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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 465x1500, 81lBx2kZJGL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17194776 No.17194776 [Reply] [Original]

this shit is so fucking spicy holy fuck

>> No.17194829

It's pretty hot, but thats what makes it good. I love putting it on shitty frozen pizza.

>> No.17194934

White guy here. Let me tell you about sriracha since I've had some experience with it recently. It's a ridiculously spicy Chinese hot sauce made from a highly guarded ancient secret recipe, very hard to find in the US. In fact, I had to specially request it from this ancient looking old Chinese woman behind the counter at this obscure little hole-in-the-wall Asian food store. Normally she probably wouldn't sell it to your average white dude, but luckily she's taken a bit of a liking to me since I'm well versed with Asian food and culture after having studied anime for many years. But be warned, it is STUPID hot, over 9000 on the scoville scale if I had to guess. I tried a spoonful of it plain once. Worst mistake of my freakin life. I immediately started dry heaving and basically spent the next 2 hours yelling like a baby while my wife and her son brought me glasses of ice water and wet towels to cool me down. We actually considered going to the emergency room since my tongue was burning so mental. Well, let's just say sriracha made me its bitch that day.

>> No.17195452

Pussy, i put that shit on my breakfast just to jump-start my colon

>> No.17195465

Oh, maaaaaan, this is way icy!
I can feel it!

>> No.17196293

You get used to it zoomer

>> No.17196296

Ho Lee Fuck

>> No.17196316

I think it tastes like fish. I know chinks really like to eat muddy trash fish so it really wouldn't surprise me if it is, in fact, full of fish.
>cock on the bottle, however
I know, I know. The common chink is only surpassed in his level of deviousness by one other creature. So, again... not really surprised.

>> No.17196352

Me too! At the city ChinaMart I couldn't find it so I asked the old Asian lady there where it was but she only said "Not for you." Well, I bought some other stuff, cooking wine, a random chili jar, a mega Pocky, I said for the neighbor kids. Then I said I liked her manekineko waving cat. She said "I get you bottle sriracha." HOLY fucking shit it was like eating mouthful after mouthful of raw jalapenos and garlic. I think my tongue bubbled up with a few blisters. TOO fucking hot!!!

>> No.17197608

pussies i drink shots of it

>> No.17197612

I swear I used to eat this shit 15 years ago and it was hotter and they at some point watered it down.

>> No.17197633

Pussy. Use it as a colon cleanse if you really want a jump start.

>> No.17197659

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.17197724

i feel the same way but i think that's just age anon

>> No.17198650
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like a good dash of franks in my noodles :)

>> No.17198665
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when i dont want sriracha spiciness i downgrade to Crystal

>> No.17198738
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Hmmm. I thought I was being original and may provide a few laughs.
Usually the autist prefers repetition, but I must have triggered something for this dense cunt faglord. Let me actually try to trigger you:

Is there anything this dense cunt faglord can't do?
What is it with air fryers and rice cookers?
DCF's favorite ramen?
Did somebody say hot sauce? It's Secret Aardvark for me.
You do use only cast iron, don't you DCF?
SO, DCF. Sneed him or keep him?
Copy/pasta copy/pasta copy/pasta copy/pasta Copy/pasta copy/pasta copy/pasta copy/pasta Copy/pasta copy/pasta copy/pasta copy/pasta

You may now return to rocking back and forth and scream for an hour or two if it soothes your autismobrain.

>> No.17199042


>> No.17199055

>takis aren't drenched in the flavoring anymore
>racha watered down
>hot cheetos significantly less hot
Growing up sucks

>> No.17200431

deserves bump simply for the term
Dense Cunt Faglord

>> No.17200666
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I refuse to believe anyone thinks this shit is hot and am just going to assume this thread was started as a vessel for these shitposts:

>> No.17200670

It's not spicy, it's just acidic and vinegary.

>> No.17200673

had the same bottle of this stuff for several years and it was really nice. just enough spice to make cheap ramen edible and it tasted pretty good too. got a new bottle a few months ago when it finally ran out, and I swear to fuck there is no spice at all in this one. like, the flavor hasn't really changed as far as I can tell, but it is devoid of spicyness. very disappointed.

>> No.17200678

I love the hot ones ep where dj Khaled eats the sriracha wing and says to Sean Evans "yo this shit kinda hot for real"

>> No.17200680
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i'll take the plain sriracha instead

>> No.17200688

This shit, FPBP

Also, mixed with mayo and vinegar as salad dressing

>> No.17200738

just decided to look it up. turns out I was right. they started using different peppers a while back and it's less spicy and tastes different.

>> No.17200767

For me, it's harissa

>> No.17200833

Its strange to me that Tabasco is higher on the scoville scale than sriracha. I could swear that the latter is spicier.

>> No.17201389

Sriracha is very thick compared to most hot sauces and the way the nozzle works means that you get more. If you squeeze it out on food it doesn't run off and there's usually quite a bit there

>> No.17201460

Dat sammie ooliegoolie da shit bix nood muhfuggah. Roosta leftoutto dry. HOT.

>> No.17201486

Sometimes Tabasco punishes my mouth with heat. I get careless and put too much.

>> No.17201505

i really like those paqui chile limon chips but they punish my asshole like no other

>> No.17201518
File: 1.01 MB, 2200x2200, vark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's hot? Wait until you try the 'Vark

>> No.17201520
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>my wife and her son
heh, it's the little things

>> No.17201529

I think it’s very tasty but there are far spicier hot sauces out there. I enjoy it for its sweetness in the background.

>> No.17201562
File: 421 KB, 589x3847, metaly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell for the ol' reverso bait copypasta

>> No.17201611
File: 2.08 MB, 498x336, english-do-you-speak-it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
