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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17209671 No.17209671 [Reply] [Original]

Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?

You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
You'll never have to spend hours inefficiently cleaning up every dish in your kitchen and all of the countertops and appliances

You know why profit margins are so thin for restaurants? Because they're all in a race to the bottom and they can't price their food to rip you off or they'll go out of business. They're already barely pricing food above cost. They use loopholes to pay staff under minimum wage (you're expected to subsidize this through tipping, skip the tip and save). They already have way more efficient systems in place to prep, cook and clean than you'll ever have doing the same for one meal at a time.

It's a no-brainer: If you're employed, you'll *save* money by getting takeout and you'll enjoy the convenience and pleasure of getting good food to boot. Don't fall for the home cooking meme that is literally wasting your life away by inefficiently mimicking restaurant quality at best, but most likely wasting your life away to eat bland, shitty food that you're too tired to make properly anyway.

>> No.17209674

>you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless
that’s me alright

>> No.17209675

did you seriously post this thread again?? How many fucking times are you going to repost this today?

>> No.17209680

>always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant

>why would you *ever* cook at home?
I enjoy it.

>> No.17209689

Food quality at restaurants from McDonald's to steakhouses has gone downhill over the last 30 years to the point where most of it is now public school tier. I'd rather not patronize most establishments.

>> No.17209694

Well, true, you can always have someone else spend the time cooking and cleaning for you, but that's essentially the same as getting takeout or dining at a restaurant. Food will always taste better when someone else makes it for you.

>> No.17209726

You're a retard who has never heard of "clean as you go." Most nights when I finish dinner, all I have to do is wash like one pan, a pot, and the dishes I ate off of. Takes me 5 minutes.
Oh, and another thing: it's not cheaper to eat out. As someone who used to manage a kitchen, we budget around 30% of the cost of the menu item for ingredients. The other 60% is a mixture of overhead and expenses. That means it usually costs a third of what it would cost at a restaurant to cook the same dish from home.

>> No.17209730

>I enjoy it.
Nobody enjoys cleaning a kitchen after a nice meal. Nice lie.

>> No.17209790

>Food will always taste better when someone else makes it for you.
Eh, I'd say that's false.

>> No.17209799

>You're a retard who has never heard of "clean as you go."
Like I said, if you're a poorfag and your time is worthless, it makes sense that you pay so much in time. And the fact that you've only "managed" a fast food kitchen confirms it.
>it usually costs a third of what it would cost at a restaurant to cook the same dish from home.
See above

>> No.17209853

You have to go to the good places. But most restaurants do suck desu

>> No.17209860


>> No.17209861

I only eat chili

>> No.17209865

Not only that, but your food will also be preaped by trained professionals that actually know what they're doing - unlike you.

>> No.17209881

>Not only that, but your food will also be preaped by trained professionals that actually know what they're doing
this guy gets it

>> No.17209884

>most of it is now public school tier.
not even close

>> No.17209921

My high school revamped their lunch program when I was in senior year, it was basically restaurant quality because they functioned as a catering business on the side.

>> No.17209993

Why doesn't your wife clean up? Oh, right.

>> No.17210085

Based. I eat out constantly. Lately I've been getting In-N-Out or Denny's.

>> No.17210097

That's right, because I order takeout and there's nothing to clean up. That's one of the major benefits.

>> No.17210103

>Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?
because i'm a better cook.
simple as.

>> No.17210151
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>why would you *ever* cook at home?
I don't unless you count heating things with a microwave.
After buying my house I spent a good chunk of the first year using a frying pan and stove for some basic stuff like eggs and potatoes since I liked how I had a real gas stove and not that electric crap apartments all have but I no longer bother with even that. More effort than it's worth.

>> No.17210166

High probability that you're not, but even so, it would be more beneficial to pay a cook who can do it just as well without the hassle and wasted time. But it all just goes back to the #1 rule, it's only worth the time if you're a poorfag and the best case scenario is that you're also a decent cook.

You have to wonder though, how much more borrowed time do these NEETs have before their parents kick the bucket? Think of all the delicious restaurant-quality food they could have delivered to their door in minutes if only they had improved their situation instead of cleaning pots and pans after "cooking" Spaghettios lmao

>> No.17210221

It really is awful. And that's why I'm not sad about all of the restaurants closing. They mostly served awful lazy Sysco shit and the owners just make money by owning the building (lease revenue), tax fraud and paying slave employees $2/hour.

>> No.17210229

I can't tell if you're either the lowest, dirtiest form of consooomer out there, or just an actual Uber Eats astroturf marketeer

>> No.17210245

If you really aren't poor you would have a personal chef, eh. That's bound to be better than some local restaurant.

>> No.17210255

Everyone has to consoom food to live, anon.

Now you're getting it.

>> No.17210317

Yeah, and banging out a good-tasting meal to consume is extremely easy, but instead you spend $40+tax+service charge+tip on every meal because you have forgotten how to be human

>> No.17210368

If being poor and miserable is being human, I'm going to stick with the superior choice: getting takeout.

>implying I tip
No wonder you people are poor lmao

>> No.17210394

I make better bread than any bakery I've ever been to, you're low skilled and coping for it.

>> No.17210400

>homemade bread
The biggest type of cooking cuck of them all. I'll bet this poor fella owns some garbage "bread maker" appliance from Amazon too.

>> No.17210406

>t. coping, lazy slob
lmao didnt read any of that shit. keep seething.

>> No.17210427

Why does the truth trigger you so much, friend?

>> No.17210430

>good hobby that impresses people
>can have my prepped meals whenever I want instead of going through an app and waiting 45 minutes
>food is never cold

>> No.17210466

Food is food. Have some self control and you'll go far.
It's no surprise that the wealthy eat better than the poors who eat wonderbread and kelogg's products
>good hobby that impresses people
Money, enough money to have a personal chef (slave) or to have a fantastic experience at a four star is what impresses people. If you're a cook you're just slaving away in the kitchen while the adults are having a good time in the dining room.
>can have my prepped meals whenever I want instead of going through an app and waiting 45 minutes
Order a meal 15 minutes ahead of time and get it in 15 minutes vs slaving away cooking and cleaning for hours to achieve the same. I think I'll order the food lmao
>food is never cold

>> No.17210474

>bland, shitty food that you're too tired to make properly anyway
Wow. I'm so glad I'm not a wagie, seems like hell. Why don't you just have your wife cook for you?

>> No.17210515

Can we see your letter from the state that says you're legally retarded?

>> No.17210516
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>Can get a weeks worth of groceries for two people around $60 at work
>average $25-$30 on delivery.

I'll keep cooking.

>> No.17210531

I may be retarded, but I'm not retarded enough to fall for the home cooking meme.

>I'll keep cooking.
I recommend it for anyone unfortunate enough to be a poorfag.

>> No.17210540

Might be a poorfag but at least I'm not you anon.

>> No.17210555

>Food is food. Have some self control and you'll go far.
Different foods have different impacts on the body. A meal at McDonald's affects the body differently than a healthy meal cooked at home.
>It's no surprise that the wealthy eat better than the poors who eat wonderbread and kelogg's products
Wealthy people tend to be better than poors at pretty much everything on average so no it's not.
>Money, enough money to have a personal chef (slave) or to have a fantastic experience at a four star is what impresses people.
Anyone can hire someone. People are more impressed by things you do yourself.
>Order a meal 15 minutes ahead of time and get it in 15 minutes vs slaving away cooking and cleaning for hours to achieve the same. I think I'll order the food lmao
15 minutes? It's however long the driver/restaurant decide to take. You have no control over this. I can make a week's worth of meals in an hour and a half.
No, not the same at all. Delivered food often arrives cold.

>> No.17210571

Cooking in a giant batch every Sunday saves more time than sitting in a restaurant line though. Also unless you're in the city, the options for eating out will be unhealthy as fuck. Just meal prep bro

>> No.17210610

>Different foods have different impacts on the body. A meal at McDonald's affects the body differently than a healthy meal cooked at home.
I'm willing to bet a salad from McDonald's is healthier than what you typically cook at home.
>Anyone can hire someone.
As evidenced by this thread, clearly not.
>People are more impressed by things you do yourself.
Anyone can cook. Anyone can wipe their ass. People are equally not impressed.
>15 minutes? It's however long the driver/restaurant decide to take
It's quite simple, literally order food ahead of time if your restaurant is regularly late. Shouldn't be a problem for you though since you take an hour and a half to cook meals anyway, I'm sure you can wait half that time.
> I can make a week's worth of meals in an hour and a half.
I can get food in 15 minutes
>Delivered food often arrives cold.
Can't relate, but even if it did happen, you could just heat it in the same way you reheat your "week's worth of meals", no?

>> No.17210656

>food from a restaurant is always going to be better
>hours cleaning
truly spoken like someone who can't cook

>> No.17210664

>I'm willing to bet a salad from McDonald's is healthier than what you typically cook at home.
You'd be wrong. And in any case you're really bragging about ordering salads from restaurants? A salad? That's one of these easiest meals to make at home. Of course you don't order salads from restaurant, you order extremely calorie and sodium dense foods.
>As evidenced by this thread, clearly not.
If these people can post on the internet they can hire someone to make a meal for them.
>Anyone can cook. Anyone can wipe their ass. People are equally not impressed.
You don't sound like someone who interacts with people regularly. They love and are impressed by someone who can make food.
>I can get food in 15 minutes
*30-75. For one meal. No, you do not get a say when your meal arrives. It's up to your poor driver and restaurant.

>> No.17210738

>You'd be wrong. And in any case you're really bragging about ordering salads from restaurants? A salad? That's one of these easiest meals to make at home. Of course you don't order salads from restaurant, you order extremely calorie and sodium dense foods.
You brought up McDonald's in the first place, which is really more telling than anything.
>If these people can post on the internet they can hire someone to make a meal for them.
Have you been in a coma since the 90s?
>They love and are impressed by someone who can make food.
Yes, we all love when our slaves bring us food. Impressive!
>*30-75. For one meal. No, you do not get a say when your meal arrives. It's up to your poor driver and restaurant.

>> No.17210749

And a lazy obese cunt who can't clean up after himself.

>> No.17210755

Cleaning doesn't take very long.

>> No.17210770

cooking is fun sometimes. sometimes it’s more convenient to order out though

>> No.17210771

because i worked in a restaurant

>> No.17210789

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant

Only an inexperienced child believes this. Restaurants are businesses. They cut corners every single fucking chance they can. Almost everything homemade will be better than a restaurant.

>> No.17210798

Oh boy it's this thread again. Shut the fuck up OP.
Best post and also btfo's the thread entirely. OP is literal "I don't like it so you shouldn't do it" tier

>> No.17210801

This. All the takeout boxes go directly into the trash. Easy peasy.

>> No.17210805

Neuvau rich fuckwad or Uber Eats/GrubHub shill is what I've decided on.

>> No.17210806

>why cook when you can just order food
>why paint when you can just buy wall art
>why play sports when you can just watch them
>why play music when you can just get spotify
You're boring, OP.

>> No.17210810

I'm leaning towards the latter on this

>> No.17210811

drooling mongoloid

>> No.17210813


>> No.17210822

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
I wish that was the case.
What's the point of getting takeout for breakfast? Spending like 15 minutes in a kitchen to get a few courses meal seems a better choice.

>> No.17210831

>Restaurants are businesses
And they stay in business because they offer exceptional taste, quality and convenience
>Almost everything homemade will be better than a restaurant.
If this were true, there wouldn't be an 80 billion dollar restaurant industry in the US.

>> No.17210936

>why cook when you can just order food
Correct, already outlined above
>why paint when you can just buy wall art
Correct, the rich just buy or use as a tool to transfer money
>why play sports when you can just watch them
Correct, sports players suffer permanent injuries all to entertain the rich
>why play music when you can just get spotify
Again, correct. What are the rich doing at a party? Not playing the music themselves, that's what. The performer is paid a wage to entertain the rich.

I'm not sure you thought this post through before embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17210941

>Just eat shitty leftovers all week bro

Anyways, I know this a troll thread, but I basically agree with it. Cooking is a huge chore, and if you're not a very good cook (spoilers: I'm not), restaurant food is always going to taste better, because someone is trained in doing it.

I don't order in every meal, but I pretty much microwave everything.

>> No.17210955

why would you ever fuck your own wife? you can pay another man to do it, and they'll clean up after, too!

>> No.17210957

Plus unless you're a retard you should be able to both minimize the amount of mess you make, and own a dishwasher.

I scratched my balls before making food if I didn't like the customer. What could make me not like a customer? Anything. Could be their shirt.

>> No.17210959

>hassle and wasted time
sitting while waiting for the waitress to do her job is a waste of time.
getting my dong sucked while my date is impressed with my cooking skills is not.


>> No.17210965

>he thinks money equates to wealth
op finally admits that he truly is the poorfag.

>> No.17210970

Only laborers eat breakfast. This is why traditional breakfast food is dirt cheap.

>> No.17210976

>I know this a troll thread
Is it really a troll thread if an uncomfortable truth is posted and people who happen to read it get irrationally angry?

>> No.17210982

And only laborers get takeouts, looks fair to compare.

>> No.17210996

I order take out and my dong gets sucked while the wagie drops the food off at the door

>> No.17211004

>money equates to wealth

>> No.17211043

This, the truly wealthy have deliveries, catering and servants.

>> No.17211048 [DELETED] 

Ladies and gentlemen, the absolute state of the zoomer mindset:

“Someone else will do it if pay them too”

Who do you think does the cool things??? The people who tried something new and learned an interesting new talent. There’s more to life that jacking off to VR porn you talentless nigger.

>> No.17211064

You mean your dong gets put into your dog's asshole or your realdoll?

>> No.17211067

If being wealthy and enjoying the finer things in life makes me a zoomer, then *dabs on you*

>“Someone else will do it if pay them too”
Correct, but to*. I understand that you were shaking with anger when you typed that so I'll give it a pass.

>Who do you think does the cool things
The wealthy since we can afford all of the luxuries on the backs of the servants and entertainers.

>There’s more to life that jacking off to VR porn you talentless nigger.
What are you gonna do, project me to death? Or is Keith Richards here on /ck/ calling me a nigger LMAO

>> No.17211089


>> No.17211111


>> No.17211200

I listen to audiobooks while I cook and clean. I'm a great listener (terrible reader) and absorb pretty much all the information in the books, so the time spent doing all that turns into a net zero loss because I gain knowledge while doing it. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to read more but can never seem to fit it into their schedule
I "read" a book, on average, ever week and a half doing this

>> No.17211224


You gotta love that these bait threads that retards can't wrap their heads around. It's like /ylyl/ on gif, or how IAOTS threads used to be on /mu/. It's an old shit post guys, come on.

>> No.17211225

i know this is as bait, as i am sure every poster in this thread does, but i think it just barely misses critiquing an overlooked benefit of learning to cook well: its an aphrodisiac.

i've gotten to a point where i've told women to bring over a couple of basic ingredients from their pantry or refridgerator to my place and then just absolutely wow them with what i've made. it's free to me (and let's face it, to them as well given that their food that i cook would otherwise most likely spoil from lack of use lol) and it really gets them going just from the pure novelty of it all. every guy they've been with up to that point just pays for their dinner, but here i am, making it for them. no wonder i get called daddy so much soon after the meal is over.

>> No.17211246

>niggers and or mexicans spitting in your food

>> No.17211259

> It's an old shit post guys, come on
People have been using my post as copypasta? Please share an archive! It's not that old btw, maybe a couple of months.

This type of poorfag cope is why I come to this board.

>> No.17211260

It's a hobby for me

>> No.17211290

hey man im just responding to your blogpost with my own anecdotes, go buy some hookers if you're time is so valuable or whatever logic you're using

>> No.17211326

OP is objectively correct
i eat at home and the only reason i do so is because i'm poor

>> No.17211333

>Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless
I am a poorfag and my time is worthless. Also
>They're already barely pricing food above cost
I spend $60 a week on groceries. A typical takeout meal in my city costs $12. So assuming 2 full meals per day, that's $168 per week or 2.8x as expensive. When you make less than six figures like me, this is a not insignificant cost savings

>> No.17211398
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>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
Not even fucking close. This just means you're a retard that cooks like shit. 99% of what I make is 100x better than the fucking garbage I can get from dogshit local restaurants, simply because I know what I like and how to get there. Maybe I just have a bad restaurant selection in my area but whatever. I also just enjoy cooking AND preparation. It's like making art. Getting the perfect dice on onions is therapeutic for me. I love cooking pasta and obsessively trying a noodle every 30 seconds until I have that perfect al dente, or breaking down a lobster and getting every little morsel of meat. I'm fine spending a bit more money on high quality/rare ingredients and equipment because it matters and it's like a hobby for me. I'd spend way more if I was into cars or some gay bullshit like that. Go ahead and order up your high fructose corn syrup pig slop, I'll stay in the kitchen busting out masterpieces daily while your bitch sucks demi-glace off my balls.

>> No.17211410

Biggest cope of the thread yet. That was hilarious. Keep posting. I'm sure you'll convert Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Elon Musk into cooks if you keep going LMAO

>> No.17211413

i like to think that i try to be post-ironic
but reading this shit still hurts

>> No.17211425

Ok, have fun spending your gamestop sales associate paycheck on caviar

>> No.17211427

2022 done turnt this shit up to 11. hold on tight

>> No.17211434

I'm also a huge fan of projections

>> No.17211439

The funny thing is that americans actually believe this

>> No.17211450

The Rich can go suck a lemon

>> No.17211466

This again? Gr8 repost b8, m8? I'm truly ir8. I r8 8/8.

>Why would you ever cook at home
I enjoy cooking.
>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
>Hours cleaning
Maybe over the course of a year. Minutes at a time mate.
>Pay staff under minimum wage
There was a service minimum wage here - for alcohol servers only. That's been abolished.
>Aside from a larger sink, floor grates, and a bunch of pre-prepped, pre-portioned items, a lot of their time and money is saved by fancying up costco-sized jugs of sauces - ranch, salsa and Italian dressing have become mother sauces.
If I'm paying myself my usual wage for the hours I spend cooking in a week... maybe. I do tend to batch and freeze things, prep a base (mother sauce, broth, etc.) or two for the week, and cook a lot of set-and-forget meals. I also clean while I cook, mise my bullshit in its place, have pretty decent knife skills, and own a dishwasher.
Great repost of a repost, now go make yourself a salad or something.

>> No.17211492

>people that can afford a luxury meet exploited service industry
I'm shocked

>> No.17211515

What kind of food do you order of of uber eats then, buddy?

>> No.17211519

There's literally no reason not to wash everything as soon as you're done with it. I wash my pans as soon as my meal is cooked (before I eat) and I wash my plate and utensils immediately after I finish eating (unless I'm saving more for later)

>> No.17211526

I'll usually put water in the pan and leave it on the burner while the missus and I eat our emasculating, soy filled, estrogen-laden meals, but I wash it when I rinse the plates for the dishwasher... it really doesn't take very long, does it? I don't get how things like the OP's pic happen outside of ersatz dorms.

>> No.17211548

assume 3 meals/day in a restaurant.
probably end up ~$60-$70
Assume earnings of $20/hour, ingredients cost at $10-$20

That's basically 2 extra hours/day i'd need to work at an ok wage.

what's the cost of a dishwasher?

i mean, if I had another way of making money, and my time was priced at something like $50, maybe $100 / hour, then sure, i'd cook for personal enjoyment only, but when I can but a frozen pizza for $1 that's the same as the one going for $10 in a shitty restaurant... well, not a hard choice.

>> No.17211568

> but when I can but a frozen pizza for $1 that's the same as the one going for $10
You almost had us

>> No.17212681

I'm /fit/.

>> No.17213073

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
I wish, but unfortunately, no.

>> No.17213284

Even if your time is worth an arbitrarily large amount per hour, you can't save time by always eating out. Driving and then waiting in line (which will happen at a quality restaurant) is going to take as much time as it does to cook. And don't pretend like ordering food through door dash is a solution, you're just eating cold slop.

>> No.17213288

if you are not shit tier cook you can easily beat a lot of restaurant tier meals.

Restaurants take a LOT of shortcuts and their workers are overworked, underappreciated and they make the same shit over and over and over again with no deviations.

>> No.17213317

I know this is a troll post but I'm going to play devil's advocate and say OP has a point.
Where I work you can get a steak with fries, greens and peppercorn sauce for ~$20, price varies with the cut and so do the actual sauces + sides but that's not important, what is important is that everything on the menu is priced to give us 80% gross profit, meaning that steak dinner only costs us $4 in ingredients.
You MIGHT be able to buy a steak and some greens for $4 and you might have a bag of fries in the freezer and the stuff to make the sauce lying around, but if it takes you longer than an hour to shop for ingredients, cook everything and clean up then your time is worth less than $16 an hour, which isn't really that much.
I've never made peppercorn sauce at home because I'd end up with unused cream in the fridge going bad. Also I would use oven fries at home which are shit but it's either that or deal with the mess of a pot of oil on the stove or buy a fryer which I'd hardly use and either way I'd have to deal with storing and disposing of used oil. These are examples of things that are easy when you can scale up but a pain in the ass for a week night dinner.
Also talking about price of ingredients, restaurants will always have economy of scale in their favor, unless you only buy things on special or grow your own or buy half a cow and freeze it.
Also for the record I make $12 an hour so of course I cook at home kek

>> No.17213324

>why cook?

Because I enjoy doing it.

>> No.17213326

america is such a joke. i'm unskilled and make $40AUD/hr doing light construction labour

>> No.17213330

I live in bumfuck
The nearest restaurants are 40 minute round trip and they're mostly fast food chains

>> No.17213362

Doesn't a bucket of chicken from KFC cost $40AUD over there though? I've seen a picture floating around but it might have been from canada. Anyway although wages are high in australia I was under the impression that everything was proportionately more expensive. Here I can get a week's worth of groceries for myself for $20-30 for example. I spend more than that due to take out and impulse buys a few days a week though.

>> No.17213391
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>> No.17213402

i spend $100 a week on groceries for myself out of my $1500 paycheck. you are correct that fast food in australia is incredibly overpriced, for that reason I hardly ever eat fast food. why waste money on slop? utilities and rent are more or less on par with USA

>> No.17213527

shit man you killed him

>> No.17213541

Quadruple false. You just suck total shit at cooking if you think an average line cook who has been slaving away all night is going to make something tastier than what I cook with love. This thread is so obviously bait but it tries to pose one of the stupidest premises ever

>> No.17213557

It's a bot. The amount of bots on 4chan has gone up exponentially in the last couple weeks.

>> No.17213704


>> No.17213752

Poorfag cope

Sounds like a conspiracy theory. Source?

>> No.17213758


Going out, driving to a restaurant, waiting to be seated, waiting for them to take my order, waiting for them to cook it, eating it, then waiting to pay, then driving home, is a bigger waste of time than just cooking it myself

>> No.17213764

Why would you eat at a restaurant? Just get takeout or delivery

>> No.17213770

>line cook who has been slaving away all night
So the line cook has more experience? Yeah nah, I'm gonna go with the line cook who works at a vastly more efficient joint than my kitchen. The restaurant industry wouldn't be an $80 billion industry if what you were saying was true.

>> No.17213771

Find the few good ones and give them a lot of business

>> No.17213776

That guys probably a fast food worker or something. A lot of construction laborers in the US make 25 an hour, and they would probably be making closer to 30 if we didn't have so many immigrants keeping wages lower than they should be.

>> No.17213789

Well it makes sense, why would you pay lazy, entitled white workers $30/hr when Francisco will do 2x the work for $20/hr under the table? Literally capitalism at work.

>> No.17213829

Shit, I can't complain. My father runs a plumbing business and is paying good laborers like $10 bucks an hour when their skills are really worth closer to 20-25 but they don't know any English so they can't get jobs at bigger plumbing companies with white management.

>> No.17213860

>The restaurant industry wouldn't be an $80 billion industry if what you were saying was true.
Appealing to how many billion is in the industry is very strange. McDonalds is probably up there in terms of money, but it's quite horrible, unless you are addicted to salt and sugar.

>> No.17213872

How so? If restaurant food was as garbage as you would have us believe, people wouldn't be buying it.

Maybe you're just coping with the fact that you're too poor to eat out so you try to convince everyone and yourself that heating your store brand pasta sauce in a pan is the superior choice.

>> No.17213891

based, i rotate applebees - olive garden - pf changs and me and my wife have never been happier

>> No.17213917

>applebees - olive garden - pf changs
unironically better than 90% of what the "chefs" on /ck/ could make

>> No.17213920

>If restaurant food was as garbage as you would have us believe, people wouldn't be buying it.
It's often not about the taste but convenience and some sort of quality control, if we speak about McDonalds, etc. You can go to a shop and see that people buy some not so good (to say the least) frozen food or here on /ck/ there are often threads for "instant ramen".

>> No.17213929

>I'm obese and have an infallible personality: the post
It's amazing how many people who can't cook nor want to learn post here. It's almost like this is the fallout board for people too dumb to troll /pol/ without getting owned.

>> No.17213937

>It's often not about the taste but convenience and some sort of quality control
I would say it's often about the taste and the convenience. To use your ramen as an example, that would be convenience without taste.

>> No.17213953

Wealthy people generally have access to healthier and tastier meals. There's a reason why poorfags are more likely to be obese.

> It's almost like this is the fallout board for people too dumb to troll /pol/ without getting owned.
So what you're saying is this thread is bait, so you're getting trolled by someone too dumb to troll /pol/. What then, does that say about your, chef-kun? Did you get owned on /pol/ or something?

>> No.17213963

how much do you tip bro, just curious

>> No.17213977 [DELETED] 

This is a low quality post.
Shitty low quality posts are against the rules.


>> No.17213982

I don't tip.

Announcing sage is against the rules.

>> No.17213983

So you have read them.

>> No.17213986

It was about measuring restaurant performance with money and I don't think many industry giants are about taste (maybe if you are sugar and salt addict then it becomes slightly about taste, not going to lie - they are masters of packing food with it without making you vomit)

>> No.17213993

Of course. I always make sure to never break rules here on 4chan.

>> No.17214158

soulless chinese bugman hands wrote this post

>> No.17214163

t. doesn't know how to turn the stove on or to chop an onion

>> No.17214253

Even if I didn't, I have the means to pay someone else to do it whilst you do not. You're forced to do it because you live in poverty.

>> No.17214358

Eating 100% at restaurants will make you fat and unhealthy.

>> No.17214365

and eating at 100% of restaurants will make you dead.

>> No.17214381

Said anon as he eats his "$1 pizza that tastes the same as the $10 pizza from a chain"

>> No.17214394


You just a focking Mommy boys. Go out of your basement. You fucking retard go back to your McDonald's

>> No.17214407

t. poor

>> No.17214412

poorfag here, even if I was so rich that I had infinite wealth, I would still probably cook at home unless I found someone I could trust to make good stuff. problem is restaurants are disgusting and people are untrustworthy. ingredients are shit, and everything is unhealthy. you couldn't PAY ME to go eat at a restaurant.

>> No.17214422

>Open bobs

>> No.17214424

shill bot detected.
remember if someone tries to shut something down, it's instant proof that it has some legitimacy because someone wanted it criticized or censored or silenced. "take meds, schizo, tinfoil, conspiracy" and that's it, you know they were right, someone is annoyed by the truth.

>> No.17214438

If you think restaurants are disgusting, you should see food plants and how grocery workers handle the food and how long they leave it out of temp. But I get it, you're a reactionary and believe everything you read on the internet lmao

>> No.17214458

> it's instant proof
Ironic considering you failed to produce proof of your claim. Oh well, we all knew you were full of shit from the get-go.

>> No.17214469

I went to restaurants for years when other people used to take me and it was always unhealthy and disgusting no matter how fancy the place was. overpriced to HELL as well. fuck all restaurants, I'm glad I cook at home from scratch. no processed shit for me, stay mad.

I will never go back. I don't care if it's fast food or a 10 billion star restaurant in france. anyone can make good food at home, better, healthier, and for less money, and they SHOULD.

>> No.17214471

this is true, especially with the staffing shortages not just at the stores, but in the whole supply chain when it gets to the stores. food in general is just not secure. who knows what condition it is when it gets to our gaping holes

>> No.17214473

If someone wants to silence what you are saying, run to the top of the highest mountain and shout it at the top of your lungs even louder. (metaphorically in minecraft of course)

>> No.17214568

Ah yes, I'm absolutely seething over the fact that you can't afford luxury lmao. That's why you're in my thread projecting your ass off and writing a novel's worth of fantasy.

>> No.17214590

The big home cooking industry has arrived folks. Yes goyim! Toil away in your kitchen for hours! Buy our single-function appliances for everything you cook! Buy our ultra-goy dish soap and silicone scrapers and attempt to baby your low quality pots and pans to stretch them all the way to Amazon's next black friday sale! Oi vey! Cooking at home is cheaper and healthier! You'll save a bundle buying our freezer containers and prepping your whole meal in advance like the good little laborers you are! If you're really efficient by using our products, you might have time to shitpost on 4chan before you hit the bed for your nightly 6 hours of sleep to slave away another day! Shalom!

>> No.17214715


This entire thread is cope by some pathetic faggot whose only achievement is that he spends money on shit. How does it feel knowing that your entire self worth as a person is the amount of shekels your boss decides to give you for slaving away at your shit job?
I’ve worked in kitchens before and have seen the “amazing” meal preparation that goes on behind the scenes. Especially as a regular who doesn’t tip, I hope you enjoy your chef’s quality asshairs.

>> No.17214794

>This entire thread is cope by some pathetic faggot whose only achievement is that he spends money on shit
t. poorfag with no money to spend on anything so he writes long copeposts in a sad attempt to convince everyone and himself that he's making the superior choice by being poor, when in reality he has no choice and that's why this thread triggered him shitless to begin with

>> No.17214800

Yea, no one cooked for themselves before Jews introduced it into our societies. Buy takeout from mr. shekelstein’s restaurant instead of learning how to do anything for yourself!

>> No.17214812

My post is shorter than half of the ones you’ve made, so if length’s the sign of a copeposting faggot, than you’re probably right. If you measure wealth in butthurt, you are the richest one here.

>> No.17214833

Said anon as he buys groceries from mr. shekelstein's supermarket kek

>> No.17215049

>I have an insufferable personality
Thank you for proving my point.
We both know you aren't interested in being sincere.
I'm not bumping you, you pathetic tub of lard. I just find it sad how desperate people like you are to make a cooking form unusable.
Cool story bro.

>> No.17215062

The difference is I’m paying a fraction of the price and get to cook anything I want, because I know how.
Imagine being such a cuck that you’re always at the mercy of others to cook for you. The difference between a faggot like you and a real man is that the latter can choose to cook whatever they want for themselves if they don’t feel like eating take out. You have no choice because you have no actual skills. Keep coping, retard.

>> No.17215113

I'm not sure why my truthposting triggered you so badly. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make more money.

>> No.17215123

>Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are cucks, trust me bro I'm a chef who buys marked up groceries from mr. shekelstein's supermarket
Hilarious post. Keep going.

>> No.17215128

Who are you quoting anyway? You forget your meds bub?

>> No.17215317
File: 35 KB, 640x426, fat hands typed this post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17215346

>fat hands typed this post
At least you admit it, fat shit.

>> No.17215353

Because I can cook and eat whatever I want whenever I want. Much more options than always going somewhere to eat. You can't clearly cook. So that's why your food is bland.

7/10 made me reply.

>> No.17215375

Mostly agree with OP. It was more time and cost effective to just eat out. Like I don't even bother with take away very often because I'd still have to clean up after that. I do like cooking as a hobby at weekends though once or twice a month, maybe more once I can start using my bbq.

>> No.17215383

Eh, not really. It's like, anyone can clean, but why do it when you can pay a maid to do it? Poorfags on the other hand would try to convince everyone they're master cleaners and that's why they choose to clean instead of hiring a maid, which they cannot do. Same shit with the home cook memers in this thread.

>> No.17215388
File: 108 KB, 2109x1066, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doordash shill calls someone fat

>> No.17215391

You wouldn't still be replying if you knew how to cook. So yes really.

>> No.17215417

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
I just sautéed some garbanzo beans in a pan with garlic and tomatoes, probably an 8/10 meal I'd price it at about 30$ in a restaurant.
Cost me about 3$, much better than what I'd get for 3$- I think all you could buy for that it a Micky d's hamboigah or a Taco Bell taco.

>> No.17215488

Who are you quoting, schizo?

>> No.17215491

Whatever makes you feel better about being poor, povertyfriend.

>> No.17216790

You're definitely retarded

>> No.17216856

All the people I've met who make more than $250,000/year cook regularly. One of them spent hours making Thanksgiving dinner for our friend group. OP is likely recently out of college, living with parents, making $40k-$50k and spending half of it eating out.

>> No.17216867

Like I said, I do love projections.

>> No.17216877

Your housewife should be doing the cooking, retard. Being a lifelong bachelor is not desirable.

>> No.17216899 [DELETED] 

This. I married a lady from a very wealthy family, but I'm just a chef; wife's a lawyer, father in law is some big shot engineer who did some kinda super niche thing, and now he consults about it because there's apparently only a few other people who ever knew how to do this super niche thing I don't understand; mother in law is a fucking brain surgeon, and brother in law is the black sheep of his family because all he has is a bachelor's and he does some computer thing I don't understand, that makes way more money than me but apparently isn't enough to make the in laws happy. I have tried, on many occasions, to impress these people with my cooking, going above and beyond, really pushing the limits of my own abilities, and not only are they unimpressed, they usually have made whatever it is I'm making and have their own recipes. Their kitchen looks like my fucking restaurant's kitchen. The only thing that makes them happy is knowing that I'm a business owner, that I own this restaurant; now I don't want to give too much away, but there's a very good chance that I'll get a James beard award, which is just a way of saying that I run a pretty fancy place, and I never see actual rich people there, just young people spending half their checks on a nice night out.

>> No.17216975

Rich people don’t order take out. They all have personal cooks..
You’re not bragging about having a personal chef though, you’re talking about ordering take out and not even tipping because you’re a wannabe rich faggot who can barely afford it. But more accurately you’re probably just a troll fishing for (you)s

>> No.17217148

>179 replies
I honestly don't know what else I expected from /ck/, but goddamn.

>> No.17217436

Unironically, end yourself.

>> No.17217482

Because my girlfriend's a lazy incompetent retard like most people and I'm mentally ill so I want my dishes spotless. So I do the dishes.
Fuck you, I bet you don't do your dishes correctly either.

>> No.17217523

>pretends to not be poor
>doesn't have a dish washer

>> No.17217537

>Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?
Because I enjoy it.

>> No.17217605

it's good bait. there are a lot of ridiculous claims to squabble over

>> No.17217612

>It's a bot.
Look everyone it's the """It's a bot.""" bot.
>shill bot detected.
And here we have the anti-shill-bot bot in action. You'll be seeing a lot more of these as time marches on.

>> No.17217621

Profit margins are thin on food because it has to be cooked and served. The margins on infredient cost is well known to become profitable at 4x. There's obviously wholesaling involved and restaurants get better deals than individuals but you can expect to be paying at least three times as much to eat the same ingredients at a restaurant that that could prepare at home.
>They're already barely pricing food above cost.
They price it at around 4x cost. What costs the restaurant money is leasing the building, paying staff, making sure all the equipment is functional, etc.

It's also just significantly healthier to cook for yourself, and unless you really suck at it you can easily customize any number of dishes to a quality that outmatches a number of restaurants, though there are certain dishes and things which are too labour intensive or time consuming to produce on an individual scale of course.

You're a retard op. Enjoy spending literally like $30+delivery+tip for your unhealthy, ill-prepared grubhub meals 2-3 times a day like other brainless dickless normies who never learned how to cook anything well into their adulthoods.

>> No.17217729
File: 1.17 MB, 170x113, kek lautrec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm Elon Musk because I constantly eat takeout

>> No.17217743

This thread is masterwork bait. Even though I consciously know he's just doing a bit, I still think OP should be sodomized with every piece of furniture in his household in turn until he expires from blood loss.

>> No.17217975

No one finds it scary that liberals have this analyzed? They really want to destroy everything.

>> No.17217990

This. If I want someone else cooking, its going to be fattening fast food. I am too poor to eat steakhouses all the time. Libs have destroyed my local economy.

>> No.17218624

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
No matter who agrees please tell me where you live what I hate most about restaurants is not the price but that they’re always mediocre but ppl praise them if they did not find a toe nail in their dish maybe I just live in an area with bad restaurants

>> No.17218730

This faggot baited you all easy

>> No.17218754

Dubs and OP's entire family dies and he kills himself.

>> No.17218760


Literally impossible to get a good version of

>smoked bbq
>squash dishes
>various pasta dishes
>braised beef
>literally any kind of cookie because most pastry shops are garbage

All things I can make very well at home, you’re a retard OP

>> No.17218803

see >>17216867

>> No.17218805

You don't have a dishwasher?

>> No.17218812

You don't enjoy cleaning up after cooking, though.

>> No.17218826

>What costs the restaurant money is leasing the building, paying staff, making sure all the equipment is functional, etc.
Exactly, which is why food margin is razor thin. The restaurant operation is way more efficient than your home cooking which is why there's never been a better time in history for most people to have food made for them, we're literally in a service industry bubble.

>It's also just significantly healthier to cook for yourself
Stupid statement, it depends on the type of food you eat.

>Enjoy spending literally like $30+delivery+tip
Not a problem for me, certainly better than spending hours cooking and cleaning for one meal lmao

>> No.17218835

Damn, I wouldn't want to live where you live, sounds like it sucks ass

>> No.17218864

that went from cringe to based

>> No.17218881

im trying to figure out exactly what angle this cope is coming from, we know you're not a man who gets laid but you could either be a reddit-tier 'good attitude' incel or one of those women who tries to sell the idea that doing chores and being a soft bitch will get men laid

>> No.17218891

>99% of what I make is 100X better
I hate it when redditors throw out absurd but not quite absolute numbers like this, as if it'll make them look nuanced in their bullshit. If it actually is 99% you can just go ahead and say "all", no one cares. If it's really more like 70% just say "most", we know you didn't count anyway.

>> No.17218911


>> No.17218919

where does your self-worth come from?

>> No.17218925

no one asked, faggot

>> No.17218969

>gets btfo
>starts shitposting
many such cases

>> No.17218970

I bought a wagyu New York for $10 at Frys yesterday on sale. A steak takes not even 10 minutes to cook medium rare and Prep time is like 2 minutes.
The same steak prepared the same way would have cost me at least 10x that amount and I would have spent the same amount of time waiting for it as I spent cooking it. Plus I can have alcohol with my meal without paying a ridiculous markup.

>> No.17218981

This, but I suppose it isn't surprising since there are so many poors on 4chan that have to justify their poverty lifestyles.

>> No.17218982

>>smoked bbq
I’ve only actually ever been to 1 restaurant that made brisket as well as I can.

>> No.17218989

I make ~200k a year and I cook most of my meals at home.

>> No.17218995

case in point

>> No.17218997

There's a lot of retards on /v/ and /tv/ who say it's pathetic to ever pay money for entertainment instead of torrenting it's because it's 'lazy'. I get it if you personally are too poor/stingy to not even have a netflix subscription in addition to your obscure torrents, but trying to cope and say you're doing it for moral reasons is retarded.

>> No.17219001

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
That's what I thought until I started cooking at home years ago. Now I own a two restaurant's.

>> No.17219002

Yeah, I get why poor people act the way they do, but it doesn't make them any less disgusting.

>> No.17219006

This thread is just a writing seminar for redditors to work on their pointless lies

>> No.17219018

Shitty home cook who thinks he's hot shit opens two restaurants and realizes that his home cooking is actually garbage? I guess OP was right after all.

>> No.17219062

I make ~250k a year (onlyfans) and I cook most of my meals at home because I invest most of my money back into my business (dildos and anime wigs)

>> No.17219079

slay, queen!

>> No.17219165

>a woman
That’s where your story fell apart.

>> No.17219174

How fat are you

>> No.17219182

The only thing better than cooking at home is having a pregnant woman cook at home for you.

>> No.17219184

Listen here chud, there is a difference between females and women(male)!

>> No.17219189

Why not dildos WITH anime wigs on them? You're missing a target market

>> No.17219193

Alternate take: only raw, uncooked whole foods that you can eat straight from the fridge when eating at home, and restaurants for everything else. Otherwise OP is essentially correct.

>> No.17219270

Fair enough, friend.

>> No.17219325

I disagree, unless you're buying small amounts of everything specifically for each meal, or pretending to pay yourself while you stand around watching water come to a boil.

$100 can easily get me food and supplies for two for a week. Factoring my time spent actively cooking and doing dishes (we'll round up and say it's an hour a day - it's more like 30 mins, if that) at my current wage, we're hovering around $300. Saturday dinner is usually $50/plate kind of fare, and I'm usually making it for $30 in food cost, and $30 of my time. If I'm making omelettes for breakfast on Sunday morning, I'm using 4 eggs, maybe $3 of cheese if it's expensive cheese, less than $3 of veggies and meat, slicing and dicing for 5 mins absolute max, cooking for 5 total for both omelettes, and rinsing and washing for 5 mins. Our $15 omelette and coffees are more like $15 total including my time.

What the hell are you guys making that's costing you so much?

>> No.17219355

A few weeks ago and in the beginning of december myself and some other anons on ceekay noticed a larger number of shitposts and troll threads that were racial in nature. Now around that same time there was a tutorial released on how to create your own AI bots using this newfangled easy template for building one out. Basically you just need to have a credit card now and these know-nothing imps can pay for an AI bot template they host on cloud services like AWS. ok, so that is anecdotal proof of something changing in the past month.

Out of All of the crap we talk about online it is hard to pin down bot conspiracies until you have verifiable proof. You may have noticed bots "misfiring" in their posts, where they read two different sentiments in an engagement and try to combine both into a response. When it's not coming from a person it is really jarring and looks like they are switching contexts mid sentence when you see it on here.

So no, its not a shill conspiracy, but I can kinda sorta prove to you that there has been an advancement in AI bot technology and now, accessibility, so you see it more often. Like I said, the barrier of access is just money now to AI and we just went thru a month with a lot of gifted money.

>> No.17219441

With modern medicine we can now treat schizophrenia

>> No.17219551

>Unless you're a poorfag and your time is literally worthless, why would you *ever* cook at home?

It's because I value my time that I cook at home. I know I will consistently get good quality, PIPING HOT food.

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant


>You'll never have to spend hours inefficiently cleaning up every dish in your kitchen and all of the countertops and appliances

Clean as you go. Wash a bowl once you've dumped it's contents in the pan. Put it away. Spray a warm, wrung-out towel with cleaner (Away from the food) and wipe the counters. Wipe the stove and microwave--if you used it--when the cooking is done and before you eat.

>You know why profit margins are so thin for restaurants? Because they're all in a race to the bottom and they can't price their food to rip you off or they'll go out of business. They're already barely pricing food above cost. They use loopholes to pay staff under minimum wage (you're expected to subsidize this through tipping, skip the tip and save).

I don't care and this sounds like ass.

>They already have way more efficient systems in place to prep, cook and clean than you'll ever have doing the same for one meal at a time.

I know. I use these skills and sanitary protocol in my own kitchen.

>It's a no-brainer: If you're employed, you'll *save* money by getting takeout and you'll enjoy the convenience and pleasure of getting good food to boot. Don't fall for the home cooking meme that is literally wasting your life away by inefficiently mimicking restaurant quality at best, but most likely wasting your life away to eat bland, shitty food that you're too tired to make properly anyway.

My cooking>restaurant cooking.

>> No.17219626

Burns your tastebuds. Also, hot food tastes best at 98.5 degrees, this is a scientific fact as TRPM5 proteins on the tongue become 100x more sensitive to food at that temperature than foods that are hotter and colder.

>Clean as you go
Still a meme that doesn't change the fact that you're wasting time cleaning.

>I know. I use these skills and sanitary protocol in my own kitchen.
Doesn't matter, you don't have the capacity, workforce or scale to even get close to matching their efficiency.

>My cooking>restaurant cooking.
Highly doubtful as you didn't even know that PIPING HOT food objectively makes food taste worse. Also, nuking spaghettios in the microwave doesn't make you a cook.

>> No.17219639

In a restaurant? HAH! fuck... no

>> No.17219641

Wow, you sure showed the entire restaurant industry, whoa...

>> No.17219674

They showed themselves. Minimum wage staff have serious turnover. Experienced staff don't usually make much more - often quit at inopportune times. Places that rely on delivery services such as Sysco or GFS often have to deal with quality issues - IF the goods even show up. Places that rely on outbound delivery services are at the mercy of underpaid drivers. The shittiest fast wood will survive, as it's almost a real-estate game for them now. If larger independent hotels survive, their restaurants will probably get dragged along too, and will probably bounce back after a serious session on life support. Some low-end high class and upper-middle places that have been very flexible and pay their staff well will probably survive. The rest have been skating on thin ice for years. If you want to fish out the produce when that ice breaks, then good on you. I got out of the industry, and the only things I learned that were worth remembering were how to batch prep, and how to shave costs.

>tl;dr: most restaurant workers are useless, from the top down; therefore most restaurants are useless.

>> No.17219685

Imagine spending $20 a plate to eat food prepared by unwashed brown hands served to you by a single mom or college student because you are too inept to throw together $7 worth of ingredients and spend a whole 15 minutes cooking for yourself and not paying beaners or toasties and their corporate overlords. Jesus Christ

>> No.17219691

And yet the industry was worth $80 billion in 2020. I agree that it's in a bubble but the point still stands right now; it's incredibly more efficient than people cooking at home. If it wasn't, people wouldn't be dining out because the true price would be astronomical compared to what it is currently.

>> No.17219723

Those same unwashed brown hands cultivate, harvest, collect, butcher, produce, pack, ship and stock all of the food you cook at home as well, and all of those beaners and toasties are doing it for their corporate overlords - your point is moot.

>> No.17219734

yeah it's totally impossible that this is a real person who has an issue he enjoys starting pissing contests over

>> No.17219762

We've got to come up with a name for you negative assholes who make threads like this.

>> No.17219839

>My time is super valuable.
>t. guy who shitposts on a weeb forum's cooking subreddit
Get raped, my dude.

>> No.17220020

You don't do pleasurable things in your spare time? Why are you here then, seethefriend?

>> No.17220102

>I get it if you personally are too poor/stingy to not even have a netflix subscription in addition to your obscure torrents
Why would I? Everything is out there.
It's not that cheap actually once you calculate backups, etc. Most what you call "poor" hoarders most likely spend more money than netflix subscription for a few years.

>> No.17220134


>> No.17220138

I'll allow it. Redditors are slightly less degenerate than channers.

>> No.17220141


>> No.17220152

then you should go hangout with them instead

>> No.17220153

I like to cook. The experience and the reward of making something from scratch is something that you’d never understand. Now I have to prepare my next dish since I’m having friends over. I’m serving a rotisserie rich man.

>> No.17220163

Por que no los dos?

>> No.17220165

because i am asking you nicely to leave

>> No.17220168

I think I'll pass

>> No.17220175

well that is very rude of you, i hope you will reflect on your choices

>> No.17220221

My thread, my rules. I would advise you to try reddit if you need a safe space.

>> No.17220231


>> No.17220258

Sounding more and more like reddit is your best bet!

>> No.17220265
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220103_173128738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, unless you're poor, would you eat at home?

Because I value what I have, fuck a restaurant that makes what I can, but I can make it better.
Picrel, dinner.
> My thread, my rules

Suck a janny dick up til you hiccup, faggot, this ain't your safe space.

>> No.17220279

Every space is my safe space because I'm not a coddled soi boy who gets triggered by truthposts on a cooking board lmao

>> No.17220280

if you keep this up im not going to give you gold

>> No.17220299

> every space is my safe space

Sound like a r/trans denizen. Please, do us a favor, go back. Also, seethe, I'm a better cook than you could ever hope to be, restaurantfag Stuffed poblano peppers is something simple I enjoy. I could stunt on you with what I've made that's truly elaborate.
But, since I'dbe going up against someone with the cooking skills of a toddler, my supposition is all you're capable of on your own would be Easy Mac and Dino nuggies. kys faggot

>> No.17220324

Triggered by truth, obsessed with trannies, so poor he has to cook at home and bitter about everything. Yep, it's an alt-right incel alright.

>> No.17220350

> triggered by truth
No, just hate faggots like (you).
> obsessed with trannies
Because you sound like one of those delusional discord troons who raids us constantly.
> so poor
> he has to cook at home
I don't, I choose to because I enjoy it and I'm quite good at it.
> bitter about everything
Bitter about the shit world we live in? Yes. Bitter about some stupid bitch trying to goad me? Never.
> yep, alt-right incel
kek, being a fiscal conservative makes me alt-right now? topkek, kys.
incel? lolno, you sex obsessed faggot.

>> No.17220362
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>> No.17220369
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>> No.17220624


>> No.17220636

>260 replies
Works everytime

>> No.17220659

>I can't cook or clean and cometely rely on others to survive
This is not a flex

>> No.17220671
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>> No.17220675

>I listen to audiobooks while I cook and clean
Fucking THIS
Hands and eyes do one job, ears and brain do another. Saves time and makes cooking so much more relaxed and enjoyable

>> No.17220686

>I can't cook or clean and cometely rely on others to survive
Sucks to be you. You better get practicing and get a job before your parents croak.

>> No.17220698
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I make $50 an hour, I can't afford to stuff my face with fastfood slop 3 meals a day.

>> No.17220701

I'm sure this reply made sense to you.

>> No.17220702

> they can't price their food to rip you off or they'll go out of business
i dunno, still feels like a fucking rip off to be honest. very expensive, even in shitty countries, even the not-so-good places, still expensive.
convenience store ready meals are cheaper. why?

>> No.17220705


>> No.17220709

>still feels like a fucking rip off to be honest
So is buying your food from a supermarket. Supermarkets are only for cucks who can't grow and hunt their own food.

>> No.17220771

I envy the simple minded, such a blissful existence>>17220702
Mass produced from the cheapest Ingredients and designed to be put into storage

>> No.17220800

>don't do anything for yourself, guise, be dependent on others for your food!

Fuck you and your stupid thread.

>> No.17220837

> Mass produced from the cheapest Ingredients and designed to be put into storage
restaurant niggers do the same I'm sure.

>> No.17220875

Same thing with slightly better and fresher ingredients, and less preservatives.
Even a cheap restaurant pasta dish probably uses a midshelf pasta, something imported but still cheapish

>> No.17220944

Maybe if you're getting really cheap takeout, but a meal at a restaurant usually costs $15-20 for me and I can easily make dinner for like $3-5/plate unless I'm doing steaks or something. I don't really mind cleanup, it's easier if you just put stuff away or do dishes whenever you're waiting for something.

>> No.17221382

We get it, you're poor and have to convince everyone that it's the superior choice.

There's more than just the raw cost of groceries, you're also forgetting time and money spent at every step including getting to the grocery store, shopping, standing in line, getting home, putting groceries away, cost of appliances etc. Then there's the time and cost of cleanup, which you're attempting to downplay to make cooking at home seem like a superior choice when it's not.

>> No.17221409

Managing my nutrients for bodybuilding

>> No.17221740
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There are many reasons to cook at home, shitty baiter op.
Going to a good restaurant is rarely cheap. If you value eating decent food, cooking at home will save you a ton of money.
Eating at home allows you to know exactly what goes into your food. This is useful if you enjoy high quality ingredients, or are on a specific diet.
You aren’t limited to a small menu of foods when you cook at home. For example, there aren’t any good Mexican places near me, so if I want Mexican, I have to make it myself.
I can cook food that tastes better than the food served at the vast majority of restaurants. Only the top tier restaurants can afford to serve food on par with a good home cook. This isn’t because the majority of chefs are bad cooks, it’s because a restaurant has many limitations that you don’t. You don’t have to pump out hundreds of plates a night. You don’t have to worry about profit margins. Most importantly, you’re not underpaid and overworked. You (hopefully) actually give a shit about what you eat, so will put effort into making your food.
Making things is fun. Learning new things is fun. This applies to cooking as well.
>Freedom to choice
If you want to make an ancient Roman fish recipe at home, you can do that. If you want to modify one of your recipes and put your own spin on it, you can do that. If you want to fine tune your meal to your exact liking, you can do that. It’s YOUR kitchen and YOUR food, so you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

All this to say, OP is a tastelet, a cheflet, and a brainlet. The peak of food to him is an Applebee’s steak. Anyone can tell that if you want to eat good food, the only sustainable option is to cook at home. If you’re fine with Chili’s tier microwaved sloppa, then feel free to continue stuffing your face with frozen garbage. Otherwise, try cooking at home. You might even enjoy it.

>> No.17221779

it's not that I will get better food, but I will be able to get a variety that would not be feasible if I had to prepare it all myself. My time is valuable, even when I'm wasting it.

>> No.17221811

This, plus most restaurant kitchens are fucking filthy

t. HVAC tech who has done service work in dozens, probably hundreds of restaurant kitchens in FL, WA, CA and TX

>> No.17221825

>There's more than just the raw cost of groceries, you're also forgetting time and money spent at every step including getting to the grocery store, shopping, standing in line, getting home, putting groceries away, cost of appliances etc. Then there's the time and cost of cleanup, which you're attempting to downplay to make cooking at home seem like a superior choice when it's not
This is pathetic

>> No.17221864

Most restaurants serve literal slop. I do cold store deliveries to hundreds of restaurants and cafes in my city. The number of high end/boutique restaurants I deliver precooked shit to is unbelievable. Precooked steaks, ribs, vegetables, mashed potato, rice, frozen avocado, powdered soups, the list of horrors goes on and on. A high class establishment serving precooked potato and steaks is unforgivable

>> No.17221993

Prepared by professionals? Have you ever worked in a kitchen? Everyone is on coke (or adderall these days), smokes cigarettes, constantly acting bipolar or are Latinx automatons who just pump out food for quantity over quality.

I know this whole thread is a bait, but I'm still mad about every single thing you've said here.

>> No.17221998

Post physique.

>> No.17222619

OP would have a point if he lived in some small town in asia where everything is not only hand made from scratch but sold at dirt cheap prices since there's no worker rights there so the food is delicious and fresh. However this is america and even in the big cities you're just gonna be paying a lot of money for some overpriced sloppa anyone can cook better at home.

>> No.17222659

You just cook like shit lmao

>> No.17222704

i love these copypasta bait threads because it's always full of retards pretending to be dumb to get (You)s because they're addicted to dopamine hits from social media replies.

>> No.17223172

>I have no argument, I concede
We know, anon.

>> No.17223193

>Eating at home allows you to know exactly what goes into your food. This is useful if you enjoy high quality ingredients, or are on a specific diet.
Only point in your post that has merit, everything else was already brought up and debunked. If you are deathly allergic to common foods used in kitchens, I feel for you.

Everyone else in this thread? No excuse. Make more bread and you won't have to make your own bread like some 17th century gypsy.

>> No.17223224

>FL and TX
Yeah, I wouldn't eat from restaurants in third world shitholes with lax laws and regulations either.

>> No.17223360

The kitchens in CA and WA were just as bad if not worse, stop trying to cram politics into everything you nigger

>> No.17223374

>Food will always taste better when someone else makes it for you
so your entire post can be condensed into "I can't cook"

>> No.17223411

Sad stuff, chud.

>> No.17223432

Please refrain from being racist, it is against the rules here on /ck/.

>> No.17223436

Because in the real world Francisco is lazy af and does low-quality work

>> No.17223454

Ah yes, the real world experience from the /pol/ incel who never leaves his basement. That's why the republican politicians you vote for hire illegals while pretending to want to keep them out to keep getting you suckers to vote for them lmao

>> No.17223592

Nice strawman, nigger

>> No.17223603
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>you're just creating a strawman that looks and behaves exactly like me!

>> No.17223615

>Durrrr I'm a nigger
Genius, truly rhetoric that will passed down through the ages

>> No.17223625

>Durrrr I'm a nigger
Want to talk about it, Jamal?

>> No.17223639

>20$ for a dinner
what hellhole with shit PPP this? even eastern european countries where people make as low as 8$/hr have dinners like this for less than their hourly wage lmao

>> No.17223747
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>even eastern european countries where people make as low as 8$/hr
Are you implying that eastern europeans even make that much on average?

>> No.17223756

>You're always going to get a better tasting meal from a restaurant
You presume to speak for me but truly you only speak for yourself and your lack of talent.

>> No.17223768

The rule is even more pronounced when applied to shitty cooks like you.

>> No.17223778

Perhaps that's why you project your lack of cooking skills onto others.

>> No.17223807

I even love the uno reverse/no u projections!

>> No.17223833

I eat at home because I like my home :)

>> No.17223864

This is 100% true. Imagine how much of an insecure, shitty cook you must be to disagree with this on the basis of "I make better food than any restaurant". No you don't.

It's like the betas who are so insecure about themselves that they wouldn't let their girlfriend have male friends or refuse to date anyone who isn't a virgin because they know they can't compare. Losers gonna lose.

>> No.17223951

Post bank statement OP.

>> No.17224702

More than you, clearly.