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17281739 No.17281739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Americans are unironically proud of this shit

>> No.17281743


>> No.17281763

>Because its manufacturing process differs from traditional cheeses,[8] federal laws mandate that it be labeled as "process American cheese" if made from combining more than one cheese[9] or "process American cheese food" if it contains at least 51% cheese
>51% cheese

>> No.17281771

Sneed? Chuck?

>> No.17281786

I’m not a big fan of processed cheese, but it isn’t that bad. Sure, it’s not 100% cheese, but that doesn’t mean it’s made with plastic or something. People need to stop acting like their organic moldy milk is better than processed moldy milk

>> No.17281790
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>only use these on bargin bin shitty bread grilled cheese or cheap burgers, nothing else

>> No.17281791

good morning fellow eurochad

>> No.17281800

We aren't proud of it but it's good fr.

>> No.17281819

This crap has no use, aside from teaching North American children how to enjoy actual cheese. Even my ten-year-old refuses to eat these now. She's all about the aged-five-years white cheddar now.

>> No.17281837

>t. low t beta
Chads don't give a shit about the "quality" of their food. They inhale pure trash by the gallon and scream that they're hungry for more. They're still probably healthier than you too due to their far more resilient genes.

>> No.17281865

>This crap has no use, aside from teaching North American children how to enjoy actual cheese.
you and your kids are retards. that's the only cheese you use for cheeseburgers and grilled cheese sandwiches

>> No.17281879

Munster! My Man.

>> No.17281885

Not proud of it, but it tastes good sometimes on a burger you faggot

>> No.17281897

>posts the fake "cheese product" version of American cheese
Dishonest. No one here is tricked by that shit. And American cheese is specifically for melting situations and nothing else. It's perfectly calibrated to do that and acting aloof about it doesn't make the cheese any less situationally appropriate.

>> No.17281903

>Europeans actually don't know that this is a different thing

>> No.17281910

its a poverty food but because low iq people associate it with tradition because it has american written on it it will never die out, even though they have access to better food. every nation has these garbage food items

>> No.17281915

melts good and is cheap

>> No.17281918

>poor people have a hard time adjusting to a new diet when they stop being poor
in other news, water is wet

>> No.17281924

not poor people but dumb selfish poor people

>> No.17281955


I defy you to use another cheese on a burger and tell me it tastes actually good, not "artisan" good where it's shit but you're trying to act high class.

>> No.17281969

>proud of this
lol, no
That's not what we're proud of, we're proud of the fact that we're able to produce so much fucking food that we can make mass quantities of shit like this just because it tastes good for three things.
We produce so much food that we ran out of shit to do with it so we just started trying to see what we could make into sugar.
We make so much fucking food that we make Japan bend over and take 300,000 metric tons of rice up their ass every year. What does Japan need more rice for? Like we give a fuck if they do or don't, their problem now. $260 million in rice, to Japan, mostly from one of our driest states, every year. fuckin lulz.
What the fuck are you going to do about it? Scrape together what little you can save and hope you can land a minimum wage work visa for long enough to apply for citizenship, like every other shitholer that's literally dying to come here?
That's just fine. Come on over, we've got plenty of room. I might even hire one of your kids as Executive Wiper when my ass gets to fat to reach.

>> No.17281997

There seems to be an age curve for American Cheese, most people who dislike it seem to be between 12-30 years old. I hated it a few years ago and now I love it like I was a kid again.

>> No.17281999
File: 98 KB, 612x491, F9D861F0-F5E1-493C-B657-E3FBA14B170D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"american" cheese
>invented by canadian

>> No.17282023

*makes your burger better*

Heh. Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.17282031

post physique fatty, I can practically hear the greasy obese sausages you call fingers prattling away at the keyboard

>> No.17282042

you know there is no way for a non american to tell if this is ironic or not

>> No.17282044

It's really good in a BLT

>> No.17282066

It's genuine and ironic all rolled into one, like a $0.99 chicken cordon bleu from the freezer section.
Know why it's both? Because we can afford to have it all and throw it away like we never wanted it in the first place.
No amount of "america bad" shitposts from shills and zoomers will be able to overflow this toilet of endless bounty.

>> No.17282083
File: 187 KB, 1200x800, breakfastsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how good the cheese is the breakfast sandwich with american cheese will taste better

>> No.17282088

Fatty projecting hard here

>> No.17282098

its a terrible feeling reading it like talking to a legit schizophrenic. i know its true but it shouldnt be real

>> No.17282106

This shit with scrambled eggs is amazing. So three dishes.

>> No.17282123

if that was the case, cheeseburgers and grilled cheese would be fucked to begin with

>> No.17282147
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Excuse Nigel, he grew up watching this on the tele.


>> No.17282148

I ONLY buy pre-fucked sandwiches

>> No.17282165

Oh, it's all real, and it's amazing. I grow so much produce in a small section of my garden that takes up 1/20th of my yard that I can't even give it all away. And I live in the city.
There are 8 (eight) LARGE grocery stores within 3 miles of my house. Just food, not even counting the Target/Walmart stores that have grocery sections, boutique, ethnic, specialty stores, or gas stations.
Deer and rabbits are common sights in nearly every major city and definitely in suburbs are rural areas. Food, just casually walking through my yard, and I don't even think about it as food.
Want to know my worst grocery shopping experience from recent memory? I couldn't find the EXACT kind of frozen pizza I wanted because there were too many different frozen pizzas. I don't even like frozen pizza that much, I just WANTED it. I found it the next week at one of the other stores.

>> No.17282694

>170 lbs

I came here to laugh at you

>> No.17282734
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, jealousofUSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17282805

Of what ? Niggers burning your cities? Politicians being a malice to people who elected them? Of your supply chain being fucked? Police arresting normal people while protecting criminals? Yeah cope faggot its not the 70s USA is corrupt burning shithole

>> No.17282812

It's an IMPOSTOR, it's pretending to be cheese, but it's not.

>> No.17282829
File: 296 KB, 634x810, 1628946595443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes good and says american on the label
that's enough to send 75% the world's population into a fit of uncontrollable rage

>> No.17283004


>> No.17283041

Non american here. Why are they all individually packaged? Does it go bad if exposed? Or do they just stick/melt to each other

>> No.17283094

it should be served intravenously yes

>> No.17283109

Americans just don't understand how good british cheese is. They can whine, complain or be as dishonest as you want. You will never be a real cheese producing country.

>> No.17283111

Magnus got a rough deal. He was just trying to warn his father about the Heresy.

>> No.17283468
File: 18 KB, 480x360, homercheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I'm blind

>> No.17283482

This scene was such an amazing work of comedic timing and acting that were the hallmarks of what made this show so great.
In other words, Sneed.

>> No.17283483

>Why are they all individually packaged?
Well, I'm glad you asked, because that's that best part of this whole issue.
They're NOT ALL individually packages. Yes, the particular ones in OPs pic come as a unit of individually packed slices but that's just ONE section of one product line of one brand.
You don't want them individually packaged? You don't have to buy them like that.
You don't even want it pre-sliced? Fuck it, we got that too.
Shredded, balled, or mixed with other cheeses? Those too.

See this shit?
This is just the shitty cheese section in a small, shitty grocery store.
We melt that shit over just about anything when we feel like it just because we fucking can. We make tacos filled entirely with melted cheese, it's just a "cheese taco" and damn near everyone knows what one is.

>> No.17283493

American "cheese" is liquid at room temp

>> No.17283507

>Hey dad, there's some scary shit in the warp and I think we should be worried about this.
>Did you wreck the car?
>No, dad.
>Did you accidentally form a pact with a chaos god?
>Yes, dad.
>But the car's okay? ...All good, then.

>> No.17283512

German here.
For me its the only cheese for homemade cheeseburgers. No other cheese beats it on a burger.

>> No.17283542

Why did i read the first section in Billy Mays voice

>> No.17283553

I can't believe that guy put up with that shifty Jew pretending to not know what cheese is for 4 minutes straight.

>What is this?
>What is this?
>What i-...

>> No.17283728
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>> No.17283829

>Why did i read the first section in Billy Mays voice
Because the process of buying and selling is so ingrained in american tradition that we're able to inject it into our vernacular without even thinking about it. Billy Mays is a familiar representation of the glorious culmination of this demeanor. He was EXCITED to sell some bullshit and his sales pitch was widely known, so every time someone reads an excited sales pitch they can easily attach his voice.
>I can't believe that guy put up with that
He's not "putting up" with much of anything, especially anything out of the ordinary. Managing dumbasses, both employees and customers, is a daily part of his life. If anything, a dude with a camera crew asking simple, direct questions while not challenging the given answers is a reprieve from the daily routine.
Grocery dude could probably piss away half of his day, every day, and not experience any detrimental impact on his life.

It's fucking easy mode over here as long as you can deal with retards and not become one yourself.

>> No.17283842

Ich liebe der fakt das es nicht cheddar heißen darf kek

These slices arent counted as real cheese in GER and i think lidl calls the cheddar style 'cheddary' which makes me laugh way more than i should

>> No.17283848
File: 1.10 MB, 1192x1400, Norman_Rockwell_Painting_The_Little_House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are unironically proud of this marvel of modern food engineering that just so happens to mog every single other kind of cheese on the planet when it comes to melt factor and texture on a burger
As they should. Don't let the foreign and domestic Brandons get you down, burgerfrens. The world is in dire need of the Pax Americana of old. Keep fighting the good fight.
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