17288419


I'm not a professional chef, but gas burner stoves is the most technical form of cooking in my opinion. You can perfectly control the way the food cooks by the size of the flame. I think all professional kitchens use gas burners as well.

Electric stove tops are for stay at home moms and people who are afraid of fire.

>> No.17288451

you know you can adjust electric stoves too?

>> No.17288490

And most people who work in professional kitchens are alcoholics, drug addicts, and faties

>> No.17288509
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That's true, but they act weird - or at least in my experience they do. Back in the Netherlands I operated on this poor electric hob for half a year and it supposedly had six power levels. In practice, it just either turned the heater on or off depending on the hob's heat. Making things simmer on it or maintaining a specific heat-level was impossible, at some point I actually considered just getting a camping stove instead.

>> No.17288625

Stop loving them and you won't have a problem anymore.

>> No.17288661

There was a pretty massive wind storm on the Oregon coast a couple years ago that knocked out power at my parents' house and most of Lincoln County. Their gas stove still worked just fine so it was nice to eat fried eggs and toast before we decided to evacuate because of nearby wildfires spreading.

>> No.17289007

>you know you can adjust electric stoves too?

I know but it just doesn't feel the same. I feel like I have less control over how the food is cooked. With fire you can go from high heat to low heat in an instant. You can start from no heat to High heat instantly instead of waiting for that weird electric burner to turn bright red.

>> No.17289403

just open your kitchen window, everyone in my country uses gas ranges and never heard of nitrous-oxide poisoning, its not a thing

>> No.17289415
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I don't even have a range hood in my place

>> No.17289794

I was comparing western europe to the USSR, retard

>> No.17289832

I agree that gas stoves are the best but gas ovens fucking suck

>> No.17291339

Dual fuel is the patrician choice, since gas oven doesn't have all the benefits that a gas range does

>> No.17291572

no one cares fag

>> No.17291591

rent free

>> No.17292302

You do know the Kremlin still exist, right? And was built in 1495. Has nothing to do with the USSR you absolute cretin.
American education in a nutshell

>> No.17292477
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1640629108796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitrous Oxide is a medical anesthetic gas (aka laughing gas) and is completely harmless and given to small children in dentistry

>> No.17292489

carbon monoxide is not nitrous oxide, and no one is calling you out which means the scientific literacy of the posters in this thread is quite low

>> No.17292787

You can’t read science dipshit

>> No.17292817
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It's literally a magazine.

>> No.17292837

>I don't even think we even have gas pipelines in my country. America is in every sense still a developing country.

Lives in a country that lacks basic infrastructure
Calls America a developing country

>> No.17292859

>depriving your body of oxygen until you're comatose is not harmful

>> No.17292866

The median wage in the UK is about £24k/year ($32,700/year) The median wage in the US is about $35k/year.

Try again.

>> No.17292868

Amen. Gas cooktop and double electric wall ovens is the absolute best.

>> No.17292898

>Bought my parents a stove as a gift since their oven stopped working
>it was delivered today, but not installed because my parents failed to remove the old stove
>Accidentally got a four prong power cord when they needed a three prong
>Now have to go to Lowes to see if I can exchange the power cord and then install the oven myself
I've never installed an Oven, but it seems easy. Here to hoping I don't accidentally kill my parents.

>> No.17293045

>Lives in a country that lacks basic infrastructure
>gas pipelines
We probably used to have them like 100 years ago. But then electricity came and we abandoned all archaic form of infrastructure.

Also, where I'm from when the power goes out because of a storm we fix it within 2 days because we're not poor fucks.

>> No.17293080

>gets oil to heat significantly quicker
>Boils water rapidly

Induction is WAY better at these two

>Cheaper overall usage/maint than electric/induction

I really doubt it. Induction is incredibly energy efficient.

In saying that though, I just bought a house with an induction stove and I really don't like it. It's better for a couple of things (getting this very hot very quickly, and keeping stock at a perfect low simmer), but outside of that gas is way better.

I also use a bunch of cast iron cookware which has scratched the fuck out of the glass top in only a couple of months of use.

>> No.17293171

i have a gas stove in my garage but id never use thst shit in the house
legit retarded

>> No.17293180

>this thread is sponsored by George Soros and his puppet Greta Thunderclap
fuck off redditor tranny

>> No.17293209

Who are you quoting, gaslet?

>> No.17293294

>We're only completely incapable of cooking for 2 days max when it rains hard

>> No.17293299

>We probably used to have them like 100 years ago. But then electricity came and we abandoned all archaic form of infrastructure.

Lol at thinking electricity replaces natural gas. Natural gas is a superior means of heat generation, which is primarily what it's used for. Being new doesn't make something automatically better. Your country sounds pretty fucking retarded if they got rid of useful infrastructure just because something new came along.

>> No.17293305

>I really doubt it. Induction is incredibly energy efficient.
So are gas stoves, and gas tends to be cheap as fuck compared to electricity in most places.

Nigger imagine being proud of your power "only" going out for 2 days at a time. The last time I lost power for more than a few hours was in 2003 when hurricane Isabel hit.

>> No.17293358

waaw waaw waaw waaw waaw

>> No.17293359

When did I say power outage happens often you dimwitted fuck? All I'm saying is when power goes out in america it stays off for fucking weeks. That is beyond pathetic for a country that claims superiority.

>> No.17293378

I live in America and as I stated, my power has not gone out for more than a few hours at a time in over 18 years. Not all of America is shithole Kentucky anon. Keep bragging about how developed your country is that you only have one option for energy that you're entirely dependent on though I guess.

>> No.17293391

>when power goes out in america it stays off for fucking weeks.
Holy seethe Batman, is this really what children in buttfuck Finland learn in state sponsored diversity edutainment centers funded by their 80% tax rate?

>> No.17293392
File: 52 KB, 1186x938, wok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas chads can use woks. how come nobody mentioned?

>> No.17293397

Inductionchuds don't deserve the knowledge

>> No.17293456

I pay under 30% tax, which is pretty much the same as usa.

>> No.17293515

Have you even USED a gas range? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17294119

if more people lose smell from corona virus, will there be more incidences of people blowing their houses up from gas leaks?

>> No.17294317

Just keep a bird in your kitchen like the ancient diggers.

>> No.17294472

In the first 20-30 years of public electricity that's exactly how people thought and behaved. Electric codes only came after deaths. Updates to electrical codes are often due to some horrific incident. Don't be a retard.

>> No.17294485

Probably because nobody cares? Woks aren't necessary, they're just a preference

>> No.17294486

Science is a 140+ year old academic journal, not just a magazine.

>> No.17294656

nitrogen dioxide, or NO2



>> No.17295113

Why would I use a gook cooking device?

>> No.17295124

>If you can afford to avoid it, you probably should.
I always knew americans used gas over electric because they're poorfags. fucking developing country

>> No.17295156


>> No.17295323

cooks hella fast and chef wang gang

>> No.17295535
File: 52 KB, 634x351, 27411696-8233427-image-m-28_1587377033800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chef wang gang
my nigga. ibet these bozos havent even heard the term wok hei.

>> No.17296179


>> No.17296185

But those ppl arent vaxxed and therefore deserve to die

>> No.17296421

i of course use high voltage arcs from my tesla coil array to heat my cookware

>> No.17296431

2 jabs makes you more likely to catch megatron

>> No.17297611

He thinks vaccinations work

>> No.17297678

For me, it's induction
>Twice the efficiency of gas
>Instant thermal response
>Granular heat control
>Heats up fast
>Doesn't dump literally half the heat into surrounding air
>Actually cleanable

>> No.17297732

B-b-b-ut fire

>> No.17297878

this but unironically

>> No.17297929

You deserve to die too

>> No.17297967

>fully vaccinated
>still required to wear mask

>> No.17298040

i dont wanna see youre ugly face

>> No.17298047

its an over priced flip book of sellable articles

>> No.17298059

Prime example of an idiot following whatever the government tells them without questioning

>> No.17298070

nobody wants to see my ugly face too

>> No.17298164

Yup seems right

>> No.17298173
File: 208 KB, 450x315, hotplate stirrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook on one of these I got from work for free
Even has the thermocouple if I want to be autistic about temps.

>> No.17298198
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, 25002643_1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IKA. Wish I could steal a mixer somewhere.

>> No.17298244

we must do the right thing and hide our hideous faces from the world

>> No.17298266

>21st century
the 21st century sucks so i cook like people did before electricity. fire has worked for 10s of thousands of years and will continue to work.
>the food kings ate was made with fire
>fire makes king food
>i eat food made with fire
>i am king
electric fags will never make it.

>> No.17298282

Do you die at 20 to?

>> No.17298284

>4 minutes to boil water
im sorry.

>> No.17298291

>based cooking
>with the chance of instant death
sounds great where is the downside?

>> No.17298296


>> No.17298304

kings often lived 50+ years, even tribal kings.

>> No.17298313

learn to read mortality you fuck, god i hate it when people make mistakes like this and fall into the "lol everyone in the past died elders werent a thing if you broke a toe you were fucked"
i fucking hate you

>> No.17298325

this is a photoshop of an old meme from I believe /tv/
Look up a toast to /tv/ and it’ll show up, newfriend

>> No.17298345
File: 436 KB, 1242x1775, 1631662032599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He missed an o. Must be a moron.

>> No.17298368

i agree.