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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 857 KB, 2120x1593, 20190408_173627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17265028 No.17265028 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this shit?

>> No.17265036

My gf (female) loves it but I can't stand it.

>> No.17265041

because it tastes good

>> No.17265053
File: 55 KB, 500x347, 1639255744932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered by potatoes

>> No.17265059

The warm potato version without mayo is far superior.

>> No.17265081

Properly done potato salad is fantastic. The problem is that, generally, people make it with far too much mayonnaise, to the point where it's nearly fucking soup.

>> No.17265099

Mayo is for incels, sour cream or fuck off.

>> No.17265107

i've only had it with american (pig disgusting) mustard. does it taste better with dijon?

>> No.17265112

because it's not the superior Amish potato salad numbnuts

>> No.17265180
File: 29 KB, 927x270, pooponthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dijon mustard is American mustard you faggot

>> No.17265205

I only eat it when I'm eating BBQ or eating a cold cut sammie

same with coleslaw

Never eat it any other times

>> No.17265215
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, luikse_salade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the mayo kind but there is this regional variation here, called Luikse salade, name after the city of Liège. It includes boiled eggs, bacon and green beans, and is dressed with a mustard dressing. Very tasty.

>> No.17265224

it's a food that requires good ingredients, namely, high quality new season potatos to be good

and because it's cold, to be seasoned more than otherwise. Bland potato salad just requires vinegar, salt, mustard, more of those things

the rest hardly matters. Good potatos, seasoned well.

>> No.17265231
File: 333 KB, 680x472, 5cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause it's bueno. I like when it's full of bacon bits and onions

>> No.17265253

american mustard is a style, chud

>> No.17265256

hello american retard

>> No.17265292

that looks good

>> No.17265319
File: 328 KB, 600x600, 90D2F423-D028-408B-A159-F2ED5A764264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 8 years ago I lived In Michigan for two years, the time when tinder was a guaranteed easy lay every weekend, but the only name I remember from that state was pic related, never had potato salad before then and it was amazing, moved back to the east coast and haven’t been able to find Amish style potato salad since and it breaks my heart

>> No.17265345

looks unappetizing to me

>> No.17265363

What is wrong with you? It's heckin' yummarino! Especially with a lil' dabby-doo' of 'ot saussy.

>> No.17265392

I think /fit/ is right that every ten to fourteen days I need a carb day . A potato salad day .

>> No.17265400

>moved back to the east coast and haven’t been able to find Amish style potato

you legitimately are retarded you know that don't you?

>> No.17265457


>> No.17265473

properly made potato salad tastes incredible. It's so good. Most places fuck it up because they don't add a proper amount of mustard though.
Properly made it should have good amount of mayo/mustard. It should have chopped up hard boiled egg. Celery of course, paprika, dill if you want, so good.

>> No.17265532

it's better served with one or two freshly poached eggs

the dish does not suit potlucks or bbqs as it should not sit out

>> No.17265538

If you have it on the side of a good deli sandwich then it is really good.

>> No.17265580


>> No.17265585


>> No.17265610


>> No.17265618


>> No.17265645


>> No.17265680


>> No.17265694

any askers?

>> No.17265960


>> No.17265984

its good

>> No.17266045

because its good

>> No.17266109

my grandma used to make really good potato salad that no one can replicate
I miss you grandma

>> No.17266932

they have amish style tater salad at shartmart

>> No.17266947

Ah yes, the famous town of Dijon, WY

>> No.17266950

sharts calling carbs drenched in mayo a "salad" is hilarious

>> No.17266961
File: 39 KB, 500x467, Potato-Salad-with-Bacon-by-Five-Heart-Home_700pxHoriz-500x467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of varieties to it, and I think even the most ardent hater could experiment enough to find a style they like. Hot or cold, with potatoes either soft or with a bit of a crispness, skin on or off, with your choice of hundreds of types of potatoes, dressed with either a heavy or light dressing, with or without vinegar or mustard, with your choice of extras like celery or black pepper or anything else. I can understand why people wouldn't like a particular type of potato salad, but I couldn't understand why someone would hate all potato salads.

It's just such a massively varied dish that it seems odd for someone to flatly say they hate ALL potato salads.

>> No.17266966

Are you retarded or just asiatic? Kartoffelsalat is a classically European dish found across the continent.

>> No.17266970

>it's another "dumb ESL thinks salad means green salad" episode
Embarrassing. Study more.

>> No.17266974

literal retard

>> No.17266981

Deviled egg potato salad is one of my favorite foods. Should try it if you've only had regular potato salad.

>> No.17267162


>> No.17267177

wtf where do you think potato salad comes from?
I was going to call you a mean name but you're from esl so it wouldn't be fair because as a dead palater you don't know about food.

>> No.17267190

Because it's tasty?

>> No.17268385
File: 133 KB, 800x530, jarzynowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga your potato salad looks sad

>> No.17268397

If you don't like potato salad, it's because you haven't had potato salad with proper acidity and I really can't blame you. Eggy or sweet potato salad is fucking gross, but chuck some pickle juice and mustard in it when you try making it. Thank me fucking later. Pasta salad, on the other hand, can get fucked.