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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17232353 No.17232353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The heat of the rice cooks the egg.

>> No.17232359

Kill yourself and take everyone you know with you

>> No.17232363

Generation of starving will do that to you. My grand-parents were eating the most vile shit and they were pretending to like it. It was obvious they weren't.

>> No.17232372

It doesn't look cooked.

>> No.17232379


>> No.17232382

I actually tried this yesterday and I can confirm that it DOES NOT cook the egg.
And yes the rice was hot as fuck and I put the egg in between two heaps of rice

>> No.17232385

>Raw egg on stale rice is considered 'cuisine' in Japan
I think it's all time we took the tranime glasses off and realized Japan has the blandest food in the world.

>> No.17232387
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The heat of the sausage cooks the egg.

>> No.17232393

Stargazy pie hands typed this.

>> No.17232560


>> No.17232649

No that's Donalds

>> No.17232670
File: 340 KB, 500x373, 1623029575254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is awful in general, the only redeemable thing about it is their marketing. They do everything they possibly can to convince people they're the best and then just ride off of the hype.
Shocking, I know, but it's not like anyone here would admit it.

>> No.17232801

why are boomers like this

>> No.17232807

Will try today.

>> No.17232825

Fucking kino, delicious.
Tastelet KFC gorging cucks.

>> No.17232828

>they were pretending to like it
I’m convinced everyone who says this is unironically autistic.

>> No.17232833

Bought some good eggs on sale yesterday. Will try this now.

>> No.17232834

people enjoy japanese food?

>> No.17232842

I've met guys that eat childrens toothpaste because they say it tastes good. I can only speak for me, anon.

>> No.17232843

Weird, I spend 9mos/yr there when coof isn’t happening and never realized it was awful.
Thanks for letting me know, bro.

>> No.17232847
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I gotchu bro. Oh also, that movie you like is actually bad.

>> No.17232849

I'm sure we could find a blander one, but they are a traditionally poor, both in money and resources, country that does a lot of variations on a small set of ingredients. I think that's actually what a certain food critic type enjoys, but I'm not super fond of their spice profiles.

>> No.17232871
File: 37 KB, 479x635, Gayjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not super fond of their spice profiles

>> No.17232882

>also, that movie you like is actually bad
Oh hell no you can shut the fuck up right the fuck now, faggot. Don’t you ever talk shit about Hannah Montana: The Movie again unless you want me to slap the shit out of you.

>> No.17232884
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yes, the heat of the rice

>> No.17232890

Like it or not, until recently most foods were defined by whatever happened to grow around them. That's basically how we got ethnic cuisine.

>> No.17232894

And? Do you think you are making some kind of relevant point right now you autistic retard?

>> No.17232895

Have you tried it?

>> No.17232921
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I'm just more of a Mary-Kate and Ashley kinda guy. If you have to slap my shit, so be it. I will bear this cross.

>> No.17232925

Could you not think of an adjective to make normal rice sound bad so just went with “stale”?

>> No.17232929

Eh, stale isn't bad. Gives off a dry feeling to the tongue. Like sawdust. What would you have gone with? Rotten? Putrid? Acrid?

>> No.17232930

ITT: people filtered by eggs and rice

>> No.17232931

Finally someone fucking said it!!! Meanwhile whites get shit on
>wypipo don’t season dey food

>> No.17232936

I'm convinced that no one in real life thinks that. It's 1,000~ deranged mongoloids online that just never stop flooding their blogs with that perspective.

>> No.17232942

you stir it up, idiots, and the egg makes a yellow sauce. do you only eat eggs hardboiled long enough that the yolk is greenish?

>> No.17232943

Or niggers are too broke to go to Japanese restaurants and don’t have Japanese friends

>> No.17232952

Nah, I knew this one hood woman. We played video games online, some years ago. She had a man of similar melanin coating. He took her out for sushi to make up for getting too drunk and pissing in a park fountain. They do indeed eat that kind of food.
I stand by my conviction. It's a meme few people actually believe. And frankly, if I am wrong, i'll never know it to be true. I don't interact with such people normally.

>> No.17232953

Check out wasp food on Reddit

>> No.17232959

Rice isn’t supposed to be any of those things.

>> No.17232963
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If it isn't too much trouble, don't ask such things of me. If you have something to share with me, I would prefer you do it here.
Never said it was, but, you didn't answer my question.

>> No.17232971

I did.
None of those terms are in any way a useful descriptor for rice, unless there is something actually wrong with it and should not be served or consumed.

>> No.17232980

Why do you have such a disgusting face and stupidly elongated nose?

>> No.17233010
File: 88 KB, 1045x453, 1625213542560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I apologize. When I asked you how you would have described "stale rice" instead of stale you must have misunderstood me. I was asking how you would describe bad rice.
It helps mask my charming personality.

>> No.17233079

If anything a bongoloid would be the best equipped to criticize Japanese food for being bland. Like how men suck dick better than women.

>> No.17233117

Sounds like pedo cope

>> No.17233158

You referred to stale rice as “cuisine”, and are now asking how I’d describe bad rice.
What I’m misunderstanding is why you think rice would purposely be made bad.

>> No.17233179
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Oh he was a pedophile for sure, i'm just saying different people like different things. And to me, Jap shit is mostly just advertising.
I didn't make that post. Was just wondering how you would describe bad rice, purposeful or not. Since it seemed like "stale" wasn't good enough for you. I'm a stickler for words ya see.

>> No.17233180

what is this from

>> No.17233181

>retard contrarians

>> No.17233187

The heat of the egg cooks the rice

>> No.17233193
File: 367 KB, 1232x1600, 1620273548911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BLAST, it's a comic. Don't read it unless you want your week ruined. Bleak is an understatement.
I feel how I feel, I dance how I dance. If I am contrary, you're ordinary.
Now without looking it up, what song am I referencing?

>> No.17233197

broke black guy here.
you're wrong and have been since the 1960's when kung fu movies/ samurai movies were the only non white non Blaxploitation films available especially in cheap theaters. They ate shit in those movies that made black people go "dyam son I want some of that chinaman chicken noodle soup."

>> No.17233204

>I feel how I feel, I dance how I dance. If I am contrary, you're ordinary.
>Now without looking it up, what song am I referencing?
i truly have no idea

>> No.17233218

>I'm a stickler for words ya see.
Then I believe you should appreciate there not being a catch-all term for bad rice.
Is it stale from sitting out too long? Then it’s stale rice.
Is it dry or burned from overcooking?
Then it’s dry/burned rice.
Is it mushy or soupy from being overcooked with too much water?
Then it’s mushy/soupy rice.
Did someone attempt to make sushi rice and add way too much vinegar?
Then it’s sour rice, or maybe “too vinegary”.

>> No.17233509

is there any inherent value in knowing what song you're referencing?

>> No.17233544
File: 292 KB, 911x1200, 1640686916623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I cook eggs in my ricecooker at the same time as my rice?

>> No.17233556
File: 114 KB, 1024x1536, how-to-fry-an-egg-3-1024x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO Chang, for the last time, the heat of the STOVE cooks the egg.

>> No.17233607

Is that that Jem song?

>> No.17233643

for anyone attempting this
try with yolk only, plus your seasonings of choice
the eggwhite has too much water and will cool down the rice, turning it into a cool egg gruel

>> No.17233793

I ate it this morning and immediately shit.

>> No.17233855


>> No.17233870

pretty spot on.
The other kino things is japan being proud and nostalgic of the traditional and more "conservative" period.
Japan is an unhealthy populace in modern times, they should have rejected the western philosophy and continue with what they were doing because they had some potential

>> No.17233876

> I actually tried this yesterday and I can confirm that it DOES NOT cook the egg
Not that it needed some experimental confermation, but I'm glad someone else confirmed it

>> No.17233882

You completely missed the mark with this one dude. Raw egg on rice is fucking retarded but there is plenty of japanese food that's amazing. Generalizing just makes you sound like a moron.

>> No.17233906

> Generalizing just makes you sound like a moron.
Japan does this with its own food.

> but there is plenty of japanese food that's amazing
meh, it's pretty much all the same
It's either seaweedy or/and soy sauce plus a subset in {mirin, sugar, sake, dashi}
Exceptions are very very few and do not justify their cuisine

>> No.17233932

I like their curry and spicy ramen dishes, very high in sodium but delicious

>> No.17234095

are scrambled eggs and fried eggs both equally (un?)healthy if you use the same amount of butter for both methods

>> No.17234150

i did, still tastes like raw egg. tried some soy too and it didn't improve

>> No.17234170

raw yolk on rice is incredible

>> No.17234205

I fell for this meme too. It does not cook the egg. I ended up microwaving the whole thing and it tasted fine.

>> No.17234274

you don't get it.
you mix it in, and eat the egg raw.
that's why it's tasty though.

>> No.17234289

your rice wasnt hot enough

>> No.17234320
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, Slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had it cook the egg, what does this mean
I don't necessarily mind the taste of raw egg though either, I eat 3 raw eggs per week usually

>> No.17234779

It depends if you stick it in mouth or ass

>> No.17234817

How is that any worse than putting mayo on french fries or whatever it is wh*te people do

>> No.17235435

Fried would have less butter in them. With scrambled you are constantly folding butter in, I often use up to a stick of butter for enough eggs for two people

>> No.17235707

An egg isnt cooked if it isnt over hard. Fuck people who like runny yolk

>> No.17235814

It doesn't, at best it tempers the egg
And that's what makes it good

>> No.17236125

Required viewing for everyone in this thread.

>> No.17236228

Sometimes eggs do that. I don't know why.

>> No.17236277

anything that doesnt glorify blacks spesifically is blaxploitation

>> No.17237289

Liar. Post a video of you doing it.

>> No.17237301

You could wait until there's only a small amount of water left at the bottom of the pot of rice and then crack the egg on the rice as it finishes cooking, with the lid on it is sure to cook the egg