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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 470x470, breakfast meats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17227850 No.17227850 [Reply] [Original]

Bacon is the worst breakfast meat and it isn't even close. I hate bacon and bacon fans so much. Sausage enjoyers, ham enthusiasts, spam kings, and corned beef lords will agree

>> No.17227863

Calm down. All meats have their place on the breakfast plate.

>> No.17227871

Ground beef.

>> No.17227878
File: 39 KB, 300x300, img-thing_nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h'were the fuck are you buying bacon where it's saltier than sausages and spam?

>> No.17227904
File: 410 KB, 800x800, gandhi grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon burns easy and if you dont burn it until it's shriveled up and dry like a pork crackling it ends up being fucking PINK on the inside. You need to cook it a very specific way. I can just throw ham or spam in the skillet and fry it up, same for a sausage. The other meats also don't threaten to cause a fucking grease fire. I'll eat bacon but fuck the fatties who think it's le best meat.

>> No.17227908

not him, but this stuff is saltier than OP. I like salt but I can barely eat 2 slices of this.

>> No.17227911

forgot link https://www.newsomscountryham.com/hicsmokcounb.html

>> No.17227923

I'd say you could make a lovely hash with ground beef.

>> No.17227924

>Bacon burns easy and if you dont burn it until it's shriveled up and dry like a pork crackling it ends up being fucking PINK on the inside.
what the fuck are you even talking about? you have to actually go out of your way to burn bacon.

good bacon takes 5 minutes to cook to perfect doneness, crappy store bacon takes 11.

how are you cooking bacon that it burns?

>> No.17228077

>pan and rack
>10 minutes
>10 minutes
>expand cook time as needed if your bacon got to room temperature before you started it should be just about done now, if it came from the fridge you need probably 3 or 4 minutes
>leave greasy pan for wife to bitch about

>> No.17228156

For me, it's Taylor ham

>> No.17228207
File: 172 KB, 1000x747, 215A2F8F-9E02-42EC-971A-2019A6ADFE1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and true, nothing is better than going to the diner and getting corned beef hash eggs Benedict after laughing at bacon Copers

>> No.17228250

It never looks done so by the time you think it is it's already burnt to a crisp. If you try to take it off any earlier than that it still has spots that are undercooked and likely toxic to humans.

>> No.17228306

>/ck/ fails at bacon, something twelve year olds can cook
holy shit leave this board

>> No.17228456


>> No.17228495

youre just an amatuer who cant cook even the simplest of meals

>> No.17228504

Taco meat and eggs

>> No.17228764

holy shit just cook it on low until the fat renders out and then take it off as SOON as the white fat starts to turn pale brown, you will get perfectly tender fat and just cooked enough meat

>> No.17228772

>thinks bacon is hard to cook
>has a retards palate
Please consider becoming a tripfag so I can easily avoid you in the future

>> No.17228809

You can have ground beef or pork for breakfast

>> No.17228838

l bet ur a sausage enjoyer lmao

>> No.17228844

It keeps cooking when you take it off because the bacon is coated in hot lard. So you take it just before it's done and put it on paper towels.

>> No.17228851

You can eat bacon raw and be fine. It's a cured salted meat like salami

>> No.17228859
File: 493 KB, 2000x1504, f04175-20170316-spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a faggot like OP, but would love to see /ck/'s favorite spam recipes.

>> No.17229005
File: 669 KB, 960x960, champuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Champuru - Okinawan Tofu/Spam/Egg/Veggie stir-fry

>> No.17229176

>Sausage enjoyer
I bet you are.

>> No.17230459

bacon is fully cooked when all the water leaves it. you can tell this because you start seeing the bacon turn slightly more opaque as the fat is rendering out. at this point the bacon has reached or exceeded 170° anything more than this is just a preference.

bacon does not have to be totally brown to be done and certainly with modern bacon there are no parasites to worry about and who the hell knows what these "toxins" are that you speak of.

quite the contrary I made a video on the proper way to cook bacon and tell when it is done.

>> No.17231658

>imagine not using bacon to cook thes rest of breakfast.
If you have super salty bacon just use the fat that cooks off of it to cook everything else.
This is what I do
Thick Bacon first so the fat comes off and then add potatoes which absorb the flavor with eggs being last so it cooks on the thin layer of fat left over
Less calories than olive oil and if you have a super strong fan like me you can still cook quickly at high temperatures