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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17193916 No.17193916 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to believe that the "people" who live outside of Central Europe prepare their breakfasts differently to this. This seems like the most logical and obvious way.

>> No.17193920

My breakfast brings all the spergs to the thread and they're like "I don't like bread"

>> No.17193921

>untoasted bread
>basic wet ham slice to further decay the bread
>wet cardboard tomato, with no seasoning except token herbs
Breakfast? Please you literal nigger.

>> No.17193923

Well they don't have central europe bread.

>> No.17193924

Slap some dijon mustard on the top slice of bread along with those other two slices of ham and that would be okay.

>> No.17193927

>>untoasted bread
Yeah, because the common bread here is sour dough bread which in your shitcunt is only hipster tier. It literally doesnt need to be toasted in fact toasting it ruins it. kys
>wet cardboard tomato
are tomatoes that bad in america?

>> No.17193928
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>> No.17193931

Poverty breeds resentment. Sorry for your situation, fren.

>> No.17193937

Sourdough is stupidly common in America. I've yet to find a bakery that doesn't do a sourdough loaf. We have every type of bread that you do. It's so weird when people sperg out about something as basic as bread

>> No.17193938

Yeah but you're is made with plastic instead of flour

>> No.17193943

>Sourdough is stupidly common in America.
>in bakeries
now thats an important caveat if ive ever seen one, kek

its like saying
>jeans are stupidly common in soviet russia. i've yet to find a dedicated import store without them

>> No.17193945

Where the duck else would you get bread from? Even the big companies just run massive bakeries. If you're talking about home baking then sourdough becomes even more common in America

>> No.17193950

Almost every grocery store in America has its own bakery you retarded Euro

>> No.17193951

>Where the duck else would you get bread from?
walmart. whitewheat "bread." the americanTM choice

>> No.17193952

my wife bakes sourdough weekly for breakfast/lunch/dinner use

>> No.17193954

granted by day 6 it’s croutons or french toast

>> No.17193957

>wtf no cornsyrup? Europooor!!!!

>> No.17193959

yurotrash can’t go 5 minutes without seething with rage because america exists

>> No.17193961

>grocery store bakery
Pick one

>> No.17193962

i dont even seethe at america, i like america, but /ck/ is one of the most us-centric boards on 4chan, and given how america has horrid food culture, it makes me wanna poke fun at it all

>> No.17193964

Stop projecting, we don't want to live in your developing nation shithole that doesn't even have real roads or where hospitals are so out of money they need to charge you 5 figures for a fucking mri that is free in other nations.
Learn to cook as a nation, so american hour /ck/ isn't about fast food and sodas.

>> No.17193965

Then you must not live in the US because they don't even know what real bread is. Everyone knows this. They use sponge cake instead

>> No.17193966

The funniest part about europosters to me is all the shit they talk about that is present in their own nations too.
Why bother learning English just to be an idiot on a minoan samosa mixing imageboard.

>> No.17193967

I’m attacking what you show, by your own posing and images, to be present and apparently desirable?

You attack a simple stereotype? Get a grip you faggot. LOL.

>> No.17193969

Too late, we already won. You'll all be one of us soon. We realized we didn't even have to use bullets when our culture would cow you even quicker

>> No.17193975

omg guys check this out america does [literally fucking anything]
can you fucking believe it?

>> No.17193979

I’ve been staring at this for 5 minutes and
i cannot figure out if this is a troll or not. Well done. As far as sourdough goes, it’s been where I am since 1849 and all of you can suck my fucking dick.

>> No.17193980

OP here. why are you guys obsessed with europeans supposed obsession? this thread doesnt even mention america. it applies to the UK, rest of anglo nations, france etc. too, as they all have different, shittier breakfast culture

>> No.17193986

They feel called out when they see somebody talk about real food

>> No.17193987

But the untoasted bread guy is simply wrong.

>> No.17193988

Because it’s a Food & Cooking forum, with relatively free speech (gasp), and said people on said forum think you are a faggot and your ancestors (who presumably recommended your breakfast) are faggots too.

Your mass reply indicates you are a fag as well.

>> No.17193989

You are mad as fuck, guy

>> No.17193991

Looks very similar to a Norwegian breakfast. The herbs would be very unusual but other than that it looks like a typical Norwegian breakfast.

>> No.17193993


>> No.17193994

>Why do Americans feel offended even though we don't talk about them
>muh free speaaaach faggot!

>> No.17193997

For me it has nothing to do with your nationality it's that you breakfast looks so shitty that I have to assume you are trying to troll us

>> No.17193999

Seriously, what else do you need for a breakfast? It's a total unecessary meme from the time we used to slave away on fields or in the mines.
If you really do need a breakfast, a simple snack like OP is the way to go

>> No.17194001

We are free to point out your delusions, rather than coddle them, as you’re used to, unfortunately.

>> No.17194002

Germoids be like >yea I prefer this dense ball of flour, drier than than the sahara over normal bread

>> No.17194005


>> No.17194017

whats shitty about it? its just a sandwich except without the useless, redundant top slice, increasing the % of good stuff in the makeup of the sandwich.

its better than anglo breakfast because its easier, simpler, you jsut take the ingredients and you stack em, and its also filling and v good. doesnt waste any time or energy at all, making eggs, bacon etc. is way more tiring

and french breakfasts are just a meme. croissant and coffee? pls

>> No.17194022

I do this but with cheese too and sometimes some salami instead

>> No.17194024

>and french breakfasts are just a meme. croissant and coffee? pls
You forgot the cigarette.

>> No.17194029

>why are you guys obsessed
Mate I opened up the thread and saw people sperging out over America. Idiot.

>> No.17194041
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yes various toppings are posibel

>> No.17194077

Central Europe doesn't exist. And the "people" who live in the intersection between Western and Eastern Europe have the shittiest "food".

>> No.17194085

tomato sucks on a sandwich. it’s like a water disk. that shit needs some butter or mayo and some cheese

>> No.17194094

Eastern Germans, Austrians and Bavarians have more in common with Czechs, Poles and Hungarians than they do with the French.
>water disk
wtf? i repeat, are tomatoes in america really this bad?

when you buy a tomato, grope it. if its soft, you just dont buy it. its so simple.

>> No.17194101

Where do you buy bread if not a bakery? It doesn't grow on trees.

t. yuro

>> No.17194107

americans dont go to bakeries. thats my point. they go to walmart and buy a brand of bread called "whitewheat"

here in europe we call it "toast bread." its unfathomable for us to eat it untoasted
but the americans..they eat it raw. and they eat it by the thousands of tons

>> No.17194126

>wtf? i repeat, are tomatoes in america really this bad?
Yes, especially outside of the season.

>> No.17194142

california and florida and texas have open season all year long no?
here in poland even in the winter you can find some tight tomatoes. the problem isnt the texture but the taste, or lack of it, rather

>> No.17194194

In California winters are still quite cold, not Poland level cold but it still affects the crops. Idk about texture but it just gets flavourless and I think that's what most tomato haters are on about.

>> No.17194225

well, we can rely on Spain and Italy to provide us with good tomatoes. Southern California gets chilly in the winter but not cold. if Italy can deliver so can California

>> No.17194232

grow your own redditor

>> No.17194288
File: 146 KB, 1200x857, Tostadas-y-mermelada[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in spain it is rare, but it is still a staple breakfast.
Most people have coffe + something. That something being whatever from croisants, muffins, cookies, whatever. The coffee almost 100% of the time will be there, with milk

>> No.17194290

tostada y mermelada
i like it

>> No.17194331

i dont see how that's a breakfast. do french and spics have no life? you need fuel. not some pastry shit

>> No.17194354

You are losing cause we aren't retarded enough to drag all the garbage on city streets indoors and to our beds.

Learn to tie a basic knot so you can take off your shoes, developing nationist.

>> No.17194356

Americans have a very fragile ego

>> No.17194360

imagine being so fat you think you need a full xxl pizza every breakfast, brunch, lunch, predinner and dinner to have energy to sit behind a computer all day.
there's a reason burgers are fat and unhealthy.

>> No.17194369

>imagine being so fat you think you need a full xxl pizza every breakfast, brunch, lunch, predinner
way to make a strawman. there's a middle ground between what you're listing here, and some shit pastry. and it looks like this:

with meat, vegetables

>> No.17194389

Are you an Amazon serf who needs to fuel up to work in the package mines?

>> No.17194392

no i just like a good nutritious breakfast

>> No.17194420

>i dont see how that's a breakfast.
it has a simple explanation, what you eat for breakfast we eat the first meal after the breakfast, we don't do heavy breakfasts over here, our heaviest meal is the one we do at 2-3 at mid day.

>> No.17194431

we have them with butter too, and the bread should be toasted

>> No.17194510

and walmart has a bakery inside it you dope

>> No.17194518

and is what you know about american food culture derived from the shitposts here

>> No.17194524

OP ignore these tasteless. I been to Central Europe and the average ham and bread there is much better than the average bread in Western Europe or the United States. Something you would pay a 5-10x markup for in Europe or America. Fresh tomatoes are also heavenly. Unfortunately most tomatoes in Europe and especially in America are watery and tasteless unless again you pay 5x markup. The truth is, most people in the West have never tasted good food because high quality, fresh produce extremely expensive appose to poorer nations where many regions are still heavily agriculture based and thus the people are still in tune with the land and the produce. Fuck, many western kids in cities wouldn't be able to identify most vegetables. and FYI supermarket ham in the West is the nastiest and wettest garbage there is. The ham in the East is a lot thicker and more flavorful. Well smoked and no chemicals.

>> No.17194533

And you've been to all of the communities in that large geographical area, Western Europe and America, and recorded the prices and quality in order to know objectively?

>> No.17194648

You are not even attacking just bitching
The fact that you cannot even imagine how bread and ham would taste like tells me everything I need to know
Now go back to munching on walmart “bread” and nigger cock
Oh btw
>muh tomato! Yucky I wont eat veggies mommy gimme american cheese now!!!

>> No.17194685

The breakfast in the OP is bog fucking standard. Nothing special, nothing spectacular, and can easily be recreated in America. With good ingredients. You're not special just because you're from central Europe. At least toast the fucking bread.

>> No.17194713

Euros don't know about toasters.

>> No.17194747

Doesn't look bad at all. I'm normally a black coffee and cigarette for breakfast kind of guy but every now and then a bagel sandwich or, if I've got the time, a nice, leisurely egg and bacon fry-up hits the goddam spot.

>> No.17194808

Bread is not like your country
It does not have to be browned

>> No.17194815

take your poetry to /lit/
for thou makith no fuckin sense

>> No.17194828

Supermarket tomatoes are garbage here yes

>> No.17194836

most likely no, but to be honest, most posters on /ck/ are city slickers and americans, so its an easy assumption

>> No.17194837

>I refuse to believe that the "people" who live outside of Central Europe prepare their breakfasts differently to this. This seems like the most logical and obvious way.
And now you know why war exists.

>> No.17194845

Le epic comeback XD
Heres your gold kind stranger
Now fuck off back to where you came from

>> No.17194854

Euro countries import twice as much per capita than Americans, your food system is more whack than ours. Another big stigma here, is that Americans mainly eat fast food and less than 10 percent of Americans eat fast food per day. We have the same problems, and making fun of one, is making fun of yourself. But it isn't humorous, it's ignorance. But Americans are stoopid, right.

>> No.17194859

I'm sorry that your English is subpar and no one knows for which you speak.

>> No.17194868
File: 61 KB, 460x459, 1638012440961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly not related, but. My dad grows organic tomatos, they taste great. But I ate some kind of salad on amsterdam, on a 4 stars hotel, and the fucking cherry tomatos, no less, BTFO'd pretty much 99% of the organic tomatos I've ever had. It was unfair if you ask me.

>> No.17194899

That's because the Dutch have on one of the best agriculture programs in the world. They know how to grow things. No offence to your dad.

>> No.17194904

My bro told me they did some genetic selection, picking the best tasting tomatos to produce very tasty tomatos. I believe it cause my bro is pretty fucking autistic when it comes to research.

>> No.17194907

>to further decay the bread
That's what the butter is for.

>> No.17194920

>in fact toasting it ruins it
Bullshit. Lightly toasted sourdough is great.

>> No.17194948

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.17194974

There's a lot of science behind it. They're even responsible for a lot of the plants in our lives today. Most plants that you buy all around the world at your garden center, were bred there. And then shipped off to another country to be grown in bulk. To then be shipped to your home country's distribution center to be grown in nurseries for sale or seed production or....

>> No.17194995

Sorry about the namefagging. But if you want a starting point for looking into the Dutch agriculture research, look up Wageningen University & Research as well as the Food Valley in the Netherlands.

>> No.17195001

>americans dont go to bakeries.

Lol why do you believe this?

>> No.17195031

>ITT americans cant into bread

>> No.17195078

Everything about this post is excellent. Best b8 I’ve seen in years.

>> No.17195148


>> No.17195177

That’s what breakfast was like when I visited a scandinavian country, they had out bread, slices of meat, cheese, and tomato

Tbh I prefer it to the carb overload of american breakfast. Bagels, toast with jam, potatoes, sugary cereal, it’s all a bit much. But eggs covered in salsa with a side of chorizo, that’s the real king of breakfasts right there

>> No.17195187


>> No.17195216

I like more dishes for my breakfast.
Soup, some sort of salad and then "main" dish. Can skip the latter if the soup is rich, but usually it's just some vegetables in the broth.

>> No.17195219

what would you say it's the recipe for their success? Kinda curious how good countries do it cause my country insists on being a shithole and gutting all research and development. It's like somebody made a deal with the governments to keep the country in the shittiest stat possible.

>> No.17195224
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are we truly so different?

>> No.17195236

And yet your nation probably does literally whatever we want them to. I’m fully confident a single state in the US could 1v1 your country’s entire army. And notice I didn’t even ask what shithole you came from because it literally does not matter. Notice how the typical euro argument boils down to “MUH HEALTHCARE” “MUH FAST FOOD” meanwhile I can get literally any quality ingredient/foodstuff I want due to the abundance of grocery stores and specialty stores in a single town that outnumbers the amount found in half your entire country.
You’ll never be relevant
You’ll never NOT seethe about the US
You’ll never take the US’ spot

>> No.17195242

I’m American and I have a pill of adderall, a couple of plain crackers, some seltzer water, a cup of black coffee and some puffs from my (nicotine) vaporizer.

>> No.17195419

I've thought about it for but a short while just now. And I feel that you should be informed that I need more time, in order to give you an answer that has at least a bit of hope.

>> No.17195444

>black coffee and cigarette
Just thinkgen about this combo gives me a huge urge to puke

>> No.17195453

Americans put cold cuts or deli slices onto sandwiches in amounts that would make people cry because it'd be enough calories for an entire day

>> No.17195469

no problem anon, take your time if you want

>> No.17195755

idk about you but here in Poland a lot of the tomatoes, especially in the winter season, are from Italy/Spain, and the ones from here, the ones that are the worst, are from greenhouses. still, it is possible to find good tomatoes. and in the summer, it's fair game.

i refuse to believe you have to pay exorbitant prices for good tomatoes in America/Western Europe.

just feel them out from a large stash and pick up the best ones (the ones that feel tight, tender, ripe, tensed up). in my experience, a lot of people simply don't feel them out good enough and buy tomatoes that from the get go feel soft to the touch and are surprised they're soggy shit

>> No.17195761

>At least toast the fucking bread.
again, the bread is too good to be toasted. how can you not understand it? toasting actually ruins it and makes it taste stale. the whole point of that good european bread is that the sour dough is nice&moist

>> No.17195766

>But eggs covered in salsa with a side of chorizo, that’s the real king of breakfasts right there
the whole point of the continental european breakfast is that it's both nutritious, umami, filling, and not a hassle to make at all because essentially it's just stacking ready ingredients, no need to fire up the stove and monitor the process of cooking. also, fried stuff is simply worse for you

>> No.17195774
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, D86F9985-EF1A-421E-A1AD-C1DADE9B296B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's supper that i had. forgive the large portion, i skip multiple meals (breakfast, and we culturally don't have the institution of lunch except for people working in corporations) throughout the day

>> No.17195814

Breakfast is supposed to be enough calories to last all day.

>> No.17195842

Get off your high horse. The only European bread worth being snobby about is black rye, and that's not black rye.

>> No.17195940

Why do people always choose these types of tomatoes over other types like cherry or the beefy ones?

>> No.17195952

Just say savory you insufferable cunt

>> No.17195964

that's literally a beef tomato

>> No.17195983

Those are always watery to the ones I mean. The fat ones that are not round.

>> No.17196013

It's spelled savoury.

People do choose different tomatoes. French people prefer Ancienne ("old") tomato varieties which were grown for indoor decoration, not food.

Turns out they're far more tasty than today's supermarket varieties.

>> No.17196047

Looked it up, ancienne tomatoes are the ones I mean. But why are the watery ones so much more popular, at least in Germany and apparently also in the US, despite tasting worse.
I don’t understand their use if cherry tomatoes or ancienne tomatoes exist

>> No.17196068

Bigger slices of tomatoes will less likely fall off from the bread. Just like why people use big cold cut sausages instead of small ones.

>> No.17196211


I have been to 51 US states (most 2-3 times) and 21 EU states. I lived in the US for a decade and in the EU for a decade too. I know I am generalizing and across Europe and America you can find amazing cheap food in small towns, regions and farmland areas, however, most people live in cities and cities are absolutely fucked. A good tomato in a city is an easy 1-2$ while the genetically, larger and juicer yet tasteless one goes for maybe 20-30 cents. The price difference is insane. Most people can absolutely not effort that. The same $20-30 that gets me a week worth of food at a normal grocery market would cost me about $80-120 at a high up scale supermarket like wholefoods or ekoplaza tier. In poorer regions within nations, eg: central/eastern europe but also southern europe as well as the united states, there tend to be more agriculture and less industrial. Driving down the costs, supply chain and usually also comes with a fast increase in quality as farmers tend to not eat the shit they peddle to the cities.

>> No.17196236

when i eat those its usually because im not having lunch
>Americans put cold cuts or deli slices onto sandwiches in amounts that would make people cry
we sure do
but is that what i posted?

>> No.17196289


>> No.17196305

Walmart has good sourdough everywhere I've lived

>> No.17196796

I can't keep you hanging my dude, I got nothing. If it does make you feel any better, while thinking I looked into some of the Netherlands research, and they do have things that seem fishy, like a bit of corruption. Still some people there that possibly let greed get the best of them and magically court cases being dropped. Good luck on keeping your mind in a positive mental state while being on this planet.

>> No.17196820

Don't worry I don't let this shit country get me angry or frustrated, and there's always the escape route if things really get bad. It's just sad, it is sad... not me ;^) Have a wonderful night anon, I can tell you're a good man.

>> No.17196879

I, like other's, I presume, try my best to give people what they need, if I can. Sometimes that certainly can seem like, to a passerby as well as the target, I'm being an asshole. And sometimes I truly am. But thank you. You enjoy the eve as well.