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File: 62 KB, 735x735, absinthe-drip_720x720-6392d9c532b44c8fa7f75f077ce19d33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17219374 No.17219374 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think of absinthe?

>> No.17219380

over hyped

>> No.17219392

It's good as an occasional drink (though I don't bother with sugar or simple syrup, I just add water), but anon here >>17219380 is right.
it's a bit overhyped.

>> No.17219393

Strong/harsh if you drink it neat, but if you add the sugar water it's really nice and has a good texture to it.

>> No.17219423

It's really nice but I don't like the hipster tax it has. It should be priced like a pastis. It's only one ingredient more after all.

>> No.17219427

I don't care for the taste of anise, so absinthe isn't my jam.

>> No.17219446

Tastes like toothpaste. The non-hallucinogenic version is not worth it.

>> No.17219449

you never brush your teeth

>> No.17219459

Swiss absinthe is apparently less anise-heavy than French. Though I've never tried it myself.

>> No.17219467
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>makes it wrong
>yeah guys the drink isn’t that good

>> No.17219473

I didnt know about absinthe until I watched a movie late at night as a kid on HBO with leonardo dicaprio that revolved around buttfucked as some gay french poet in ye olden times. Thats all the movie was, dicaprio getting buttfucked and drinking absinthe. Fuck I hate hollywood, but they picked the right guy for the role.

>> No.17219504

I didn't say it wasn't good, anon.

>> No.17219509

There never was a hallucinogenic version. That’s an old wives tail.

>> No.17219512
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true, I don’t read so good sometimes

>> No.17219713

It's good but there's a lot of fake absinthe on the market that's just grain alcohol with artificial color/flavor added

>> No.17219739

I'm not really fond of anise and wormwood, the little ritual is fun though.

>> No.17219751

tastes great and fucking strong, plus since i look like van gogh and like to paint i can absolutely fucking larp when drinking it which is the best part. have almost died a couple times though because delicious 65% abv rocket fuel is a recipe for getting Fucking Trashed

>> No.17219836

making me see fairies

>> No.17219864

The DUDE WEED LMAO of alcohol.

>> No.17219907

I had some at a eurofag’s birthday party when I was in college. It was nice.

>> No.17219920

Very true, sadly. And Switzerland is the only country with actual official standards for what can be sold as absinth (unsurprising, since it was invented there).

>> No.17219972


It's just alcohol. Anyone who thinks it's magic crazy juice is an easily led simpleton.

>> No.17221094
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alcohol is magic crazy juice

>> No.17222405

I mean that rep comes from butthurt wine makers and the fact cheapass used to put actual poison in it their swill.

But that's happened with all booze at one point or another, some jew puts paintthinner or some crap in it to extend their product and BOOM bunch of blind half retarded drunks stumbling round paris

>> No.17222409

Cept applejack, but that's cause authentic applejack is a game of Russians roulette cause ice distilation doesn't get rid of the bad, blindy parts of alcohol. But even then back before it was banned, people would say it'd make drunks so violent they'd burn their houses down compared to whiskey drinkers who merely adopted the age old pass time of spousal abuse

>> No.17222420
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i didn't know about it until i watched the nine inch nails perfect drug music video

>> No.17222424

that looks like coom lole

>> No.17222548

Properly fermented, the amount of methanol you'd get out of applejack wouldn't reach dangerous levels in your body unless you were already at a dangerous level of ethanol to begin with. Pretty much all examples of blindness from drinking booze is due to adulteration or long-term effects of alcoholism. Freeze distilled spirits will give you a nasty hangover though.

>> No.17222560

I have a bottle that I got as a gift just sitting there
probably fake as fuck though

>> No.17222579

I had that actual absinthe with wyrnword or whatever its called Yeah it is wild shit.

>> No.17222581

So what is it supposed to be? I took a shot once and it grass

>> No.17222584

See problem is people back in the day drank their spirits like light beer no matter it's strength. There's a reason gin had a bad reputation back in England for awhile and that's cause people drank it by the fucking pint

>> No.17222668

The hallucinogenic properties were only in the cheap stuff, and it was very poisonous.

>> No.17222676

That's because gin was insanely cheap compared to other drinks and didn't require a license to produce. The point I was trying to make was that if you've gone blind because of what little methanol is retained during the jacking process, you're already dying of acute alcohol poisoning. On a side note, drinking a shitton of ethanol is one of the treatments for methanol poisoning, which only makes it more difficult to get methanol poisoning unless your booze has been adulterated with a high quantity of methanol.

>> No.17222831
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>> No.17222965
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>The hallucinogenic properties were only in the cheap stuff, and it was very poisonous.
That's still a myth. It never caused hallucinations even with oil of wormwood / thujone and other impurities or poisons like methanol, green copper salts, antimony trichloride etc.
Has been studied to death now and there's not even the tiniest bit of legitimate evidence for hallucinogenic properties.
Valentin Magnan wrote a bunch of Reefer Madness style sensationalist nonsense about alcoholics having wore withdrawals from absinthe than from other alcoholic drinks and everyone at the time accepted it as true because they were gullible idiots like yourself.
The people trying to make the government ban everything kept playing it up over the years and the artistic rebel fags who wanted to feel cool and dangerous also played up the bullshit reputation of absinthe as something especially brain addling and hallucinogenic.