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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.64 MB, 2640x2562, grocery haul 2 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17275311 No.17275311 [Reply] [Original]

rate my grocery haul.

guess how much.

this is not a data mining thread

>> No.17275324

Looks like something a fat piece of shit on public assistance would buy. I'm guessing $125 USD but I don't care if I'm wrong because you're ugly and fat and I'm not.

>> No.17275385

You have a strange blend of vegan and non-vegan food items. I'd say $150 due to the overpriced vegan bullshit.

>> No.17275457

Too much.

I shop staters with my wife and we always get around $70-$80 for a month's worth of food. Stop buying pre-packaged stuff and make your own. It saves you plenty.

>> No.17275473

$70-80 for 2 adults for A MONTH? Either bullshit or you're eating chlorinated chicken and rice.

>> No.17275480

That poor girl. So sad she settled for a retard like you.

>> No.17275490

If I were to break it down:

>Produce: $20-30
>Grains: $10-15
>Meat: $8-10
>Dairy: $10-$15
>Other - $15-$20 (may go up if buying things like paper)

Learn to make your own sauces, A simple roux can be made with a .75 cent lemon and milk. also stir fries with fresh veggies go much further than packaged meats. I can easily buy like 6 packaged chicken breasts and cut them down to last 15 meals or more.

>> No.17275497

Even if you ate the cheapest chicken it would still run like 3 dollars a day for 2 adults.

>> No.17275523

Show receipts. I know you have them because you're the kind of person to brag about how little he spends on food.

>> No.17275529

I'm not actually. I'm just making the point that its not that hard. Produce goes a long way when you buy in bulk and know how to economize it into actual meals. You can also save half a cucumber by re-wrapping it. so you're not viable to have to use the whole thing.

>> No.17275532

Lemon and milk.... What the duck, left over animal fat and a bit of flour are pennies

>> No.17275536


>> No.17275686
File: 100 KB, 736x794, 1520931283154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please learn the basics, for all our sakes.

>> No.17276207

That’s actually a kino haul. Never tried the soy chorizo though.

>> No.17276514

do you have access to things that arent weird processed stuff in plastic

>> No.17277103

>do you have access to things that arent weird processed stuff in plastic
yeah but the plastic stuff was a really good deal

>> No.17277112

>$8-10 for meat for a month
who still falls for the 'food is cheap' trole in 2022? we all know all the (((producers))) used covid to jack up the prices. post your one pack of drumsticks for the month or fuck off.

>> No.17277117

i spent $160 on meat

>> No.17277124

>Vegan Rice Mac and Cheeze
>soy chorizo
>dairy free ice cream and yogurt
>vegan cheese
What the fuck is this shit? If you want to eat vegan, make it yourself and stop buying this crap. American vegan food tends to be horrible because it has so many weird imitations of meat dishes. If you want something that tastes like chorizo or mac and cheese, you're never going to be quite satisfied.

Indian vegan food tends to be a lot better than American vegan food because it's not weird imitations of animal based dishes.

>> No.17277348
File: 229 KB, 720x960, Screenshot_20220115-194341_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cost me 17.95 USD (non-US). The two bags on the top right are frozen dumplings.

>> No.17277797
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1641689116342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nasty chunk fuck puts his groceries on the floor

>> No.17277980

What this anon said. What is this clusterfuck of vegan and non-vegan shit? Is this for a 2 person house hold where one is vegan and the other isn't or just a commitment issue?

>> No.17278136

We don't have tables here. On the other hand my immune system is fantastic.

>> No.17278291

receipt or it didn't happen

>> No.17279192



>> No.17279202

blows my mind that everyone loses their shit over chickpea mac&cheese and soyrizo but dont bat an eye at the 120lbs of beefsticks and the multiple flats of instant-mac

>> No.17279686


>> No.17280922

What's the bottles on the bottom right?

>> No.17281660

>What's the bottles on the bottom right?
"small batch artisean
steak sauce

>> No.17281673 [DELETED] 

Oh... it's the soy chorizo faggot from 3 days ago

>> No.17281807

its isnt safe to be getting groceries right now with the new variant. i just pay the instacart fees (pays for itself eventually) and have someone bring it to me. people are still using cloth masks instead of n95s, i wouldnt risk that shit lmao

>> No.17281820
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20211213_041858982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me

>> No.17281875

"free run chicken" + discount beef, 6/10
cheap red suace, expensive green sauce 10/10 i >hope you run the green sauce up as red sauce
brown bread wrap product 7/10
mostly vegtables that i like 9/10
vegan ice treat + orange soda 5/10
pasturized or unpasturized dairy ?/10
>~7.5 out of 10

>> No.17281911


first thing I thought was this guy is buying everything premade

>> No.17281913

Stop buying sliced mushrooms you lazy cunt

>> No.17281927

>pre sliced mushrooms
>pre sliced carrots
>bread wraps full of fillers and fake oils
I respect the discounted meat though

>> No.17282012
File: 336 KB, 960x2274, 01-16-2022 - 2494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17282017
File: 150 KB, 894x927, Order_Details_-_Google_Chrome 01-16-2022 - 2495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17282021

baby carrots are not "pre-sliced" you moron

>> No.17282047

what was total?
how many 'bags' of groceries?

>> No.17282276

123 dollars. maybe 5? 6 is a little generous

>> No.17282639

these foods are great stop lying but they are also pretty easy to make at home yourself and saves a lot of money in the long run

>> No.17282890
File: 657 KB, 1102x2080, 02837F32-82A2-4A5B-B61F-2B31F70C81CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all this for $30. Grocery store had a can sale

>> No.17282905
File: 25 KB, 644x740, Hypersoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two bottles of hot sauce

>> No.17282927
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x1840, 20220116_151707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RATE MY LIDL LOOT HAUL!!!!! Had no snacks in home so this is my snacks for the week and I still look like auschwitz victim help bros..

>> No.17282938
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x1840, 20220116_152521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans please! Your monkey nuts get worse and worse quality each year. Please stop delivering such dry open old nuts to The Netherlands! My last bag was 20% absolutely inedible peenuts.

>> No.17282962

>5 different versions of cheese-on-pasta

>> No.17282965
File: 59 KB, 343x292, Screenshot_20220116-103519_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17282967

Eat some fattier shit than nuts if you wanna gain weight, idiot.

>> No.17283008
File: 227 KB, 413x310, 1597157753967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that steak sauce
>Not a single fucking vegetable
You paid $fatfu.ck

>> No.17283560

>>two bottles of hot sauce
cheap valentena vinegear red hot sauce at $1 for 8oz
very tastey 3oz cholula green hot sauce for $2.50

who wouldnt want to have red and green sauce available for their spic food???

>> No.17283565

lentils and pasta, looks like your getting yer basic macros in.

all those nuts. do you really need all those nuts? farmers are draining californias water to grow profitable nuts.

>> No.17284236
File: 246 KB, 1157x716, AF63B6CD-3D6F-46B4-B6DE-33D335F05145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went in a slightly different direction .

>> No.17284288

did you steal the avacado?

the sauces bumped it up a point.

>> No.17284305

It must not have rung up . Those little cans of sauce add a lot of flavor to meals at very little cost .

>> No.17284314
File: 29 KB, 640x480, sddefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17284322

What, like lard, yoghurt and ice cream? Too much of that gives me the walmart shits. Why are nuts bad for gaining weight, the package says a 100 grams is like 600 calories or more. Compared to other foods were a 100 grams doesn't pack as much. Those chocolate caramel walnuts you see there are 760 calories for a 100 grams.

Not really related but does someone have that oreo milkshake image. Can't find it.

>> No.17284339

Hahaha why is everyone ignoring that poster

>> No.17284341

>Those little cans of sauce add a lot of flavor to meals at very little cost
how are they any different from a 75c can of tomatoes suace with spices mixed in?

>> No.17284344


>> No.17284390

I know lol. Honestly OP didn't do too badly.

>> No.17285167

Americans are fucking weird

>> No.17285183

I wish we had enoki mushrooms here

>> No.17285333

Nuts are perfect for gains. Carbs, fats, calories dense.
Peanutbutter and jelly sammies on white bread.
Grilled cheese sammies.
Peanut butter and cottage cheese.
All stuff I eat when I'm on a bulk cycle and need extra calories for cheap.

>> No.17285470

>Nuts are perfect for gains.
very water intensive and draining californias limited aquifer/underground-water supply. theres other sustainable ways to eat healthy.

>> No.17285556

They’re different in two ways . First they taste good , as though someone other than I made them . Second I don’t have to buy the individual ingredients . Third I’m eating things flavored in way I might not have tried if I made them .

>> No.17285563

College student here, remove meat and staying under $80 is piss easy if you're not a lard ass. Lentils, beans, eggs and milk are a ton cheaper than meat and still get you a good amount of protein.

>> No.17285576

>draining californias limited aquifer/underground-water supply.
Good, fuck that shithole

>> No.17286200

>Good, fuck that shithole
california's farming industry supplies most the fresh veg and fruit to the rest of america.
without CA farms youll be eating livestock and HFCS ...and potatoes

>> No.17286697
File: 58 KB, 570x537, soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who wouldnt want to have red and green sauce available for their spic food???

>> No.17286708

god you faggots are pathetic

go back to your containment board and stay there

>> No.17286866

i shopped staters for years until they took away the public assistance. damn staters

>> No.17286874

sweet coke glasses

>> No.17286900

This is a good answer.

>> No.17287219
File: 2.10 MB, 5344x2467, IMG_20220115_132303_7~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekly haul for 2 people, comes to around 70€.

>> No.17287238

thank you for this thread, you dumb fucks make me feel better about my shopping habits

>> No.17287292

>pyrex instead of PYREX
enjoy it shattering if it ever gets more than a little warm

>> No.17287330

You think that canned soup nigger is ever going to cook something that requires a baking dish?
Besides, that's not even a baking dish in his cart, it's a set of storage bowls. The motherfuckers that don't notice shit like this are the ones that keep having glassware blow up on them.