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File: 82 KB, 590x590, mcgri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17231159 No.17231159 [Reply] [Original]

Is it still the reigning fast food item?

>> No.17231184

They got rid of the folded egg up in leafland. Fuck all you faggots who kept asking to sub in a round egg and wound up convincing them to make that the standard here. Fuck you. The folded egg best complimented the sweetness of the griddle cakes. The round egg doesn't work.

>> No.17231210

A round egg on a McGriddle? Absurd, it wouldn't taste nearly as good with the sweetness.

>> No.17231221

for me, i may be going to mcdolan in the AM

>> No.17231237
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*would have been going for sure though, if they had steak bagel w/ egg

>> No.17231249

shut up samefag

>> No.17231253

It's majorly fucked. Even fucking worse: Tim Hortons used to do its breakfast sandwiches with a similar omelet until they recently switched over to fried round eggs. I'm under the impression that only insane delusional people work in fast food marketing departments. Unlike in the US, McDonalds in Canada doesn't offer biscuit sandwiches, so Tim Hortons was the only place you could get a biscuit breakfast sandwich, and they fucking ruined it when they went in with the "freshly cracked egg" meme.

I miss my fucking folded egg...

>> No.17231258

Prenez vos medicaments.

>> No.17231263

You're the one who's fucking up faggot
round egg is always superior no matter what breakfast sandwich there is at mcdonalds

>> No.17231275

I just got used to a certain texture/flavour combination when it came to the McGriddle. The round egg doesn't mesh with the griddle cakes in my mind. It's more contrasting than complimentary.

>> No.17231277

That steak bagel was the tits. Also, it caused the shits.

>> No.17231284

shove your azucar up your culo

>> No.17231293

I miss them so much.

>> No.17231306

Based sheepdog

>> No.17231320
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they're the best kinda dogs

>> No.17231593

1. McGriddle sucks.
2. Round egg is best one EVERYTHING.
3. Tim Hortons is garbage.

>> No.17231602

Imagine her cramming one of those up your ass

>> No.17231611

False, false, true. If anything, Tim's swapping over to the round egg nonsense has sent them into a fucking nosedive in my opinion. I think the original McGriddle with the folded egg was perfection.

>> No.17231615

I didn't know what this was an ordered it once.

I immediately spit it out, what the fuck? It's syrupy and sweet? What kind of fucking obese lardass wants sugar with breakfast? Just disgusting. It was even worse because I ordered two and had to throw away both after 1 bite

>> No.17231625

We’ll have to agree to disagree. To be honest I haven’t had a McGriddle in 10 years so maybe I’ll give one a try soon. I’ll report my assessment in a new thread. Stay tuned.

>> No.17231629

>What kind of fucking obese lardass wants sugar with breakfast?
Replenishing sugar reserves after sleep is normal, why the fuck do you think people naturally gravitate to fruit in the morning

>> No.17231644

Could you order a big mac with the mcgriddle buns?

>> No.17231697

hhaha that was funny how it looked in my head

>> No.17232130

this is literally the only thing that's remotely redeemable from mcdonalds. bacon egg mcgriddle is so fucking good.

>> No.17232136
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nothing better than a leafcuck getting felted.

>> No.17232221


>> No.17232227


>> No.17232255

Crazy that bread looks like it has McDonald's logo

>> No.17232361

Reminder covid took away the steak bagel. If you didn't get jabbed it's YOUR fault.

>> No.17232380

if it were just a bit less sweet it would be legendary

>> No.17232430

>get the soy jab so you can consume
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.17232784

>can order breakfast food any time of day
>can only order normal food at select arbitrary hours
FUCK breakfastfags

>> No.17233408

>Replenishing sugar reserves after sleep is normal
Honey, you have heard of the Somogyi effect right, Sweatie?

But I absolutely love how you try to justify this abomination as a sensible breakfast choice.

>> No.17233428

no you have to buy the sugary cereals and eat literal piles of cakes with syrup on

>> No.17233435

Not everyone eats like a retarded person on the lowest rungs of the American socioeconomic ladder.

>> No.17233459

Not everyone sits on their ass all day being apart of the speculative economy. Some of us work hard to make tangible goods that actually allow us to be alive.

>> No.17233481

>I eat McGriddles because I'm a hard worker!

Holy cope.

>> No.17233493

Folded egg is trash just like your palette

>> No.17233506

Yikes CHUD

>> No.17233512

I haven't eaten fast food for about 7 years faggot. But I do eat "sugary" meals before during and after working hard, cause I'm not trying to prepare for fashion week in Milan like you, you insufferable fucking faggot.

>> No.17233537

A round egg is objectively better.

>> No.17233567


Go back you troon faggot. Your parents will use your male name on your tombstone

>> No.17233604

Wow, you are so fucking edgy - you don't care about anything or anyone and have even watched gore gifs before without turning away! So crazy and edgy!

I guess attaching yourself to the standard teenage angst form of nihilism seems novel and cool to you. Why shouldn't it? No one has ever thought like you because you are a deep, dark, amoral person that is like a logical machine that doesn't get clouded with mere human emotions.

Except when your parents ask you to do something you don't like or decide to bring up touchy subjects, such as why their loser of a son fucked up at school, can't get a career let alone a decent job, has never been in a relationship, is overweight, and has zero ambition.

Yeah, better stick to not caring about anything or else you'll realize how pathetic your fat void of a life is. Keep believing you don't care about anyone or petty socializing as you spend hours inanely posting on an anonymous cooking board and living vicariously through ephemeral, anonymous posts.

You are a fucking coward. Come talk to me when you actually put your ass on the line for once in your immature and miserable life.

>> No.17233613

Green egg

>> No.17233620

so glad I live in a place where they still serve them

>> No.17233658

No one is reading that any of the shit you just wrote, anon

>> No.17233661

All I said was "Green egg".

>> No.17233734

I used to love that thing but now I just get dissapointed when I realize it's 7am and I can't get a quarter pounder

>> No.17233777

you arent a real doctor

>> No.17233795

That bloody thing kind of looks like a hocky puck. Hell I don't know if I'd throw that in a hockey rink, it doesn't look like it deserves it.

>> No.17234413

Round egg is not better on anything, the folded egg is superior

Hmm what do I want, a nicely mixed egg flavor, or mostly a hunk of shitty eggwhite?

>> No.17234773
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Sorry taco bell is the breakfast king

>> No.17235894


>> No.17236087
File: 63 KB, 640x853, u1amouzbo4o51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheaper and more bang for your buck
>Can have steak with your breakfast for the same price
>Don't have to wait in the drive thru for an hour with everyone else
>Half the calories isn't from fucking bread and sugar
>They have hash browns too and good dollar breakfast burritos if you are extra hungry
>Don't get me started on the breakfast crunchwraps
>You can get guac bacon and fresh vegetables with your breakfast
>Still cheaper
Cope mcgoy

>> No.17237109

anon, I'm having a bit of a debate with someone over this post, I must ask
did you mean that I should picture her taking her arm stubs to grab a burger and try to shove said burger inside my ass? or did you mean I should picture her shoving, or at least trying to, her very arm stubs in my ass?
I'd really like to know, thanks for your time.

>> No.17237279

Round egg has better egg flavor, you get to enjoy the yolk. I hate scrambled eggs too, turns it all into a bland yellow mess.

>> No.17239324

you eat taco bell in your shitty car. you even take pictures of yourself doing so. your opinion is incorrect

>> No.17239519

I ripped it off google mcretard in what place does taco bell sell breakfast in the afternoon?
I'll let you try again

>> No.17239528

what does the afternoon have to do with anything

>> No.17239551
File: 3 KB, 125x125, FA6B8D58-9B8A-44BD-813D-7378026C9537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if they made a steak mcgriddle? that would be pretty epic

>> No.17239556
File: 250 KB, 634x423, tripplestackmcgriddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the king

>> No.17239678


>> No.17239710

oh fuck That look so good

>> No.17239779

i never mentioned the afternoon. you did for some reason. i still don't know why

>> No.17239862

Sausage McMuffin is far superior.

>> No.17239866

You thought I bought taco bell breakfast and took a picture, well past 12pm :)

>> No.17239870

Stubs. And she isn't trying, it practically fell in.

>> No.17239902

>he took the jab for a sandwich

>> No.17239934

I would get dosed right now if it meant the steak breakfast sandwich was available tomorrow am

>> No.17239945

>What kind of fucking obese lardass wants sugar with breakfast? Just disgusting.
You are trying way too hard.

>> No.17239963

If you wake up and not only crave but give into the craving for refined sugar you ARE a fucking obese lardass retard.

>> No.17240009

Cmon bro the sugar in their carmel mocha frappaciunos isn't enough already they need the extra energy to get through the day

>> No.17240017


>> No.17240103

i don't listen to poor people lol

>> No.17240117

This is pretty cringe ngl

>> No.17240185

I accept your concession mcfatass

>> No.17240194

Not gonna dispute for myself but anecdotally I've seen way more fatties at taco bell than McDonald's.

>> No.17240261

now thats pure cope lol

>> No.17240273

I clearly stated I'm not disputing it. Nigger.

>> No.17240366
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ancedotally the rest of the world says otherwise

>> No.17240372
File: 311 KB, 1536x840, 1641594072352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17240397

>its not the maccies making us fat it's the fucking tacos they have beans and lettuce dont touch the burgers
americans are fucking retards

>> No.17240417

you could have taken the picture earlier, you silly fellow

>> No.17240441

For me it is the McChicken, the greatest fast food sandwich to exist

>> No.17240442


>> No.17240578

they gotta make a mcgriddle mac, add another slice of bread between those and you got a ticket to flavor town

>> No.17240668
File: 72 KB, 300x300, 1638257650142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another slice of bread? how about another pancake with those little bits of syrup, let's get retarded

>> No.17240898

>mcdonalds only makes you fat in the us
thats not helping your case out brother

>> No.17240903

Context, faggot

>> No.17240915

imagine paying $6 for a snack

>> No.17240926

why is it when everyone thinks of fatssses they think of mcdonalds and burgers, shouldnt it be taco bell and tacos instead?

>> No.17240939
File: 138 KB, 600x858, MV5BMTYzNjU4NTc5MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDE0NzAzOA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was discussed further up thread. Please bring something new.

>> No.17240962

>your experience
>everyone elses

>> No.17240978

Did you struggle with reading comprehension in elementary school? This isn't reddit. You're shitting up the whole thread going in circles.

>> No.17240993

its called delusion m8 I think the jab got to you

>> No.17241082

I wish they were part of the all day breakfast, like they offer mcMuffins and hotcakes, but for some reason not Mcgriddles?

>> No.17241095

I've seen better looking hockey pucks from NHL matches.

>> No.17242360

bumping based mcgriddle thread from page 10

>> No.17242384

They got rid of the bacon egg and cheese bagel. I'll never forgive them for that. I've been getting that for breakfast any time I'd go to McD's for breakfast for 20 years. I'll never eat a McDonald's breakfast ever again. Fuck a mcgriddle, fuck their dry ass biscuit garbage. Give me back my bagel you fucking cocklickers.

>> No.17242401


I hear you. Sometimes (often) they'd fuck up my order and I'd get a bagel breakfast sandwich instead of the biscuit like I asked for and it was pretty ok.

>> No.17242413

Besides the bagel they also put some kind of sauce on the bacon egg and cheese bagel, it was basically just a hollandaise and they don't put it on the biscuit. Really disappointing