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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 615x1151, China-Bat-Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17249098 No.17249098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post bad ethnic food that makes you feel racist

>> No.17249122
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>> No.17249131
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>> No.17249134
File: 81 KB, 640x898, RKcp1G8MgNi5S8djheAW_Cy_YcBALrSWBoIbKAAiTvw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey soup

>> No.17249137

I, too, hate it when I have to go to McDonald's and place an order with the nigger staff.

>> No.17249138
File: 62 KB, 500x333, tripe-yuk-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripe, just the look of it is off putting.

>> No.17249143

imagine having to drag your carcass to mcdonalds to eat this thing and get upset with the staff.

>> No.17249144
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>> No.17249156
File: 95 KB, 824x463, guinnea_pig-cuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guinnea pigs is another one, there's a smuggling trade where folk from south of the border bring them into the USA for pretty big money. I just cant imagine eating something that I used to have as a pet when I was a kid.

>> No.17249169

They taste decent. Not a whole lot of meat. More similar to pork than chicken

>> No.17249176
File: 12 KB, 427x400, 1634262841105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BREAKFAST!?!?!?!? IN A SHOVEL!??!?!?!?!!??!

>> No.17249204

Hopefully that liquid in the glass is vodka so once you drink enough you can deal with eating out of a shovel and paying for it.

>> No.17249213

>there's a smuggling trade where folk from south of the border bring them into the USA for pretty big money.
No there isn't

>> No.17249231

Yes there is, I bet you think there's no parrot smuggling either.

>> No.17249232

uma delicia

>> No.17249239

No, you got it backwards. The niggers have to drag their carcass up to McDonalds to work their slavecuck job and get angry at the slightest inclination of doing said job.

>> No.17249249

Why the fuck would anyone go through the effort of smuggling guinea pigs across the border when you can make a bunches in just a couple months.
Smugglers would be better off just sticking to spic children .

>> No.17249293

They cuy are bigger than pet guinnea pigs and have a "cultural value" to certian demographics.

>> No.17249304

You can literally sell them for meat. I went to a poultry wholesaler in Chicago and found them for sale as meat both dead and alive.

>> No.17249311

I don't go around eating guinnea pigs but I suspect that those are grass fed and not fed on pellets like the pet ones are.

>> No.17249327

That's not illegal. Why would you need to smuggle them to do that?

>> No.17249328

Nobody really cares about guinnea pigs, but trafficking kids is crossing a line the gets attention.

>> No.17249352

Yea, but it would still seem like finding a breeder for feeding cuy in the U.S. would be easier than crossing the border. I'm wondering because I've always had guinea pigs and the phrase, "so cute you could eat them" describes them fairly well for me.

>> No.17249354

Can you describe what having autism is like?

>> No.17249357
File: 593 KB, 2000x1000, shit on a platter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
>wow, 6 different types of starch mashed into paste and then serves on spangebread that you have to eat with your hands, its so unique!

>> No.17249372

That just looks shit, 80% of this board could beat that from home with no prep
I hate breakfast culture so much bros, literally shaking rn

>> No.17249380


Not liking good things isn't a personality, and does not make you seem interesting or mature.

Guinea pig isn't bad at all, taste like rabbit. But I get not wanting to eat something that's a pet in our culture.

You don't like bean and cheese tacos? That's pretty much all it is, if you stopped being a hipster you'd enjoy more things.

>> No.17249392

nobody gives a shit about your opinion

>> No.17249412

then go back

>> No.17249426

>enters thread asking about peoples opinions
>gets upset when he see's people expressing opinions
Med time, hipster.
Not liking a website isn't a personality either. Mature.

>> No.17249447

I posted a mcchicken which is ethnic food and disgusting, seriously. Burgers can be nice tho.

>> No.17249467

I'm pretty sure every country has some form of chicken sandwich, but my argument wasn't about whether it is ethnic or not, it's that they taste good. Most people agree which is why they sell hundreds of thousands of them a year.