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17274643 No.17274643 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that within our lifetime we will see meat become an expensive luxury item only eaten in small quantities or at special occasions again? Are you enjoying it while you can and eating as much as possible or starting to ween yourself off so the loss does not feel as sharp?

>> No.17274654

Feels good man. We are going to save out planet and our own health, 2 birds with one stone. Good riddance.

>> No.17274659

Fine with me
I'm not poor so I can eat meat when I want, which is not often, because there are other foods that taste good when you don't live in a factory farm flyover wasteland

>> No.17274691

How do you know this will happen?

>> No.17274693

Both wrong

>> No.17274945

Chud cope.

>> No.17275030

Haha yeah, I love Highly processed chemical waste Consumption Product too.

>> No.17275063

not at all. animals arent the issue its how we misuse them in giant feedlots shoveling grains into them
>Pasture-based grazing systems, when managed in ways that mimic natural ecosystems, can improve plant diversity (Teague, 2018), soil carbon levels (Allard et al., 2007; Stanley et al., 2018), ecosystem function (Krausman et al., 2009; Teague and Kreuter, 2020), and water retention and quality of fresh water systems (Park et al., 2017). As the IPCC (2019) notes, Earth's health depends upon plant diversity and abundance, which can be improved by managing the grazing behavior of livestock when done in concert with agroecological principles (i.e., that mimic natural processes). That should come as no surprise in the light of plant-herbivore coevolution, which have evolved to form complex reciprocal relationships over millions of years.
article also addresses why you are wrong about the negative health effects of animal foods

>> No.17275072

Feels good not being Canadian

>> No.17275075

If we switch from feedlots to pasture grazing (undoubtedly a good idea) meat will become more expensive.

>> No.17275100 [DELETED] 


>> No.17275110

read some economist analysis some years ago suggesting that is only the case due to the subsidies on corn and grains. will post if i can find. either way i think its worth it given the positive health benefits for the consumer as well as positive environmental effects

>> No.17275114

>alarmist faggot
Aw, ignorance is so cute.

>> No.17275906

meatard can barely English, likely from his arteryclog diet

>> No.17275915

>arteryclog diet
youre talking about PUFAs trans fats and refined carbohydrate

>> No.17275921

You WILL eat the NWO branded bug protein WEF approved and soybean concentrate Nutritional Energy Supplement Product now with 50% less cruelty

>> No.17275925

I'm heavily leveraged in potable water right now.
In a decades times I'll be selling it to fund cattle farms so I can savour that delicious meat until I die.
you are unironically ngmi if you don't do the same while there's still time

>> No.17275926

that'd be a good thing if it didn't mean the rich are above the law as usual

>> No.17275927


>> No.17275937

Feels bad, but the consumerist lifestyle isn’t long for this world. Before this shit goes down I hope to have some land with some family and run a nice little farming community.

>> No.17275959 [DELETED] 

applicable ~95% of farmers not all admittedly

>> No.17276823

let me guess the special ocassion, Shabbat?
KYS talmudist pos.

>> No.17276834

Not me suckers, I've got the land and I've got the livestock. And if this fails Im gonna steal vegans cats and eat them. I mean, after all, fake meat really made its start in china and we all know how ethical the chinese are to animals