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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17229629 No.17229629 [Reply] [Original]

Bourdain wrote, "Chicken is boring. Chefs see it as a menu item for people who don't know what they want to eat."

Do you agree?

>> No.17229635

Anthony Bourdain was a bitter alcoholic cuck. What did he know about ANYTHING whatsoever?

>> No.17229639

Nope, he is wrong. Addicts are usually wrong.

>> No.17229645

I eat plenty of chicken but I am not the biggest fan of it. Applies more for chicken breast imho

>> No.17229655

Nope. He's was a chef that didn't even become famous for his cooking and had admitted that he was a subpar chef in the past.

>> No.17229656

Yes he's right. I've fucking made posts like this in here previously.

Why buy roasted chicken when prime rib roast exists? Why buy chicken soup when oxtail soup exists? Why braise chicken when short ribs exists? why get grilled chicken when ribeye exists. Outside of fried foods, beef is superior

>> No.17229668

Because people might just been in the mood for chicken? Tastes are subjective, anyway. That's like asking why eat chicken soup or vegetable soup when you can eat beef soup. Who wants to just eat fucking beef soup all of the time?

>> No.17229680

shut up faggot and eat your ramen

>> No.17229683

I find chicken fat to be pretty tasty. Crispy Chicken skin is also very good. The meat itself is less flavorful and nutritious than beef, but if flavor and nutrients are all that matters, we should just eat elk steaks and calf liver as our only food

>> No.17229692

I do love me some elk steaks though. better than chicken

>> No.17229698

Wasn't that the sniveling jew rat druggy who got cucked by his wife?

>> No.17229699

Bourdain was an alcoholic smoker junkie. He was so friend that his taste in anything is questionable at best. Only reason he got a book deal was because his mommy was tired if supporting him.

>> No.17229702

Whenever I see an order for a $60 dollar lamb chops come in medium-well or well-done, I want to go out to that table and say, "Just get the chicken. You want the chicken."

>> No.17229708

Not understanding that other people have varying preferences or tastes during different points in time is a sign of autism. Sometime you're in the mood for chicken. Sometimes you might want beef or duck.

>> No.17229718

i'd shoot a glistening streak of post-chili diarrhea straight into that dead niggerfaggot's face

>> No.17229729

People who usually get chicken at restaurants are either poor or affiliated with being poor at one point and are accustomed with eating chicken because it's cheap

>> No.17229731

Bourdain was a pretentious hack

>> No.17229733

He cooked with a lighter and spoon he had zero taste

>> No.17229739

>varying preferences or tastes during different points in time is a sign of autism
I do though. I understand the reason for wanting pork, beef and even seafood. Chicken though? Unless it's a last resort.

>> No.17229741

Source: your ass.

>> No.17229749

I want to eat a whole rotisserie chicken

>> No.17229751

So you'd never order a chicken parmesan or chicken curry? You're aware that chicken exists outside of chicken noodle soup, fried chicken, and baked chicken, right?

>> No.17229769

>chicken curry
I'd prefer it with pork
>chicken parmesan
This falls in the realm of fried/breaded which is an the only occasion I'd choose chicken

>> No.17229773
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I don't care for chicken, the meat or the animal.

>> No.17229775

>I'd prefer
There is your answer. The world doesn't bow to your personal preferences.

>> No.17229782

>all this hating on Bourdain
Friends, we must remember that nobody is truly beyond Guy’s forgiveness.
While his soul must indeed spend some painful time atoning for his transgressions, even Anthony Bourdain may someday absolve his darkness, and be allowed to enter the sacred gates of Flavortown.

>> No.17229791

>The poorfags don't bow to your personal preferences.

>> No.17229797

>Not understanding that other people have varying preferences or tastes during different points in time is a sign of autism

The key here is the "other people" part, anon. I know this is very difficult for you.

>> No.17229802

could be, but if idk if i want to eat chicken when i can’t figure out what to eat

>> No.17229809

and like I said I understand the concept of wanting other proteins, but wanting chicken is just poorfag cope

>> No.17229810

Why do you say this when you prefer pork which is the cheapest fucking meat of all? It's also bland as fuck unless it's bacon or ham or barbecued with a bunch of seasonings.

>> No.17229942

Chicken has its place. Writing off ingredients is stupid. As others have previously stated, he was an addict and a cuck.

>> No.17230222

I don't like any cut of beef nearly as much as I do chicken thighs.

>> No.17230250

>implying pork is cheaper than chicken

>> No.17230259

It is. Have you ever bought pork loin? It's cheap as fuck per pound. Most cuts of pork are.

>> No.17230263

Bourdain hung himself from a soft bathrobe belt because his slut wife fucked around. Why would ANYONE listen to this guy about anything? He worked for CNN for Christ sake

>> No.17230291

Chicken is cheaper, leaner, and has a completely different texture. Apples and oranges.

>> No.17230300

She wasn't even his wife. She was a known whore before he started dating her. It wouldn't even surprise me that Dario popped her cherry.

>> No.17230361

Drumsticks are cheaper though

>> No.17230369

not defending Bordain or anything. he was for sure full of shit about 50% of the time.

this is no exception. their is all sorts of chicken-centric stuff he is leaving about but there is a nugget of truth here.

it is for sure a common menu planning convention to use "low cost" dishes to pad food cost totals. and this is usually chicken, or totally meatless stuff. the idea is there is always someone who wants to order something simple and cheap. so while the rest of the table is ordering 40 dollar steaks and 30 dollar seafood items, the guy that orders the 19 dollar chicken is actually getting the worst value in terms of food cost/menu cost. its a real thing. most common culprits are:

some kind of chicken pasta.
cesar salad with chicken breast.
grilled chicken with an easy to hold mass produced pour over sauce.

alot of times a a 30 dollar steak dinner is made with a 10-12 dollar steak, plus a few dollars with of side/ acquirement
while the boring chicken item is half the menu cost but literally uses 3 dollars of ingredients. so the steak might be a 100% markup but the chicken is more like 400%.

>> No.17230373

That's mostly all bone by weight. The point is that they're both very cheap meats, anyway.

>> No.17230376

>Beef is superior

>> No.17230383

He was a literal junkie at one stage. His advice really shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.17230385

Why do you cunts have such a gold digger mentality, it actually makes no sense to me. Let's say at my restaurant, the most expensive thing on the menu was some special chicken dish that cost even more than the steaks, would you then lap that up like a dog? It costs a lot of money, so it must be deserving of your taste.

>> No.17230398

That sounds like a managerial decision, though. I'd get that if chefs actually owned the restaurant but they usually don't.

>> No.17230457

And couldn't hack life on millionaire white male mode and an heroed yes

>> No.17230473

Life is so easy at that point. Just buy a fuckin lambo and go nuts, imagine hanging yourself ith a fucking bathrobe, what a bitch way to go out.

>> No.17230474

Well Bourdain's a dead faggot now isn't he? That's like saying rice is a tastelet food; chicken is a blank slate and tastes wildly different recipe to recipe. It's literally just pure protein.

>> No.17230479
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Who cares what he thinks, he got BTFO'd by Guy Fieri of all people.

>> No.17230484

I'm a poorfag so I only buy chicken thighs and organs.

>> No.17230485


>> No.17230496

I have only ordered a chicken (besides fried) less than 10 times in my life. I’ve probably gone out to eat 1,000 times

>> No.17230498


>> No.17230503

Get you some yard pimp.
>While we wait
>We hydrate

>> No.17230512

I kinda see why, if I'm going out, I'm gonna try something I don't typically eat (unless it's some really tasty chicken like fried, marsala, Vesuvio)

>> No.17230523

this has a lot of variability, but typically the head chef is responsible for managing the menu and the food costs and ownership/management will do thinks like set targets and incentives. like the chef might get a bonus based on hitting food cost goals and kitchen labor goals. so management sets the goal and the chef has to figure out how to meet it.

this kind of thing is necessary because if you let the chef make all the menu design decisions unchecked food and labor costs will soar. and if management/ownership (assuming a non-chef owner) make all the decisions about the menu it tends to be profitable but uninspired.

tl:dr the head chef is usually chiefly responsible for the menu item, with some general guidance /approval from management.

>> No.17230526
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Agree. Chicken is mostly a blank canvas. I do enjoy thighs, but they're definitely getting seasoned heavily.

>> No.17230532
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Maybe Bourdain had the right idea

>> No.17230575

You are right anon. Outside of fried chicken, other meats are nearly always better. I did have coq au vin at a really nice French restaurant that was excellent. Even in other birds, Cornish hen (still kinda chicken, but whatever) is better and duck is amazing. Chicken is a low tier meat.

>> No.17230588

Cock and veins. So you ate an erection? If you chop off somebody’s penis and instantly stop the blood flow, would the erection still be there?

>> No.17230592

>t.addicted to food, porn, anime, booze, and/or sugar.
Fuck off

>> No.17230595

only a suicidal cuck would have this opinion

>> No.17230602

love a rotisserie chicken, me

>> No.17230615

So basically it boils down to the easiest way to save money/jack up the price and since people tend to order boring chicken dishes at a higher cost without question, that is what is generally included on the menu? If so, I get what he was saying but the quote is taken out of context. Chicken isn't inherently a boring choice but it is made so out of necessity.

>> No.17230618

chefs probably hate chicken because it's more difficult to cook and unlike other meats you look like a completely incompetent retard if you undercook it

>> No.17230625

He was a smug asshole,

>> No.17230642

he is certainly an interesting case. how many people's lives take off in their mid-40s? still, he lived an insular existence before any of the shows. i can't really take him that seriously, even though i liked his shows. he was simply a line cook who got lucky

>> No.17230644

He was a line cook that wrote an interesting book. He got lucky but it's not like any random person could do that.

>> No.17230655

He's right in this situation though. I'd go pork for tacos, beef for pho, lamb for gyro, pork or beef for bbq, pork for ramen etc etc.

>> No.17230660

>Chicken is boring

>> No.17230664

I simply don't think beef ever tastes better than chicken.

>> No.17230665

100% absolutely. Unless it's a place that specifically specializes in chicken, chicken dishes are mental compromise food

>> No.17230668

I'd pick chicken over goat for most Indian curries because I don't like picking out all of the stupid bones.

>> No.17230672

are you asian

>> No.17230679
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Spent awhile thinking about this. I'll usually try out other things before chicken. However, like most subjective arguments- it depends

>> No.17230686

Not even remotely. Frankly, I'd rate beef lower than most meats. Pork, Venison, Salmon, anything really. The standard offerings are beef and chicken, though, so I'll take chicken.

>> No.17230697

Unless it's a restaurant that specializes in fried chicken or wings, I would never order chicken from a restaurant under any circumstance. Just a personal preference

>> No.17230701

Yeah but what about stuff like chicken and sausage gumbo? There are certain chicken dishes where chicken is the main ingredient and it would be weird if you subbed in a different meat. No one eats beef and sausage gumbo and I like it better than the seafood alternative.

>> No.17230703


>> No.17230704


>> No.17230707

Are you gay? Chicken is a feminine meat. My mom orders chicken dishes. Basically it's just her and other old ladies I see ordering chicken. Wings/fried chicken are acceptable, but if you'd order chicken over stake I assume you put dicks in your butt

>> No.17230713

I don't agree with a rich junkie celebrity that killed himself cause he was cucked by a teenage boy

>> No.17230723

I really wanted to agree with you but every alternative you listed is fatty garbage

>> No.17230791

It purely depends on the dish. Beef quality has a lot more variance than chicken. If I am ordering something like a burrito, I will get the chicken which I know won't be a leathery piece of shit that I'll have to tear out of each bite. If I know quality is good, obviously a steak is king, but I've had some phenomenal half chickens at restaurants, with every inch of the skin charred and caramelized with a beautiful bbq sauce.

Chicken is often similar to tofu in that it is a meat canvas for the rest of the dish to sit on. Too busy of a steak dish is just a waste of good steak, but chicken is a nice meaty, juicy platform for delicious fillings, breadings, sauces, etc.

>> No.17230818

It's an absolute, people shouldn't talk in absolutes but generally speaking yes, a lot of dishes with chicken are boring, because that's what people expect from it, they just want something nice and "boring" when they order chicken it doesn't have to be but often that's just how chicken is portrayed.

>> No.17230829
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>I don't really like
get help bro

>> No.17230838

get the fuck out you emoji using little zoomer faggot

>> No.17230839

why eat meat at all when you're going to die of a heart attack from it? Go vegan and incorporate good chilis, soups and vegetable recipes.

>> No.17230840

Nope glad he killed himself

>> No.17230842

Agreed, I would also add that sometimes people would want chicken to be boring and relatable and just the fact that expectation exists makes "boring" chicken dishes get made because there needs to be something that fills that expectation.

>> No.17230851

Chicken tastes good.

>> No.17230857

Just make a stock with beef and one with chicken then tell me which one has more flavor

>> No.17230859

I remember when this idiot came up dead and so many people were going on and on about mental health and what not
the dude made 7 figures travelling and eating the worlds best food and could retire whenever he wanted and never lift a finger for the rest of his life
it'll be a cold day in hell if I ever feel bad for a guy like that

>> No.17230870

Yeah that's the long and short of it. It's not just about jacking the price though. It's usually a kind of balancing act. You have a target food cost but to stay popular you need to have good shit. Things that use higher priced commodities tend to have higher total food costs so you can recoup some of those costs with low- cost items like chicken or salads. Chicken is cheap and it's a go to for the less adventurous diner. I have even heard chefs say shit like " if someone is going to cheap out on their order I will at least make a good margin on him"

I have seen beer bars do the same thing. Some place has 75 craft beers on tap that are 6 to 8 bucks each but there is always that guy that will only drink bud light. So fine. Here us your 6 dollar bud light.

As for the context of the quote. Well, like u said, he was 50% full of shit.

>> No.17230871

I don’t think I’ve ever even ordered chicken at a restaurant. Seems like a bizarre thing to get if you’re going out.

>> No.17230882

Not really. It's a very bland meat. Steak tastes good. It's extremely common to eat steak with nothing but a bit of salt and pepper. People pay good money for such a dish. If I saw someone eating a chicken breast prepared that way I'd assume they were on a diet or preparing for some kind of surgery or something.

>> No.17230895

Don't care, tastes good, simple as. Gonna order the pasta too

>> No.17230985

Why is everything beef chicken and pork when duck, goose, goat, lamb, and venison exist?

>> No.17231235

dont forget the guy shit talk he did

>> No.17231399

do i have to read from his menu?

>> No.17231417

>Chicken is boring. Chefs see it as a menu item for people who don't know what they want to eat.
This is blatantly untrue. Chicken is a very versatile meat, probably the most versatile of all meats. There are many combinations that go well with it.

>> No.17231423

im glad he killed himself

>> No.17231424

I agree with this and I've said about the same thing in the past. I never really order chicken or pasta unless I'm at a fried chicken restaurant or getting wings.

>> No.17231430

Enough said, no wonder he couldn't taste chicken.

>> No.17232253

I don't care what chefs think.

>> No.17232259

He's right, heroin is a better menu item.

>> No.17232261

Chicken is pretty bland to be honest. Compared to beef even. Or especially game.

>> No.17232318

Bourdain said, “Acccckgarhlffldfraifgghbaaaa…” as he died in his shitty hotel room friendless and alone. Fuck that guy. Bourdain was the sort of sour global faggot who thought that even the shittiest maggot filled street food served to you by shitwipe hand in India was better than American food just because it was from somewhere other than the US.

>> No.17232342

Bourdain was a faggot who literally got cucked to death by a child lol

>> No.17232350

one could easily construe that as a compliment about it's versatility though

>> No.17232381

Chicken is a blank canvas, you can do so much with it and be creative.
What he's basically saying is;
>I only think of chicken as roasted with salt and pepper and fried

>> No.17232394

Why do you guys still care about Bourdain? He was a minor celebrity at best and has been dead for years but every day here it's
>Bourdain was a cuck
>Bourdain was based
>He was a loser but I like his show
Who gives a shit? It was more than a decade ago.

>> No.17232491

I think that depends on how hot you get your blade first.

>> No.17232506


>> No.17232600

You type like a fucking mongoloid. Maybe eat some carrots and organ meats to go along with those dollar store Ribeyes you shove down your fat fucking gullet. Most beef in the USA is shit unless you buy a good cut and make it yourself. I'm not interested in some shitty chuck disguised as a Sirloin at some shit tier chain restaurant

>> No.17232647

>he says on the japanese anime discussion forum
Go back newfag

>> No.17232662

anime and cooking are gay

>> No.17232711

it's just american culture.

>> No.17232720

Nigga never had a good rotisserie chicken

>> No.17232932

chicken sucks ass so he's right.

>> No.17232966

because sometimes people dont feel like eating red meat
how small is your mind that you can not comprehend this?

>> No.17233088


>> No.17234178

ITT: Cows, pigs, sheep and ducks scream and cry in an attempt to get more people to eat chicken, rather than slaughtering the tastier animals for tastier meat.

Shut the fuck up Beefoids, I WILL eat your child in a veal scallopini. I will make you watch as I fry up some pork chops in lard, I will serve duck meat in duck egg omelette and Mary's little lamb will be my dessert.

And I will NOT eat the chicken.

>> No.17234202

Pork is blander than chicken.

>> No.17234292

pork belly and ribs are god tier

>> No.17234460

chicken is fine fo casual dining, i.e grilled sandwhich, chicken salad, shit like that

>> No.17234474

Take a bite of unseasoned pork and then take a bite of an unseasoned chicken thigh and tell me which has more flavor. If you say pork you're lying. Pork is very much like chicken because they both have very subtle, neutral flavors that take on the taste of whatever you season them with.

>> No.17234617

In a restaurant yes.
But for casual food no.

>> No.17234828

Pork has more flavor

>> No.17234833

Unseasoned pork tastes like nothing.

>> No.17234843

Like I seriously can't think of anything else more flavorless than an unseasoned pork chop.

>> No.17234861
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As much as I enjoyed his shows, ultimately Bourdain got cucked and killed himself over it, so nothing he ever said really mattered.
If I want chicken, I'll order chicken.

>> No.17235985

Chicken is for plebs

>> No.17236121

Yeah I agree with him especially chicken breast
The fact that there are people out there who think parts of chicken other than breast has a strong taste confuses me so fucking much
I am so fucking glad my parents forced me to eat offal as a kid even when I was crying and screaming because I didn't want to, my parents took away so many of my game consoles and toys as a kid in order to punish me cause I wouldn't eat 'disgusting food'
Sad state of pig genetics

>> No.17236165

based. I also liked Bourdain's shows (when he wasn't espousing globalist opinions). Shame he went out like such a pussy.

>> No.17236176

Ant Bourdain: I hate myself and want to die

>> No.17236475

you edgy faggots don't deserve to lick the dirt off Bourdain's shoe and i'd fight any one of you if you had the gall to insult him in my presence IRL. he was killed by the global pedophile cult for calling out hillary clinton for her ties to weinstein, something you cowards would never have the courage to do. eat my whole asshole

>> No.17236652

If that one quote doesn't completely discredit him in the eyes of his stubbornly residual fans, those fans need to be incinerated alive to relieve humanity from the burden of their existence.

>> No.17236663

>blah blah blah blah I'm a turbo queer for a dead hack c list celebrity.

>> No.17236676

Glad this dickhead is rotting in the ground

>> No.17236831

It is boring, thats why it goes well with everything, having such little flavor of its own. Just like tofu

>> No.17236841

>whitoids don't know the magic of the superior Chinese berkshire

>> No.17236846

>you cowards would never have the courage to do. eat my whole asshole
that faggot bourdain would gobble it up

>> No.17236857

How to prep bulls.

>> No.17236867


Chicken is less expensive

>> No.17236887

This is true of most meats nowadays though, being boring I mean. I raise my own chickens for eggs, but when it's time for them to go, I eat them. The taste of a mature hen that's had time to pasture and peck around at bugs and all is amazing. Yes, you need to either shred the breast or use low and slow methods on the thighs, unless you want to chew a lot, but not everything is meant to be seared on a pan quickly and then it's done. Some people like it, I've had others say it tastes "weird" and "too strong", as in they don't actually like the taste of chicken itself. Same form pigs. I know a guy who raises his own pigs in the open and holy shit are they delicious. The color and taste are actually mind-bogglingly different compares to supermarket pork. Not as dark and gamey as the wild hogs I bag sometimes, but much more flavorful than the stuff in styrofoam. Again, some people don't like it, since they don't actually like the taste of pork. Beef is in a slightly better state but even then, I can still tell how they're slowly trying to make it blander and blander by altering the diets and the way it's raised, because some people actually like that. Feed it a such corn as possible to make it "mellow", aka taste less like beef. Miss me with that shit.

>> No.17236893

Yeah, that's why it was such a prestige meat before industrial farming.

>> No.17236902

No. You can buy low quality frankenstein chicken, which is most of what you can buy from supermarkets, and have a bad experience with that. But it's hard to fuck up proper free range chicken unless you burn it dry and fuck up with spices. Even a plain salt and peppered chicken breast can be really good when cooked correctly.

>> No.17236910

Most people who complain about the taste of pork just buy the cheapest shit from supermarkets. Stressed out pigs that has been slaughtered and contaminated the meat with their hormones.
Pork from farm raised free ranging pigs is a whole other world.

>> No.17236999

He got famous for writing a very popular book about the realities of working in a restaurant kitchen.

>> No.17237005

was about to say this. if the chicken's been smoked or stewed for four hours I'll consider it. doesn't matter what the ingredients are worth if you don't have the equipment/patience to do it yourself.

coq au vin or chicken ramen broth are fine because they take so long to make.

>> No.17237988

he got famous because he was from the private school private college elite jew nyc network

>> No.17238011

>cesar salad with chicken breast.
a good grilled chicken Caesar salad can be spectacular

>> No.17238088

I don't get it, why are people bashing him? I thought chicken being the least interesting protein was a general consensus.

>> No.17238115

>come from a wealthy family
>regular vacations to France
>sent to good school
>go to good university
>hates parents because they won't let him smoke weed at home
>throws everything away because he saw a nigger burn his hand to prove a point and thought "I want to be that nigger"
>gets into another school through nepotism

What did he mean by thus?

>> No.17238124
File: 122 KB, 1200x800, 1622646357_focus_features_roadrunner_a_film_about_anthony_bourdain_morgan_neville_anthony_bourdain_unit_8.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>make sure to get the browns in the shot to show how Liberal I am

>> No.17238131

I don't remember the last time I wanted to eat anything chicken related at a restaurant outside of places that only sell chicken. People just getting butthurt

>> No.17238132

He also notoriously loved KFC. People say contradictory shit all the time, it's best to ignore it, otherwise you'll just fill your head with garbage. Also context is extremely important. I could see this as a comment on how almost every restaurant can have tons of inventive and interesting food on their menu, with a roast chicken 1/2 entree to appease the masses.

>> No.17238160

He loved the mac n cheese at KFC
>bourdain revealed is that he loves KFC, not for its chicken, however, but for its mac and cheese.

>> No.17238177

if any food you're eating is bland it's because you're a bad cook, not the food's fault

>> No.17238279

I don't buy for a second that's all he ate when he went there. Guaranteed this dude ate chicken and fuckin loved it like everyone else.

>> No.17238354


>> No.17238480

It's meat, fucker. Protein is only one of its components.

>> No.17238482

Chicken can be turned into a healthy dish that on god no cap is straight bussin fr, nigga just don't know how to cook.

>> No.17238503

No. That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17238682

tastes haram, faggot

>> No.17238758

because raising cattle is expensive, demands a lot of space and resources
if we were to completely change from chicken to beef the planet would go bankrupt to support so many cows
imagine the insane deforestation to expand soy production for their feed, and the increase in greenhouse gases fucking up the planet even more

>> No.17239341
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>> No.17239400

He actually said he didn’t drink outside of his show

>> No.17239408

Was he a kike

>> No.17239530

Today I discovered heroin addicts are alcoholics

>> No.17239536

No, dumbass. Chickens are cheap and easy to raise compared to any other livestock. That's why they're considered cheap. Because they are. Fucking idiot.

>> No.17239633
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>> No.17239640

that's your problem, faggot. He stated himself he went to KFC just for the mac, never for the chicken

>> No.17239671

Not if you raise them properly. Chicken was an expensive luxury, more expensive than beef, before battery farming.

>> No.17239707

Fuck off retarded tranny

>> No.17239794

because some of those are mass produced

>> No.17239801

I never got why /ck/ seems to have the highest concentration on the site of people obsessed with class and perceptions of it, and worse still it always comes off as the really insecure "new money from poor white trash parents" type

>> No.17239885

this is you, kek

>> No.17240158


>Early Life

>> No.17240992

I think he was killed and used as the epstein body double for those blurry pictures

>> No.17241020

When I think of people who prefer chicken to beef I think long term effects of covid. People choosing chicken over beef is the reason why this board is shit tier

>> No.17241478

It's not about preferences. They're both great. It's about getting to eat a variety of foods. Dumb piece of shit. Fucking idiotic retard. Such a moron. Jackass fuck.

>> No.17241483

t. lost his tastebuds after getting covid

>> No.17242493

quick rundown?

>> No.17242586

You clearly haven't the slightest idea about food. So you should shut the fuck up about. You don't have a valid opinion, so just shut the fuck up.

>> No.17243772

this is bait but it's pretty good

>> No.17243807

xddd eat shit, schizo

>> No.17243829

hes a bitter junkie faggot. putting an entire category of meat into “safe and boring options” is retarded. Chicken can definitely be prepared in unique ways. I might agree if he said something like plain steak of the filet, ny strip, or ribeye variety

>> No.17243872

>bitter junkie
you could literally ask your favorite celeb chef and he'll tell you the same. chicken is boring and people don't ask for chicken unless you're at a chicken restaurant or have tastebuds of a manchild

>> No.17243913

Or if you're a woman. It's usually women who order the chicken and fish meals on a menu.

>> No.17244357

Fuck off, communist faggot.

>> No.17246055

...cause i really like chicken and think steak is boring. nutritional intelligence dude, everyone is built differently.

>> No.17246147

t. onions

>> No.17246157

that just means you're just a shitty chef that knows nothing about marinades or seasoning or how to prepare the chicken

>> No.17246166

>white meat instead of red
>tastes completely different
Its just another option. If you eliminated chicken from the market the price of beef and pork would skyrocket anyway. Even if you dont like chicken it existing benefits this outlook no matter what

>> No.17246507
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