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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 526 KB, 1539x2187, supersize me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17251134 No.17251134 [Reply] [Original]

>Man makes poorly aged propaganda that still gets brought up to this day

>> No.17251140

So I heard that this was full of shit? Anyone got a quick rundown?
I don't think anyone would question that eating fast food every day is unhealthy but I thought I read that they did things that screw with the whole narrative.

>> No.17251148

I heard he also binge drank all the time

>> No.17251149

Apparently he’s a raging alcoholic and kept drinking during the filming while claiming it wasn’t affecting him

>> No.17251170
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He never released his medical data, exactly what he ate for 3 meals a day and in general cut corners to prove his dumbass theory right as if it needed proving.

>> No.17251271

Never understood the point of it. What exactly was the point he was making? If you eat only copious amounts of crap food for every meal and don't exercise (while drinking heavily), you will have bad health outcomes? No fucking way. What an eye opener. Used to think my teachers were retarded showing this in class. Who the fuck was advocating that he do what he was doing? I don't think McD's even tell people to eat at their food every day for every meal while not exercising at all.

>> No.17251283

imagine eating mcdonalds nonstop sober

>> No.17251291

Retard kept alcoholic level of drinking throughout the documentary and his symptoms lined up exactly with alcohol poisonning (failing liver, vomiting etc)

>> No.17251298

Honestly the whole nikocado fiasco is probably a better documented human downfall caused by overeating and binging on shit food than this hollywoodized bullshit.

>> No.17251302

>I don't think McD's even tell people to eat at their food every day for every meal while not exercising at all.
although I don't agree with you considering the way fast food restaurants are currently advertising themselves, I do think this is an important point on the original point of fast food. It was a treat the whole family could enjoy once in a while, the novelty stemming from the "carside" / window service aspect and how fast it was made. quick, inoffensive fun... NOT something to be eaten regularly

>> No.17251305

this. I wonder how fat activists are responding to the popularity of his decline... people seem universally disgusted at what is happening to him and are literally telling him he will die if he continues. seems to be a major blow to the fat acceptance movement due to the fact that you can literally see he's fat because he overeats, period.. no secret mystical problem that causes fat people to just "exist"

>> No.17251309

Nikocado hasn’t posted a video in over a month, bros. Is he OK?

>> No.17251327

The only times I hear or even think about it is when you make another thread about it.

>> No.17251334

niko gets stronger by the day. how many people subscribe to ur only fans?

>> No.17251353

It was appropriate for it’s time. The Fast food industry was normalizing unhealthy trends in the American diet.

>> No.17251380

>still gets brought up to this day
I can't remember the last time anyone talked about this until you decided to make a thread about it.

>> No.17251389
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>McDonalds is...... LE BAD!!!!
Do (my fellow) Americans really need propaganda to understand this?

>> No.17251415

McDonald’s is a fast and reliable, nutritionally balanced restaurant. Good luck trying to scale up food yourself while remaining so insanely consistent and full-flavoured. The Vegejew consortium has been unsuccessfully propagandising against McDonald’s for decades since because Ron McDonald’d supported Germany during the war.

>> No.17251421

Zeightgeist is the same.

>> No.17251434

Wtf I love Mcdonalds now

>> No.17251437

>all that sugar they put in the beef patties
>"nutritionally balanced"

>> No.17251442

Zeightgeist has full blown misinfo on several old myths and religions, the part where they try to draw parallels between jesus and other old religious figures.

>> No.17251446

For me it's the McHolocaust. The best fast final solution.

>> No.17251449


If you look carefully at the editing of the scenes where he goes to various doctors before and after his "experiment", the GP who tells him to "stop because this is hurting you" is either sat in exactly the same position, with his desk laid out in exactly the same way, wearing exactly the same clothes and with exactly the same hair and stubble, OR it's all footage from the first visit and he's talking about Spurlock's alcoholism.

>> No.17251458
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pictured: American trying to carry their daily 12000 kcal meal out to their car

>> No.17251465


>> No.17251564

I hope not

>> No.17251572

In Australia I had to watch this twice in year 10 S&E and year 12 English. It just made me hungry.

>> No.17251755

Meanwhile in my shitty 3rd world coca cola sponsored bunch of educational shit
You have no idea what will happen if corporations truly took over

>> No.17251862

>Anyone got a quick rundown?
Guy was an alcoholic
Guy didn't release any records
Guy ate the same meal for a months, which nobody is pretending is a good idea
Guy's claims don't fit his experiment

>> No.17251869

The way he was obligated to super size as if that's what people do( or do Americans really?)

>> No.17251882

Are you retarded?

'Fast food' and takeaways have been around for centuries, and have often been a reserve of the almost poor. If you were a craftsman in a mid 1500 town without a stay at home wife (as many working class women did have to work for most of history) you could either sacrifice two or three hours wages in order to cook, or you could end up spending an hour's wage on buying a hot pie at the local pie shop.

It was literally a money saving exercise for most of history. It's only in the last 100 years that fast food has become explicitly addictive with a hope to entice people who aren't time poor to buy it regularly.

>> No.17251886

The history of po boys and American italian delis tell a different story... if anything the traditional fast food like I mentioned above have become a luxury while the corporate junk food has undermined the traditional fast food.

Profit is great!

>> No.17251892

>or do Americans really?
Yes. Federal and state laws mandate Americans to eat McDonalds 10-25 times a month depending on the area. Note that some counties are dry, meaning you can't get a soda.

>> No.17251932

>nutritionally balanced
bro, have you seen the salt and sugar content in their stuff? not to mention half of their menu is deep fried

>> No.17251942

Coca-Cola is helping make education in developing countries a better place? Wow, how horrible. America says you’re welcome, btw, but you don’t need to thank us.

There’s like two things fried on their menu, the potatoes and the McNuggets. Just get the burgers, you nellie.

>> No.17251943

And here's the McDonald's shill. Fuck off, your food is shit

>> No.17251948

Chicken patties
Hash browns
Apples pies
The meat has so much fat in it it's practically deep frying on the grill, there's enough to form actual puddles of fat

>> No.17251952

Claimed to get fat from eating regular meals but was also eating icecream and drinking alcohol, refused to release the receipts or his meal plan
Went from eating a vegan diet to eating no nothing but McDonald's which he didn't disclaim meaning the food affected him differently than it would a regular person
Failed to prove that you can't stay healthy eating only McDonald's food which is actually doable while maintaining 3 meals a day

>> No.17251953

Yeah I'm sure coca cola is providing completely free education pit of the good of their hearts and not hoarding a water supply or distorting educational materials to support their worldview. Nope, not at all, that never happens! Trust the corporation, the shill says so!

>> No.17251957

*Out of the good of their hearts.

>> No.17251969

Shut the fuck up commie. Coca-Cola has all the money and power, that means they're the best. Just, SHUT UP. You're jealous.

>> No.17251977

Basically he lied but also squeeze fast food places balls enough to remove super size and to put some healthier foods on the menu like apple slices and salads. (coated in sugar and oil and bacon.)
Basically all he proved was he gained a fuck ton of weight from over eating maccas but also lied about drinking huge amounts of alcohol and used footage to pretend the food was destroying his liver in just a month and not the constant daily alcohol since he was a 14 year old.
Still if you want a example of what fast food does to a man over long periods of time just watch a break down video of nicardo by a doctor

>> No.17251982

even if it's inconsistent, why are you mad? eating less fast food is a net positive. are you upset that people eat less dogshit kike food now or what? get over it you fat fuck

>> No.17252019

ESL schizo

>> No.17252021


>> No.17252032

11 hours ago
Holy shit he's getting big

>> No.17252076

sou you fat incel freaks really defend unhealthy fast food? i cant really tell if you guys are baiting or if you are really that brain dead.

>> No.17252117

fuck off you minmax commie faggot

>> No.17252148

People have lost weight eating nothing but mcdoubles without the buns and water

>> No.17252188

Unless you're posting from HI the pies haven't been fried for years

>> No.17252450

How does /ck/ feel about thr unofficial sequel, Supersize ME, with Whiskey?

>> No.17253027
File: 190 KB, 475x886, 1515916795042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the people in the film are lying sacks of shit, pedophiles and business men ready to sue mcdonalds
>The only honest man in the entire film is the guy who eats 1 big mac a day since 1972

Don Gorske is still alive and still healthy by the way

>> No.17253062

His Chicken one is 100% worse.
He just opens a chicken fast food restaurant and markets it with healthy buzzwords and then is like "lol stupid Americans believe the marketing it's still fried chicken".

>> No.17253107

Oh grow up you giant faggot. It's just food.

>> No.17253161

I never saw it, why is it even named Supersize Me 2, just for marketing?

>> No.17253165

how can a man hold so many fries in his mouth?

>> No.17253182

>eating fast food 3 times a day for all your meals is bad
Yeah no shit retard
>look at how badly it affected me
Yeah no shit retard
>there are people doing this right now
Yeah theyre called retards and when they die the gene pool will improve
>my health is only affected by the food
Oh so your lazy ass and rampant alcoholism had nothing to do with it then.

>> No.17253310

The people that only eat McDonaklds do so because they are poor and or lazy sure, so that is where the problem truly lies.

>> No.17253358

If he truly was a chronic alchy and had been doing it for sometime, he may have plateaued, meaning he gets in his fill each day and then stops, so his body works around it, gut health and everything. All it would take is a sudden diet change to disrupt it all and pairing high amounts of fake sugar, fat, and salt to an already failing digestive system most likely put him over the edge.

.t been there before. Drank six tall cans a day for like 13 years, exercised, ate healthy, then I got extremely depressed and just are pizzas, subway, and burritos for like three months. My eyes turned yellow.

Got me to quit.

>> No.17253364

If that's true this skit just got 10x funnier

>> No.17253448
File: 133 KB, 431x419, 1628369640768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My city gives out free covid meals for a year or more now if you sign up for it and theyre seriously no better than just buying a quarter pounder from mcdonalds.

Like if im gonna eat crap food at least make it tasty.

>> No.17253924
File: 299 KB, 1194x1072, celebration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he finally got big enough to eat for free at the heart attack grill
he's like 370lbs right now

>> No.17253929
File: 60 KB, 500x643, 1615142694575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the heart attack grill

>> No.17253999

The classic "oops all boozing" method of scientific research. Like all the studies about meat that conveniently "forget" they're studying boomers who are full of corn syrup, tobacco smoke, booze and asbestos, and attribute it all to the hecking meat carcinogens.

>> No.17254048
File: 408 KB, 1920x1078, menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this restaurant in vegas that serves 20k calorie burgers and if you weigh more than 350lbs you eat for free
the waitresses dress as nurses and if you don't finish your meal, they spank you

>> No.17254055

>Like all the studies about meat that conveniently "forget" they're studying boomers who are full of corn syrup, tobacco smoke, booze and asbestos
Pretty sure they usually adjust for those three confounders

>> No.17254064

I hate America so goddamn much

>> No.17254066

>he shocked a few people into actually not killing themselves with scrappy food
How dare he?

>> No.17254089

It was started by a doctor who got tired of fatties ignoring his advice and he'd rather get rich helping them kill themselves faster.

>> No.17254096
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 10d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDonald's food... LE BAD because... because it just is, okay?!?!?!?!

>> No.17254103

Not true, he isn't a real doctor at all. Definitely based though, except there is a stupid rule that you can't share food and you can't take it out of the restaurant which is colossally dumb and an asshole move.

>> No.17254129

We lost the Super size because of this faggot and I'm still mad about it to this day.

Healthfags also cost use the KFC Double Down.

>> No.17254131

>cant take it out or share it
I think I can understand the 'take out' part, something to do with trying to cover there asses with food that could be considered 'dangerous/contaminated'? I do remember you got to sign a waver to eat in there. I think the 'share' part is apart of it as well. sounds retarded but i've herd/read alot of stupid reasons why alot of food places do what they do.

>> No.17254147

Also if mega fatties eat free its probably to stop them from ordering a lot of shit to eat later.

>> No.17254254
File: 13 KB, 232x293, supreme duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soda and starch is what gets you. Not the beef/chicken. He had a soda with every single meal 3 times a day sometimes super sized.

>> No.17254278

And McDonald's used to push for supersizing every order with excess fries and soda. That extra 50c per meal added up to good profits, the extra fries and soda being a very small expense. The fat alcoholic liar did more good for this world with his lies than most of us ever will.

>> No.17254290

He changed nothing. Obesity in the US has grown without the option to supersize at one fast food restaurant.

>> No.17254312

maybe that could have been true if he attacked the underlying causes like PUFAs but then again nobody would have watched his propaganda film without the sensationalism of attacking a big name.

>> No.17254415

Even ignoring the drinking, he's a fucking awful control considering he went from a vegan diet to immediately eating burgers everyday. Anyone's body would implode from that abrupt of a change.
Also the crux of his argument was retarded. He wasn't even proving mcdonalds made you fat, he was proving that you can't eat mcdonalds for every meal and be healthy which nobody besides the most forsaken hambeast would even consider.

>> No.17254429

>the reason i have to order 2 large drinks and 2 large fries at mcdonalds.
pretty annoying as my car has but one cupholder

>> No.17254515
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>A movie with Jared Fogle in it being seen by anybody in 2022
>Also a company that serves its customers meat that lies about it actually being meat for years

>> No.17254575

The American people are normalizing unhealthy trends in the Fast Food Industry.

>> No.17254585

try harder or go somewhere else McD's is shit, but they list all of their ingredients. sugar is in just about everything they sell except the beef

>> No.17254608

He had a better point about how it's marketed to kids. In general this stuff keeps a good population of addicted fatso npcs

>> No.17254612

Nikocado is a feedee

>> No.17254669

>that anti-government propaganda at the end

>> No.17254797
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>> No.17254840

I don't care what he did McDonald's is not real food it is shit and it is poison.

>> No.17255044

lol at times he sounds like Heath Ledger's joker

>> No.17255059

>simping for a clickbait grifter

>> No.17255074

>Wanna know how I got these rolls?

>> No.17255442
File: 214 KB, 620x472, 1516488847258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its easier for a low life to go after fast food than it is actual meme products like certain "health" foods that are stuffed with negatives that outweigh the benefits.

>> No.17255443

Shut up fat

>> No.17255708

>everyone thought fast food was healthy until the prophet opened our eyes
Ok retard

>> No.17255767

closely guarded american secret

>> No.17255774

America lets companies do the same thing because why fund public education wholly when you can sell it off to big businesses. Also the majority of our text books are made in Texas

>> No.17255960
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Would've been more interesting and inspirational if he lost weight, got in shape, and improved his health while eating nothing but McDonald's. If his health didn't improve, even more evidence that fast food is bad for you.

>> No.17255975

And we hate you, faggy foreigner

>> No.17256002

>the majority of our text books are made in Texas
That's because Texas is the only state that standardizes the same textbook across every school in the state, and it's a big state both physically and population wise.
That means it has a huge amount of clout with textbook publishers, because whatever book they pick will be a massive order.
All the textbook manufacturers make books in Texas to grease the wheels.
They also make edits and changes at the drop of a hat for even the most arbitrary reason if someone in the Texas Education Agency asks.

>> No.17256157

>Coca-Cola is helping make education in developing countries a better place?
I still refuse to believe americans are this retarded irl

>> No.17256201

just look at black people, most of them eat at mcdonalds and are obese with diabetes

>> No.17256576

It’s just trolling bro, don’t take the bait.

>> No.17256581

Don't go to Yellowstone.

>> No.17256621

dont even argue anymore. been having my "junk food" for like what? 2 decades by now? and i just call those people fucking retarded

>get over it you fat fuck
bruh no one even calls me fat IRL unless they have the knowledge that i eat the food that i eat then suddenly they go schizophrenic and say that i have an imaginary belly because that is the only way for them to make sense of the situation

>> No.17257009

He ate 5,000 calories a day!

>> No.17257417

this sounds like something the Japanese could have come up with, except the weight limit would have to had been lower

>> No.17257437

>eating nothing but fast food is bad
People were actually shocked by this

>> No.17257486

>eat for free if you're over 350 pounds
>order everything on the menu
>"hey can I take this to go?"


>> No.17257523

>Man makes poorly aged propaganda that still gets brought up to this day
Just wait til you find out about World War II.