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File: 173 KB, 1080x607, zoe-boule_wide-1080x607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17243840 No.17243840 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else like to enjoy a freshly baked fluffy loaf of bread on its own? Its just so good you don't feel like you need anything else

>> No.17244098

Yeah it’s good that way.

Instead of making sandwiches I prefer to just have a platter with separate things. I can enjoy the bread more.

>> No.17244114

Add butter. Butter and garlic.

>> No.17244137

Depends on the bread. The kind in your pic is perfectly delicious on its own, yes.

>> No.17244170


I baking my first loaf of bread so I'll let you know once I bake it. Made a lot of mistakes so not expecting it to bake well.

>> No.17245062
File: 739 KB, 1500x837, todays_loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I always have a slice of my bread plain when its done cooling.
This was today's loaf. I would have liked a better crumb. I followed the FWSY harvest bread with poolish recipe but used a pan instead of a large dutch oven instead of right inside of the dutch oven. Should I have let the dough ferment longer? Would adding another fold help? The recipe only called for two so that's what I did.
Even a loaf that ain't pretty will still taste good. It's hard to make something inedible when it comes to bread.

>> No.17245676

You need to up your hydration, from the crust I think also more salt.

>> No.17245731

I really enjoy making bread and having it fresh out of the oven. My favorite is sharing my bread with friends and family

>> No.17245957

How much more water would you recommend? The recipe I followed is already 78% hydration.

>> No.17246116


My first bread did not turn out so good. It's dense and chewy. I think I over fermented since the temp was hot. Was already overproofed during the proofing stage.

Not sure if it's undercooked as well. The top of the loaf cooked faster than the bottom. Got to adjust racks next time.

>> No.17247626

You'll get better with practice. Plus you already have ideas for improving so you're ahead of the curve.

>> No.17247634

>This was today's loaf. I would have liked a better crumb.
That looks like a perfectly good crumb. What are you talking about?

>> No.17247850

I guess I was hoping for the center to be a bit lighter. Maybe I've just seen too many photos of super airy bread and my expectations are messed up I don't know.

>> No.17248257
File: 68 KB, 500x500, ponderous pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, about to pop a loaf in the oven soon and I am really looking forward to a nice crusty slice with butter later

Big thanks to all human ancestors who discovered and perfected the baking of bread for thousands of years

>> No.17248963

>with butter
Did you not even read OP?

>> No.17248971

Recipe for the bread in the OP? That looks fucking delicious.

>> No.17249108

Its called boule, classically its a sourdough but technically boule just refers to the round shape of the loaf

>> No.17249688

the shape of bread isn't a recipe numbnuts

>> No.17249700

eat my cock retard

>> No.17249737

the portion size is too small, I want to talk to the chef

>> No.17249751

4c flour
2c warm water
1/2teaspoon yeast
2t salt
mix it all up, cover, put in a warm place for 18-24 hours
put a heavy 4q dutch oven with the lid on in the oven and crank it to 450
spread a tea towel out on your counter, cover that in flour or cornmeal, turn out your dough on that
tricky part- when oven is ready take out the pot, slip your hand under the tea towel and turn the dough over into the pot. It won't look great but that's ok, it will get better in the oven
cover with lid, bake for 30 minutes, take the lid off, bake for 20-30 more, fin

standard no knead bread. I like it because it's way better than regular bread but doesn't require you to keep a sourdough starter around

>> No.17249769
File: 1.21 MB, 1536x2048, breads2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



pic related my sourdough and kitty

>> No.17249970

>the shape of bread

>> No.17249980
File: 427 KB, 960x540, artflow_202201100020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddam captcha goddam file attachment

>> No.17250035
File: 864 KB, 280x158, SmackMyKnishUp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread is good on its own but I've never had bread that wasn't better lightly toasted/warmed wtih some butter. first time i made a good loaf of bread i ate the whole thing in like an hour with just butter. 1.5lb loaf

You should spank the dough lightly before shaping to break up the large pockets and mix some glutens. Pic rel if you squint
Did you do this just now for this thread or did this already exist and you had the image on tap? either way i'm impressed

>> No.17250131

>Did you do this just now for this thread or did this already exist and you had the image on tap?
I made it after the movie came out, hoping one day it would come in handy, and it finally has

>> No.17250614

My last loaf of white bread (milk and butter) had a tunnel in it the size of my hand. I should have slapped it around a little. Made good toast, though. Now I am making a no-knead loaf but with 2 teaspoons of yeast, not 1/2 teaspoon. I'll bake it tomorrow night. And I never have any damned tea towels.

>> No.17250942

How does it make good toast unless you're doing toad in the hole?

>> No.17251248

Hadn't even thought of it! Will have that for breakfast. Although it will be grilled in the pan with butter. Today I just made the toast and buttered around the hole.

>> No.17252611

For me, it's filling in bread holes with cheese

>> No.17252630

I eat freshly baked French bread the way they serve it in fancy restaurants, by dipping it in salt, olive oil and grated parmesan

>> No.17252806

I couldn't in good conscience bake (mostly) white wheat bread as my main source of bread. Now I make danish ryebread as main workhorse and it requires no skills like shaping or checking proper fermentation more than seeing it rise a bit.

Still, the white wheat ones are the most fun (and popular) due to how appetizing you can make em look. Best served as sides for a large family meal.