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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17202444 No.17202444 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese food is delicious.

>> No.17202447
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>> No.17202449
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>> No.17202456
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>> No.17202461
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Except natto

>> No.17202464
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>> No.17202471

>tik tok said it has UM MAMI

>> No.17202483
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Toshikoshi Soba (New Year's Eve Noodles)

>> No.17202515
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Why yes, I am a proud memeber of the chigyu-with-extra-negi masterrace.

>> No.17202526

>can’t understand words
>has to use an online meme generator like a literal boomer does for Boombook
Please reply; I’m sure you’ll say something that will give me a trifecta.

>> No.17202534

What's your favorite Japanese dish. Or, if you're looking to get be in some troll shit posting match, take it over to /b/

>> No.17202536

>anything the nippons come up with must be true and perfect

>> No.17202571
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>> No.17202620

>word is from a language I have zero understanding of, and has no 1:1 translation in my own language
>but learning is plebbit AF so fuck it because lol soymemes topkek xD
I understand schools basically weren’t allowed to actually teach gen-zoom, but do you really not understand that borrowed words exist for a reason?
I mean, surely you get we use terms like “sushi” and “ schadenfreude” because when things or concepts don’t originate in english-speaking countries, there’s no direct equivalent English word? And it’s easier to just use the word it’s called where it came from?

>> No.17202633

Who cares

>> No.17202635

That wooden spoon wouldn't be allowed here.

>> No.17202651
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>> No.17202656

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.17202663
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>> No.17202677
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>> No.17202681 [DELETED] 

I believe the japanese have genetic predisposition towards feelings of harmony or completeness as a race.

>> No.17202707
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>rice and raw fish
>slimy cold tasteless garbage
>cheapest ingredients
>ooo this cost 20 dorral

>o yum kawai desu
>must eat with sticks
>so very special
>it is supposed to be raw no you can't ask for your food to be cooked
>it isn't supposed to taste like anything
>aah wasaabi yum toothpaste

>> No.17202716
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>> No.17202720

>t. literally can’t distinguish between basic centuries-old fundamentals of linguistics and zoomemes
I suppose I can’t really blame you; you had no chance and it really isn’t your fault.

>> No.17202723

sushi is delicious you tastelet

>> No.17202740
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>> No.17202778
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>> No.17202834

I like soba noodles.

>> No.17202930
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>> No.17202944
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>> No.17203097
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>> No.17203101

xing my pasta is STALE and i need extra gutter oil STAT

>> No.17203105

It's a hammer

>> No.17203124 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17203134
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>> No.17203164
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>> No.17203246

>dude fish
>lmao soup
>nigga, rice
Jap food in a nutshell

>> No.17203264
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Sushi is good, but funny enough the west does sushi better.
Ramen is good, but it’s just soup.

>> No.17203440

As long as they're not sweet I can dig american sushi.
Honestly I just usually want the meaty more than anything else.

>> No.17203459

It's incredible to me that NEETs whose sole source for information and "world experience" is 4chan.org would mount this type of criticism - I have a PhD in Philosophy and did study Frankfurt School thinkers, I don't like them that much, but I know them. The mere fact that you think that there exists the "Reddit VS based/pol" epistemic dichotomy should alarm you to the fact that you are a mentally ill retard - you are so fucking ignorant and retarded that you don't even have a concept of what understanding would mean.

Your entire world-view is informed by tweet-sized posts on 4chan and .jpg infographics, that is literally all you know yet everyone who disagrees with you is the "brainwashed ZOGbot". It's incredible, stuff of ancient comedies really.

I will gas you American, don't worry, you and your family will be removed.

>> No.17203476

t. kingcobra

>> No.17203519
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>> No.17203530

A phd in philosophy is about as impressive as getting a bottle to land top side up after flipping. Any retard can do it with enough time. It’s actually hilarious that you paint yourself as some kind of intellectual. Not the guy you replied to. I have no chicken in this race. Just calling you out for being an edgy 16y/o that never outgrew that stage. Don’t reply to me I’m exiting the thread.

>> No.17203544

>dont reply
what a coward

>> No.17203566
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>> No.17203572

Japanese food is very bland. I learned how to cook Japanese out of curiosity and was shocked at how many things come from a can, cube or powder.

>> No.17203583
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>> No.17203608
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>> No.17203622
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Osechi Ryori (Japanese New Year's Food)

>> No.17203627
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>> No.17203630

lmao youre the retard thats seething about zoomers in every thread, careful with that vein or its going to pop
as if mongolian basketweaving forums werent made to trigger and bait retards like you

>> No.17203647

You live in a third world country.

>> No.17203682

You are a liar.

>> No.17203697
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>> No.17204220
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>> No.17204489


I love everything Japan. I feel I was Japanese in a previous life. I have no doubt

>> No.17204528

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.17204635

Absolutely nothing you said in your retarded babble is a relevant response to anything in this thread.
You are an average philosophy student.
You are valueless.

>> No.17204670

Most Japanese food, outside of sushi and ramen, is too sweet for my taste

>> No.17204816
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>> No.17205082

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.17205386

It is against my religion to wish ill on people.
But I would dearly love for this anon’s mom to develop a very aggressive and inoperable brain tumor. The sort which causes sudden cognitive impairment akin to dementia. So when he tearfully tells her he loves her, she looks creeped out and coldly asks him who he is.
That would be the best new year ever.

>> No.17206179
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>> No.17206211

Delicate food for delicate men

>> No.17206841
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>> No.17206988
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>> No.17208011

I've cooked for Japs and they think I'm some culinary mastermind when in reality Japanese food just sucks dick and they underseason everything and have zero understanding of spice, cooking techniques or knife skills that don't involve cutting up fish.

>> No.17208026
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I'll never understand why Japanese food is the only one where I can consistently get good tasting mackerel. Shit is beyond kino

>> No.17208032

I had wagamammas last night, fucking bland trash. I'll never eat jap again

>> No.17208049

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.17208077

Which city in Japan has the best cuisine?

>> No.17208154


>> No.17208158

Tokyo and Osaka.

>> No.17208166


>> No.17208206

Because 75% of it is flavored with a combination of dashi, shoyu, mirin, sake, and sugar.

Most Japanese would say Fukuoka (or Hakodate).

Source on both, 9 years living in Japan.

>> No.17208702
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>> No.17208707

minecraft meat

>> No.17208710

why does everything look the same lmao

>> No.17208714

New year food.

>> No.17208984

what a perfectly good waste of tempura, to soak it

>> No.17208993

I like Jap food. It’s expensive but a breath of fresh air.

>> No.17209002

I moved to the middle of nowhere and I must admit, I miss this one special ramen place and another sushi place. I frequented both for over a decade

>> No.17209194

what's this? looks good af

>> No.17209250
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>Japanese food is delicious.
this is fact
food made well in japan is glorious the problem as having the ability to appreciate it, here on this board blasted taste buds are condemned to not have any idea likely ever, unless they spend a months in a coma

>> No.17209353

I had miso soup for the first time a couple days ago
Wasn't bad

>> No.17209655

Nihongo quizinu wa umai!

>> No.17209846
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Some times grocery store sushi is alright. Really like the crunchy rolls from my Fred Myers

>> No.17210653
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>> No.17210670
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>> No.17210712

opened this thread just for this pasta, thanks

>> No.17210745

>taiwanese (Chinese)
Please leave

>> No.17210821

Yeah i get it it's all cute and dainty and beautiful and that, but its not practical at all, this would not fill me up.

>> No.17210839

No it isn't.

>> No.17210856


>> No.17210862
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>> No.17210867

Ok fatass

>> No.17210868


>> No.17211462


>> No.17212458

>religion in 2022

>> No.17212581

What Japanese REALLY Eat for Dinner

>> No.17212587

I just don’t dig Asian food in general.

>> No.17212590

im going to say weeaboo, humans dont reply to this post

>> No.17212597

You are also redit

>> No.17212702

As someone who worked as a line chef at Wagamama's, it's not real ramen. The soup is literally unflavoured chicken/veg stock with maybe a sauce squirted in or onto the meat.

>> No.17212717

I made grilled rice balls for NYE because I'm lonely and wanted to try something different. A few of them turned out really nice, but a lot of them kept sticking to the pan despite a thin layer of oil and the pan itself being one of those copper nonstick things. Anyone got advice on how to deal with this?

>> No.17212718


>> No.17212727

>its literally LITERALLY a soy boy diet


>> No.17212780


>> No.17212825

reddit on suicide watch

>> No.17212837
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lmao this retard tried to shock him with a picture

>> No.17212870

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.17213099
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>> No.17213292

It's a stupid cringe word, you don't need to convey a message through foreign words when you can explain it perfectly fine with English.
You should stop saying those words because it's repulsive.

>> No.17213301


>> No.17213323

Ashikotaruuyu anoishi kinshaii!!!! ~~~~

>> No.17213339
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>I learned how to cook Japanese
>shocked at how many things come from a can, cube or powder.
Nigga what? Making karee raisu does not equal "learning to cook Japanese"

>> No.17213458

サナダムシのスープ。 とても美味しい

>> No.17213903
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>> No.17214259

That's exactly how it tastes. Garbage

>> No.17214413
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>> No.17214520

>I have a PhD in Philosophy
opinion discarded

>> No.17214962

>Replying seriously to a pasta posted days ago
opinion discarded

>> No.17215257

How common are olives in japanese cooking?

>> No.17215623

don't care, pro-philosophy schizoid

>> No.17215915

Solid red egg yokes in the middle look interesting. I wonder if they use an ingredient just for color as they do with char sui now