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17228412 No.17228412 [Reply] [Original]

Interesting or nah?

>> No.17228415

gay, give me fried seitan

>> No.17228423

wasn't there some sort of study that showed that "beyond meat" was just as bad as eating regular meat? something about high estrogen

>> No.17228425

scary. wonder how long it will be until all meat and animal products are outright illegal or too hard to get for the majority of people

>> No.17228427

Kernel Sanders and Joe Biden linked up. Need it or keep it???

>> No.17228441

You should be more concerned with schizophrenia pills not becoming too hard for you to get.

>> No.17228464

if you're a shill, memeing or a retard I don't care. This is how things are going and if people can't see that well that's not my problem

>> No.17228465

if they made vegan boneless wings i would be more interested
the batter and texture of nuggets is almost not worth eating

>> No.17228467

There will always be fishing, what are they going to do, patrol 1000s of miles of coastline and rivers 24/7? Not to mention the black market that will spring up leading to much worse conditions for animals than presently exist.

>> No.17228475

i can't believe no one's posted it yet

>> No.17228478
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>> No.17228485

Most people are so retarded they don't even know what's good for them, I can't tell you the amount of times I hear people saying how meat is bad for you, as if anything from an animal is inherently bad and excessive. I know a few people that try to go meatless a few days a week because of muh environment and health, insane stuff really
However animal products are being phased out has been planned well in advance and I think inflation is just one of many tactics. ignorance is another

>> No.17228494

business deals were made i see

>> No.17228500

>However animal products are being phased out has been planned well in advance
Schizo plz go.
Nobody’s being forced to buy this shit. If there’s a viable market, restaurants/stores will try selling it, even if it’s simply to take advantage of a trend.
Meat isn’t being phased out for plant shit any more than normal beer is being phased out for IPA/seltzers.

>> No.17228503

i like the moth one but i can't find it

>> No.17228510

nah nah!
nah nah nah nah!
Hey hey hey!

>> No.17228930
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>> No.17228945

No dude, you don't understand. You aren't some magic special wizard person who can see the future. What you are describing is a paranoid schizophrenic obsession about "muh meat and muh cities and muh supply chains". Consider unplugging yourself, going and reading a book, stop cavorting with the conspiratards and seriously consider seeing a therapist to talk about these theories you have and how you don't care if other people don't know about it but you do. See what they say

>> No.17228980

No dude, YOU don’t understand.
That anon is one of the enlightened; a beacon of wisdom in a world of sheep.
He tries to bestow his gift of knowing where we are headed, and the horrors which we’ll find upon our arrival.. and you reject this gift, ungratefully dismissing him when all he wanted was to help you see the truth.
When your day comes, you will look up at this anon with tear-filled eyes, lamenting how you didn’t listen. But it will be too late. And he will have to continue on his path of truth, leaving you to perish on the side of the road.

>> No.17229056

im glad that other people have the option because it means more normal chicken for me

>> No.17229113

Because beer is estrogenic. They have no desire to phase it out.

>> No.17229142

I thought I was having withdrawal shakes.

>> No.17229148

>muh estrogens
You worry about inane blogshit and yet I’m willing to bet you’ve never once had an actual hormone test performed.

>> No.17229174

unironically true

>> No.17229234

So not just me who finds this appalling and shocking vegans would support this even though KFC and Mcdonalds are still doing animal cruelty even though they have vegan options now? Talk about hypocritical.

>> No.17229248

Sorry I am not interested in a bucket of concentrated gynecomastia extract

>> No.17229282

imagine not wanting your own pair of tits to fondle in the shower

>> No.17229474
File: 21 KB, 645x770, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't there some sort of study that showed that "beyond meat" was just as bad as eating regular meat? something about high estrogen
>You should be more concerned with schizophrenia pills not becoming too hard for you to get.
>Kernel Sanders and Joe Biden linked up. Need it or keep it???
>>However animal products are being phased out has been planned well in advance
>Schizo plz go.
>Nobody’s being forced to buy this shit. If there’s a viable market, restaurants/stores will try selling it, even if it’s simply to take advantage of a trend.
>Meat isn’t being phased out for plant shit any more than normal beer is being phased out for IPA/seltzers.
>Because beer is estrogenic. They have no desire to phase it out.
>No dude, you don't understand. You aren't some magic special wizard person who can see the future. What you are describing is a paranoid schizophrenic obsession about "muh meat and muh cities and muh supply chains". Consider unplugging yourself, going and reading a book, stop cavorting with the conspiratards and seriously consider seeing a therapist to talk about these theories you have and how you don't care if other people don't know about it but you do. See what they say
>Sorry I am not interested in a bucket of concentrated gynecomastia extract
>imagine not wanting your own pair of tits to fondle in the shower

>> No.17229477

I have been assuming that their nuggets are some alchemist non-meat formula for the last 20 years.

>> No.17229732

do people not realize that only a small gay minority of people are vegan?

this shits never going to last or be good because not enough people will buy it or care.

>> No.17229777

>this shits never going to last or be good because not enough people will buy it or care.

Ah but you see the same ultra rich faggots outlawing gasoline cars for us but not themselves are going to outlaw meat for us, but continue to dine of the finest wagyu beef

>> No.17230058
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>"beyond meat" was just as bad as eating regular meat? something about high estrogen
No, plant oestrogens are an old meme from a decade ago unless I'm mistaken.
The reason why beyond/basically any substitute meat is bad for you is that they extract everything worthwhile out of the vegetable to make it taste like meat/good/cook well and insert oil, salt, starch and other empty value things. The oft quotes salt value is 2-4x what they're replacing.

Or in other words, fast food is bad and vegan studies in the next 10-20 years will show spiking blood pressures as well as colonic cancers caused by a lack of meat in the diet along with the usual brittle bones, poor memory retention and low vit D levels.

>> No.17230068

>Or in other words, fast food is bad and vegan studies in the next 10-20 years will show spiking blood pressures as well as colonic cancers caused by a lack of meat in the diet along with the usual brittle bones, poor memory retention and low vit D levels.
Whatever helps you cope.

>> No.17230082

Fast food is bad for you even the beyond meat stuff and these are still sold at the same price as real meat, to me there is not point other than as a minor gimmick.

>> No.17230091

Same with a small gay minority of people being gay.
These products are aimed at a wider market who want to feel special and a part of the feelgood Star Trek future culture where everyone is happy.
Most vegans aren't even vegans, and I'm not talking about the ecological disaster that is agriculture or even how plant agri kills more per hectare than grass fed ruminants which support local ecosystems, but that they just go "lmao I don't want to hurt the cyoote wambs and someone said piggus have human brains" and then buy a puppy for christmas they'll give away in January.

>> No.17230094

Plant-based diets have been studied for decades and the evidence overwhelmingly points to its adherents being healthier than people who don't follow them. Likewise, decades of research show how red meat increases the risk of colon cancer.

>> No.17230108

>Whatever helps you cope.
And your point?

>> No.17230110

You're a lying piece of shit. Meat production requires growing more crops than are needed to directly feed people.
Also, it says a lot that your idea of insulting vegans is claiming they are not vegans (something pulled out of your ass like the rest of your post).

>> No.17230143

I'm a plant BASED vegan, not a liberal poser vegan. I will NEVER eat this fake shit pretending to be something else. I LIKE WHOLE UNPROCESSED PLANT FOODS. not this shit.

>> No.17230164

This. Comparing the animals killed by the cattle farms by themselves with agricultural farms while ignoring the crops that are grown to feed cattle (in fact, most crops are grown to feed cattle) as if cows fed off air or something is either blatant stupidity or blatant dishonesty.

>> No.17230215
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>Compared with meat eaters in the cohort, and after adjusting for age, sex and smoking status, the vegetarians in the cohort showed an 11 per cent lower incidence rate of all cancers.
>However, for colorectal cancer, vegetarians showed a 39 per cent higher incidence rate compared with meat eaters.

>the evidence overwhelmingly points to its adherents being healthier than people who don't follow them.
Yes, I covered this, you're referring to studies that looked at average people, whose diet included shit like fast food, and people who ate very restricted diets that had to be planned out to make up for not eating a BALANCED diet. And that these restricted diets AUTOMATICALLY EXCLUDED those who couldn't physically live on them because their bodies broke down.
>Meat production requires growing more crops than are needed to directly feed people.
Let's break this myth down, what's your false complaint fed to you by liars?
Is it muh water scarcity, that you think you can eat grass, corncob innards and the inedible parts of soibeans, that you think pastoral land is arable land, that you want an inelastic "efficient" system where the planet supports 14bn people, or something new? Tell me so I can tell you why you're wrong.
>Also, it says a lot that your idea of insulting vegans is claiming they are not vegans
I learned it from you lot. Vegans are purists and sniff out who's not as pure as them in a heartbeat. This very story has loads of infighting because A) vegan "meats" are often cooked on the same surfaces as real meat in fast food joints, B) it's supporting a capitalist MEATY company, and C) anything else they can imagine on the spot to prove someone else is more impure than they are. Just look at the anon just below you.
You've been misled by the blatantly stupid and the blatantly dishonest. You can't eat waste food fed to cows. It's upcycling what would otherwise rot.

>> No.17230221

>Vegan Fast Food
I hate the 21st century. Just fry the tofu yourself.