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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17228986 No.17228986 [Reply] [Original]


>company literally full of convicts


Why does anyone buy this?

>> No.17228991

I ate a loaf of this and couldn't shit for two weeks.

>> No.17229105

What about all the fiber in it?

>> No.17229109

i like making retards seethe and showing off that i can afford it. i don't even eat it, just straight into the trash outside the store it goes.

>> No.17229116

Lefties virtue signaling

>> No.17229133

You and your financial situation does not determine this for everyone
>full of convicts
Okay, like any factory or restaurant
It’s multigrain bread, retard, and it tastes as such. The fuck were you expecting? Frosting?

>> No.17229626

it sucks

>> No.17229720

Why are you defending this meme bread?

>> No.17229858

imagine being upset over bread
is this twitter now?

>> No.17229866

>omg if you don’t hate what I hate you must be defending it!
It fucking tastes like multigrain bread. I’m not defending shit. I’m calling OP a retarded ass faggot for being upset that something tastes like what it literally is and is labeled as.

>> No.17229878

I feel bad for my stores tastykake vendor. Dave's killer stuff is his highest outdated returns. Wish we'd stop carrying it and get something else. Sure a lot of people in the area have food stamps and shit do they can pay for it. but those types are the ones buying the king size white bread or the 16oz wheat bread

>> No.17229891

I forgot to get a loaf of fresh baked mountain bread at my Publix and didn't realize it until I was in the poorfag bread aisle, picked this up instead of doubling back.

It was OK, but calling it "killer bread" when you hire convicts.... it's funny but maybe not what they intended.

>> No.17229902

Fiber is just a corporate marketing meme to sell normies manufacturing waste

>> No.17229950

they can't keep the shit in stock where im at

>> No.17229961

It makes good toast and the slices are substantial. they stopped stocking that purple milton's bread and dave's is pretty close in flavor

>> No.17229975
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>overpriced is determined by a person's financial situation rather than comparison to other options available in the same store

Nah bro, the bread is overpriced. Tastes alright, but it's usually double the price of other breads. Doesn't taste doubly as good.

>> No.17229984


>> No.17229991

80% white small town too

>> No.17230008

Too much fucking sugar

>> No.17230018

My area is mostly hilljacks.

>> No.17230039

honestly it made me start making my own bread. i've been on keto but i've bought a lot of supplies over the past year.

>> No.17230045

On a scale of 1 being infrequent and 10 being extremely frequent how often do you think prison flashback sodomy occurs at his bakery?

>> No.17230047

kek. how many "surpise" shanks do they bake in

>> No.17230065

Good idea. Brownberry made a keto bread but its like $7-$8 for a small loaf. The way shits going, it's really becoming more ideal to just make bread

>> No.17230097


It costs 2 dollars to purchase at my local grocery store in CALIBASED. What shithole do you live in?

>> No.17230109

their epic bagels are pretty good. i prefer plain for soup mopping but this did very well in a pinch

>> No.17230130

Those are for chiseling through the bars

>> No.17230139

Complaining about virtue signaling is merely signaling different virtues.

>> No.17230154

absolute shill jackass detected. I eat a good amount of fiber and I have healthy bathroom experiences. Probably some kind of roided out meat head that hates anything fiber or plant related because "MUH FUCKING VEGANS" or some other shit they're insecure about.
>inb4 projecting
I noticeu this shittu everydayu

>> No.17230166

i had bought a $5 bread machine from goodwill but lost the paddles. bread is fucking easy to make by hand though.

>> No.17230179

if you can afford it get one of these. https://mockmill.us/ you can buy grain on amazon in bulk. its almost free food after that.

>> No.17230183

also with that being said I do think it's a bit overpriced unless you get a good deal at a bulk store, then it's a better price than some of the other options. However, I will say that I used to like it a lot more many years ago. If I'm not mistaken I think the green one is the only one that doesn't have canola oil, I think the rest and the bagels as well all have canola oil, even if it's "organic canola oil" which I will never eat. fuck that. I think over the years It just stopped tasting the same. Used to be more sweet and rich and earthy and filling. Now it tastes more like plain whole wheat flour and doesn't impress me anymore. also seems smaller somehow. I don't know. I still buy it sometimes but more rarely. as a "whatever" kind of buy it's an alright bread but I've gotten into making my own at home these days.

>> No.17230185

It is, I just have fuck all for counter space so I ended up with a breadmaker. $5 is a damn good deal.

>> No.17230191
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this is the good shit too

>> No.17230202

Technically I could, but we don't eat bread product enough to justify the price. Nifty ass thing though, think I'll show that to a few friends.

>> No.17230212

that's pretty cool,just no room for storage.

>> No.17230217

How little do you have going on in your life when you spend your days ranting about a fucking bread on a taiwanese frog weaving forum?

>> No.17230239

Dilate please

>> No.17230257


>> No.17230290

seething this hard over bread

You sound like the type of person that employ an

..ex convict

>> No.17230313

I unironically like Dave's bread. Yeah, it's not comparable to REAL bread from a bakery, but as far as American sandwich bread goes, this is about as good as I've had out of a supermarket. I literally cannot go back to the shitty taste of other sandwich breads, I'm kind of spoiled. Yes it is overpriced for bread, and quality is definitely not 100% in alignment with the price exchange, but it is about is good as it will get for a while. I really wish we had real bread here in burgerville that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Why do I like it? The consistency/firmness is way better than other sandwich breads. Its firm enough that it holds together after taking many bites but not too firm as to become inedible. The stuff actually tastes like bread, too. Mind you, not quality bread, but something that works for a sandwich. Other brands just taste like nothing or vaguely yeast-flavored cardboard. On the subject of them making a big deal out of the fact that it employs lots of convicts, who fucking cares. Everyone knows that many eateries, warehouses and factories employ convicts.

>> No.17230350

the key to good bread is freshness. there is nothing like fresh warm bread slathered in butter.

>> No.17230393

based sickofalltheinsufferable4channelhyperbole poster.

>> No.17230397

Fucking lol
>laughing at a retarded comment is “seething”
You understand words have actual meanings, yeah?

>> No.17230417

I like the new rye bread they make. It's a good rye prepackaged rye bread.

>> No.17230424

>>company literally full of convicts
Answered yourself. It's a mix of virtue signalling and those who genuinely want to help convicts reintegrate.

>> No.17230438

everything has a shtick. panara sells overpriced bread by 18 yo instagram staceys

>> No.17230446
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tell me /ck/ what is the optimal sandwich bread?
if you had to take one loaf from your local chain super market home with you and eat a sandwich made with it, which one would it be?
bakery does not count, obviously any type of bakery bread is the best

>> No.17230458
File: 114 KB, 629x434, onionroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this specific type of onion roll I like more than any other roll or bread for sandwiches.

I have a really hard time finding it, but used to get it as a kid pretty often from Stop n Shop in MA.

>> No.17230475

Dave's Killer Bread is produced by Weston's Bakery in Canada. Just FYI, as someone who worked at Weston's, this bread uses the exact same dough and additives as Country Harvest bread, but in a slightly smaller mould and cooked at a slightly lower temperature. It's the exact same bread with the exact same composition beside that. It's also 5x the price.

>> No.17230493

my negro where
I live in MA like 2 min from a stop&shop

>> No.17230499

>buy this bread
>goes moldy within 7 days

>> No.17230502

Couldn't tell you if they have a different baker in Canada or not, but I've been to the bakery for them in the US, and it's in Oregon like it says.

>> No.17230509

If you know what this type of roll is called, I'd love to know. It's different from a generic onion roll I get elsewhere. It has poppy seeds, and is a lot eggier. Really good.
I moved away 15 years ago, but I still try to find this type of roll every now and again.

>> No.17230520

which stop&shop in MA my brother

>> No.17230528

Mine was a small town called Gardner, MA. Worcester county. Sort of north-central.

>> No.17230673

Kill me, Dave

>> No.17230828
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Being this autistic

>> No.17230856

I like it. Tastes good with peanut butter

>> No.17230905

The gay little guitar guy catches boomers' attention and makes them buy it over superior whole grain loaves

>> No.17231415

I get it for a buck near expiration. It's alright.

>> No.17231847

I get this stuff sometimes at Costco and it's pretty cheap then. I like it. Not the best store-bought bread or as good as a quality bakery but it is what it is - cheap store-bought multi-grain bread.

>> No.17232058
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For a buck?

>> No.17232709

you guys ever look at how much sodium is in store bought bread? This one is a lot better than the shit I see on the shelf sometimes so I tend to buy it since it actually seems to last.

I'm trying to cut back on sodium a bit

>> No.17232864

sticky wet shit

>> No.17232869

It makes shit toast and the slices are not substantial at all.

>> No.17232873

That's not Einkorn wheat, you utter pleb.

>> No.17232947
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The thing with fiber is you have to drink plenty of water. If you just take metamucil pills expecting it to fix your diet, you're in for some abdominal bloating and cramps

>> No.17233066

Imagine not buying bread at the baker's

>> No.17233188


>> No.17233319


>> No.17233325

Its good bread, Way better than the mass produced shit. I use it a lot for toast and jelly in the morning

>> No.17233333

that's good, you don't want to cut back on salt, 2000-3000mg is a good goal daily since most people don't sweat like an Olympian athlete.

>> No.17233341

Witnessed, based low sodium chad.

Yeah I started counting macros with an app and it's really hard to stay below 3000 if you aren't making everything from scratch. Bread is a huge killer for me, few slices of storebought bread and I'm FUCKED

>> No.17233342

but checked