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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17270187 No.17270187 [Reply] [Original]

give me one example of bad italian food. I'll wait. Americans breaking pasta in half IS NOT ITALIAN FOOD IT"S A HATE CRIME!

>> No.17270198


>> No.17270234
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>> No.17270264

It's not bad, it's generic, overhyped and overused. Especially the most popular dishes. And every Italian restaurant I visited was shit. It took an infinity, it was bland, sometimes even cold, expensive and the staff was moody.

>> No.17270304

I thought that was a bread bowl. Pasta in a properly hollowed-out bread bowl is genius.

>> No.17271339

Italian food isn't even italian. More than half of the common ingredients in italian cooking are foreign to italy. Coffee from africa, tomatoes from America, cows from China....Literal mutt food

>> No.17271356

I mean, is it bad tasting?

>> No.17271372


You fool, bread bowls are great. You can eat them when you finish the soup.

>> No.17271393


>> No.17271757

you WILL eat the maggot cheese

>> No.17271759

Haha the tree is doing the Godfather gesture.

>> No.17271794

Panera bread has bread bowl macaroni and cheese

>> No.17272037

This. As an italian I can voucher for what this dude is saying: we are quite rude, expecially with foreigners because as a matter of fact we're a nation of ignorants that can barely speak basic english. Southern italians are generally kinder but double the ingorance.
And 90% of the low/middle price restaurants are total shit. Eat with a local or pay for overpriced, basic stuff in a fancy place.

So, for the same reason you are a nigger because the first primates generated in Africa

>> No.17272047
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not my problem

>> No.17272063

Italian cuisine is amazing, most people talking shit about it most likely didn't put any effort to learn about it and give it a proper go.
Italian people being fags is part of the experience, just enjoy the show and don't take it seriously, focus on the substance.

>> No.17272064
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This is what I remember eating growing up as a young kid in Napoli
>maggot shit cheese
>pork blood cake
>raw snails
>stuffed mice
>pasta with boogers on it
>assorted cow organs
>random birds from the garden
>spleen sandwiches
>one time: donkey testicles
Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in Italy knows what the fuck spaghetti or "italian meatballs" are. Italian food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal.

>> No.17272065
File: 77 KB, 700x466, smilingschoolgirl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I break pasta in half every time just because I know it'd make some dumb pastanigger seethe and I'm not even american

>> No.17272155

>muh 'Out of Africa' theory

Fucking retard

>> No.17272371

> I'm not even american
That makes you even more retarded

>> No.17272377

mean for >>17272065

>> No.17272385

Holy shit, it's that Passpo girl. Is that group still around? They were so great in their indie phase.

>> No.17272408

That's the most retarded thing I read today. Stick with your cotoletta faggot

>maggot shit cheese
not from napoli kek
>pork blood cake
not a cake, it's a chocolate cream
>raw snails
not from napoli, and not raw
>stuffed mice
never heard of that, you are probably thinking about Peru
>pasta with boogers on it
That's what they serve exclusively to you
>assorted cow organs
cow organs are deliciuos, but I know low T. faggot thinks they are icky
>random birds from the garden
>spleen sandwiches
not from napoli, it's from Sicily. it's delicious, but cow stomach sandwich in Firenze is unbeatable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRqEMd5HZyw
>one time: donkey testicles
never heard of donkey testicles specifically.

>> No.17272411

Serious question, what do Italians do with all the tiny birds?

Every year i am reading news stories about some Italian getting caught on border with hundreds of random small birds.

>> No.17272412

They are for tourists

>> No.17272414


>> No.17272417

Mama mia! Pizza pasta cheesa toasta pasta olive pasta toasta! NY pizza is best. Detroit is second best. I wouldn't wipe my ass with eyetaliano "cuisine." And no, italians don't have food. It's just slop. Tomato parmesano toasta pasta!

>> No.17272423

Guess your mom's pussy must not be her own then considering all the foreign ingredients she's always putting up there

>> No.17272445

we eat them lightly braised in some wine and butter
t. italian

>> No.17272463
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>> No.17272736

sounds like a french thing

>> No.17272754

>hurr italians bad stole ingredients
Spotted the faggot. Any chance you're a burgerfag? Talk about traditional dishes, what's a typical food of you people? Burgers (Hamburg, Germany)? FRENCH fries? Mac and cheese (pasta attempt)? Anything else, coming from your former british owners?
Yes we imported fucking tomatoes in the 1500, seethe and choke on your own filth

>> No.17273343

just yesterday ham wrapped melon slices was posted (prosciutto e melone).

>> No.17273599

Thank you for informing me I guess

>> No.17273701

its the point of the thread so

>> No.17274161

Pizza, but made badly

>> No.17275264


>> No.17275398

Ah yes, Hannah Steller.

>> No.17276623

A daring synthesis

>> No.17276645
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This thing.

>> No.17276653
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>> No.17276656
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Nona approved!

>> No.17276662
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>> No.17276672
File: 1.22 MB, 1944x2592, italian_spring_roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wop spring rolls

>> No.17276698

Casu marzu?

>> No.17276702

Is the one with the hotdogs even sold in the US? I hear a lot of foreign countries just add hotdogs to things and call it "American"

>> No.17276705
File: 230 KB, 1275x334, enjoyurwarning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you eat poop? mah nigga. but if you don't enjoy it...

>> No.17276706
File: 260 KB, 1024x768, pizza_berlusconi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza Berlusconi

>> No.17276714

Anyone else starting to think italian food is kinda reddit? Pizza is the most overrated food ever created and they do less with pasta than other cultures

>> No.17276715

I wish girls poop smelled nicer so it's easier to play with

>> No.17276722

I've never seen it here. I'd probably buy it while drunk if it were available.

>> No.17276962

Are they any good?
When it comes to wild birds I only had eurasian jay (šoja), and the other normal ones like duck, pheasant, quail...

How do they hunt them? Do you have to avoid buckshot?

>> No.17276975

Reindeer and Mushromms - would eat

>> No.17277246


>> No.17277414

Why the fuck would you need an entire bread bowl when you already have pasta. Bread bowls should be used for meaty dishes like goulash.

>> No.17277418

I would be rethinking my life if I started categorising foods as "Reddit"

>> No.17279012

Walk down Mulberry Street in Little Italy. See all those restaurants? Shit for tourists. Absolute shit.

>> No.17279671

Go back to the mountains of georgia you blood cursed inbred and take the demonic souls of your ancestral relatives with you

>> No.17279687
File: 36 KB, 617x412, slop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so bad its offal

>> No.17280346

> not liking offals
That's actually delicious you faggot.
Lampredotto sandwich with cow stomach is even better

>> No.17280394

Eggplant parm. It's fucking gross. Eggplants are fucking disgusting. Italians aren't people. Fuck off spaggot

>> No.17280404
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>> No.17280413

>when you're so poor you think processing waste is food
Whatever you say Alfredo

>> No.17280421

tripe is great, if I'm thinking bad italian food maybe insalata di riso? especially if they make it with the yellow mayonnaise on the top

>> No.17280473

have you ever had fresh melon wrapped in prosciutto? no I do not mean just any piece of freedumbland melon wrapped in mixed meat runoff blended slice meal. you probably never would have and it really is a quality ingredients makes the meal dish like most italian food.

>> No.17280505

> not enjoing the tastiets parts of an animal
go eat some tendies you filthy tastelet

>> No.17280508

Only white people that can cook and they're tan af lmfao

>> No.17280518

that looks tasty af

>> No.17280525
File: 3.91 MB, 3000x2000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat an italian girls poop? Like she squats on the table and you can either take it from a plate or out the receptacle. I'm not saying I would, but I am saying . . . I might be saying that I might . . .

>> No.17280590
File: 54 KB, 259x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pizza Berlusconi
You aren't fooling anyone. picrel

>> No.17280616

Anon my dog took a shit, would you like me to put it between two buns and sprinkle a little oregeno on it? Seems right up your alley.

>> No.17280623
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straght from the bag

>> No.17280633

Isn't that what you call a hot dog in muttland?

>> No.17280651
File: 73 KB, 526x640, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
