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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 448x300, chicken-nugget-school-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17242155 No.17242155 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it was chicken nugget day

>> No.17242161

beef goulash with patatas bravas

>> No.17242222

Calzones and burrito days. Also the random days we got Tasmanian Devil chocolate drink.

>> No.17242251

I liked pizza day, it was those square slices from the lunch ladies.

>> No.17242674

I always had a packed lunch from mummy so I never partook in the shitty school lunches

>> No.17243233

I'm so glad my parents gave me home cook leftovers because they were too cheap for hot foods, that looks like ABSOLUTE shit. When I realized the pizzas were just using leftover ground meat, I was radicalized against hot foods.

>> No.17243386

Pita bread pizza day

>> No.17243412

That one they did around Thanksgiving with the turkey and mashed potatoes and green beans. Otherwise their chicken fried steak is still the best one I've ever had.

>> No.17243413

I never had lunch at school.

>> No.17243463
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these cocksuckers right here

>> No.17243476

Holy fucking shit, man. My most distinct memory of these is eating them during an indoor lunch period because it was raining outside. We all watched Prince of Egypt instead of playing outside. Extremely comfy shit

>> No.17243481

i was a fat fuck as a kid. would get a chicken patty sandwich, a cheeseburger, fries, a pretzel with cheese, and a cc cookie pretty much everyday. good times

>> No.17243520

For me it was the chili cheese nachos

>> No.17243528

agreed, this is literally prisoner food

>> No.17243542

y'all must have had garbage school systems, mine was kino as fuck. they usually had pizza hut catered every other friday.

>> No.17243555

We had Pizza Loca and Subway in high school but you had to pay for that shit.

>> No.17244118

For me, it was grilled cheese sandwiches and hearty beef vegetable soup.
>Peanut butter and honey sandwiches were available if you didn't want grilled cheese.

>> No.17244159

>dude they gave us stale dough floating in oil and tomato
you say it like it's a good thing

>> No.17244168
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The high school McRib

>> No.17244268

Either turkey and gravely day (they had mashed potatoes) or an actual home made Italian wedding soup. The soup was amazing

>> No.17244290

Oh the skim milk makes it healthy

>> No.17244316

>gravely day
Is that when you know you're going to Boot Hill for eating that stuff?

>> No.17244329

I've never had Italian wedding soup that was any good, it always tastes like dish water and should be poured down the nearest drain.

>> No.17244458
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>> No.17244600

Turkey burgers. Wish I knew where they got them from.

>> No.17244870

cry more homo, that shit used to be good.

>> No.17244901
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Fuck, the school canteen used to sell these pork riblet things for two dollarydoos. was my absolute favourite lunch. Them or these delicious motherfuckers.
These "flame grilled" chicken breasts that come out of the packaging with the lines already painted on them.

I'm so glad I made it through school before the healthfags fucked it up because their genetically inferior children were pre-disposed to obesity, while I could stuff my runty cunty face with heavily processed pork and chicken and still be the skinniest kid in the school.

>> No.17244932
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Fucking buffalo wings. At first they were regular sized and delicious, and it was the cheapest way to eat a ton as an additional portion of food was only 1.50. eventually they started to suck then michelle came along and ruined everything

>> No.17244965

Our school had the equivalent to Pizza Hut salad bars as a 3rd option. I always went for that because my entire tray would be filled to the brim and they'd charge me regular price.
I would load up on salad with sunflower seeds, ranch, chicken strips, ham, bacon bits, cheese, eggs and salad topping. IF you opted for ale cart, you only got the ale cart and whatever side they gave you for EXTRA.

If I ate regular lunch, it was for the bacon cheeseburgers or crispitos. Those were my favorite.

Gordon Foodservices used to be the provider of crispitos but I haven't been able to find that in a long time.

>> No.17245013
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>can never relate to these threads because I only ever went to private schools
I'd post my favorite meals but i'd just feel like an asshole.

>> No.17245312

I went to private schools from K-8. MY genius mother thought it would be great that I follow in her footsteps and sent me to a public highschool that was all white in the 70s when she went. Fast forward to 2004 and she takes me to HS day there and it's nothing but black kids. There were 5 white kids in my entire school and I was the "white" mixed kid.

Talk about loving parents, amirite

>> No.17245335

Post, I'm curious. I went to a private school but the only things I can remember are yesterday's sausages sliced up on the salad bar and chocolate rice pudding.

>> No.17245344

What did you expect Im sure she meant well but she is a dumb race mixer so you were fucked from the start.

>> No.17245403

dominos pizza day

>> No.17245459
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Australian, mum would give me $5 for lunch so I always bought 1 sweet chilli tender, a meat pie and a 600ml bottle of LA ice. Kino lunch.

My cousin stole some kids GBA SP and traded it to me for a pie. good times.

>> No.17245486

for me it was a C P on a B (chicken patty on a bun). with a Dr Pepper from the vending machine

>> No.17245496
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Schools in America really have vending machines? I thought it was a king of the hill joke.

>> No.17245503

When I was in ghetto public school they had these pre-made frozen burritos that were baked until they were half-burnt. They came out almost like chimichangas but weren't deep-fried obviously. I'd kill some people for those, I've tried to replicate them a hundred times at home.
I was also in the hexagon pizza gang, the square pizza was good but hexagon a hundred times better.

>> No.17245511

You're hiding your jealousy with false disapproval

>> No.17245517

What? I like America. I'm not jealous of anything, Australia is better than Murrka in nearly every way.

>> No.17245529

my mother made me bento boxes everyday.

>> No.17245777

that’s fucking gay lol. bitch ass weeb

>> No.17246652

You need a convection oven to get it right.

>> No.17247284
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Mashed potatoes with turkey and (clear) gravy

>> No.17247289

The totalitarian police state thing is just a slight annoyance, really.

>> No.17247730

we had dominos pizza once a month. it was the old, shitty dominos but it was dope. I’d dump a huge amount of ranch into the tray and cover it with pizza so they didn’t charge me for it

>> No.17247738

If your school didn't have footlong chili cheese dog day, I feel bad for you.

>> No.17247999

At my school, they went all "healthy" and you couldn't get soda, but they did have juice, powerade, bottled water and milk. Same thing with the snack vending machines, it was all baked chips and granola bars.

>> No.17248006
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>taco bar
>make veggies wraps
>lose tons of weight
>become a skeleton god
>administrators fear me
>they get rid of the taco bar
>forced to eat spicy chicken patties for the rest of hs

>> No.17248026

Feels good having superior genetics

>> No.17248031

Fuk dat ugly hoe

>> No.17248039

She set you up to be a picky eater

>> No.17248428

Every American high school I've been to has vending machines.

>> No.17248530

We would have macaroni and cheese with ham chunks in it from time to time and it was dogshit. All bland and thin and watery. Everyone hated it.


After that first day they would dump the leftover mac & cheese into a big tray and bake it to reheat it. It would get thick and flavors would all meld just right and it was so goddamn delicious.

>> No.17248683

I would sneak into the library on the way to lunch and hide there until lunch was over because I was really self conscious about not having friends, which just meant I couldn't make any new friends to sit with.

But before I cooked my social skills like that, chicken fried steak.

>> No.17248968

Stop going to /pol/, you can literally knock a copper out here and get away with it.

>> No.17249117

Cheese zombies are what we called them. They were the shit

>> No.17249123 [DELETED] 

absolutely fucking disgusting. if anyone ever wonders why americans are so fucking fat and stupid, look no further than this thread. corrupted from childhood. state sponsored malnutrition, by christ. america is a country that needs to be wiped out for humanity to continue

>> No.17250051
File: 22 KB, 500x375, school rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my absolute fucking favorite. especially with those delicious yeast rolls. I want to make an 'upgraded' version of this someday for nostalgia.

>> No.17250064

Ausfag here, we had vending machines at my school. Maybe they went away with the whole healthy food push in schools, where all the canteens went to pure shit.

>> No.17250067

>What was for your favorite school lunch meal?
steak fingers

>> No.17250084

I loved our half rack of ribs and mac and cheese. The brisket was good too. Cornbread was always dry.

Build your own Cheesesteaks were also good. I use to stuff those bad boys and cover them.

>> No.17250279

why do thirdies seethe this hard over a school lunch

>> No.17250290

>Chicken Sandwich with Tots
>Cardboard Pizza
I miss those days.

>> No.17250302
File: 260 KB, 640x348, Gross-Food-Designed-To-Look-Awesome-Featured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Private School food
They probably eat some fancy shit

>> No.17250309

I have a convection oven, it doesn't work still. Now that you mention it though I should stick one in the air fryer.

>> No.17250314

My mom would pack my lunch in a lil brown paper bag, in high school I asked her to pack two sandwiches which she did. My friend and I would eat them in the band wing bathroom while getting high every lunch period.

>> No.17250325

Calzones and the days you'd get a little slice of cake

>> No.17250331


>> No.17250336

for me, it was orange chicken and some bread sticks from the allah cart. those breadsticks were restaurant tier and the orange chicken was suspiciously good for chink food made at a school.

>> No.17250341

I could never afford school lunch and my parents never gave me money. I survived solely on the green beans, cannned corn, and fruit cocktai from rich picky eaters who were just going to throw it away.

>> No.17250343

where the fuck are you from? even in burgerland they were free if you couldn't afford them

>> No.17250354

This was before Michelle Obama. Grow up. Not everything is handed to you. What money I had i wasn't going to spend on prison food and luxurious like chocolate milk. Its amazing the amount of food waste there is in a cafeteria.

>> No.17250523

Sysco. Literally everything comes from Sysco.

>> No.17250539

cheeseburge with chocolate milk and hot chips

>> No.17250572

>This was before Michelle Obama
>grow up
I did, in the 1980s, and poor kids still got free lunch if their dipshit parents filled out a single sheet of paper proclaiming their poorness.

>> No.17252324

Why are pretending that you ate green beans out of the trash can?

>> No.17252598

Yeah you'd have to be a retard to spend money on a growing kid's food.

>> No.17252679

For me really fucking sucked my school food, but my favorite day was infact "Lasagna Day" and "Pasta Pasticciata Day(It's like lasagna but made with short pasta and not in layers, just put all the shit together and Voila)"

>> No.17252946

Not lunch, but for breakfast they'd have english muffin sandwiches which were basically mcmuffinc but with more melty cheese or red baron pizza. For lunch they did have regular pizza but I'd usually get the spicy chicken sandwich or those mcrib-like sandwiches. For a short time they had burgers and fries, but then they went healthy and replaced them with sweet potato fries which ended up kinda crap. They did calzones, but I don't remember having them in Highschool. I remember them having milk that came in a pouch for a year or two in elementary school until they switched to cartons.

>> No.17252987

When I was in HS in the USA we could go out whenever. We weren't prisoners or anything, generally we did go out for lunch but once in a while stayed in if there was weird weather or out of money. I guess you Aussies are used to being prisoners.

>> No.17252996

Given your government's covid restrictions on everything you're definitely used to being prisoners now.

>> No.17253046

Shitty rectangle pizza
t.old guy

>> No.17253219

Just post it any way you daddy warbucks larping fuck

>> No.17253253

danish person here who spent 1 year in a Texas high school. Chicken fried steak day was extremely based

>> No.17253278
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the spicy chicken sandwiches, they were like crack to me

>> No.17253313

Why do you lie? Free lunch for poorfag kids has literally always been a thing. You're lying, we know you're lying, you know we know you're lying.

>> No.17253431

I went to high school in the US and my school went through an entire reconstruction phase during my time there, they designed it so that you never went outside of the building during the entire day. The idea was that if you were outside for any reason it was an automatic write up. Resulted in detention for the first offense and got worse from there. If you left campus for lunch once you were given a week of in school suspension, on the second offense you were sent to the alternative school for the rest of the year. And before anyone tries to claim otherwise, this is in a red state that is still red to this day.

>> No.17253484
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>nobody has mentioned Jamaican patty day

Do they not serve this in flyovers? Picadillo day was a close second. Olives and raisins just go well together

>> No.17253500

Chili day
Good times

>> No.17253534
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>> No.17253559

>Olives and raisins
Gutsy. I thought American schools avoided everything except bread, cheese, meat, and ketchup for broadest appeal

>> No.17253565

Based and chalupapilled.

>> No.17253570

>those packets of taco sauce to put on top
Slop kino

>> No.17254411
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God everyone loved these

>> No.17254552

>take hexagons, the most perfect tiling of the euclidian plane
>line them up point to point
What the fuck. Why bother making pizza into a hexagon then?

>> No.17254594

>I'd post my favorite meals but i'd just feel like an asshole.
Are you assuming there's no other private school kids in these threads? Plus maybe people are just curious. Post the lunches, you dick.

>> No.17254602

Fish day, just breaded fish. Was never bad.

>> No.17254999

based on the constraints of the pan they're using you'd likely get two less on each tray by lining them up "properly"

>> No.17255158

Checked. The thing is, that redoubles my confusion. What is the purpose of making those things hexagonal if you're forgoing both the space saving and the topping convenience of starting in one piece? Surely it'd be easier to just make a couple of rectangular pies. I resign myself to ignorance.

>> No.17255268

turkey gravy over rice!

>> No.17255450

they put ours over Texas bread. not to be confused with Texas Toast, which is toasted.

>> No.17255506

Sauce please

>> No.17255521

it's ben shapiro's fuckugly sister taken out of context

>> No.17255538

Well shitbiscuits :(

>> No.17255562

those don't sound tasty at all

>> No.17255600

Australian here, it was most common for kids to bring their own lunch to school. Usually a sandwich for lunch with some fruit or other snacks.
We had a canteen too, the tuck shop. They sold a really nice chicken and salad roll that it'd get occasionally. The bun with the poppy seeds was the best. It was similar to this

>> No.17255681
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I was just thinking that. Hello fellow Florida fag

>> No.17255770
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>school was closed campus
>had my mom write me excuses that let me leave for lunch anyways

like hell i was eating the school lunch, they couldn't even afford a ketchup pump so instead you had to deal with an open bucket and ladle that any kid could just cough or sneeze into.

>> No.17255830

I try to forget most of my childhood memories.