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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17267232 No.17267232 [Reply] [Original]

>pets in the kitchen

>> No.17267233

My friend, you are mistaken
That dog is not a pet

>> No.17267241
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>> No.17267332


>> No.17267341

>cats on the kitchen counter/table

>> No.17267666
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My dog is more likely cleaner than you'll ever be you disgusting neet. Plus the companionship is unmatched and all he wants to do is be around me so i don't deny him that. Doesn't beg, doesn't bother me except for some pets here and there.

>> No.17267693

I don't like it when our dog is in the kitchen. I'm trying to walk between the stove and the counter and I've already stepped in her paw a few times because she doesn't want to stay out of the way

>> No.17267715

>my dog doesn't stink
delusions of a dogfag

>> No.17267719

To you, it may be Mr. Fluffy Butter or whatever, but to the rest of us it's a dog. There's a reason they're illegal in professional kitchens.

>> No.17267730
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Problem, chud?

>> No.17267737

Imagine being unable to have normal human relationships that you have to substitute an animal to cope with your ineptness.

>> No.17267791

Cute, but I wouldn't allow them in my kitchen.

>> No.17267794

Get a real sized dog tranny

>> No.17268059

Dogs are fine because they don't jump into the counters, cat houses ALWAYS smell like shit

>> No.17268065

Your dogs hate you. I work with dogs and can tell when they hate their owner.

>> No.17268091

wtf do you abuse your dogs?

>> No.17268108
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>litter box in the kitches

>> No.17268124
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Cats make great kitchen-bros.

>> No.17268128

your house smells like litterbox

>> No.17268143
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Reminder that /ck/ is, and always has been, a dog board. Cat fags are disgusting and not welcome here.

>> No.17268158

People are posting about ragoutza gordon, pierre or that other stupid jew when the only chef that ever mattered was our dear francis. Good night sweet prince.

>> No.17268167

I have a dog myself, but you're a dumb retarded faggot and you should kill yourself.

>> No.17268170

you and your food are infected with the toxo

>> No.17268173
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>> No.17268192

t. white girl

>> No.17268256
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>> No.17268456
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My cat would come to the kitchen every time he heard something being cut. I would give him little off cuts of meat. He would stay on the ground and just lean up against the draws for a piece. He was not aloud on the bench or table. Closest he could get to a surface people ate off was sitting on a chair at the table, and all he got in that case was a warm seat. They may have been his plan all along.

>> No.17268460

the two dogs we raised from puppies know to stay out of the way, they usually watch from the other room but if they enter the kitchen at all, they don't beg and move out of the way for you when you move around

the one we got when she was already like 8 years old will jump on your leg and beg when you get stuff out of the fridge, but what can you do at that point

>> No.17268576


>> No.17268622

This pic is so staged it’s retarded.
>a cat is going to perch on a seriously fucking hot metal bowl to take a shit
Hell, the rice maker in the right image isn’t even the same one as the left.

>> No.17268628

All that means is we have proof of two separate cats shitting in two separate ricecookers. That much more reason to keep the feral bastards out of kitchens.

>> No.17268631

I will never let my cat on my kitchen counter. I'd sooner wrap her in tin foil than let her have her way in my kitchen. I will however allow her to sit on a chair I set aside for her as she chills and watches me cook, letting her smell various stuffs that aren't too strong for her nose.
And some bits of chicken or egg if that's what I'm making on that day.

>> No.17268691
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My Kitty does the same thing when I make myself a turkey sandwich, she'll paw at my legs until I give her a piece. The only time she begs, and it's the only table scrap she'll eat, she doesn't even care if I open a can of tuna, but if she hears me making a turkey sandwich, here she comes.

>> No.17269068
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i've stopped eating in homes with cats in them all together
they're just just vile animals for vile people

>> No.17269086

People who dislike cats are mental patients. You're just doing everyone else a favor by avoiding based cat owners

>> No.17269100

in my experience catfaggots are the most mentally unhinged
how else could you live with such a nasty creature?

>> No.17269116

Once dated a foul manbaby chud with a shitbull.
This fucking mutt was not only retarded but manbaby didn't properly train it. Thing would be up my ass in the kitchen, any time I'd turn my back it would be leaning up to the counter to eat whatever was up there. I'd tried blocking off the entrance to the kitchen with a baby gate and the shitbull would just stare at me growling loudly and staring at me while I was in there.
The chud couldn't handle working a full-time job when he was given the opportunity and quit within six months but would yell at me for not making enough money to pay his bills while working two jobs. Glad I left that motherfucker in the dust now that I have an actual career.

>> No.17269170

Show tits.

>> No.17269216

Nothing wrong with cats themselves, but the house always smells

>> No.17269225

My cat sometimes steals salad out of the sieve and carrys it around the house like he got the biggest mouse it fucking adorable.

>> No.17269230

They all think that, I can instantly tell someone has a dog the second I walk in their house. Dogs have a smell thats unmatched.

>> No.17269252

yeah, was eating at a a friends student appartment. litterbox melled through closed doors and was in the hall 2 meters from the dining table. I can't even crash on their couch anymore because of the awful smell.

>> No.17269256

The lad is on the floor. My hands nor the food touch the floor so I don't see the issue.

>> No.17269260

If a litterbox smells it means the owner isn't cleaning it. Litter boxes should be cleaned once a day, most people wait fucking WEEKS. It's not good for the health of the pet or the owner and I will never understand it.

>> No.17269271

I haven't owned a cat in years but smell was never an issue for me because I was on top of that shit.
My mom has a cat and I never notice a smell when I go visit. She's a strict routine kinda person and always cleans that shit first thing in the morning.

>> No.17269275
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I have cats. They are very loving pets, but are also neurotic little idiots that stink up your house and walk all over your counters and table. If I had my choice I would have no cats. Pic related is not related I am stuck with mine because I inherited them as rescues.

>> No.17269280

That doesn't work though. The smell permeates the litter that's left after you scoop out the shit. One of my best friends cleans his everyday but I can still smell it when I visit him.
You'd have to throw out the sand and replace it everyday. Other than that is hook it up to a vent or put it in the garage or something

>> No.17269284

You grew noseblind to it then

>> No.17269351

Agreed, they look submissive and beta

>> No.17269563

I don’t eat at anyones house if they have a cat. I just know it’s rubbed it’s ass on every surface and the hosts don’t wipe down the countertops before preparing food. My wife threw a fit once because I sat in the living room and watched tv instead of eating dinner when at her parents house

>> No.17269695

even ""clean "" cat people have questionable standards
li was tasked with picking up some expensive cake for my great grans birthday and was sternly warned not to damage the cake in transit
so i brought it back to the house in perfect condition and my grandma's cat "who omg never does that!" jumped on it damaging it badly
i pissed my grandma off at the party warning people the cat jumped on the cake which resulted in it mostly being uneaten
she would have happily just let people eat cat cake unsuspectingly
fucking gross i hate cat people

>> No.17269746
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>> No.17269778

The food must be good, as they are very fat.

>> No.17269789

New York?

>> No.17269807

Yo I'm from NY and fuck this shit. I moved into this place with no evidence of rodents and now I'm finding mouse turds in my cabinets. Fuck this shit man.
Think I'll take mice over cockroaches though but still

>> No.17269839

Either teach your cat to go the bathroom outside or idk use the toilet. I love that my cat goes outside and I don't have to deal with a litter box. My cousin's house smells vile because they only change the litter box once a fortnight and they have two cats... The piss and shit throughout their house.

>> No.17269868

the westoid fears the cat cafe

>> No.17269875
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>pets in the house

>> No.17269938
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>cat tries to jump onto the counter every time I try to make something
I love the little bastard, but God damn he just won't take a hint

>> No.17269941

cats don't belong outside if i catch yours in my garden it gets an arrow to the chest

>> No.17270212
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Average person eats 80kg of insects during sleep per year, why would I care about eating some cats hair or what not

>> No.17270251

excuse me what

>> No.17271067

what a big man you are. bet people walk all over you

>> No.17271071


>> No.17271074

What did you do to make them hate you? Did you beat them or something to try and train them? You're an asshole.

>> No.17271077

I have a pointer and I have never found its hair in my food. The hair doesn't exactly go airborne.

>> No.17271079

>lets your dog sleep on your bed
Yeah, no, your dog doesnt understand boundaries and I guarantee you that its an annoying cunt and begs for food constantly (not to mention sheds all over your pillow and undoubtedtly your kitchen as well)

>> No.17271080

It’s a hoax from when our grandmothers had working dicks still

>> No.17271222

Those dogs eat their poop, and all dogs meal their assholes

>> No.17271246

I caught my sister's cat kicking pepperonis off my 'za. Drove it 2 miles away but it came back eventually.

>> No.17271265

Wtf anon. Animal abuse is an early sign for serial killers

>> No.17271278

Why are you lying Hailey?

>> No.17272014

Shut up kike

>> No.17272024

Imagine being a dogcuck. An animal that slobbers, farts and drags mud all over your house. An animal you need to take out several times a day no matter what's going on in your life so it can take a shit that you need to pick up with your hands. An animal that cries "BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK" when a it sees a person walking down the street. Dogs are faggots. The chinese got it right by eating them.

>> No.17272062

takes too long
what if you are about to be sick
then you just shit and barfed on the floor

>> No.17272450

>Le Festin - Camille plays

>> No.17272514

Lol at schizos triggered by this post.

>> No.17272541

yeah animals in the house are gross, ill look after the cats i currently have but when they pass im never taking any in again

>> No.17272737

I'm gonna cry...

>> No.17272783

t. dog fucker

>> No.17272840

>an arrow to the chest
Lol look at fucking legolet here.
How many swords are hanging on your wall?

>> No.17273118

sometime, i like pissing in the kitchen sink rather than the bathroom one

>> No.17273185

>pets in the kitchen
I honestly don't see the issue as long as you aren't letting them up on the counters or wiping knives off on their fur.

>> No.17273194

didnt read muhammad

>> No.17273209
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psychos have a problem relating to animals so they get fussy at the sight of them alone

>> No.17273216
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Picrel is my dog. If she's around when I open the oven she smells the food and will try and throw herself into it. Very small brain. Not good in any cooking environment

>> No.17273296

Dangerously based. Pets do not belong inside the home at all.

>> No.17273351

i have an axe in the garage?

>> No.17273863

t. Jamal who got cucked by a dog

>> No.17273869

>Das rite kang, chain kibble to da tree so we can go git sum KFC. slayyy

>> No.17274232

Soulless and antichrist like.

>> No.17274243


>> No.17274244

Extremely accurate. Catfags are even worse though

>> No.17274260
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>> No.17274280

just one more reason to hate this faggot

>> No.17275284

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17275350

Incredibly based petcucks btfo

>> No.17275371

>my dogs don't beg
>Except this one lol haha guess I'll never train it loo

Dog owners in one

>> No.17275382

Narcissists need a companion that cant talk or say no to be completely dependent on them to feed their egos,
I'm anti dogs not anti animals.

>> No.17275589

holy shit hahahahha

>> No.17275599

>very strict about cats not in table or counter
>gf thinks it's cute, actively encourages it when I'm not there to stop her
I hate this bitch

>> No.17275633
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>dogfag feeds dog from the table

>> No.17275656
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>> No.17275738

king shit
>owning a cat
>living with a woman
You get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.17275745
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I regret my decisions but ultimately accept them

>> No.17276064

You guys need to beat your pets more

>> No.17276075

The only kind of person that thinks ppl don't clean are the kind that themselves dont clean

>> No.17276078

I had a brother that refused to do it often enough and wouldn't scoop it either, just dump the whole that ng

>> No.17276079

Toxoplasmosis finally got him?

>> No.17276091

he looks baked as fuck. eyes be stingin' bro

>> No.17276102

So is steel wool and wooden boards, and anything else boomers think is icky.

>> No.17276120

No we just have immune systems in our country instead, but that doesn't change the smell

>> No.17276126

>ESL attempts to communicate

>> No.17276128

Cute wieners

>> No.17276787

thanks for the new pasta. I now have a reason to post on /an/

>> No.17276941

you try training a 12 year old chihuahua, there's a reason it's important to start early to make things stick

>> No.17276957

This. Two of my cats hate each other and the other one is a fat mooch. When they're dead that's it for me.

>> No.17277065

if you have pets in the kitchen get checked for parasites, and take parasite meds even if you come out negative.

>> No.17277079

>thinks his is the only country that speaks English
>Is scared of germs
Americans are fascinating

>> No.17277142

Or maybe they just walked into a cat person's house once

>> No.17277223

Cats are fucking revolting I hate them so much. Say what you want about dogs but at least they don't have a designated shitting box inside the house that they fuckin walk and crawl around inside. They also can't jump up on counters or tables.

>> No.17277232

That's all true if you deny the existence of half of the dog breeds out there. And what happened to letting cats shit outside? Does no one do that anymore?

>> No.17277241

This is legitimately making me feel sick.

>> No.17277269

Outside cats are invasive vermin
Cats really should just be culled to extinction

>> No.17277286
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>> No.17277309

>invasive vermin
lol youre getting annoyed at another species adaptability and success

>> No.17277339

>Do you brush it every day?
Yes. I brush his fur and teeth daily and bathe him weekly. He's a clean boy.

>> No.17277395

They're not that special
Retards just feed and coddle them
Tnr is a giant mistake

>> No.17277408

some idiots where I used to live would make these rubbermaid feral cat shelters for winter and i would just put water in them to make them uninhabitable and these retards would never check lmfao

>> No.17278225

>he's never heard of the term "crazy cat lady"
your point doesn't hold up very well. unironically take your meds.

>> No.17278338

Dumb and adorable

>> No.17278347


>> No.17278348


>> No.17278349

My sister-in-law has two of those things. The poor creatures often seem to be in constant agony with all that sneezing and heavy breathing.

>> No.17278797

Maybe, but she doesn't know any better and we give her a really nice life. Lots of hiking and good food, sunshine, room to run around the house, etc. We got her at like two, the house she was living in before sucked and was super crowded with other pugs. She's a pretty happy little dog but maybe that's just coping.