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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17207992 No.17207992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post irrational food fears you have

>Sift my rice for weevils
>Don't believe that food continues to cook after taking it off the heat to rest, so take chicken breast off at 165F and it gets overcooked and rubbery
>Dont eat any pasta thinner than spaghetti because I choked on angel hair once as a child and I think it'll happen again

>> No.17208014

Angel hair pasta isn't the same as spaghetti?

>> No.17208034

OP doesn't eat pasta THINNER than spaghetti, e.g. angel hair.

>> No.17208036

angel hair is still spaghetti

>> No.17208042

No, it's capellini.

>> No.17209324


>> No.17209338


>> No.17209345

because of this thread I'm afraid I'll get embarrassed confusing angel hair and spaghetti

>> No.17209416

I am a pastry chef, who worked in a bread bakery for 6 years as well. If you are mixing your dough properly its just extra protein and much of the 'weevil' in your flour is already imperceptible to the eye, but if you are anal about it, it is just a matter of buying flour from the middle of the stack that is sold at a higher price. Cheap flour is probably min 15% weevil. I rarely cook rice and honestly don't care.
>Chicken and Pork
Due to the same belief I end up only eating it cut up in stir fry's, soups etc. Anything where you are cutting it into small pieces so its irrelevant how 'overcooked' it is.
I like beef though. I regularly eat Asado due to my background and steak's of various kinds. Usually prefer it a little pink in the middle with clear juices, and a little salt on the fat. Blue steak is a meme and anything more than medium, becomes hard to chew.
I hate any pasta that is not capellini. But weirdly there is this green, flat, long, spinach pasta I used to eat as a kid I cant find anymore that I love.

I refuse to eat pork from anywhere, bought by anyone, other than a family friend butcher that cuts up his own pigs in the shop because I believe it near impossible to tell if its human meat or not.
I will not eat chicken out either as I do not trust sanitation I am not in charge of or can verify.

>> No.17209428

I tap the top of any can before opening it.
supposedly it prevents carbinated beverages from overfoaming but I think it's just an OCD thing

>> No.17209432

>bought american farmed rice once
>house infested with weevils

it's thai or nothing.

>> No.17209471

If a potato starts growing those tentacle like things, I wear rubber gloves and cut that part of the potato off, then put it in the garburator along with the whole potato. Those things freak me out and I wear the gloves to protect my hands. I don't want to suddenly start sprouting tentacles like the potato does.

>> No.17209498

Its literally just the potato stalk. You could cut each one off and plant them to grow your own potatoes. Don't eat them though because the stalk part is poisonous. The rest of the tater is safe to eat though.

>> No.17209503

>I hate any pasta that is not capellini
what the fuck is wrong with these kinds of people?
why do you weird fuckers insist on eating pasta that's too thin?

>> No.17209723

based dumbass

>> No.17209731
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>just extra protein

>> No.17209882

It said irrational fears. I know it's obviously wrong, but it still scares me.

>> No.17209941
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What do you think about these images?

>> No.17209949
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>> No.17209963
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>> No.17209990

I wasn't being facetious
I think we'd be good friends.

>> No.17210152


>> No.17210258

If you buy those sacks of rice to make it yourself like all Indians do it's not schizo at all. You're basically guaranteed to end up with bugs.
If it's some processed and sealed Uncle Ben's microwave pouch type of rice though then it's unlikely you'll get insect infestations from that.

>> No.17210290

I do the same stupid thing, I'm pretty sure I got it from some actor doing it in some 80s movie when I was a a stupid little autistic shit. But now that I'm an adult autistic shit I still do it and still believe it does something.

>> No.17210307
File: 177 KB, 762x1048, axomamma_by_genzoman_dehq2bg-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not recycling your old potatoes into new potatoes. Why would you want to hurt Axomamma that way?

>> No.17210335


Replanting plant parts is stealing from the store you purchased them from. The sold you ONE potato, not infinite. You will hurt their future business if you tell people this you piece of shit

>> No.17210452

Buying a new bag of potatoes is cheaper than buying the dirt to grow them in

>> No.17210481

Sorry my goddess Axomamma doesn't care about your colonizer stores.
Why the fuck would I pay for dirt? I live in northern utah with some of the shittiest hard packed clay high pH soil around and they grow just fine

>> No.17210497

I picked it up as a child in Germany, don't know if it's a cultural thing

>> No.17210577

based potato pirates

>> No.17210802

Not everyone owns land mister big shot

>> No.17210912

My mother left a pack of brown rice in the cupboard for about a year, eventually one day I opened our pantry and literally everything was swarming with weevils. One day they weren't there, the next they were. Was very frustrating to deal with, the actual pack of rice itself was completely rancid and had about as many weevils as grains of rice.

Never seen them before or since this, I guess don't keep brown rice for more than a few months.

>> No.17210927



>> No.17210935

I’m anal about expiration dates. Not entirely sure how it translates to the rest of the world but here we have “best used before xx” and I refuse to consume anything on that date and with dairy several days before that. Due to drinking chunky milk as a kid in the middle of the night

>> No.17211517

I have the exact opposite problem. I'm extremely neurotic about wasting food and have gotten sick from eating spoiled food multiple times. I also measure everything as exactly as I can and will pick up even tiny amounts of spilled flour and single grains of rice.

>> No.17211569

The Jew fears the windowsill potato farmer

>> No.17211720

>Sift my rice for weevils
Just put it in the freezer.

>> No.17211749

I always wipe the top of a canned drink before I open it. because I was told once a a child that rats can crawl on top of the cans when they are being ware housed

>> No.17211769

I'll can all kinds of jams and pickles and then never eat them because I get anxious that I might use them all up and run out. I just like to have them in my basement where they're safe

>> No.17211807
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I don't get fast food after sundown or on holidays, because I think the staff is more likely to tamper with my food out of frustration.

I don't use ketchup if the water comes out when I squirt it. I get a napkin and wipe if off and start over.

If I crack an egg and see anything except yolk and white I throw it away.

I refuse to finish the bottom part of any energy drink because of those stories of people finding dead rats in them, I think it's gross if I get "too close" too it.

I don't eat the rind on cheese because it freaks me out.

If I encounter any texture that should not be present while eating a meal I will throw the entire thing out.

If anything is in my fridge longer than three months I will throw it out regardless of use by date.

I only eat chicken beef and pork, all other meats are too "weird." Fish only from a can.

My city water started tasting weird lately and I can even smell it all over town, so I only drink bottled water now.

>> No.17212201

hey you guys should be housemates

>> No.17212206

The worst part isn't the 2% chance that a rat scampered on it, it's the 98% chance somebody with nasty fingers touched it.

>> No.17212266

> that gif
I immediately noped and closed it, but somehow the fact that I only saw it briefly makes it scarier, because I don't know exactly how it looks. At the same time I'm too scared to open it again.

>> No.17212721

>If I crack an egg and see anything except yolk and white I throw it away.
I've never seen an egg without an embryo in my life. Not sure how you find these

>> No.17213111

Veins in chicken. It's freaked me out since I was a little kid, it ruins my appetite immediately.

>> No.17213544

me too. reminds me too much of cock

>> No.17213554

>>Don't believe that food continues to cook after taking it off the heat to rest, so take chicken breast off at 165F and it gets overcooked and rubbery
This isn't a fear, this is just you being a retarded waste of space.

>> No.17213566

>I refuse to eat pork from anywhere, bought by anyone, other than a family friend butcher that cuts up his own pigs in the shop because I believe it near impossible to tell if its human meat or not.
For your sake I hope you live in some shithole country.

>> No.17213577

Do women really?

>> No.17213709
File: 520 KB, 756x654, Do women really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17213742

Bitting into a pit of a pitless olive

>> No.17213820

This is a hilarious pro-piracy argument that may hold up in court.

>> No.17213841

>that may hold up in court.
No it won't you stupid idiot. Kill yourself you useless amoeba. Actually you know what? Don't kill yourself. Stay alive so i can find you and burn your family alive. I will rape your fucking dog and then force you to eat it. I will take a box grater to your flesh and douse you in vinegar. I will drive toothpicks under your nails and into your eyeballs. I will put your fucking testicles through a garlic press and only then will you be allowed to experiemce death as i beat you to death with a brick you goddamn idiot moron retard mothetfucking faggot.

>> No.17213858
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>> No.17213938

Wow, I've never let it get that bad, but at least I know I'm not alone in this fear now.

>> No.17214015

I COMPLETELY understand.

>> No.17214019
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>t. retard

>> No.17214132

>Sift my rice for weevils
what is this shit? Ive never seen or heard of weevils. You are making me paranoid. Do you live in a third world country?

>> No.17214142

Lol oy vey

>> No.17214544

I ended up with them for the first time last year when I bought a sack of Jasmin rice. I brought the third world into my house and paid the price. All that pasta, lost, like tears in the rain.

>> No.17215646

lol you're a fucking idiot

>> No.17215692

Not all business patent their crops
If one business says I can’t grow from their crop I won’t, I’ll buy from business that share my value system and deserve my business
That’s called the free market

>> No.17215701

>I don't use ketchup if the water comes out when I squirt it. I get a napkin and wipe if off and start over.
shake the bottle?

>> No.17215717

I unironically worry that any food anyone ever makes me is poisoned. I have to talk myself down internally before eating a meal I didn't prepare.

I will also throw out a soda if the safety seal doesn't make enough of a sound when I open it, because I'll think someone opened it in the store and poisoned it.

>> No.17215799

But what if somebody breaks into your house and poisons your water supply?

>> No.17215840

I only buy large containers of water and inspect them for tampering. As I'm sure you can imagine, my house is, uh, fortified, so I don't really worry about someone breaking in.

>> No.17215855

This is interesting because my autistic cousin once tried to poison our grandmother by adding fertilizer to her food, which he claimed he did because he thought it would help her grow. However, he also brought knives to school and threatened someone with them, so I am pretty sure he knew what he was doing. That is to say, are you also autistic? Or maybe a better question, have you ever been poisoned?

>> No.17215900

I'm not autistic; my life is actually outwardly incredibly normal. I developed high anxiety postpartum, and I fixated on my diet and what was ending up in my breast milk, and then I became worried that I would eat something poisonous and my baby would get poisoned. My son's weaned, but the anxiety remains.

>> No.17215920

Sounds like it could a form of OCD. Have you ever considered discussing this with a psychiatrist, as experiencing an anxiety response every time you need to eat a meal probably takes a toll on your health in other ways. It lines up pretty reasonably with your postpartum.

>> No.17215938
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don't watch that Archie Halloween movie then

>> No.17215974

post booba

>> No.17215984

Damn I'll eat bread that's a month past the use by date if I don't see any blue on it, and all meat just gets a smell and sight test no matter the date, if it passes I eat it. Most milk doesn't start to stink or taste off until a week or two past the date, but I do keep my house and fridge pretty cold too.

>> No.17216117

i have to see whatever utensil im using being washed by someone i trust or washing it up myself. this includes cups and mugs

>> No.17216520

That's actually true though

>> No.17216886

I always smell milk and inspect breads regardless of sell by date or expiration dates because I'm afraid of eating spoiled food

>> No.17216962

I make rice from dried bags all the time and have never sifted it before
Am I gonna die?

>> No.17216974

>Cheap flour is probably min 15% weevil.

>> No.17216983

Not a food but I'm afraid of hay and straw because I'm scared a piece will get stuck in my penis. I've had this fear since I was a toddler.

>> No.17216999

Man I wish it was that easy to get human meat

>> No.17217272

I'm terrified of pull-tab tins. I miss keys. Keyed tins need to come back.

>> No.17217333

Axomamma more like AXOMOMMY

>> No.17217340

On every can i drink from i always wipe the top and rim with a napkin or the edge of my t-shirt. i do this to clear off any dirt or residue but in reality if there's some shit on there that's gonna get me sick smudging it with my shirt probably isn't gonna prevent that.

>> No.17218073
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Oh hey, that's the source image for this meme!

>> No.17218077

>his supermarket didn't put a non-replanting clause in their potato sale terms & conditions
oh no, oh no oh no

>> No.17218079

it's just a slight 3d imagine thing of an amog us minion it's only got like 4 frames

>> No.17218082

>potential for dead rats in my energy drink
>I only drink halfway because that makes more sense than pouring out the drink and checking the bottle for a dead rat instead

>> No.17218087

prion's disease

>> No.17218201
File: 35 KB, 604x453, hP6CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink liquids from clear containers after seeing a moldy Capri Sun posted years ago.
Seems like it was such a problem that Capri Sun changed their pouches to have a clear bottom.

>> No.17219075

i smell a sitcom

>> No.17219098
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>tfw not enough hiss

>> No.17219142

Ayy lmao

>> No.17219143

save me niggerman

>> No.17219185

Egg that isn't cooked until solid, i.e. in carbonara, ice cream, buttercream, soft scrambled, sunny side up etc.
I'll eat it without worry if it's prepared by someone else, I just don't trust myself to have cooked it fully because of previous food poisoning episodes
Not so much a fear as it is a small anxiety though

>> No.17219217

>the odd /ck/ouple

>> No.17219229

I'm also like that with anything carbonated

>> No.17219522

I don't drink beverages while eating because I'm afraid ill get food in it (backwash) so I always have my drink after my meal.

>> No.17219528

That's what you get for drinking milk straight out of the carton you fucking animal.

>> No.17220112

i love you

>> No.17220159

>using a meat thermometer
>weighting ingredients instead of measuring them using cups and spoons
>using beer for cooking

>> No.17220496

it does nothing btw

>> No.17220521

Finding hair in my food, worst part is that it's not hard to get some in it

>> No.17220528

Afraid of skinning a dead fish out of fear it's gonna reawaken

>> No.17220534

>>Don't believe that food continues to cook after taking it off the heat to rest
Take it off and put a probe in and watch the temp go up and you can stop being so silly

>> No.17220544

Does American flour really have bugs in it?

>> No.17220556

I bought it, never said what for. Cut it in half, plant one and cram the other up my ass

>> No.17220560

1. Fix that
2. Go get free dirt and a free box. You'll find some somewhere.

>> No.17220567

>If I crack an egg and see anything except yolk and white I throw it away.
So you've never eaten an egg?

>> No.17220574

Ugh, I HATED watching my mother cook eel because it writhes about in the pan. I also dislike its muddy taste, so writhing or not, I still won't eat it.
Supposedly, frog's legs can occasionally still wriggle about as they're being cooked but I've never seen it and I've cooked several dozens myself, both fresh and frozen. And yes, by 'fresh' I mean the frog was alive mere minutes before I started cooking it.

>> No.17220579

>because I believe it near impossible to tell if its human meat or not.
Out muscle tissue is simar but we are completely different shapes.the cuts would not look the same

>> No.17220598

Eggs are safe to eat raw and semi cooked in any developed country

>> No.17220761

I'm fucking terrified of botulism and will not eat anything that's been canned. On the other hand I'll cut off mold spots from bread, eat soft boiled eggs, etc.

>> No.17221005

You know what i mean

>> No.17221678

Anon, we are all gonna die

>> No.17221916

A actually don't
You you dislike the embryo that starts to form? Or the chalaza(the white stringy that that feels like a drop of concealed cum)? Because the 2nd is in literally every egg and the first is in most

>> No.17221948

Only one ITT that I agree with

>> No.17222328

woah anon... this is all so sudden

>> No.17222344

Cool gif

>> No.17223346

pee with me