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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 574x415, Parmigiano_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17236325 No.17236325 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post simple food pleasures.

I'll start: crunching on cheese crystals in really old cheddar and parmesan.

>> No.17236342

is parm suppose to smell like ammonia, cause I got a wedge and it has a strong ammonia smell to it

>> No.17236354

nah, it doesn't have a super strong smell
it's a nutty smell

>> No.17236374

I got a block of Kroger brand "2 year old" cheddar yesterday. Normally it is creamy and no crystals like a 1 year old, but this is a from a good block of cheese. Salt crystals throughout. It was so rich I had to get an extra slice of bread to eat my cheese crumbs with from the first sandwich i made. It was a nice surprise, I somehow got a really good cheddar in a Kroger package. They must have lost it in the back of the cave.

>> No.17236444

please don't eat that cheese

>> No.17236479
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please eat the cheese

>> No.17236485
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A nice crisp spear

>> No.17236570

I love when I get a cheap cheddar that's clearly a couple years older than it says.

>> No.17236578

Parking my car in the darkest corner of the lot on a cold winter night. Cozy in my 21st century cocoon: heat going with a good audiobook, podcast or movie playing. A familiar crumpled brown paper bag is opened and my vehicle filled with the impossibly delightful aroma of a McChicken combo and a Big Mac or Filet O’Fish on the side, the medium iced cold Diet Coke resting in its rightful place. That first bite of a fresh McChicken, the satisfying richness of the McChicken Sauce, crispy confetti of iceberg lettuce, soft chewy bun and of course the chicken itself. Alternating bites with handfuls of fries individually applied with McChicken Sauce or ketchup. Crisp cold refreshing sips of Diet Coke. The anticipation of the side sandwich, a Big Mac or Filet O’Fish, while watching the snow fall or just the Golden Arches lit up on a clear night. Sighing with pleasure as I finish my meal and take a moment to take everything in before going into drive and heading home.

People like to complain and catastrophize the state of the world but you know what? It can be a pretty nice place sometimes. For me, it’s when I’m enjoying a McDonald’s meal in the safety and comfort of my car in the parking lot.

>> No.17236670

Isn’t that natural msg?

>> No.17236768

Calcium lactate crystals.

>> No.17236780
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a perfect fresh strawberry warm from the sunshine when you pick it

>> No.17236788
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a juicy purple plum

>> No.17236794
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tearing into a fresh baguette, crusty but still a bit warm from baking

>> No.17236812

I've started making a bacon egg and cheese muffin from scratch for breakfast every morning, and it's starting to become almost meditative. Every day I get more efficient, shave a few seconds off the routine. Then I get to sit down and enjoy my coffee and my muffin and the silence. It's nice.

>> No.17236817

as god intended

>> No.17236854
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an orange sliced into wedges

>> No.17236926

You eat that every morning? Dang bro

>> No.17236952

Oddly specific, but taking shallots to a mandolin. No idea why, I love it.

>> No.17237021

[intensely jealous] “dang bro you live like this?”

>> No.17237050

I haven't acquired the taste for cheese crystals yet. I find them gross.

>> No.17237053

Why does the cheese I buy only grow blue crystals that taste like shit? I keep seeing posts about how good cheese crystals are but they taste fucking nasty.

>> No.17237096

For me it is eating a spoonful of dehydrated milk or chocolate powder

>> No.17237099

You like vomiting?

>> No.17237140

You’re not supposed to grow them yourself, they have to be in a temperature controlled environment

>> No.17237281


i don't know man i think i have poor people taste buds. but my food pleasure is eating an entire bag of chesters hot fries as the first meal of the day. I really reccomend you to try it. I think it has a unique taste compared to other chips out there. the flavor just builds up in your mouth as you keep eating them.

>> No.17237293

I don't think so. you sure you don't have the coof?

>> No.17237322

I had that shit at a party once. I was nauseous for days afterwards.

>> No.17237376

Hell yeah man. Takes about 10 minutes, and only 400 calories, give or take. Not a bad investment for a hot, tasty sandwich every morning. Couldn't recommend it more.

>> No.17237488

Toasting sourdough bread and eating it plain while ill. Similarly, consuming a simple chicken or beef broth while sick. The simple flavor and easy textures of these foods is a welcome comfort when unwell.

>> No.17237534
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Making italian beef in the crockpot, like they did back in italy, then once you have your sandwich built and you have ladled some of the steaming hot au jus out into a bowl, like they did back in italy, taking that first dip and biting into the now beefy aromatic crunchy juicy sandwich is pure bliss

>> No.17237537
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These bad-boys.
With butter or without, both great.

>> No.17237579

When you're hangover, need to eat but can't be arsed to prepare anything, and just put cheap hash brown and cordon bleu from the freezer in an oven.
I guess your body needs fat and salt after drinking because each time I feel better just after

Eating the end while coming back from the bakery

>> No.17237581

truly the paison

>> No.17237633
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A simple bowl of regular Corn Flakes and milk with no sugar.

>> No.17237662

For me, it's the Sausage Egg & Cheese McMuffin™

>> No.17237673

Almost all krogers have a cheese section to them with that good cheddar. Sadly I haven't seen goat cheddar in mine in a while. Goat cheddar is the best.

>> No.17237709

I love collecting eggs right after they're laid. Super warm, straight out of the bird's all-in-one asshole.

>> No.17237841

A cold plum in the summer is fucking kino

>> No.17237933
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>> No.17237938

Any baked good straight out of the oven, especially fresh bread with good butter.

>> No.17238053

>cheese crystals
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.17238859

Comfy as fuck

>> No.17239232
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Eating the crispy skin off every chicken leg right when it comes out of the oven.
It might seem classless, but the clock is ticking on those skins. In the time it takes to plate your dinner and sit down to eat, they will have diminished. By the time you have seconds, it's not even the best part of the chicken. If you have left overs, the skin is absolutely ruined and completely wasted.

>> No.17239636

Based. The chicken really does have a small window of crispiness before it turns to shit.

>> No.17239655

Ive only done it once because it pissed everyone else off (understandable) but if you take a fork and roll up the skin off a whole chicken fresh out the oven and shove it in your mouth it’s truly a gourmand experience

>> No.17239666

>Ive only done it once because it pissed everyone else off (understandable) but if you take a fork and roll up the skin off a whole chicken fresh out the oven and shove it in your mouth it’s truly a gourmand experience
That sounds amazing.

One time I was drunk and ate all the garlic inside of garlic-stuffed olives. Pissed off my family (it was Thanksgiving) but totally worth it. Now I love olives but at the time I didn't and I told them "hey at least you have the olives to eat now, what's the difference if I ate everything or just the garlic?"

The whole skin off of a roasted chicken sounds incredible.

>> No.17239667

pita/pita chips, hummus, and kalamata olives

>> No.17239706

inside is yellow :)

>> No.17239752

That sounds either absolutely heavenly or puke-inducing. I guess I'll have to try it to find out.

>> No.17239772

(nice trips)
I didn't plan it I just followed the urge because the skin looked perfect. no regrets.

>> No.17239827

>I didn't plan it I just followed the urge because the skin looked perfect. no regrets.
Those are the best experiences in life, when you throw down all pretensions and concerns and just live in the moment.

>> No.17239846
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These nibbas right here

>> No.17239858

I hate you for selling me this meal right now. I wish the McDonalds on my route home was open past midnight because that's when I'm usually passing it.

>> No.17239868


Man if this isn't a lie I'm getting me some micky dees next wednesday

>> No.17239872
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Life is great when you take things slow and savour the little things it has to offer

>> No.17239893
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Reminds me of when I was a kid sometimes we'd have 7-11 chicken and wedges for dinner and I'd just eat all the batter off the wedges and then crush up the leftover potato and mix the ranch dip in with it

>> No.17239900

Based, you gotta do it dude.

I have a very distinct memory from high school where I'm sitting in a friend's car (some old buick) eating McDonald's while high out of my mind. It's raining hard (fall or spring? I can't recall) and I'm watching the rain drops drip and splatter on the window. I am completely into these raindrop races and start imagining it is a war, the raindrops racing down with some exploding when hit by the splattering raindrops. I watch this for what feels like forever and when my friend starts the car and puts the lights on we see a big barred owl dancing right in front of us in a field probably trying to catch mice. We watch it for a while then head off and he drops me off.

I've got the career and wife and kids and hobbies and all that but what I wouldn't give to travel back in time to that exact moment.

>> No.17240212

I guess I'm showing my lack of culture but when my cheese has white specks all over it I throw it out.

>> No.17240242

sometimes the rind of old parma will smell like that. Just dont eat it if your worried

>> No.17240444

I get it but how was the lead-up accomplished?

>> No.17240612

Dishidrotic eczema
t. My feet peel like that, not as severely though. Also causes fluid filled bumps to form on the sides of the feet and causes small bumps and peeling on the hands.

>> No.17240698

o snap senpai had me a snack of 150 grams of that stuff an hour ago. It was cash

>> No.17240800

that dark string they took from shrimps

>> No.17241001

You can put it in the oven and crisp it up again. Gets even better. Saw Pepin do it.

>> No.17241236
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Drink all the water from that mf is the best part of eating canned corn

>> No.17241256
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Plain, simple cornbread.

>> No.17241262
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Unwrapping and slicing a dry moskovskaya salami into extremely thin ribbons. Literally nothing compares

>> No.17241493

The smell of worchestershire aauce

>> No.17241509

Parm doesn't/isn't supposed to smell like ammonia, don't eat it.

>> No.17241606
File: 24 KB, 413x636, 31713D1E-9764-410B-89F3-90CBA7F60705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a jar of pickle juice?

>> No.17241772

Great for hangovers.

>> No.17241971

Chopping mushrooms.
I don't even like them but they have such a nice consistency to them as you cut through.

>> No.17242024

You make a muffin from scratch every morning?

>> No.17242046
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>> No.17242066

What do you mean? Powder milk tastes just fine. It is just milky powder

>> No.17242805

>paying $2 for an egg

>> No.17242957

I'm such an idiot, why have I never thought to put butter on a soft pretzel? Sounds tasty af and now I want one

>> No.17242988

I'm disgusted yet intrigued. Also curious about how that could work in a cocktail? Like maybe a creamy corny bourbon based drink?

>> No.17243144

based oldfag

>> No.17243157

Buy some 24 month old comte and age it for another year and eat those fucking crystals better than sex w tkids I tellnyou...

>> No.17243524

you have to be kidding me, just broil it for 2 minutes if it gets soggy you fucking retard. It's even crispier than the first time and stays crispy way longer too.

>> No.17243560

That's alot of wasted energy for nothing.

>> No.17243566
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I never bothered the try hummus for 29 years of my life because I expected it to be super bland slop for vegans.
After trying it I am currently addicted and eating it by the spoon

>> No.17243567

Could be a foot mask too.

>> No.17243598

That shit must be loaded with salt. No way is the good for hangovers, sounds like some home remedy wivestale

>> No.17243623


>> No.17243626
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Chicken salad farts.

>> No.17243631

you're making it yourself though right? not eating that store crap loaded with preservatives?
I mean it's a ridiculously simple and cheap recipe

>> No.17243693

MAP rights now.

>> No.17243711
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>oh no, not le hecking ebil preservatinos
>oh nonono le canola oil instead of olive oil
Don't care, tastes good.

>> No.17243749

Olive oil objectively tastes better. Go ahead and be satisfied with less, though. More good stuff for me

>> No.17243790

>More good stuff for me
What do you mean? Do you think anon not using olive oil to make humus frees up limited supplies for your consumption?

You’re a retard.

>> No.17243795

This is both super depressing and comfy af.

>> No.17243820

its a figure of speech autismo

>> No.17244230

This post did more to motivate me to stop being a little bitch who is scared of driving than anyone ever did. I want to buy my first car just to know this feel.

>> No.17244590

Giga cringe.

>> No.17246048

but anon, if you eat it you'll gain super powers.

>> No.17246061

hangovers are just lack of electrolytes
so magnesium, potassium, sodium, and to a lesser extent calcium. Just drink some pickle juice with a vitamin supplement.

but I usually use coconut water for that. and its easier on the stomach when you're all queasy

>> No.17246085

Sometimes I just like to eat whole slices of lemon. Dangerously refreshing

>> No.17246364

>hangovers are just lack of electrolytes
No they aren’t.

>> No.17246376

Do it. I’m not the most confident driver despite driving across the country a couple times but it’s really such a great sense of freedom especially when you first get a car. I used to just drive around aimlessly or make up things to do or places to go.

Driving is truly great. Make 2022 the year you start driving and get your own car. Make this the year you enjoy eating fast food on the go.

>> No.17246392


>> No.17246398

I made a huge batch of chicken and dumplings then walked over a big container to my friend and neighbor who's a retarded bachelor. He's a good dude, just went through a breakup. Comfort foods are awesome.

>> No.17246468

Hell yeah. Throw some salted cucumbers in there too and you got yourself a fine snack.

>> No.17246487

Cooking for others is truly one of life's greatest pleasures.

>> No.17246495

Slamming a pack of candied salmon at 2am in an empty grocery store in-between changing sales tags.

>> No.17246500

Yeah, I’m thinking this guy is


>> No.17246689
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marrow on toast has got to be a lost treasure.

>> No.17246714

Imagine Satan sucking on all your olives

>> No.17246726

Backyard grilling, especially at 3am

>> No.17246730

deenz n crackers

>> No.17247793
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Biting into the block directly

>> No.17247811
File: 541 KB, 1386x1385, iStock_000013117576_Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like twirling long pasta on the fork. When you get a really good twirl going and it's the perfect bite, especially if it's a meat sauce or there's enough room to put on a tiny bit of the meatball/chicken parm/whatever you're having it with.

>> No.17248126

t. Manchild

>> No.17248143

Breddy sure that's its colon tbqh

>> No.17248159

the way some of the oil runs through the holes of the cheese and comes out the sides looks weird and satisfying at the same time

>> No.17248160

Samefagging this blatantly lol

>> No.17248174

>crunching on cheese crystals in really old cheddar
Fucking based. Had some 10-year aged cheddar recently and it was damn crystal-crunchy.

>> No.17248211

Like someone just cream pied the cheese and let their cum leak out

>> No.17248212


Although I misread anon’s post and thought they were stealing candied salmon while switching tags to get cheaper prices at 2 am. Not that they were just working there.

But if they are still stealing the salmon and eating it on the job then my comment still stands.

>> No.17248774

Is gorgonzola supposed to be disgusting? It smells awful and tastes awful (with some bitter notes). I bought 2 pieces from different shops and they tasted the same.

>> No.17249358

bro I used to do this too, dont listen to the haters its a solid breakfast. You really do become efficient at it.

>> No.17249387

I think a cat pee on your cheese bro

>> No.17249408

I like women vomiting on my ____

>> No.17249452

>you are viewing paid content

>> No.17249479

>hangovers are just lack of electrolytes
Maybe baby hangovers that teenagers have. Real hangovers come from literally poisoning your brain drinking half a fifth of whiskey and not getting rem sleep because of it. No amount of Liquid IV is going to help a big boy hangover.

>> No.17249504

Hate to break it to you, but you have (or had) COVID bro.

>> No.17249521

Oh it's easy for me for manipulate prices to get what I want. I just have no idea how much corporate pays attention to the internal systems and when prices get changed on self check/registers so I don't. The candied salmon is just my once a week treat.

>> No.17249637

with the chedder from OPs

>> No.17249649

For real. No amount of electrolytes or vitamins will save you from alcohol poisoning or withdrawals.

>> No.17249655
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>I've started making a bacon egg and cheese muffin from scratch for breakfast every morning, and it's starting to become almost meditative. Every day I get more efficient, shave a few seconds off the routine. Then I get to sit down and enjoy my coffee and my muffin and the silence. It's nice.

>> No.17249758
File: 37 KB, 500x374, CEEB7D30-1F7A-467E-89F6-BFA471B1B5F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devouring all the delicious skin before anyone else gets any

>> No.17249766

Based this and pepperoncini juice

>> No.17250047

For me it’s simple… a craft American single melted in the microwave on top a flour tortilla rolled into a cheesy roll up enjoyed while watching an episode of Rocket power on a Sony big screen TV while your parents argue in the next room … the year is 2002

>> No.17250241
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>> No.17250260
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eat beans and fruit for every meal
fart a lot

>> No.17250293

If I’m using tuna packed in water, I empty it into a glass, add a dash of hot sauce and worcestershire heat it in the microwave, and sip it as a lovely savoury drink.

>> No.17250294

It basically tastes like Frosties. I don't know how that would turn out as an alcoholic drink, but I'd love to see that in small boxes like orange juice

>> No.17250298
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and I thought my farts were nasty

>> No.17250666

>half a fifth

>> No.17250703
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, based pickled snack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some pickled mussels and cheese and onion crisps. I fuckin' love these things like you wouldn't believe. Makes me feel like an old irish fisherman.

>> No.17250707

image fucked up but yeah i love me some mussels

>> No.17250727

The way that label looks I was expecting it to say MUSSELS: for Dummies

>> No.17250728
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get help anon

>> No.17250768


That you consider this comfy is just a sign of how far we have fallen. Where is your company, where are your green fertile lands, where is your trusty noble steed loaded with fresh produce

>> No.17250774

this right here. I have many fond memories of eating mcdonalds in my warm car at night after a long day

>> No.17250826


>> No.17250833
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>> No.17250999
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>> No.17251016

oh man my mom used to make beer can chicken and she would call me & my sister to the kitchen when she was taking it out of the oven so we could come and take some of the crispy, salty skin and eat it hot right off the chicken. Shit was absolute kino.

>> No.17251077

Are you filet o fish anon? If so you have genuine talent for shilling junk food

>> No.17251234

Can you post recipe anon?

>> No.17251261

>various forms of heat

>> No.17251396
File: 181 KB, 748x1058, 1599724182102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed your recipe and it made mustard gas

>> No.17251474

I prefer umeboshi

>> No.17251487

Hmm easily some home made soup on a cold winter day. One of if not the best way to enjoy soup.

>> No.17251511


Exactly this.

Mold is a flawless pleb filter.
The darker and hairier the better.

>> No.17251513


>> No.17251529

Bruh are you sure that ain't soap?
Cause it looks like a bar of lye soap

>> No.17251533

>They must have lost it in the back of the cave.
No. It was left sitting there intentionally. They knew it was there, and knew not to fuck with it. That's literally their job lol.