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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 646 KB, 839x963, hiroyuki metathread approved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17263542 No.17263542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have been noticing lots of bullshit here on /ck/ for a long time now. This may be obvious to some, but I see others posting away like they still just don't get it yet.
among some of the common shilly trolly bullshitty things, I notice /ck/ is constantly flooded with blatantly obvious advertising and product placement.
>buy this fastfood
>buy this softdrink
>NO! this softdrink!
>guys don't use glass stove! don't use oven! don't use gas oven or stove! they suck!
>instead you should microwave everything! fall for the induction cooktop meme!
>guys don't use cast iron/carbon steel/stainless steel/pyrex! I did it the wrong way and it burned and it ruined my food! it SUCKS!
>instead you should only use aluminum and teflon for everything!
>guys don't use pink salt even though it has more minerals and tastes better! it's bad because it has no iodine! don't simply take an iodine supplement and then use the far superior pink salt!
>instead you should just use cheap shitty heat treated iodized table salt with suboptimal iodine and flat soulless flavor!
I mean it's just constant FUCKING BULLSHIT.

>> No.17263544

Oh and of course the classic:
>totally ignore that normal guy over there who just eats vegetables!
>you should never eat any fruits or vegetables at all! eat ZERO fiber and 100% meat only diet!
>only push your concrete hard hyper-keto shits out by sheer willpower! intestinal tears are and lethal bleeding are totally NORMAL
>all vegans are automatically gay somehow
>the vegans are trying to take your meat away
Obviously this is terrible dangerous and unhealthy advice that you should never follow that was made by very bad trolls. You should always talk to your doctor before doing or stopping anything. (I am not a doctor)

So these trolls or shills or whatever they are don't want you to know that the real conspiracy is that the elites want us to all have zero access to meat AND vegetables. only access to lab grown human flesh from aborted fetal tissue cell cultures, (something similar to soylent green) and those bug-tofu bricks similar to that snow piercer movie. They also want you to live in a pod and own nothing. Meanwhile the elites will keep eating real fruits and veg and meat while shaming us. Do not fall for divide and conquer tactics. instead look up. always look up.

>> No.17263552

What are some really annoying things you notice on /ck/ anons?

>> No.17263559
File: 312 KB, 451x562, 1612892869742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on /ck/ every day for the past 10 years and don't recognize anything you spent all that time typing out.

>> No.17263563

mr. cram and that alcoholic who’s always posting his raw burgers

>> No.17263569

I don't know how you have managed to dodge all of this and never even notice it once.

>> No.17263574

>that alcoholic who’s always posting his raw burgers
Haha, that's me >>17263559

>> No.17263575

im not reading all that shit. if you want to actually know how to cook go google a recipe and find out if Darla’s hubby approves of the food after she changed literally everything about it.

>> No.17263581
File: 58 KB, 246x205, goncern1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw burgers?

>> No.17263587
File: 85 KB, 800x599, 1f6900b0876d9ed23aafec0c8c942f23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ has literally always been the way it is. trends come and go but it's always been the same shit.

>> No.17263594
File: 8 KB, 451x114, 1508819394828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiroyuki approved meta thread
Doesn't exist.
>b-b-b-but /qa/ was...!
Killed. Wanna know why?

Nobody fucking likes a whiner, even if they are right.

>> No.17263597

I have a suspicion that some of the people shilling on here have actual investments/stocks in certain companies and shill it not only here, but everywhere and anywhere they can.

>> No.17263599

>muh advertising product placement shill conspiracy REEEEEEEE
Take some meds and fuck off.
If you think all of these threads/posts are advertising, then fucking report them for advertising instead of crying like a little bitch about it.

>> No.17263604

show this guy one of your monstrosities

>> No.17263607

schizo thread written by an autist unable to see past face value of any post

>> No.17263610

The only threads that are advertising are the daily e-celeb spam, but reporting them does nothing because they're...advertising.

>> No.17263611
File: 42 KB, 197x158, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not reading all that shit. if you want to actually know how to cook go google a recipe and find out if Darla’s hubby approves of the food after she changed literally everything about it.
>too lazy to read
>not lazy enough to not make the effort to assume a bunch of shit and type out a post

>> No.17263623

Cram spammer and the penis pot pie retard.

>> No.17263624

it was killed because they pissed off the trannoid mods by raiding /lgbt/
if only both boards died in the explosion we would’ve been saved from 2 many cancerous tumors that infect this site.

>> No.17263626

unless you are growing food out of the ground, or forging your own cast iron pans from scratch, literally every food and cooking equipment that is posted on /ck/ is necessarily a product. I don't deny the possibility that there is marketing on 4chan but I don't understand why that's the first thing schizos like you jump to
people argue about corporate products because that's what food and cooking is. products
OP would be happier if everyone talked about cooking in only the most general sense and never mentioned any specific brand, company, restaurant... in fact I think he wants us to stop talking about food and cooking altogether