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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 640x322, steam_table_pan_size_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17221973 No.17221973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17221977
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>> No.17221978

it seems like working in a kitchen is a soul sucking miserable job for someone who has a passion for cooking.

>> No.17221982

1/2 size long looks like a good meatloaf mould

thanks anon

>> No.17221987
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>> No.17221989

Yeah doing something for a living will absolutely destroy any joy you had for it.

>> No.17221990
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>*splashes burning hot oil onto your wrists when it hits the corner of the grill*

>> No.17221999

what is it

>> No.17222007

le brick

>> No.17222011

It's a grill cleaner, and they are useless

>> No.17222013

I see

>> No.17222020

I don't work in kitchens anymore I know to clean my sink once I'm done doing the dishes.

>> No.17222021

It kind of is. It turned me into a sandwich and salad making robot. I quit recently and don’t regret it one bit.

>> No.17222022
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>> No.17222027

Pro tip for sub shops: they don’t wash the knife in-between cutting sandwiches. Anticipate a little bit of common condiments on there that you didn’t order.

>> No.17222028

Ha! I don't work in a kitchen but I remember one time when I was working as an exterminator I was doing a roach clean out at a Chinese buffet and the Mexican chef was using this shit to kill the the roaches

>> No.17222036

The freaking degreaser in the deli where I worked burned the shit out of your skin if it got on it. I got some on my arm one time and it left a burn that lasted a week despite being insanely diluted.

>> No.17222056

Doesnt anyone whos been in an indian buffet know about these

>> No.17222065

The wall of chicken in the walk-in
Thaw pull
The scalding of your fingers pulling plates from dish
Liquor inventory totally hungover
Food inventory totally hungover
Screwing servers in the liquor room
Shaving hours to not have any overtime
Pouring rotgut into the Absolut bottle for mixed drinks.
5 oz portion size magically becomes 4
86 salads when lettuce prices skyrocket
One set of tongs for everything
Mic it and mark it
"Juicy well-done" means burn it and dunk it in the fryer
Cleaning grill and flattop by covering them with sheet pans, making the temp over 9,000
Ticket printers jamming in the middle of lunch rush
Dumbfuck servers doing, well, anything
Faking I-9 forms
I've hired thousands of bussers/cooks/dish guys. Doubt I've ever seen a genuine green card

t.long term resto guy, from cook to GM

>> No.17222103

Yep. 5 years out, I refuse to follow recipes at home. I use them as guidelines, but don't measure anything. Did a recipe audit every shift for 10-plus years. Fuck that shit.

>> No.17222201

what is a recipe audit

>> No.17222215

i actually quit my line cook job tonight after only 4 months. idk if my passion for cooking is completely destroyed yet, but it took a hard hit. i mainly left because i didnt really fit in with any of the coworkers and dreaded going to work

>> No.17222219
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I have never worked in a kitchen.

>> No.17222220
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>> No.17222788

I kneel

>> No.17222807

>it seems like working in a kitchen is a soul sucking miserable job for someone who has a passion for cooking.
Unless you're at those meme posh restaurants that charge 12000$ for a chuck of fish, a bit of chicken with a weird sauce and a pie yeah

>> No.17222808

no one else understands basic fractions
heartily kekd

>> No.17222812

The 3rd pan is actually what we usually use. It's hard to get a sense of the actual sizes from that image.

>> No.17222849
File: 161 KB, 1200x1806, pork-loin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon I like the idea of a long thin meatloaf that resembles a tenderloin

>> No.17222860

A long half pan is closer to the size of a beef tenderloin. Logistically it just doesn't make much sense.

>> No.17222866

ni99a that's what I said >>17221982

>> No.17222876

You posted a pork tenderloin, literally labeled "pork loin" >>17222849
Those aren't even close to the same size.

>> No.17222885

oh ok I getcha well nevertheless

>> No.17222973

Ordered a few of those some time ago to keep things in the fridge. Never worked in the kitchen.

>> No.17223581

Right, ONLY if pro. Or... : was is school, learned a bit about math, knows how to devide 1 to a half, a fourth etc etc... Yeah... Only a Ramsay would know the biggest is the full, the half of the biggest is the half and so long...

Protip: add double sized to the biggest one and the math changes.. ^^

Good reason you're just in the kitchen dude.

>> No.17223600

Tell me more about the sheet pans on the grill please

>> No.17223678

the long pan doesn't make a meat loaf, it makes a meat baguette... and that's just wrong

>> No.17223697

Does that shit give you cancer?

>> No.17223705

Is that why there's never nuts as a topping

>> No.17223713

I want to know too. I didn't even know ovens could go to 9000 degrees.

>> No.17223714


No one cared who I was until I put the sheet pans on the grill.

>> No.17223755

never make your passion into a job.

>> No.17223757
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I don't think he was being literal, m8

>> No.17223818

well shit

>> No.17224258

Absolutely. Don’t do it.

>> No.17224302

Thank you for your service.

1 rag for everything.

>> No.17224573

Not him but I am a former chef, they coat the grill in steel gastro lids to raise the heat to clean it. They then dump the lids into the pot wash where the steam can pretty much blind you.

>> No.17224591
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>> No.17224766
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>> No.17224776

Make meatloaf in a muffin pan. Thank me later.

>> No.17225064

>low t manlet who can't put in some elbow grease when cleaning

>> No.17225089

Not only good for sanitizing, using this on hot equipment will remove old oxidized grease on surfaces you don't want to or can't scrub off. Not the shit that's turned into black glass obviously.

>> No.17225110

I want to know too. We used to do kitchen audits where we looked at food costs, sales, what ingredients could be used in multiple dishes, waste (errors, theft, damage) etc. We did that weekly or monthly, not every shift.

Is a recipe audit making sure line cooks aren't cutting corners when preparing a dish or making changes they thought were better without clearing that through the head chef? When that happened my boss would just call them a fucktard and make them run the dish pit for an hour. Or clean the grease trap if they couldn't be cured by other means.

>> No.17225118

A recipe audit is basically weighing the finished product and comparing the weight to the weight of the recipe' ingredients. It's not perfect, but it'll show how close your prep guy followed the script.

>> No.17225156

Cover the flattop with sheet pans for 10 minutes or so. Very carefully remove hot as fuck pans. Give them to dish guy. Warn him of temp. (Pinche Caliente guey!) Dump a half gallon of water on the flattop. Let it go insane a bit. When most of the water has evaporated, scrape. Super clean in seconds.

Same thing minus the water for flame broiler. Get it white hot and scrape.
Well spotted, I was talking power level of course.

>> No.17225203

Are you retarded? Kitchen people would know the pans at a glance. Everyone else wouldn't be as familiar with them. You misunderstood everything and then bragged about it like a true idiot.

>> No.17225244

That’s not a pork tenderloin, that’s a pork loin. Tenderloin is smaller.

Where I’m from, they call those long 1/2 pans “shotgun pans”

>> No.17225254

All recipe gestapo must hang

>> No.17225283
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Superior version.

>> No.17225310

Their products are excellent. Wish I had some for home use, the orange cleaner is magic.

>> No.17225339

Perfect for making a hot Carl before cramming it up your ass

>> No.17225345

Doing coke and drinking tequila with the dishwashers lol

>> No.17225384

1/3 pans and 1/6 pans S tier

>> No.17225386

i worked in a kitchen as kid and i did not know this shit, they were just containers for ingredients

>> No.17225389

How are they useless? Gets the grill just as clean as chemicals would without taking 5 years off your life with every use

>> No.17225395

Yeah if youre fucking gross and dont have a rag on hand to wipe off the knife between uses

>> No.17225409

ninth pans can fuck right off.

>> No.17225452

The sound of the chit printer gives me anxiety. I joke about it with the bartender and the head cook at my local Vietnamese place sometimes - Dinh usually greets me with "Oh shit, the trees are screaming in Vietnamese again! Our chit machine still giving you nightmares, Charlie?" and so far "Hey man, you're obviously Charlie. I'm Dinh." seems to be the right answer.

Fuck Epson, and fuck these machines in particular.

>> No.17225458

I preferred these to the copper pads.

>> No.17225468

9th pans and a 50 scoop for herbed butter. Had to refill/swap the pan e ery20 minutes cuz if we used a bigger pan the butter got too soft.
Sure thing cheffo.

>> No.17225474

I feel like I need to rob a 3M distribution plant. Their degreaser, before it's diluted 16:1, will strip layers of carbon off of steel. Get that shit on you and you need to immediately rinse it off. They actually showed it on mythbusters when they talked about how dissolving things in acid is exaggerated, then blurred out the product name and melted pig in it.

>> No.17225485
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why the fuck do you want to grow meatloaf mold?

>> No.17225497


>> No.17225502

true even in finland, minus the screwing servers :(( there was a super cute nerdy artsy server girls at my resta and she gave me such smiles and giggles, still gives me heartburn thinking bout her.

anyway, the heat of the newly washed plates is the shit that woke me up every morning for good

>> No.17225510

Yep, Swiss precision.

>> No.17225697


For everything .

>> No.17225822

youre supposed to put crushed ice in a 6th and set the 9th into it like an ice bath, silly

>> No.17225869

I used to work security at a building across the street from an obscenely expensive restaurant in Austin. Very early on some mornings I saw them get deliveries from Sysco and it was then that I learned that every restaurant is a scam.

>> No.17225889

This restaurant was a cover. Sysco is never on time, nevermind early.

>> No.17225998

>This restaurant was a cover.
Aren't they all? My impression is that they're all money laundering outfits and/or insurance scams waiting to happen.

>> No.17226030

Insurance scams maybe, but most don't get enough money through to front as anything - they just serve food.

>> No.17226049
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There are deep and shallow versions of these.

>> No.17226071

Shallow 1 and 2 pans can stay. The others have to go.

>> No.17226229

Most can only stay open because of the ways they pay their invoices. They get the product, sell the product, then pay the bills 60-90 days later. They have twoish months to invest someone else's money. The CFO of a large restaurant company is the most important person in the company.

>> No.17226244


>> No.17226254
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>> No.17226261

Probably. It's basically talcum powder.

>> No.17226312
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>> No.17226326

At the soda fountain mixing sprite with other drinks.

>> No.17226344

Basketball players
"There's spoda be 6 shkrimps"
"There's spoda be some rum in this daiquiri"

>> No.17226780

Fucking kek

>> No.17226892
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We would use one of these to polish it off after using a scraper

>> No.17226902

I work FOH instead of BOH because I'm attractive, and I can act normal enough to interact with customers. AMA

>> No.17227119

Did you hear that Kailee gave her boyfriend a handjob in the bathroom before science class??? OMG! What a slut!

>> No.17227891

Do you blow the manager, the expo guy, or the bartender?

>> No.17227918
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>shows up during lunch rush missing critical items from your order

>> No.17227929

>his last normal social interaction was in high school
You're BoH, alright.

>> No.17227941

That's not a normal social interaction, and you're definitely not FOH if the women you've ever worked with (all of them, from 18 to 75, and some of the guys) don't -at least superficially- sound like that to you.

>> No.17227961

>that's not a normal social interaction
You are just about the furthest thing from being able to determine that, dish pit boy

>> No.17228001

I haven't seen a dish pit in years, and even then it was only when our dishboy would quit mid-shift. Aside from some quick shifts at a catering company these past two years, I haven't been in any kitchen but my own in years... Nah man, I started on apps/Garde and FOH, and wound up just plugging holes in the boat ("Well, our saucier isn't coming back from that smoke. Can you run grill and sauce for an hour until Jim gets here?"... "Jim's here, but Janine just quit. Can you wear your blacks tomorrow and serve the lunch rush? You've got your smart serve right? Can you help on bar 'til 6? You're my fucking hero dude, you can fuck my sister when I'm done.") until I wound up taking over a sort of sub-management role 3 years later.

So, having dealt with snooty clientele, backwoods chefs, stoned dish wenches, musicians, event planners, brides, grooms, and a handful of TV crews, I think I'm in an ok position to determine normal and abnormal social interactions. It might be Dunning and Kruger talking, but I think I'm even fairly decent at code switching between them.

>> No.17228130

I had a single drop hit me in the eye when I put some on a grill that was too hot because I wanted to get home from a cunt of a shift

>> No.17228260

>the chad 2/1
I kneel.

>> No.17228407

my kitchen only had nine pans, six pans, "long pans" (which is what we called the 1/3 size for some reason), half pans and full pans.

I liked switching out the shallow and deep six pans depending on what kind of volume we were gonna get hit with. this didn't aggravated my coworkers but the fact that I cared how deep the pans were definitely did.

>> No.17228604

>Screwing servers in the liquor room
storytime you larper

>> No.17229061


Good choice.

>> No.17229104
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Get on my level. You work in a fuckin jack shack.

>> No.17229188
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>> No.17229299
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safety meetings

>> No.17229408

Christ man. The first restaurant I ever worked at, both the chef and the first sous would kill a gagger each in three tokes, say "Good meeting!" at the exact same time, and fuck back off inside. I'd be left with half a cigarette still, sweating from how quickly I'm trying to kill the thing, but not wanting to run back inside yet because my prep was always done, and my station was always how I needed it to be.

>> No.17229488

i love my new prep cook job
im using them for skill learning and getting paid for it .
theyre the suckers
i was sitting on my ass for years prior
now i get paid 16 bucksw an hour to chop mushrooms restock a fridge and talk to cute waitresses

>> No.17229498


you work in a factory/prison/institution/etc not a restaurant

>> No.17229570

Don't worry, you'll hate the job and yourself soon.

>> No.17229632

Oh man. Fuck those things.

>> No.17229647

>lettuce is old and brown
>cream cheese containers are covered in crusted cream cheese despite being sealed
>builds a wall in the walk in to stop you from getting to the back

>> No.17229653
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>> No.17229805

I just loved being the night person, fucking truck rolls up to give us our order, when we are closing. Ignoring the fact they said it would be in before noon. Fuck

>> No.17229816
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If you know, you know.

>> No.17229827

Yes. But not as much as posting here does.

>> No.17229830

I've been in the industry for over 20 years, and I don't think I've ever seen a 1/4 pan.

>> No.17229831

Part of me wishes I had worked in a kitchen for the basic knowledge but Christ it sounds so miserable.

>> No.17229914
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every damn time

>> No.17229957

I worked in a grocery store deli for a month and quit afterwards. It was that much of a bullshit job. So I cannot imagine how hellish working in a real restaurant must be...

>> No.17230001

Lazy burnout coworkers who are only in their 20's coming in late to their mid morning shift only to clock in and immediately go out back and have a cigarette when you have been there since 5am working without a break by yourself.

>> No.17230044

I went to cooking school before starting working, it's even worse. Why didn't I go for feminist dancing instead?

>> No.17230140

those are some husky joints dude

>> No.17230175
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>> No.17230195

at least not quickly

>> No.17230254

*click clack*

>> No.17230314


>> No.17230333

yep, they still work.

>> No.17230342
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>> No.17230380
File: 43 KB, 600x600, b0fc13fd-fef7-4ea7-9844-e794418c8db4_1.7ee9d5b93d2d481b0249fc19e8dc8a7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck whoever decides to put these in just the right places to throw out your back

>> No.17230413

>throwing out your back with 5 gallons of sugar water

>> No.17230437

>Oysters ripping up garbage bags
>Butter not coming off the tiny serving plates
>Eyeing down hot waitresses is the only thing keeping you on your feet
>Thinking to yourself what would happen if you suddenly left and they had no one to wash dishes
>Got so used to the layout you could put away dishes if you were blind
>Everyone looking at you with contempt
hated being a dishpig

>> No.17230455

always wore a silicone oven mitt when i used these

>> No.17230463

I was called in to bartend for an event and wound up helping the dishwasher during the special menu because everyone was seated / not at bar, and I got in trouble for eating untouched food off the returned plates (it was a multi-course offal dinner event and obviously some people didn’t like offal). I could never be a dishpig I guess, couldn’t resist eating the food

>> No.17230486


>having to cut it open anyway because the perforated tear out section was never perforated

Every damn time with the dr pepper boxes, fuck them

>> No.17230504
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>kills AIDS virus
>there's an alternate reality where people are popping these instead of that horse dewormer

>> No.17230508

Worked at coca cola in college. Nothing better than hauling a handtruck of 5 of these fucking things up flights of stairs.

>> No.17230518
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*blocks your path*

>> No.17230537

You think we carry these 1 at a time? You'd get fired if your floor manager caught you moving less than a stack of 10.

>> No.17230545

Way to give me PTSD man, had to lift one of these out of a corner once and tricked one side of my lower back so bad I can still feel it when I deadlift like 2 years later

>> No.17230546

y-yes sir....

>> No.17230599

Oh, but that sweet pulsing sound when you make the connection.

>> No.17230601

Don't give Roganites any ideas.

>> No.17230608

Teenage waitresses are the world's easiest lays, unless you're a complete POS.

>> No.17230628

And if you are a piece of shit, the divorced single moms are pretty easy.

>> No.17230694


>> No.17230717

years ago I worked at a hibachi restaurant with my wife. it was the worst job, and we found out years later that she was stealing more than half our tips. we also worked there 6-7 days a week 12 hour shifts and it was the most depressing time of my life. however we would grab food off plates when we would clear them. so at the end of the night we'd each have a box stuffed full of lobster, filet mignon, shrimp, and sushi. people would order 8 or 9 rolls on top of their hibachi and eat not even half of it so of course I'm taking the $75+ worth of sushi or whatever was left. I'm convinced it strengthened my immune system because I haven't gotten covid and I worked the whole pandemic time. I was also drunk the majority of the time I was at that restaurant. I'd either steal liquor from the bar (bc we didn't have an actual bartender so the bar was unattended most of the time), or I'd make a to-go cup of the hot sake from the kitchen. I did a lot of drugs at that job as well, and still managed to do a good job and get good tips, but I have no idea how I did it.

>> No.17230754

i am a definite fatty enthusiast, crammed 2.5g into each of those

>> No.17230923

yeah I probably got in trouble because I looked straight into the dishwasher, head chef, and owners eyes as I bit into a slab some pate-like loaf and said "I can't belieffe theffe diffn't eat thiffe" and didn't stop for the next hour even though I clocked their obvious looks of disgust but fuck it, waste not want not.

>> No.17231058

I've always wanted to edit that clip from "Dumb and Dumber" of, "You want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?" and then overlay the sound of that thing being out.

>> No.17231064

And "heard". My ex used to get so pissed at me when I would respond to her with a "heard".

>> No.17231128

Walking in
All day
On the new
On the fly

>> No.17231131


>> No.17231278

Get help, son.

>> No.17231591

I have to put this on my cunt every few hours

>> No.17231709

What's the most efficient way to stack these?

>> No.17232706

Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZAD9z-OMV4

>> No.17232717

>Everyone has to take turns with the dishes when I was an undergrad working at Domino's
>I buy dish gloves to keep my hands dry since I'm a driver
>People keep knocking the gloves into the water and ruining them
>Say screw it and start washing them bare handed
>The chemical mix is so rough I eventually start going through a box of butterfly bandages a night to hold my fingertips together
Anyone else experience this? It's been over a decade since then and my hands still dry out and crack crazy fast.

>> No.17232851
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>on the fly
shut the fuck up

>> No.17233061
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One time my boss shoved a pan with some mushrooms or something into our small oven to stay warm, then somehow forgot about it in the rush that evening. Several trays of potatoes got baked in that oven before he realized the pan was still shoved in the back a couple days later, handle now blackened and the contents hardened.
I used some of the green degreaser shit that comes in these bottles to soak it, scrubbed it with the steel wool, pan looks cleaner than it ever has now and has the shiniest finish in the whole kitchen. Yes he still uses it.

>> No.17233086
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>working in a kitchen

No thanks. I'll let plebs like you suffer making my food while I enjoy it.

>> No.17233091

Yes that's why they don't have nuts as a sandwich topping

>> No.17233098

None of what we serve you is clean lol

>> No.17233119


>> No.17233132

Yeah right lol, get back over the fryer, boy

>> No.17233140

There's no such thing as a sanitary kitchen. They're all filthy. That fork fell on the floor before I put it back on your plate. Now it's in your mouth, and you'll never know.
Abolish restaurants.

>> No.17233264

Yeah and those little oven cleaner tabs made my hands itch and burn all night even through gloves

>> No.17233292

Just like the hibach guys do it minus covering it

>> No.17233297
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Step aside.

>> No.17233332

Try the butcher block, compared to deli it's way harder. Now i just wander around and put out water for 20 an hour

>> No.17233354

My grandfather, who owned a restaurant, used to tell us "you're risking your life when you go to a restaurant"

>> No.17233576

People often dont realize that everyone has those 'i dont give a fuck get this the fuck away from me' moments where shit just gets slapped and half assed together in the most apathetic way

>> No.17233773

A coworker of mine often says, "Running a restaurant is a violation of the health code."

>> No.17233829




>> No.17234008

Whats it like thinking so highly of yourself, yet being in the lowest caste of "employment"?
One good oil burn across your face should modest you up a bit.

>> No.17234017
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x1960, 20211110_204808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a fun burn to start my work week with

>> No.17234074


>> No.17234729
File: 507 KB, 640x480, 1615373163908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the restaurant is just what I do to afford my lifestyle. I own my car, I rent a downtown apartment in an alright city, I drink and do drugs, and I have expensive hobbies that I probably spend more on in a month that you do on your rent. I make ~$2k+ a week just working 4 days. I'm also able to leave for weeks or months at a time and come back whenever I need to, which allows me to tour with my band and the other bands I manage. not all restaurant employees are poorfags believe it or not. I make as much as or more than my wife does as a nurse and my life is way more flexible, and my job is a lot easier than hers.

>> No.17234807

Where do you work?

>> No.17234813

>being on the phone for 3 hours with Micros/Oracle to find out why BOH orders aren't printing
>someone touched the dip switches

>> No.17234844

at a nice restaurant, in a somewhat large city in the southeastern US.

>> No.17235241

I tried working in a kitchen and realized immediately is the worst job I could ever work. Quit after the first day, and now I have a way more comfy job that pays loads more.

>> No.17235258

Not only will I never work as a cook but I also refuse to go out to eat.

Most restaurants need to go under and stay under. I'll consider going out to eat again once tipping becomes illegal in my country.

>> No.17235313

Fuck them. JD and Jordanos for weekly product. Local bakery and local produce places for bread/produce every morning. And I drive my ass to smart&final twice a week for anything else.
How does getting product delivered make it a scam exactly? What, you thought restaurants slaughtered cows in the kitchen?

>> No.17235318

Damn wtf big business is crazy. I pay all my shit to the driver with a check every delivery

>> No.17235443

This. I've done service work and remodels in tons of kitchens and they were all fucking disgusting

>> No.17235520

how tf do you make $500 a night, what is this restaurant?

>> No.17235570

>Work in Asia
>"High class" Hotel
>Not a single soap dispenser in employee bathrooms or lockerooms
>Every single piece of food dished out to these rich cunts and businessmen has had either sweat, piss or shit on it.
The only positive about working in Asia is the lbfm servers down to spit shine your cock the second you clock out.

>> No.17236022

high end steakhouse. a $500 night isn't crazy here, the place is usually like $125+/head, so if I take 8-10 tables I'll usually make at least that much. the girls do even better most nights, my best night there was right around $1k.

>> No.17236047

sheet pan versus cleaning stone or vinegar?

>> No.17236062

Oh fuck i can smell it

>> No.17236138

I've seen people get cook jobs in my kitchen because it's a hobby just to end up despising it. Too bad I might get fired soon because I just repeatedly swore at my boss over text because the company changed the covid testing times without telling anyone ahead of time and my boss told me I had to come in tomorrow during a snow storm and get tested in the morning 4 hours before when I usually wake up. Boss told me I was insubordinate because I told them I'm not wading through half a foot of snow to play along with upper management's down syndrome larp. Said they'd "talk to me monday".
That's the exact pan we use for meatloaf.

>> No.17236189
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Yes, it's pure fucking cancer. The only thing I liked about it were the milf cashiers/sandwich maker/line cooks that got all mommy and suggestive whenever the head chef would grill me over mundane shit.

>> No.17236310

That just looks like a steam jacket kettle with extra shit that could break.

>> No.17236326

Based. I would bend a spoon (fuck FOH) so that the cup part would be on my waistline and could holster that bad boy on my hip 24/7. Would still burn my hands on oven dishes like a retard tho.

>> No.17236343

>Hot Man. Coming Through.
As i simulate butt sex on everyone on the line.

>> No.17236352

>The only positive about working in Asia is the lbfm servers down to spit shine your cock the second you clock out.
How much?

>> No.17236353
File: 685 KB, 600x723, 1596008819486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, i eat at Waffle Houses outside of airports. You think this is a Game?

>> No.17236355

Oil checks and sack taps are the only reason we haven't seen a mass-murder in a kitchen.

>> No.17236361

Oh. Prostate Punch was a fun one too. Im talking Mortal Kombat send you to next level gooch punch was fair game.

>> No.17236363

So you’re the closer who leaves a greasy grill for the openers. Got it.

>> No.17236370

Im oldfag. I watched Waiting in college with a friend who worked at Ponderosa. IF /ck/ could get a sticky it should be included.

>> No.17236372
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Kitchens are strange places.

>> No.17236379
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 560466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down. True champ coming thru.

>> No.17236400

At the height of "Waiting" I stole my sous chefs flip phone and took a pic of my ballsack and put it as his background.
He opened his phone later, all the guys called him a fag and kicked him in the ass. We did our shift and nothing happened.

>> No.17236424

been 5 years since i worked in a kitchen and the sound of one of these going off still makes my jaw clench

>> No.17236433

i would add the classic, 8 top 5 minutes before close when the line has already started to be broken down

don't miss it desu senpai

>> No.17236434

I ran kitchens for Bennigans in the mid 90s. The shit that went down. The liquor room was the 'licking room,' every cook was illegal(*), my boss did coke openly, one of the bartenders was a hooker, the produce guy was a weed dealer (this slowed deliveries by about the same amount that morale improved, ) and on and on.

(*) seriously. At one point, the company ran a check of employee SSNs. We had to fire them all. Came back the next day with new ID cards. Hysterical.

>> No.17236452

i managed a jimmy johns downtown in a college town, busy as fuck bar rush etc, fuck that job. anyway on football game days the entire downtown area /ped mall would turn into a zombie movie war zone and we'd always have retards doing the absolute dumbest shit, getting in fights, throwing up, etc

but the the most impressive retarded thing was, i sent a guy to the supply closet to get napkins or rags or something and he comes back and goes "you should go back there right now." i went and opened the door and there were two blacked out people, an older guy and a college girl, laying on the floor clearly about to have sex. like so drunk they didn't even register my presence. there was a jug of this pink sanitizer stuff open next to them and the guy was just finishing up lubing his half-limp dick with it, about to go in raw. i almost wanted to just close the door and let them go about their business and deal with the consequences but figured somehow it would come back and bite me in the ass so i yelled at them to get the fuck out and they ran out a second later. i am sure the guy lost a few layers of dick skin to that little scenario

>> No.17236458

after working in a kitchen i can never be racist towards mexicans or central americans. those motherfuckers know how to work. just, protip, if they invite you to their birthday parties/anniversaries/weddings etc, don't hit on their women, they get a lil edgy

>> No.17236461

god this picture triggered my lizard brain so hard. i don't miss kitchen work at all.

>> No.17236466

>dude melts his peenor
Topkek blog post.
>be me, AGM of major theme resto
>NYE private party buyout
>1230 am, everyone's drunk as shit
>wandering long-closed prep kitchen
>a couple is fucking on the prep table
>Watch for a few seconds and move along.

>> No.17236471
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I used to sometimes hear that noise, completely out of the blue, phantom dockets being printed in my head.
I had fucking PTSD from that goddamn sound.

>> No.17236484
File: 913 KB, 500x280, 1532355852086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vinegar they just delivered has gone bad

>> No.17236503

Vinegar does not spoil.
It's called the mother, It's a good thing.

>> No.17236508

Is that fucking Dirch Passer?

>> No.17236515

It's called the fucking thing got stuck in the spout and clogged the entire bag up.

>> No.17236516

I was working at a Bennigan's when that movie came out. We all went to go see it, in uniform.

>> No.17236545

Which general area?

>> No.17236553

Around Detroit.

All the Bennigan's in Michigan were franchises, with little to no interaction with corporate. So when corporate Bennigan's filed for bankruptcy, we were actually unaffected. But, everyone saw on the news that "Bennigan's is going out of business", so they stopped coming in, driving us out of business.

>> No.17236558

I'm always astonished how people don't know about keeping plates hot for hot food.

>> No.17236575

I was in the Chi-raq suburbs. Copper Clover International Beer Quest,, broheim.
All corporate stores. We still have one hotel franchisee. Go in for a turkey o'toole from time to time. It's good.

>> No.17236577

sad existence

>> No.17236596
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I work an easy job and do music for a living, and I make right around 100k a year, I'm married, and I've toured all over the US, Canada, and europe with my band and others, I hardly think it's a sad existence.

>> No.17236679

no one cares about any of that anon. you act like a self absorbed faggot so please shut the fuck up

>> No.17236720
File: 14 KB, 376x369, 1623696075382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more poorfaggot.

>> No.17236783

oh, okay. You're a FoH loser who slaves away for tips.

>> No.17236809

>begins printing out so much that the tickets hit floor while you are still working on the order that came in an hour ago

>> No.17236843
File: 26 KB, 600x600, cambrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to this godless profession i have an obsession with using cambros at home

>> No.17237512

>"hot behind"
>"can you make me a coffee?"
>"no laughing! no smiling!"
12 years I still say the same shit every day.

>> No.17237533
File: 129 KB, 1242x990, 1BC763BF-F504-4574-923D-228997BEF7BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and not so much any more now that most people have switch to push stud but it used to be borrowing one or two off these off someoen else in the changing room cause all yours fell out in the washing machine.

>> No.17237540

>Benches are for burgers not butts

>> No.17237543

what the fuck kind of parallel universe shit is that?

>> No.17237547

>Dependants on spice and drug addicts
>Considers it a flex
Sounds right for a frog poster

>> No.17237575

>"no laughing! no smiling!"
Only heard it on the open kitchens tho. How did that one even started? Some retarded guests thought cooks are laughing at them instead of just cracking jokes to make their 14-hr shifts pass easier?

>> No.17237657


hot behind

>> No.17237686

They weigh nothing you fucking loser

>> No.17237690

>Oh sorry sorry Habibi I'll move
>Do the exact opposite you fucktard, stand perfectly still untill I'm gone.
Fucking newbies

>> No.17237693

Says 5 gallons right on the box dude

>> No.17237697

Has anyone ever heard of a kitchen/BOH manager not encouraging hand washing? Couple years ago I had a kitchen job for about two weeks before the place abruptly closed down, and one of the quirks of my BOH manager was kitchen employees shouldn't "waste their time" washing our hands in the sinks. Instead, he kept a bucket of dilute bleach and dish soap on the expo table and told everyone to dip their hands in that instead. I thought it was insane and never did it, always opting to wash my hands like a normal person. It pissed him off but he never got the chance to really do anything about it since the place closed down for reasons that weren't related to health regulations. I just wondered if this is a common practice and I was being a puss?

>> No.17237702
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>the foot neuropathy that appeared 2 months in to your 56 hours a week bussing job, and didn't go away until 8 months after you quit.

Got fat too. Literal hell

>> No.17237708

A gallon is a measure of volume, not wait. Pedantry fail

>> No.17237745

I only started working in a kitchen a couple months ago and I'm already sick of that shit.
Took me all of two minutes to figure out that standing still is best.

Still nice to be working a job with relatively low stress, though.

>> No.17237885
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>is good for almost anything
Also easy to clean.

>> No.17238181

It's primarily water, 5 US liquid gallons weighs approximately 40 pounds.

>> No.17238219

first kitchen i worked in almost discouraged wearing gloves entirely. would drop shit on the floor then throw it in the fryer to sanitize whatever it was. was a pretty shitty place health wise lol. my gm there told me "theyre gonna make u wear gloves at X" when i was leaving like it was a bad thing

>> No.17238233

Wearing gloves in a kitchen is usually a bad thing. They get just as dirty as your hands, and wearing them promotes laziness in changing them.

>> No.17238274

those are why I always order soup from chinese

>> No.17238527

>actual coke and not diet cola

>> No.17238548
File: 31 KB, 890x933, itsnevercleanenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>health inspector magnet

>> No.17238560

lol, as soon as they walk in, that goes in the dish.

>> No.17238577

>he has to get an std test to work
wagecucks will never recover

>> No.17238595

Sometimes it is. Other times it's a blast and feels like a party hangout with your friends. Btw if your girlfriend/wife is a waitress/hostess or workd in the kitchen, she is cheating on you.

>> No.17238625
File: 216 KB, 562x540, 1484236255027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even shitting you - I seriously wake myself up hearing the printer in my sleep

>> No.17238648
File: 53 KB, 1042x692, 17096F07-DF4C-44E1-99D5-DAAC6F9F9940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been cooking professionally for twelve years and I do not know what that is but it gives off strong liveleak vibes

>> No.17238661

Yeah, it got pretty bad where I was working. One time, when we were all really stressed around the holidays, I had a heart to heart with my manager and really opened about everything that was really stressing me out, at work and in my personal life - I was on the verge of quitting. He puts a hand on my shoulder, looks me in the eye, a tear seemingly about to roll down his cheek, and softly speaks one word: "heard"

>> No.17238670

probably less miserable just by merit of being actually challenging and stimulating. i got burnt out working fine dining and went to work at a pizza parlor to relax a bit and wanted to fucking kill myself and everyone i worked with. i just took the next three months off and went back to work with ex michelin flunkies feeling refreshed

>> No.17238698

Just curious, what town?
I worked at a JJs for about a year in a college town. I heard 3rd shift stories about fifths of vodka shattering in the lobby and delivery drivers getting tits for tips regularly.

Oh yeah, also someone drove their van into the side of the building and completely destroyed 1/4 of the store. Interesting times.

>> No.17238723

it's a potato masher

>> No.17238726

this will give some wagie PTSD

>> No.17238730

They used to pour this cleaning compound on the flat top grill every night, while it was still ripping hot. The vents didn’t ever catch all the fumes coming off that stuff as it boiled. If you inhaled any, it made your nose and throat feel like they had been coated in artificial butter, or something. I left that place after a few weeks of coughing up yellow shit.

>> No.17238741

I will never work in a kitchen again
I love cooking

It's one saving grace is if you live a party lifestyle, stay up late and sleep in anyways, are at least fairly extroverted, and are in your mid-20s or younger. It feels a little like a high school party in an odd setting. It's just not sustainable. The groups of employees usually live a lifestyle that makes me depressed nowadays. Honestly tho a good place to meet girls if you're horny and not autistic, and also if you're looking for some drug connections.

>> No.17239044

They did in the 1940s, but only in Germany. The technology was lost in 1945.

>> No.17239122

I’ve only ever heard gagger uses to refer to a large line of cocaine

>> No.17239132


>> No.17239141


>> No.17239147


>> No.17239251

So yeah, sounds like you're an obese lardass who can't handle 40 pounds. Thanks for confirming.

>> No.17239262
File: 108 KB, 500x616, 1503461348423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 kilograms
Come the fuck on buddy, unless you're a woman or old you should be able to pick that up.

>> No.17239292

nigga just pour a bunch of lemon juice and water on the grill and wipe it up with old towels. no scrubbing required.

>> No.17239315


>> No.17239320

How shitty of a restaurant did you work at that they were ordering from sysco?

>> No.17239329

>A gallon is a measure of volume, not wait. Pedantry fail
I have no opinion about these soda boxes, I'm just pointing out that the volume label tells you enough to estimate the weight.

>> No.17239330

>I have expensive hobbies
Translation: I'm a retard who can't budget money

>> No.17239335

Seriously. My place serves free range rabbits raised on the lettuce we grow out back. We even have our own kola tree for our inhouse soda.

>> No.17239339

You do know that ivermectin comes in a pill form for humans and is currenlty classified by the UN as an essential medication, right?

>> No.17239363

costsnza dot jaypeegee

>> No.17239368

okay bud whatever makes you feel better poorfaggot.

>> No.17239448

I'm not poor but I don't pretend to waste money under the guise of having "expensive hobbies". Maybe I'd believe you if it was something specific. Expensive hobbies is very vague.

>> No.17239561
File: 20 KB, 600x466, 1641596531550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this thing (had to use it for onions so much)

>> No.17239576

oh god jesus christ those things actually sound like that?
would honestly be better to go back to having the waiter write down the order than hearing that shit every day

>> No.17239593

fuck man, I started chef program in trade school last fall
I hope your stories aren't common because I have a passion for cooking

>> No.17239619
File: 105 KB, 930x560, Waitress_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh hey anon
>Ayo i earned those tips fair and square
>After all i had to bring the food you made to their table and all
>haha Lemme just go on a smoke break while you still have heat coming in
The amount of smokes i burned through wasnt fun at all. Damn glad to have it all in the past

>> No.17239647

>juicy well-done

>> No.17239656
File: 47 KB, 800x532, frying_eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shoots oil in your face
>Burns your hand 1h into dinner service
hmm i love coocking professionally

>> No.17239661

What a terrible mistake. You learn how to weld of plumb or fix HVAC in trade school, not cook oh my fucking god you fucked up my dude

>> No.17239665

Always swipe some of these for use at home. It’s an odorless sterilizer/disinfectant and easy to use. I use it for my cpap machine :3

>> No.17239704

>all yours fell out in the washing machine.
wait you don't take them out before washing?

>> No.17239708

>elävä liha pois pöydältä

>> No.17239711

Based and minus the wide part sounds like my time at a Turkish restaurant. And instead of jap food obviously Turkish food. At the end of the night we would leave with so much food. And raki.

>> No.17239718


>> No.17239731

Maybe you’re the shining star who will revolutionize restaurant cuisine but I think you picked a hard path

>> No.17239745

This is a faggot larp or you conned someone into overpaying you.

>> No.17239758

Oh damn ok. Thought you were one of us BoH bros nah you’re just FoH bitch made. Your girl cheats on you while you’re on your bro.

>> No.17239766

Stings your nostrils and makes your eyes water.

>> No.17239767

Fuck, one time I worked in a closed kitchen, and the new manager threatened to write us up for swearing on the line.

Like, bitch, have you ever been in a kitchen before? "Fuck" is a punctuation mark.

>> No.17239774

Mexicans always fill these with fruit punch no ice

>> No.17239851


>> No.17239978


>> No.17240209

okay, go back in the kitchen pedro, the customers don't want to see your sweaty ass. oh and you overcooked table 7s filet so you need to try again.

>> No.17240374

Today's your lucky day.

>> No.17240405
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>> No.17240872

damn you nailed the sound.

>> No.17240909

>that server your fucking hate's name appears

>> No.17240914

>That fork fell on the floor before I put it back on your plate
imagine using someone else's cutlery, use your own hands or bring cutlery from home.

>> No.17240946

this shit and the machine it comes with is such a waste of money