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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17251382 No.17251382 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em

>temp: 32ºC
>humidity: 80%
leftover sausages, pickle, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and mustard

all served ice cold!

>> No.17251462

I got your hot meal right here!

>> No.17251571


>> No.17251623

true, although I suffer from dehydration mostly from pissing out my salts all weekend from being a boozehound, which makes it really hard for me to stomach and absorb water. aaaand since I had 2 weeks off where I pissed-up daily I'm basically a shell of a man at this point and the excessive minerals are now critical to my survival.

i gotta find a less sweet mustard though

>> No.17251653

I'm getting acid reflux just looking at that
eat a potato or something damn

>> No.17251681

good idea, now i'm having some potato chep with ketchup

>> No.17251696

Oh wow you think that's hot? How adorable

>> No.17251699

emmental sucks

>> No.17251717
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when it's 6pm and still that wharm yes, it was a hot sticky day and i was in the mood for cool treats.

it's not my fav, but i bought it for to make reubens with my leftover new year's corned beef

>> No.17251727

based doesn't-take-the-low-effort-shitpost-bait fag

>> No.17251802

I've been living off sandwiches. Wholegrain bread, lettuce, tomato, cheese, cucumber, sprouts, avocado, gherkins, smoked salmon, fried ham, fried eggs, tuna, hollandaise sauce, mayo, aioli, sweet chili sauce, hot sauce. Any combination of those things, usually only onemain a protein source, I did make a double decker the other day with smoked salmon and fried eggs, shit was cash.

>> No.17252771

Sounds good anon but somehow I grow tired of sandwiches quickly. Not a big bread guy I guess

>> No.17253955
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During the summer I live off of seafood loaded with lemon zest/juice and dill. Pickles are a great snack too

>> No.17254041

what are those kind of sausages called?

>> No.17254139

smoked brisket, coleslaw (or some sort of finely chopped brassica and crunchy veg in a sour or creamy dressing, maybe with some raisins or chicory), maybe some roasted corn... things that can be cooked over fire, coals or smoldering wood outside - a lot of set and forget while you spend your prep time in the air conditioning inside.

Your preserved veg, milk-jelly and cold sausage seems very Scandi.

>> No.17254237

Just generic Italian style pork from Coles. Not terribly flavourful desu

>> No.17254991


>> No.17255000

those are shriveled up normal sausages from refrigeration but you're thinking of Ćevapi, which they resemble in their shriveled up state

>> No.17255012
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>> No.17255035

Holy fuck those look good. But yeah, emmentel is just flavorless gruyere.
t. Knows nothing about cheese

>> No.17255037
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Have you tried grilled cheese?

>> No.17255049

It's winter right now in developed countries, don't you have a tennis player to be seething about?

>> No.17255051
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Picrel but you have to ask my mum to make it for you. It's a lithuanian buttermilk based beat soup called Šaltibarščiai. Served with boiled eggs, boiled taters, and dill.

>> No.17255092

tennis player won his court battle

>> No.17256248

that's not something I can even imagine the flavour of

would try

>> No.17256279

Yum. Looks good anon

>> No.17256282

Australians aren't going to bitch about 32 degrees.

>> No.17256303
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It's -32c in my shithole right now and I'm on a miserable diet. I have a chronic headache and my body is covered in eczema because the air is so dry. I want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.17256326

where are you Montana or summat?

>> No.17256334

Central Canada

>> No.17256335

do you really get full on just that?

>> No.17256344

I don’t know what you’re talking about , I live in Alaska and it’s 39 degrees Fahrenheit right now .

>> No.17256356

That's North West Canada. He's in Central Canada.

>> No.17256376

So , if zero degrees Celsius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and one hundred degrees Celsius is 212 degrees Fahrenheit , then divided by two carry the one , , , , that’s like four hundred degrees Fahrenheit ! Wow that’s hot .

>> No.17256382

Other than Fairbanks the parts of Alaska where people actually live aren't that cold. I'm south of the 49th parallel and our winters are several degrees colder than Anchorage.

>> No.17256401

Juneau’s average January daily low temperature is fifteen degrees warmer than Des Moines Iowa .

>> No.17256431

Fahrenheit and Celsius meet at -40.

>> No.17256496

The fun thing is explaining to metric using tourists that the US customary system of measurement is actually easier than an the metric system . They look at me like I’m the biggest idiot they have ever met . They don’t get satire .

>> No.17256510

>They don’t get satire
But American's actually think they're the best at everything and everything they do is the right way. Unless it was in a sarcastic tone I wouldn't expect anyone to get it.

>> No.17256539

Seriously though , why do we use fractions ?

>> No.17256553


>> No.17257129

I don't know, why do we use fractions?
This better be a good one...

>> No.17257183
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32ºC isn't hot, you soyboy.

>> No.17257803

I seriously don’t know . I think using both units makes us dumber as a species . Try calculating humanities wasted man-hours converting from one system to the other . Pro tip , use fractions .

>> No.17258113
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Chill out on the spacebar there bud.

>> No.17258263

no idea wtf is happening in that bowl but the suntory looks appetizing

>> No.17258365

It's -3 out earlier today in NH. Cold as shit

>> No.17258387

My tablet is trying to determine spacing and I won’t give in . Ever .

>> No.17258560
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A caprese salad, chicken steak and a ice cold beer/soda

>> No.17258742
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Change the keyboard settings bromosexual.

>> No.17258837
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Huge cup of this with a mandarin Jarritos or a Dos Equis.

>> No.17259351

That seems risky .

>> No.17259416

You can stop the auto spacing.

>> No.17259465

I don’t need to change anything , I’m winning !

>> No.17259561
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>> No.17259571

Coffee and toast

>> No.17260490
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>> No.17260587

It is, just not unbearably so. Might be a pain if you lived somewhere like scandinavia where houses where made to trap heat as efficiently as possible and ac isnt a thing but as he has 30+ at this time of year that should not be the case

>> No.17261725

Low effort pasta salad.
Cool pasta, pour in cans of olives, chickpeas, maybe some other bean. Throw in a couple of hard boiled eggs, sometimes cut with a spoon if I'm lazy. Cherry tomatoes, maybe sliced cucumbers, maybe some peanuts, sunflower seeds, more olives, more chickpeas, more tomatoes.
Love that shit.

>> No.17262769

>Cook pasta, drain, add to big bowl
>Fry and chop bacon
>Chop and blanch spinach
>Dice red onion
>Dice sundried tomatoes
>Dice feta
>Add everything to bowl
>Drizzle over olive oil and balsamic vinegar
>Add fresh basil leaves and salt and pepper
>Stir it all together