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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 680 KB, 2048x2048, 20220115_233730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17279999 No.17279999 [Reply] [Original]

In the pub. It's nice

>> No.17280003

No banging music. No dice.

>> No.17280006

kek imagine if there was a hot woman there and you had to use the bathroom after her and she'd absolute shatted it to death

>> No.17280016

>no stools at the bar


>> No.17280024

i have never been to a pub

>> No.17280025

Only alcies and queers would sit at the bar in England

>> No.17280027


>> No.17280036

That's because faggots have weak cores and need something to lean their backs on.

>> No.17280066

>Only alcies and queers
>in England
That doesnt really narrow it down

>> No.17280077
File: 760 KB, 2637x2732, _20220115_185435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I fucking miss getting in early before a place is busy and just relaxing alone like I'm the only one in the world.
I went to a café instead, but I feel like you'd get me.

>> No.17280083

you'd pay money for that shit?

>> No.17280091

Be nice, it's in Japan. They don't know how to sandwich.
Or salad, apparently.

>> No.17280094

Yeah, if you're an alcoholic.

>> No.17280096

nice quads.
did you get any pubgrub, or just those crisps?

>> No.17280100

>dont know how to make a salad or sammie.
Those fuckees are way more than capable of making both those things in multiple ways. That just looks like shit.

>> No.17280102

i wish

>> No.17280127

i wish

>> No.17280153
File: 50 KB, 615x621, 50 Pence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find me in the pub, pint full of suds
Look, bazza, I got the crisps, if you into eatin spuds
I'm into drinkin becks, preferably in glugs
So come give me belly a rub, if you into getting fugged

>> No.17280302
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>scampi fries

OP is dangerously based

>> No.17280309

Why is it empty? Do people hate you that much?

>> No.17281269

your chips are expired i think your lying op your not in a pub at all this is a fake picture

>> No.17281286

I'm jealous. But not that extreme type of jealous that only Narcissists feel

>> No.17281315

or an average person

>> No.17281333

Erm, there's a pandemic going on.

>> No.17281336

It's over bud. Nobody's falling for it anymore

>> No.17281344


>> No.17281392

Eating at a bar is what average people do. Sure bud.

>> No.17281414

>Pint of stout
>Packet of crisps


>> No.17281421

Halfway there

>> No.17282137

Literally my favourite boozer, was in there on friday!

Never thought I'd see the Bone on 4chan.

>> No.17282188
File: 449 KB, 1502x2048, tayto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking it may be tayto

>> No.17282216

I think I follow you on twitter ethyl

>> No.17282595

Near the lake is best

>> No.17282607

I prefer to get plastered in the privacy of my own home

>> No.17282635

luv me pub
luv me pints
luv me mates
simple as

>> No.17282796
File: 12 KB, 224x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitchen's closed cus rona :(

>> No.17282813

It's boring though. The public has totally lost interest. Time to end on a high note.

>> No.17282821


>> No.17282857

>nordie tayto
I hope it isn't for his sake

>> No.17282933
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This reminds me of my favorite character. She loves keys so she both has one through her fucking head, and she (thinks) she has married one.
If I were British maybe I'd love a good sosig roll that much too.

>> No.17283005

Looks cramped, I don't like it.

>> No.17283043
File: 307 KB, 1200x1200, lilwayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She she she crack me open like a can of steel reserve
She- she crack me open like a can of steel reserve
She-sh-she crack me open like a can of steel reserve
Shawty want to get drunk
Cans of steel reserve in the trunk
Shawty want to drink
You know I like to drink also
I'll be there in a blink (she crack me open like a can of steel reserve)

>> No.17283057
File: 74 KB, 660x440, gribbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting in early before a place is busy and just relaxing alone
Truly the best. Pint of bitter and some pork scratchings, finish off the crossword in the newspaper.

>> No.17283064

ABA a cute. It was a shame she got passed up for Xrd.

>> No.17283066
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i appreciate you

>> No.17283076

I think you got hosed m8. Ever have the salad with a scoop of potato salad on top? That one fucking got me the first time I saw it but it’s pretty good actually.

>> No.17283093
File: 3.04 MB, 4142x2736, _20180917_104530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste brother.
Here's the other café I'd frequent, is this better for you folks?
The first place just made a simple egg sand, it was fine for what it was, and like a few bucks with the coffee together.
This other place was far more expensive, but still nice.
And yeah, I've had that salad too. Better than expected!

>> No.17283136


thats looks comfy as fuck, but a full pub scares me even before pandemic. never been to a pub (NYC here) but im uncomfortable around large crowds especially if im by myself.

>> No.17283290

Haven't been able to get these guys since brexit and covid.

>> No.17284238

ideally you're supposed to lean on your belly

>> No.17284453


>> No.17284731
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>> No.17284784
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I own my own house on 5 acres in the country not some dreary rental “flat” in Euro land why would I need to go to a pub when I have a front porch and watch the wildlife I put grain and salt out for

>> No.17285423
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, 7ED54F01-4084-44DB-9A8D-1A2F613E7B2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in north central WA. No pub, but a pretty decent bar in the nearest town. Sitting outdoors by a fire watching the light snow and mist. Feels gud man

>> No.17285429

nice pub, I wish I could find one that wasn't packed out the ass with college kids or redneck plant workers

>> No.17285465

So is putting a pickled egg in your bag of crushed crisps a meme or not?

>> No.17285629

I'm a bong and I'd never heard of that before now. Sounds like some sort of grim south westerner thing.

>> No.17285753

Why would a man use the same bathroom as a woman?

>> No.17285761
File: 120 KB, 1000x750, the_shelter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent quads for an excellent post. Looks lovely. Here's an image of my favorite bar. And from me to you, cheers.

>> No.17285762

Pick one

>> No.17286027

damn tfw when no favorite bar

>> No.17287051
File: 546 KB, 865x1117, 1642263553952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 21
>can only drink my homebrews on my own because i have no friends
bottoms up, ck

>> No.17287753


>> No.17287775

i would directly out of the bathroom and approach her menacingly, pointing my finger directly at her. after drawing her attention, i would beckon her, in a very stern voice, to "COME HERE. NOW." after she made he sullen approach, i would tell her that she needs to go back in there and clean that shit up RIGHT FUCKING NOW, and that's no way to leave a public bathroom. i'd do it very loudly and very sternly, making as much of a scene of us as possible and causing her to utterly break down right on the spot, sobbing in childish embarrassment. only then would my menacing scowl transform slowly, but surely, into a triumphant smile. know why? it's because i don't actually care if the bathroom gets cleaned or not.

>> No.17287785
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Not gonna lie that's still pretty amateur for my eyes but I'm biased having cooked for 7 years.
The greenery looks awesome though. Eggs look fluffy but a little odd.

Here's a salmon hash I love to make for my free meal.

>> No.17287791

Too cloudy. Gotta let that lees form dude.
Too much dead yeast still in solution will make you shit your brains out the next day if you drink more than a few glasses.

>> No.17287793
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 8BCFDDCC-95FA-42EF-B964-C(...).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they have slot machines in british pubs?

>> No.17287818


>> No.17287840

sometimes yeah, you can have up to two of them with the relevant gambling license. can't say i see them very often though, probably sliding out of fashion with the modern family friendly pub crowd

>> No.17287852

nice. i thought of that song when reading op too but couldn't come up with anything nearly that good to post.

>> No.17287887

weird. we must have adopted it from the yanks because you dont have pubs without at least half a dozen of them in there.

>> No.17287888

nobody must respect you irl. Feel sorry for ya

>> No.17287893

>modern family friendly pub crowd

also seeing that here too. heard pubs have been going under left and right in britain over the years. same thing here. they might not be so much going under, but they are not what they used to be. they are so soulless, almost clinical, and are almost all owned by big business groups. fucking cringe. pubs are not supposed to be "family friendly". sure, you don't want fighting and smack heads in the pub but the notion that a pub can be this namby pamby friendly place to have kids around is painful.

>> No.17287922

it's unfortunate to see the culture changing but i reckon it was inevitable. pubs used to fill a niche when there was bugger all else to do of an evening but now everyone's got telly, computers and games at home plus most young people going out on the town to get smashed will head to the clubs. they had to pivot to another means of marketing themselves as somewhere nice to be and sunday roast nostalgia was probably their best bet.

>> No.17287926
File: 2.12 MB, 1020x1015, 1642363026170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. the world has indeed changed. for the worst.

>> No.17287959

we'll just have to do our bit for the cause and sink a few pints down then

>> No.17287965

nah fuck the pubs lmao. fuck every business. they can all go to hell for complying over the last 2 years.

>> No.17288357

ah yea its a cloudy beer, meant to be that way, made from wheat
i know what suspended yeast does to you as i've had the unfortunate experience of getting the runs in my first few brews
this had been sitting in the fermenter for 2 weeks and another 2 weeks in the bottle

>> No.17289069

Where's the fucking tv?

>> No.17289071

There's a fucking pandemic going on outside you know

>> No.17289351
File: 30 KB, 334x372, 13465646582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Canadian
>all the bars are closed

>> No.17289468

Lost interest in what

>> No.17289475

>not sitting in a comfy booth with friends way off in a dark corner where you can get away with smoking a pipe
You've never actually been in a bar

>> No.17289616
File: 40 KB, 680x680, 1633386161431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17289624

>sitting in a booth

You will always be a woman

>> No.17289650

Do you need specs mate?

>> No.17290079

>pretending that sitting on a comfy seat with a comforting closed in piece of geometry to the one side of you while your friend sits on the outer side so youre cornered in so the guy you've been lipping off to across the bar can't reach you isnt comforting
Ngmi desu

>> No.17290396
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>> No.17290421
File: 1.30 MB, 1814x2419, 20220117_144110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk 4 minutes down to the dinky sushi bar bordering on your suburb
>chug cheap beer and stumble back home
what a life

>> No.17290723

I can literally feel the hangover.

>> No.17290771

You are getting laid tonight my man.

>> No.17290869

>Land of the free
>Can't get a drink until your 21
Explain yourself Burgers

>> No.17292536

>anons here unironically drinking room temp beer

>> No.17292590

Yes, how are you supposed to get away with it if you try to hide it in the fridge?

>> No.17292611

Bingo. Wenatchee Valley Brewing. Highly recommend.

>> No.17294099

>room temp
cellar temp

>> No.17294140
File: 201 KB, 708x945, 20210606_132308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those arent scampi fries, the packet is too large

>> No.17294171

Ok boomer

>> No.17294374

yeah those are quavers I reckon


>> No.17294386

I'd be doing a nonogram if anyone still printed them.

>> No.17294396


I am always confused when people order salads like this. That's like... as much lettuce as could reasonably fit in the sandwich. Why is it sitting on the plate? It's a single forkful of lettuce. Is it like a chaser? I don't get the concept. I'd like a single bite of vegetables??

>> No.17294405

Nigga those are both the same packages.

>> No.17294409

It's so the plate looks nice.

>> No.17294441

What I need a nice stout in a tall wooden mug

>> No.17294451

Fining agent is all you need

>> No.17294463

what does that have to do with stools? absolutely nothing. if you really care about muh pandemic you would stay home 24/7

>> No.17294498


I'm not autistic so I guess that's fine but maybe I'm autistic a little because a nicer looking plate would have more goddamn salad on it.

>> No.17294654

For what it's worth, that salad wasn't a separate order. You order the sandwich and they serve the tiny salad with it.

>> No.17295279

a BALSAMIC REDUCTION? How 2003 of you.

>> No.17295299

Only if you learn how English works first

>> No.17295718

Fucking laughed my ass off at this, well done

>> No.17296697

There's a bard every Friday night.
Oh wait, that's just my local Irish pub, this could be anywhere.

>> No.17297836

WFH masterrace here

I do this as often as I like while working. The best part is its a writing job so having a pint actually helps.

Too bad it's in a place where we don't have cosy pubs

>> No.17298100

Is it weird to go to a pub alone? I don’t have friends.

>> No.17298149

>Is it weird to go to a pub alone?
No, just bring a newspaper or something.
Sit at the bar on a stool, don't take up a table with six seats or anything.

This might be exclusive to Britain, but things that will start a fight include:
- playing safety shots on the pool table
- watching the fruit machine to see when it is overdue to pay out
- chatting up some cunts bird when he goes to the toilet
- asking the groups of guys why they're repeatedly going to the toilets in groups every half an hour
- singing "My Way" on the karaoke
- missing the darts board
- asking the guy that claims to have been in the SAS where he found the time to do it seeing as how he stands at the same bit of the same bar every fucking night of his fucking life

>> No.17299697

bit quiet for me.... no raging fire and whiskies?

>> No.17299709


>> No.17299711

do it all the time lad i just bring a book and enjoy my pint in peace

>> No.17299724

Honestly a full pub is easier to disappear in as everyones just loudly talking to eachother and not paying attention to anything else

>> No.17299738

oh you're a schizo, nvm

>> No.17300006
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Do Your Part

>> No.17300089

Absolutely based brewery lad, the pride of Sussex

>> No.17300192
File: 56 KB, 960x717, pintman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even three pints a week, though

>> No.17300207

In america it makes more sense to allow teenagers shoot other humans if they serve in their marines than let them buy a coors light. Must be that wonderful education they have over there

>> No.17300241

Wow, that's a really hot take.
Do you open your set with that one?

>> No.17300247

1 in 5 Amerisharts are functionally illiterate and something like 60% read at or below a 6th grade level
Make of that what you will

>> No.17300259

>Two whole sentences with correct spelling and punctuation
How does it feel being at the very top of your country education-wise anon, good?

>> No.17300290

Why, yes I do, I have an entire set dedicated to how shitty your country is

>> No.17300348

Feels great, buddy. You shouldn't have hyphenated that, by the way. Still better than those retards who write it as two words entirely, I suppose.

Not American, anyway. Just amazed that there are still people doing the "You can be old enough to die for your country but you can't buy a beer" shtick. Holy shit, man.

>> No.17300359


>> No.17300404

>Just amazed that there are still people doing the "You can be old enough to die for your country but you can't buy a beer" shtick. Holy shit, man.
You obviously are American buddy, and people will continue to do that shtick until you get your shit together and either change your dumb laws or stop being so obnoxious about 'muh imagined freedom'.

>> No.17300405


>> No.17300412

OP here, want to hook up? Just mutual JO unless you're up for more.

>> No.17300439

>-wise is a suffix that is attached to a noun with a hyphen to form an adjective or adverb that means with respect to or concerning
ameritard bros... we got too cocky...

>> No.17300446
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>> No.17300604


>> No.17300621

>egg sammy with nut lettuce
on that, i do not get you

>> No.17300627
File: 3.00 MB, 1572x1288, beeru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've drank like 5 wheat artisan beers
>still preffer pic related a million times
Youtube convinced me to try Belgian wheat beers, specifically Orval. What says you anon?

>> No.17300679

Down the bloody local innit mate

>> No.17300715

NORF just has so much SOVL

>> No.17300792

add in a bit of orange juice to your glass of belgian white, even just a small amount of it improves it by far

>> No.17300793

Never trust anything outside of Europe when it comes to wheat beer anon.

Also based taste.

>> No.17300815

>improves it by far
but it tastes pretty much perfect as it is! How much is a bit of orange juice for you anon? I'd like to try it.
Thanks anon, those are legit the beers I actually enjoy, I've tasted quiet a few, and all of them are meh, but these two are just amazing for me, can't compare to anything else I've tried.
Any you'd recommend me similar to these?

>> No.17300948

i would say add it to taste, but i dont add much, only like a 5th of the glass volume

>> No.17301038

That sounds like a posh sidewalk slammer/brass monkey.

>> No.17301770

Hey Tucson Anon! I miss when they had CRTs and only played old movies. The flat screens they put in really ruined the vibe.

>> No.17301823

you Euros are always so salty about our supposedly non-existent freedoms. Kinda weird, innit?

>> No.17301838

hello, 70 year old man

>> No.17301841

Do bongs really go to a bar by themselves and then just sit there at a table, drinking beer by themselves?

>> No.17301853

crosswords are good. I used to have a routine with a fella at an old job. we'd get chicken soups at lunch time from the nearby cafe, the Cafe Deluxe it was called. and then we'd go back and do crosswords at the office while enjoying our soups, with buttered bread and all. "chicken soup and crosswords", that's what we called it. just because us old timers enjoy it doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I will not share my age here, but just wanted to impart a lesson to the younger Gen Z

>> No.17301873

And then you’d blow each other and your cock would taste like chicken soup.

>> No.17302455
File: 101 KB, 1080x1100, Trustworthy Inkeeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the end I was hearing whistling jig music as I read this

>> No.17302463

Sounds nice. On my first day on my first office job they strongly suggested I bring lunch so I could eat at my desk while I work, even stepping out to get coffee would make my boss bitchy

t. older millenial

>> No.17302927

>Sounds nice. On my first day on my first office job they strongly suggested I bring lunch so I could eat at my desk while I work, even stepping out to get coffee would make my boss bitchy
thats against employment law in the first world, you should take an hour for lunch

>> No.17303321

Yes, although I think it's dying out. I think it's also a class thing. I'm a working class 29 year old boomer and the guys I work with think it's normal, but other people my age who have white collar jobs find the idea terrifying, as with nearly all zoomers.
Traditional pubs where people won't bat an eyelash at somebody having a pint or 9 after work are dying out because it turns out that you can make more money selling £10 espresso martinis and instagram meme cocktails to those two groups in a place with what is basically live laugh love decor for 20 somethings.

>> No.17303326

also is that fat cat in sheffield

>> No.17303510
File: 2.18 MB, 368x368, 9B955E28-E3D9-450A-9950-EBD646FE6894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lager > Ale

>> No.17303524

Isn’t blue moon an american beer though?

>> No.17303536

Lads, IS there such a thing as an "english comfy pub" that isn't internet blowhard gaslighting? I know when I visit if it does exist I certainly won't find it anywhere near London but I mean where there are actually white people.

>> No.17303546

You have the hands of a 35 year old day laborer and you're not 21+?

>> No.17304028

>english comfy pub

Jesus fuck, if you're gonna visit the UK you might as well learn English first, so you'll stop making people cringe like you did me.

>> No.17304049

fuck off you cunt. This pic is a repost from weeks ago.
You big phony.

>> No.17304062

you've been mindfucked by /pol/ you fucking bellend

>> No.17304712

/pol/tards don't leave their homes, remember? Plenty of pubs in London full of lads and geezers enjoying a pint, I hardly see any other race than white in them

>> No.17304771


>> No.17304844
File: 74 KB, 640x360, wls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been years since I went out to a pub in London, I wonder how many are still open. Waxy's Little Sister had a nice gimmick, there's a dumb waiter at the bar which you can use to order drinks from upstairs.

>> No.17304879

>I hardly see any other race than white in them
Now that I think about it this is true, they tend to stick to the wanky trendy places. Thinking about it though I don't think some yank autismo 4chan weirdo would manage to escape a normal pub without all of their piss being taken.
>Hello my anglo-saxon brothers! I have just flown in from Kentucky, Alabama and boy do I sure hate niggers! Barkeep, a pint of your finest ale please, extra cold! Thank you barkeep! *tips £20* Hey buddy, enjoying the soccer match? Don't you need a license to watch that HA HA HA! So, seen any good anime recently?

>> No.17304906

A mutt would come in, sit at a table for 30 minutes and get mad because a server doesn't come to take his drink order

>> No.17304912

that "meal" is pathetic you whiny twink

>> No.17304921


>> No.17304953

>”Bitter or lager? Uhhh I’ll take whichever one Budweiser is”

>> No.17305256

you say that like a chair could hold his immense patriotic mass for that long without collapsing

>> No.17305423


>> No.17305684

Is that in Washington DC near union station?

>> No.17306138

bongs dont have a monopoly on loneliness

>> No.17306246

Yeah? Say you're meeting up with people or you're going somewhere and you got there half an hour early. Would your rather mooch around on the street corner like a hooker or sit and have a pint and warm up by the fire?

>> No.17307245

Insurmountably based

>> No.17307335

I like Hoegarden personally, will have to try Orval sometime

>> No.17307341

Dunkelweiss is the way of the future

>> No.17307858

Then order something else