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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17259567 No.17259567 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans have such large fridges. This is probably just normal looking fridges to you, but in Europe we call these "American style" fridges

>> No.17259572

One side is fridge one side is freezer

>> No.17259580

Having the freezer on the bottom is really stupid and dumb.

>> No.17259586

Because we don't live in shoeboxes

>> No.17259587
File: 22 KB, 615x461, 0ad984c9-a384-4887-b6a5-f760d868633a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that, but it's still massive. This is what the average European fridge freezer looks like

>> No.17259593

Fat people. Lots of them there. They eat a lot

>> No.17259598

>t. Listens to technology connections like he isn't an aspie reading from Wikipedia

>> No.17259601

Because we usually only go to the grocery store once a week or less, and we don't do local shopping at a corner store because that shit is always marked up 20% or more from what you can get at the grocery store and only an idiot would pay that mark up when they can hop in a car and get a better price in ten minutes.

>> No.17259681

ok i dont care

>> No.17259690

Some Americans have families, unlike Europeans

>> No.17259698

Watch who you're talking to, and your tone mate

>> No.17259710

Because we keep a variety of vegetables, fruits, drinks, sauces, etc. for a long time that we don't want to go bad. I have a smaller refrigerator, and cabbage takes up one of the drawers. I always want to keep celery and carrots around. What the fuck am I supposed to do with the lettuce? God forbid I buy leeks. I have to start cutting shit and putting it in bowls to put on shelves.

>> No.17259727

the first wave of mass-adopted consumer fridges in the US from the 1940s were already big
I guess back then labor costs probably meant a big unit cost about the same as a smaller one to make. In europe materials and electricity were probably more expensive

>> No.17259730

Nah, you’re just retarded.
>you access the fridge portion many times more often than the freezer portion
>clearly the freezer needs to be in a more ergonomically convenient position.

>> No.17259743

Americans tend to have bigger houses than Europeans, so why not have a bigger fridge that can hold more stuff? Its nice to have more room for food. Especially when you factor in that American incomes are higher, and sales / VAT taxes are lower, so that big fridge probably costs the typical American household a smaller portion of their income than the smaller fridge does to a European household.

>> No.17259744
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>> No.17260532
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>> No.17260610

americans can afford food

>> No.17260625

Don't you dare talk shit about TC you uncultured swine

>> No.17260630

American here, the real reason is that Americans live in a hellhole dystopia where the process of buying food is not a 5 minute walk but instead a 10-20 minute excursion requiring a fueled car and awful traffic in an ugly city. But I guess that's the price way pay for '''freedom''' or whatever.

>> No.17260654

Because auto lobbying forced zoning laws that make owning a car a requirement in the US. Grocery stores are typically too far to walk to so we need a car to get there. Because of this we only go there once a week, meaning we need a fridge big enough to store a week's worth of food for a family.

>> No.17260669


Because America is a sprawling car centric hell hole so we (in general) go shopping less and buy way more at a time.

>> No.17260672

I can taste the euroseethe

>> No.17260673

Fight me you little bitch

>> No.17260679


>> No.17260681

t. Eurotards larping

>> No.17260687


You can check if someone is samefagging you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.17260697

Hot air rises, cold air sinks
Ego more efficient that the freezer is on the bottom

>> No.17260700
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>Americans live in a hellhole dystopia

>> No.17260722

People with the money for those fridges will buy the big shit. I rent an apartment with a smaller fridge that would be normal sized to Euros. Not every American fits the stereotypes, as this place is quite diverse.

>> No.17260725

Europeans have small refrigerators because most of their houses were built before the invention of refrigerators, and so they're stuck trying to retrofit old 18th-19th century kitchens to accommodate modern appliances.

>> No.17260736

>instead of 5 minutes it takes 20!!!!!
Get the fuck out of my country you seething eurotrash faggott

>> No.17260744

Oh boy someone sure likes to watch "Adam ruins everything" while his wife is out with her boyfriend

>> No.17260752

Because Europeans are poor and can't afford nice things

>> No.17260785

Because they need extra space to keep all the frozen ready to eat "food"

>> No.17260872

"We call these American Style".

That makes me proud. sniff.

>> No.17260876


t. youngfag and/or city retards in denial

>> No.17260879

>[x] seething?
>[x] coping?
>[ ] dilating?

Dilate, faggot

>> No.17260887

Bottom freezers are based gives you more access to fridge less bending over

>> No.17260902

I'm 33 and live in a town under 100k. The only time groceries took me longer than 20 minutes was when I lived in urban shitholes, and when I lived in Busan I could either spend an hour buying food or live out if a 7-11. Don't talk shit.

>> No.17260908

The average european lives in constant fear of russian invasion, is surrounded by cats and surveillance cameras, and cannot fix a lightbulb.

>> No.17260913

is it true bongs have to pay for electricity like a prepaid cellphone?

>> No.17260933

Without reading the thread to see if it was posted cuz i'm lazy, outside of the cities, there's a lot more room in most murrican homes, so you have room for more shit.

>> No.17260937

You would have to go to the grocery store multiple times a week with a fridge that tiny. And with a freezer that small, how do you bulk buy meats and other things when they go on sale?
0/10 trash fridge for ants

>> No.17260969

max comfy, proud to be a (real) american

>> No.17261263

I really hate being in america. You can't walk anywhere. Everything is endless asphalt. And all the land is privately owned unless you want to go to retardtier national parks.
This country is killing me. I'm trapped.

>> No.17261271

>be me
>have the cash to buy nice property anywhere I want in the country
>spend a long time looking
>Every state is a shit compromise
It's awful man. What's the point of this place?

>> No.17261277

You're right. It probably takes the average american 30 minutes to go shopping. That's how long it takes me. Sit in traffic forever. I have friends that have to drive nearly an hour to go get groceries.

>> No.17261291

Have you owned one? It's actually based as fuck. I will never go back to a side by side or freezer on top

>> No.17261292

we're big guys

>> No.17261301

Everyday I wake up in anger and spit on the disgusting dirt that makes up this cursed land. The worst part is I'm financially very successful but this land is so worthless that there's nothing to spend money on.

>> No.17261363

Or what? You're going to recognize George Floyd day as a national holiday in your European nation and put more pressure on us to do it too? Fuck off.

>> No.17261384

You are being disingenuous or just want to brag about how you got a home close to a grocery store. My grocery store is near me but it is better to drive there because there aren't any easy walking paths straight to it.

Almost all grocery stores in the US outside of big cities are designed around cars, that is just a fact.

>> No.17261396

With the amount of insulation in a fridge it really doesn't matter much. Now if it was a tiny bar fridge or whatever that doesn't have a fan to circulate it'd make a much bigger difference

>> No.17261406

Fuck are you saying man? If anyone is going to do that it's us and you know it.

>> No.17261512

I dream of a walk in fridge and freezer. If I ever become rich I want to at least have a walk in freezer.

>> No.17261562

You've never lived in a moderate sized town and it shows desu. Everywhere I've ever lived, I've been surrounded by two to three grocery stores within a 5 minute drive. Two of the places I've lived in, the grocery stores were a <20 minute walk.

I know people CAN live far away from the grocery store, but I honestly can't imagine choosing to do that unless you were trying to buy a bunch of fuck off land. My sister lives in a really 'hip' neighborhood, but they have no good grocery store (just some overpriced garbage health food places). I could never.

I love being near groceries, I can just up and get whatever food I want whenever I want. It's honestly the height of first world living and I don't know why people even consider living away from the grocery stores. There's literally no greater convenience.

>> No.17261582

Most of Europe is even worse

>> No.17261666

>You would have to go to the grocery store multiple times a week with a fridge that tiny.
I order groceries once a week, enough space for 2 people.
>how do you bulk buy meats and other things when they go on sale?
? lol, I don't look at prices, I get what I need for cooking for the upcoming week, that's it.

>> No.17261712

Jesus christ what a waste of money. Imagine not knowing how to plan ahead.

>> No.17262409

Well at least we dont go overseas to die for israel

>> No.17262414

Only is shitty neigbourhoods and council flats

>> No.17262415
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>make thread about fridge
>Americans find a way to seethe about Europeans in it

>> No.17262419

Americans live far away from supermarkets and stores. Their homes are usually two or three hours away from the nearest store.
Thats why they usually buy groceries by the truck load and need giant refrigerators to keep everything from spoiling. They usually shop once every 2 months and everything is frozen, canned or non perishable. The average American has never tasted fresh fruit or vegetables

>> No.17262423
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I know this will come out as elitist, but I really don't like frozen meat at all.

I think meat loses a lot of flavor from being frozen and its texture suffers as well.

So I mostly like to use my freezer for ice and peas.

I try to buy meat maximum 3 days before using it, and to keep it in the fridge.

As for vegetables, I also try to buy them as I need them, so I don't really have a fridge full of drying vegetables.

>> No.17262428
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And it's still not enough. Gotta get one of these as well

>> No.17262429

American refrigerators are mandated to fit a family of 4 and be lead-lined in case of nuclear explosion.

>> No.17262439

Meat is always better fresh, some veggies can be stored for weeks (ie cabbage, cellery) without loaing flavour
That being said frozen food really varies based on what technology they used to freeze them

>> No.17262472

Most of the space is taken up by soda.

>> No.17262477


>> No.17262520

Anon, united states is warm country. I've never been there, but certainly fruit or vegetable just grow there well and everywhere.

>> No.17262577

>t. poorfag

>> No.17262599

Yep, I've got a normal fridge/freezer in my kitchen, and a large chest freezer for bulk meat storage, currently have 5 or 6 whole turkeys (bought at $0.39/lbs) probably 7-10lbs of 80/20 ground beef, and some random things (pork butt, maybe a chuck roast, and some chicken thighs)

>> No.17262633

Because whenever you leave the house in USA you risk being killed in a road rage incident or mass shooting. That's why we stockpile as much food as possible.

>> No.17262680

>shuffles notrcards furiously
>there's gotta be something else here, come on
>wait, fridge sizes?
>fuck it, why not?

>> No.17263210

I doubt you could repair a broken lightbulb either. You'd replace it with a new one like everyone else.

>> No.17263214

most americans live in suburban areas where going to the grocery store is something you do once a week or so and buy stuff in large quantities, and it's not really feasible to walk or bike a block over to the shops to get tonight's dinner every day

>> No.17263225
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We don't really eat a lot of fresh food here, so everyone pretty much shops for 1-2 months at a time and buys pasteurize-process cheese food, sunny D, oscar mayer luncheon meats, and I can't believe it's not butter. About the only vegetables purchased fresh are potatoes, for special occasions when a baked potato is made (in the microwave of course)

Picrel is normal style american shopping, if you buy a fresh vegetable people will assume you had a recent health scare

>> No.17263231
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>pedantic bullshit, misses point entirely

>> No.17263248

TC is pro bottom freezer but yea he does literally just read wiki sometimes

>> No.17263251

Where do you put all the food?

>> No.17263261

>in Europe we call these "American style" fridges
No we don't. I've never seen that. Just because one country in Europe does it that doesn't mean everyone does.

>> No.17263281

>not preparing for imminent global economic disaster at all times
>living moment to moment like a retard
>not having three chest freezers full of all manner of jarred preserves and meats as well as a root cellar with fermented goods
God Europeans are so fucking idiotic

>> No.17263317
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>Big refrigerators
>Big houses
>Ice makers
>Air conditioning
>Cold drinks
>Lots of firearms
>Lots of roads and cars
>Fuck you, I'll do what I fucking want because American attitude
>Even have our own Eiffel Tower so we don't have to deal with Parisian twat waffles.

I'd be jealous too.

>> No.17263320

>Have you owned one?
Of course not, as >>17262577 perfectly put it.

>> No.17263342

>He doesn't cut open his old bulbs and replace the filaments in a vacuum chamber he built out of an old air compressor, pressure cooker, and abondoned house windows.

Enjoy paying the LED merchant, incandescent for life.

>> No.17263356
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Despite what this guy said, a large number of normal people exist in america, we're just not the kind to go RAH RAH BOMB THE FRANCE THEY DIDN'T SUPPORT THE IRAQ WAR OBSESSED I DON'T THINK ABOUT YOU AT ALL USA#1, in fact it is rare for us to insert any commentary about national rivalries into a conversation, so when you see us talking about stuff on the internet, you don't necessarily think of any particular country

I for instance don't own any weapons because I haven't watched "Death Wish" 400 times, I also don't own a car, and did this guy really imply AIR CONDITIONING is only available in the US? we need to carpet bomb rural america, they are dead weight holding us back as a country

>> No.17263366

You are a faggot Canuck LARPING behind a VPN.

Fuck you

>> No.17263368

>sound normal and reasonable
>suddenly screeching about rural America
So close too.

>> No.17263381

the light in my room is on about 16 hours a day and since getting new LED bulbs I haven't had to change either of them in well over a year and a half now

>> No.17263393
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They are going to love when the cities run out of supplies and they either get raped by the minorities or enslaved by country folk for trespassing and looting because their urban utopia is a false god.

>> No.17263427

i don't see anyone living there. you?

>> No.17263435
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Joke's on you, I am the minorities

As to your SHTF fantasy, perhaps your local school board burned all the history books on account of their having mentioned slavery in a less than favorable light, so I won't judge you for not knowing this, but the last time there was a collapse, you people didn't exactly have a good time

>> No.17263452
File: 72 KB, 700x790, new-french-fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average fridge around my block

>> No.17263486

1) Europeans live either on farms and in cities, so have access to food outside of the refrigerator. Americans are soy-fed, sedentary suburbanites. Americans have large refrigerators because the idea of getting groceries more than once a week is terrifying to them, since a grocery trip takes at least 1 hour, but probably 3.
2) Americans don’t eat human amounts of food, we eat American portions. Though America chose consumption over humanity a long time ago. But we have the fattest consumption cattle in the world!
3) Americans have larger houses, since we make them out of cheap pine wood, instead of sturdy materials. So we have more room for storage. We also have enough land to build storage facilities to store the stuff we don’t use and is too much to keep at home!

>> No.17263487

To be fair, rural Americans are pretty fucked up

>> No.17263521

look at this pathetic loser lapping at the feet of eurabians.

>> No.17263556

it's the most efficient freezer besides a chest freezer.

>> No.17263692
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>> No.17263832

you can also flip this around, and say that Europeans find a way to seethe about Americans in it B)

>> No.17264287
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>you access the fridge portion many times more often than the freezer portion


I had a freezer-on-the-bottom fridge at my last apartment but my current place has a conventional old style freezer-on-the-top model and I fucking hate it, as I have to bend down all the damn time!

As for tiny Euro fridges; they mostly live in crowded concrete urban hives with barely any room, thus the tiny fridges.

>> No.17264313
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>> No.17264327
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I hope you've also got a generator in case the power goes out, otherwise that ton of food you've got will all spoil.

>> No.17264360

Do you guys not have families?

>> No.17264364

Where do you live where long-term power outages are a part of your daily life? Last time we had a tranny blow in our neighbourhood, the guys had it fixed in 3 hours.

>> No.17264368

>posts camping toy
Massive Generac with 10sec start time and 15sec full power time.
Power could go out for a week and I’ll still have fridge, freezer, climate control, wireless internet, TV, and everything else minus the circuits in the guest rooms.

>> No.17264372

Unlimited Giggle Works, mate.

>> No.17264379

oh i get it
food poisoning is a global conspiracy

>> No.17264383

hill people prefer not to be seen

>> No.17264386

Americans are not so poor that they all live in 10 square meter homes.

>> No.17264575
File: 85 KB, 893x300, DirtyCleanPower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> can't happen here!

I’m in Michigan but storms can knock out the power anywhere and it only takes a day or two for all that food to spoil.

Side note for those unfamiliar with generators; get one of the newer styles that uses an alternator and not generating head, as the alternator types produce a “clean” current that won’t fuck up sensitive electronics like flat-screen tvs and computers. The old school generating head types produce a “dirty” electrical current that’s fine for fridges and power tools and such but not modern electronics.

> my dad works at Nintendo

That’s all I need for the rare power outage. I think the last time I used mine was 3-4 years ago? Still, handy to have and at $500, a lot cheeper then a whole-house generator.



>> No.17264861
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>> No.17265169
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>why do people who have newer societies built with tons of space everywhere take advantage of said space?

>t. every midwit european ever.

>> No.17265221

to elaborate on >>17259601

in order from most economical to least:
costco / sams club < walmart / target < grocery store chains < any small store

costco can be a once a week or once every couple months stop
walmart/target is where most of the grocery shopping happens. once a week usuaully since a lot of meat/produce is good somewhere around that long once purchased
if you are looking for a better produce selection you might supplement with a grocery chain.

any small store: gas station, convenience store, mom n pop stores, niche stores, all will have a big markup for convenience.

farmer markets are hit or miss. seems like the "farmers*" are asking a lot these days.

sometimes the niche stores are worth going to since all the major chains usually have pretty close to the same/similar products.

>*= have personally known more than 1 "farmer" whos business was to buy product and flip it at farmers markets.

>> No.17265241

>for special occasions when a baked potato is made (in the microwave of course)
i was a teenager the first time i had an oven baked potato. i remember feeling so amazed and betrayed.

>> No.17265714

I don't know a single person who has ever grocery shopped at target, and no one with an income above 40k grocery shops at Walmart, unless they have eight kids. Though that is admittedly a large and particular dumb and lucrative market.

>> No.17265744

>I have friends
no you don't

>> No.17266013

because we only shop one ever 1-2 weeks instead of every day like europeans

>> No.17266041

walmart is just cheaper in general. why not save money when you can?

>> No.17266119

what a pathetic fridge. I have 2 fridges, and they're both way bigger than this