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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17193547 No.17193547 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently it's rude to order food when a restaurant is still open for business.

If you don't want to take orders then don't take them and close the shop.

>> No.17193550

wagies btfo and it's not even close

>> No.17193564

>complain to delivery app
>leave negative feedback
>free meal

>> No.17193570

That's not a restaurant. Any real restaurant will close the kitchen and allow customers to finish up and not seat anyone else.

>> No.17193588

Have you never worked in a restaurant before anon?

You should try it because thinking they should stay open to serve your every whim at every hour is the cucked mind.

>> No.17193589

>thinking they should stay open to serve your every whim at every hour is the cucked mind.
I never said this.

>> No.17193590

If you close at 8, you close at 8 - not 7:30

>> No.17193597

>If you don't want to take orders then don't take them
They did that, they’re now allowing patrons to finish up their meal you autist

>> No.17193600

what establishment has shifts end at closing time?

>> No.17193603

You hear all the time about people mad someone ordered 10-20 minutes before closing. Then why did they take the order?

>> No.17193625

YOU are the cuck.
The only reason it's annoying for customers to come in close to closing is because your management BULLS have scheduled your shift to "end" exactly when the restaurant closes.
Oh, you think you should have a few extra minutes to actually fulfill the cleanup duties you agreed to?
Too bad, wagecuck!
Better shell out another free hour if you ever want to see your job again!

>> No.17193659

As a Papa John's manager i'll admit: if you order 5 minutes before close and it takes 15 minutes to get out to your house, your order is getting voided and you're getting refunded. We close at 10, not 10:30. Fuck off.

>> No.17193667

Shit i just void those orders and refund them. Simple as.

>> No.17193672

seethe more amerilards.

Ever heard of an employee schedule. I'm a finance executive and it's middle class retards like yourself that continue to prove how insensitive you are to other humans are are going to cause the downfall of your own making.

>> No.17193676

Spotted the one on unemployment/government assistance.

>> No.17193682

>Food service people think they work hard jobs.

>> No.17193686

I’ve never understood the workers problem.
You are paid by the hour, why wouldn’t you want to keep working?

>> No.17193697

If it's so insensitive for me to come in to your restaurant while it's open then fucking close it you fat cat retard

>> No.17193699

they're all in a hurry to get home and smoke weed

>> No.17193703

>dealing with rude assholes

>> No.17193705

Because being a wagecuck is miserable and they want to go home

>> No.17193706

People who work these types of jobs are trash and really only concerned with making enough money to buy more drugs, so after a few hours of work they're really just going through the motions and biding their time before they go home and get high.

>> No.17193710

Yes, I own three restaurants, and I tell my staff to use their judgement and reject people if they come in and are planning on a whole dining experience within 15-30 minutes of closing. You cannot experience our food properly.

As for fast food, you think anyone wants to do the job, it's not that it's hard, but necessary for garbage humans to survive on garbage food like yourself.

>> No.17193721

Fast food places blow ass anyways. Like the mcdonalds near me in constantly closed every other day for absolutly no reason between 2 to 4. Theres no excuse at all for it but resturant and fast food workers are the laziest, most entitled faggots on earth. Its about the only job, along with mechanics and layers, where the employees go out of their way to fuck people over

>> No.17193728

Yup, no one WANTS to work fast food, but they get paid to do so because it's an available job. I have people asking to work at my bar.

>> No.17193730

Man working at Subway was the worst. We weren't paid overtime and you'd always get a crimewave of africans coming in minutes before close.

>> No.17193732

So your restaurants (that don't exist) aren't like the ones we're discussing in this thread. Why are you even here?

>> No.17193736

Yes, let me dox myself on 4chan, great idea. You're filled with those eh? Can tell you're an entitled zoomer. Every little bit fighting against stupid people helps, just a little bit ;)

>> No.17193737
File: 50 KB, 398x586, aQeMk32G_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its open till 8..
Its still open. sometimes they close the fryers but grill is always open until close..

>> No.17193738

Okay cool, you acknowledge that it's unreasonable to the staff to let customers in when the staff are supposed to be closing up.

Then why the fuck are your doors open? Like just close them?
Why do you have this awkward window where you're """open""" but if someone comes in you're not actually open?

>> No.17193739

All of the worst types of humans ITT

>> No.17193741

That's the way the business hours are supposed to work anon.

How can people get out if the doors are closed???

>> No.17193745

This means last order 9:45 but I suppose you’re too stupid to understand that? So you take the order but don’t actually deliver it?

>> No.17193750

Go back.

>> No.17193751

No u

>> No.17193753

Imagine thinking like this

>> No.17193756

Just get a cat door that only opens one way with a switch

>> No.17193757

Wouldn't look good.
Already invested $25k into the vestibule.

>> No.17193758

ill trade jobs with you for a day, be ready by 3 (shift starts at 4, be early or your late) you should be out by 1 am and no you dont get a break. make sure you polish the surfaces, management here checks everything

>> No.17193759

>immediately outs himself as a troll
gotta get better lad. 2/10

>> No.17193763

Same type of dude who drives the speed limit in the left lane

>> No.17193778

Presumably you do this to allow the wings, fries, two beers sitting at the bar customers through? Since sometimes that’s me, I like that.

In general, though, I think places should make known when various parts of the kitchen shut down. Usually the flattop/grills/salad stations, then the fryers, then the taps. Having worked in kitchens, I don’t understand the reason for ambiguity. My favorite places are always very explicit and that helps customers optimally plan too, especially if a shift ends near when something needs to get shut down. If I have a 2-10 and I know I want to hit something up, I might be able to do 1:15-9:15 and spend $80 while watching Sportscenter and eat your finest. Most often niggers just need to know.

>> No.17193787

Yep, bar customers are fine. They legally get to stay and are likely to spend more.

And also yep, bar/late night menu is available while the rest of the kitchen closes. Listed online.

>> No.17193794

Well, then, objections rescinded my friend.

>> No.17193797


>> No.17193800

underage b&

>> No.17193801

Cheers m8, enjoy your burger and wings. I'll have your bartender take a beer off your tab.

>> No.17193808

>tips including +75% of the comped beer
I know your game :-)

>> No.17193809

Good goy

>> No.17193853

It truly is great not to be condemned to a transactional existence. Thank you for reminding me of this and also celebrating it with me.

>> No.17193871

Went to Taco Bell at like 8pm with a bud. Got ignored at the counter for like 5 minutes. Went to Jack in the box instead. There was maybe like two cars in the drivethru so I don't know what the wagies problem was.

>> No.17193877

He just said that the order would be voided and you would be refunded. Lrn2read.

>> No.17193880

Tell us much more than we deserve to know about your bud. Also, we need details on what you planned on ordering (in graphic detail) at each location, and most importantly WHY?

>> No.17193890

Never complete an order you might need to void later.
>1994 McDonalds fake bill scare training VHS tape

>> No.17193973

>You are paid by the hour, why wouldn’t you want to keep working?
Maybe the job sucks and you hate every minute of it?
I don't work in food service, my job is tolerable but I still don't work any overtime at all if I can help it no matter how much is offered. I like my free time.

>> No.17193983

What's with the uptick in people claiming something and then saying dude I'm not gonna dox myself hahaha. Like no one even asked you, we all know you don't own three restaurants so don't worry

>> No.17193992

Have YOU ever worked at one? They close the kitchen earlier than they close the restaurant specifically so they don't run into these situations. This is just a wagie bitching they have to work until 10:00 and not 9:58.

>> No.17194026

>omg lolz if they want to close at 10 then y doors still open at 9:30? Roflmao tippity topoest kek! xD

This is when we just need to take a deep breath, remind ourselves that a lot of this board is zoomers raised by single moms now, and explain things as one would to a female child.

So I’m this instance, a business makes it a point to close at a certain time. This closure is most likely codified in their written policy or SOP. (note: SOP means Standard Operating Procedure)

Now here’s the tricky thing about business. It involves transactions made with the hope of benefit being made in the form of profit.

However, transactions require participation of two or more parties.
I’m sure you recall from your gender studies courses that “trans” implies moving from one state to another.
So for a business, a TRANSaction means they provide a good/service to someone, and that person provides payment in exchange.

Because of that, a transaction, functionally speaking, is a two-way street. A minimum of two parties are exchanging something of value.

So now we’ve learned enough to finally look at the concept of “closing time” at a business.
Closing time is effectively the time at which no more transactions should be conducted.
It is the time by which to finish the process of exchanging money for goods/services. Not the time by which to start.

As such, a closing time should be seen as the time by which any outstanding transactions should be completed.

>> No.17194043

wew nice essay tolstoy

>> No.17194048
File: 117 KB, 470x512, IMG_2509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the type of person that comes in drunk 10 minutes before closing to most fast food places, AMA

>> No.17194144

Why do you do it? Just accidentally or deliberately?

>> No.17194161

both really. I get too drunk to really give a shit about a stupid lazy nigger or teenage kid trying to get home and frankly i just wait until the last minute to make my mind up 9 times out of 10

>> No.17194191
File: 124 KB, 334x506, EWV7CBpU8AEsW-G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't make the order if the oven was shut off early

>> No.17194198

>As such, a closing time should be seen as the time by which any outstanding transactions should be completed.

>> No.17194210

Closing time is when the kitchen closes to clean and sanitize. Also to set up for the openers. The hours may say 10 pm but the manager can shit it down early if business is dead

>> No.17194250

with this logic, they should kick you out at 8 even if you order at 7:59 and not let you pick up your cold food until they open the next day

>> No.17194284
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You would not last five minutes in their world

>> No.17194355
File: 173 KB, 600x600, kaiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple post about human empathy is making (and will continue to make) amerimutts seethe
How did one country became so untitled?

>> No.17194416


>> No.17194665

>mayo gun
do americans really?

>> No.17194830

When I worked at a mcwagie service job, we were automatically clocked out past a certain point and unable to manually clock back in till the next day. If you left anything unfinished because you wont work unpaid labor, you'd get bitched at and harassed by your manager. The only way to make those jobs tolerable is to become immune to manager bitching but most people arent emotionally capable of that if theyre not black.

Another anon has rightly pointed out that there should be 'last order at X' rules, and also probably specific rules about what type of thing you can order past a certain time. However, the consequences of not having this rule falls solely upon the wagies shoulders, and the minor benefits of not having these rules in place go to the manager. The wagies themselves do not have the power to implement these rules. This is why they dont exist, and why wagies get pissed when you order shit 5 minutes to close, and why it will never change.

>> No.17194838

isn't this a can of sealing compound for washbasins?

>> No.17194865

Have you ever worked in food service? Food wagies can't go five minutes without getting their weed fix. A lot of times if you smell the napkins and stuff from restaurants they are saturated with weed smoke because the addicted wagies are back getting high where they keep the supplies.

>> No.17194877

It's like you can say the kitchen closes at 8, and so any order made before 8 will be completed. While the dining room stays open till 9:30 or 10. While some/all of employees will be on the clock till 11.

>> No.17194892

>screenshot of a fucking tiktok video

I am already looking for some rope for your neck.

>> No.17194914

It's more common than you think. Yes they are retarded

>> No.17194927

There's no le unskilled work!! Haha yes my r/antiwork brother. These people don't understand what it takes to work a job where the requirements are having working limbs and being able to breath

>> No.17194964

I went to order subway, but it was closing in 10 mins so I didn't bother. Im not a minority so I have that sense.

>> No.17195255

i'm in a service job where the owners expanded the delivery range last year to be slightly too large for us to handle. easily tripled delivery time. they didn't market to these zones, so the few people who figured it out were happenstance.

ever since then there are several people who order extremely late who order directly before closing who live furthest out on this new delivery range as they can possibly be. sometimes they get the online order in at the exact closing time on the dot. one of them places orders multiple times throughout the day and is one of those doordash addict types who wastes like $40 or more on food delivery every day at the very least.

this is almost so common it's to the point we can predict it coming. i joke about this or that road coming in 10 mins before close. we find this behavior extremely inconsiderate as the workers we have now are usually not compensated very well and work open to close. i literally do not give a shit if you want to walk in and order food at any point before close, nor do i give any fucks if you want to call to place pickups and come get them after close. i'm there anyway. it doesn't matter to me. i will literally unlock the doors to let you in and sell you food if i still have some to sell. but that's just me, not my crew. for fuck's sake don't make my overworked labor upset on purpose, they're not mentally mature enough to deal with these situations. it's like babysitting literal children.

>> No.17195467

>All food gone in 4 hours
So they worked 4 fucking hours and acted like it was the worst thing imaginable. Jesus Christ.

>> No.17195496

What ? Who the fuck use delivery app ? Move your ass, fatty. And bye the way, stop eating junk food.

>> No.17195534
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 8vBeI32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in generic pizza brand restaurant that does take out
>fellow employees start putting everything away an hour before we close
>get mad when someone walks in 20 minutes before we've closed for a single pizza
>what would have taken 3 minutes now takes 10 because we have to fetch everyone out again, and they all moan
okay retards, we're literally paid to make people food within certain hours.

>> No.17195561

He had to take the order to void it you retard, if he didn't want to fulfill orders past 9:45 don't allow them to be taken

>> No.17195581

Yes the food magically appeared prepared in the trays you see in the image, zero prep time needed, fast food workers only need to work 4 hours a day they are very lazy people with easy job

>> No.17195585

You reply in memes but as that anon stated you wouldnt last long

>> No.17195610

The key is to put away as much as you can, while still leaving room for the people who come in late. Like I'll flip and wrap my whole line an hour before close, and then all I have to do is tear open whatever pan I need to make whatever order, and then I'll just wrap it again right at close. I'll filter and turn off one fryer, and then at close I'll do the other one, rather than doing two at once during closing.

>> No.17195624

>It's like you can say the kitchen closes at 8

If you close at 8, you close at 8 - not 9:30 or 10

>> No.17195629

Maybe you should clearly advertise that you lazy wagie.

>> No.17195635

Because the money you make is never worth the time you spend.

I remember when I got my first job I kept thinking I would try to work extra here and there, pick up whole extra shifts, try to save up some money, you know what? At the end of the week, the number on that fucking paycheck always felt like a goddamned slap in the face.

You work an extra ten hours, that's still fucking NOTHING x 10, because you make NOTHING per hour.

>> No.17195649 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 352x640, 1637462468554_exported_700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I dont feel bad about doing pic related at places that screw up my order

>> No.17195726

our store policy is to actively hate the customers. i've on more than one occasion locked the door in the face of some retiree with too much free time on their hands, laughing about it with my boss on the way out.

the "customer is always right" meme must be an american thing.

>> No.17195731


>> No.17195745

It is, and the entitlement is a vain attempt to act like our Jewish overlords. Fuck the customer

>> No.17195749

The funny thing is, they'll force you to pick up extra shifts, and then complain that you got overtime even though you worked fourteen doubles in a row, on their behest, and then the government considers that time and a half to be a completely different tax bracket, and so they tax you like you're rich even though you're a minimum wagecuck. You compare your check with the idiot who kept calling out and forcing you to cover that shift, and you find out you made like ten dollars more than him. You compare your overtime check to a check when you only got 75 hours in two weeks, and find out you actually made a hundred dollars less because your overtime got taxed so much. Fuck, I haven't done that shit in over ten years and I'm still seething.

>> No.17195758

Online orders make voiding shit easy dumbass, welcome to the 21st century

>> No.17195777

>being smug about working at a pizza chain when you can learn any skill or craft for free online

>> No.17195778

Voiding orders have been as easy as marking a line since clay tablets, tard. The point is if you don't want to fulfill an order don't take it
>place an order for delivery
>go take a shower expecting food to show up/be ready at a certain time
>don't check my email again because why should I have to
>order never shows up
>lose customer forever because owner is too lazy to change their system

>> No.17195810

>lose customer forever

Christ, if ONLY customers would fuck off forever, you have no idea how happy that would make me.

>> No.17195815

If restaurant workers require a time to clean up and put everything away, and they do, the most sensible solution is for the restaurant to close at X hours, but to accept orders until 15 or 30 minutes to X (depending on the complexity of the food they serve).

To blame the costumer for poor restaurant management is just silly.

>> No.17195831

why would a restaurant worker have a caulk gun sitting around
looks too viscous to be caulk anyway

>> No.17195853

If you don't like customers but like cooking, owning a restaurant may have been a silly choice anon

>> No.17195887 [DELETED] 

I've worked fast food before. Its an easy job if you're not some sort of cripple or retard. Try working in a warehouse or a factory.

>> No.17195897
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I see you fuckers in there cleaning up after "closing" all the time
Not my problem if you want to start cleaning before you stop taking orders so you can get home to smoke weed and playing shitty EA sport games 6 minutes earlier or whatever losers who work in fast food do with their (abundant) free time

>> No.17195922

It's really fucking simple. If the sign outside says you are open until 10 you are open until 10. You don't get to close up at 9:30, 9:45, or even 9:55. Throwing a tantrum because someone places an order (you know, the thing that pays your fucking check?) a few minutes before closing is just pathetic. Management should be scheduling people to properly allow the business hours to be staffed with a small window after close to allow for clean up duties.

>> No.17195930
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You WILL eat wagie's shit and you will like it.

>> No.17196219

I used to work as a cashier at IKEA and this would happen all the time. Customers would come in 5 minutes before closing and buy an entire kitchen. Yeah of course it was frustrating, but what are you going to do? The door is open and you have set opening times.

>> No.17196249

I used to work at restaurants, working 24 hours a week sure is intense.

>> No.17196250

If you can go somewhere else without hassle then yeah choose somewhere else. There is never a problem to go to a place while its open but it is nice to not do it if you can help.

>> No.17196265

It's definitely rude.
But wagies have to do their job and shouldn't be petty about it

>> No.17196275

i went to a diner/ breakfast place with a friend one time at like 245 pm without knowing it closed at 3
as soon as we walked in it was obvious he was closing up so we were like
>oh sorry we didn't realize you were closed we'll go somewhere else
the guy working said he was the owner and after a lot of sort of arguing back and forth him saying we should stay it's no problem bla bla bla and us staying no it's ok we'll come back another time we eventually stayed because the guy really insisted
he then proceeded to be a complete asshole and made the whole meal awful
like dude what was the point of that? we were perfectly happy to just keep walking

>> No.17196311

You have off the stench of an anon, so he couldn't let you off just existing without making everyone's day worse off.

>> No.17196359

maybe it was a shit place regardless of the hour you get served at

>> No.17196839

Everytime I order fast food before closing, the crew usually hooks me up with free food. Doesn't matter ethnic group either. Was eating at a dim sum joint in Seattle and the Chinese woman basically forced me to take two takeout containers full of BBQ rice noodles, shumai, and char sui.

>> No.17197045

Dumbass wagies

>> No.17197081

This. I used to go the popeyes a bit before closing and the nice lady would stuff the box full of extra tendies

>> No.17197083
File: 138 KB, 274x256, 1367040940838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insane customer traffic all Christmas weekend
>listen to racist podcasts while delivering pizzas in my quiet small town
>make $40/hr while the teenagers in the kitchen make less than half that

>> No.17197104

Fast food is not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. You will never be "tired" in a fast food job unless you are severely understaffed like we're talking it's just you and a manager around or something. The main tiring thing about fast food is having to deal with other dumb employees all the time who either are legit 50 IQ or can't speak english or are black.

>> No.17197138

>severely understaffed
This happened at literally every fast food job I've had. Corpos love to minmax

>> No.17197161

That's true. However I'm ready to get the fuck out of there the second that the place is Closed so if you order your bullshit 5 minutes before closing time when I'm 99% of the way done cleaning and closing down the entire store, you are going to get your burger dipped in dirty mop water, at minimum.

>> No.17197184

It's only worth it for large number of hours. Let's say those employees make 15 per hour, making those burgers is gonna take them 5 minutes at most + cleaning, another 5 minutes at most. That's 2.50 without considering taxes. Most people prefer to go home after working 8 hours rather than stay 10-15 minutes for 2-3 dollars. Also depending on the way you clock-in or get paid, reporting overtime can be a hassle.

>> No.17197726

the delivery boy pill is hard to take because the jews shill it as being bad in the media but in fact it is good and makes a ridiculous amount of money compared to practically any other equivalently zero-requirements job.

>> No.17197943

the mccdonalds i worked at would be severley understaffed everyday around 2pm because

>> No.17198005

>You compare your overtime check to a check when you only got 75 hours in two weeks, and find out you actually made a hundred dollars less because your overtime got taxed so much.
Do you just completely not understand how taxes work? Going into a higher tax bracket never makes you less money.

>> No.17198072

it was a while back but as i can recall it was a decent place to eat
don't remember why i stopped going but it wouldn't surprise me if that visit had something to do with it

>> No.17198130

I work at a coffee shop, and I'll often start cleaning 30 minutes before closing (dumping coffee, tea, food, and such) but if anyone comes in I'll help them. It's not until I close my cash register that I'll stop taking orders, even if it's 15 minutes after closing time. I try to get out when I'm supposed to but I'm not going to turn down the 3 groups who just walked in a minute before closing.

>> No.17198154

Just use common sense, on both ends.
If you walk in five minutes before close with a party you're an asshole.
If you're cleaned up an hour ahead of close and deny service you're an asshole.

>> No.17198260

i am a delivery driver, please tell me the racist podcasts you listen to

>> No.17198511

Then the wagies would start cleaning up 45 minutes before closing

>> No.17198550

It's more complicated then that. I work in the meat department at my local grocery, and we close before the store does. This leads to multiple situations where I'll end up dealing with customers on my way out after closing up. It's one thing if you ask for a quick marinade or a basic cut like cutting a ribeye in half, but you're a fucking cunt if you come in at 8:55 asking me to butcher your fucking chicken for curry. I'll probably do it, but you can sure as shit expect bone splinters from me splitting them lengthwise, and the only way you can make it better is by doing it yourself.

>> No.17198673

probably myth of the 20th century

>> No.17198677

did you factor in car insurance and vehicle ownership to your net profits? also dont forget to mention you might get shot or something you never know what it's like out there.

>> No.17198764

Don't take orders right up until close then retard. It's really that fucking simple. If you advertise you are open until 10.30 then people are going to order right up to 10.30 by the second.

>> No.17198776

>weren't payed overtime
That's illegal.
Worked at some stores with shitty/shady management; if anyone got overtime, their hours would be cut to balance it out - or - another employee's hours would get cut if they weren't the boss' favorite (the one who was able to promote sales in a quick and efficient manner).
Another shitty thing is that if your hours accumulated an excess of 40, they'd doctor the log to trim the fat and factor it into your schedule for the next week.
>crime wave of africans coming in minutes before close
It's either deadbeats doing it for shits & giggles because their ambitions in life revolve around a bong, or it's because they know, from working in fastfood themselves, that the safe only opens 3 times a day - the easiest opportunities being opening and closing times.
Then there's being in a management position; only paid a salary accounting for 40 hours of work, required to work a minimum of 50. During your time off, you'll be required to come in for anything and everything pertaining to the job title.
Then there's the pejorative
>your job isn't difficult, all you do is make sandwiches!
>>t. never worked at subway before, or any fastfood joint before. if they have, they were likely the lazy scumbag that hid in the back while on their phone leaving their coworker to carry the shift.

>> No.17198782

Standing up for hours on end sucks no matter what

>> No.17198784

>and then the government considers that time and a half to be a completely different tax bracket, and so they tax you like you're rich even though you're a minimum wagecuck.
That's your job's withholding system being retarded, which is standard for some reason, not the way it actually works. Your tax bracket is decided based on your total income. The amount you're withholding is typically an estimate made by assuming that given payment is what you receive every billing period.
If you're not withholding the absolute legal minimum, start doing that instead of letting the government make the interest off the difference when you actually file your taxes instead of the other way around.
>You compare your overtime check to a check when you only got 75 hours in two weeks, and find out you actually made a hundred dollars less because your overtime got taxed so much.
That doesn't happen.

>> No.17198792

Boomer detected

>> No.17198799

>If you close at 8, you close at 8 - not 7:30

A guest orders some bullshit that takes over 30 minutes to make.
You still have to clean afterwards.

Basicly what i want to say is fuck you

>> No.17198820

It's a part of the job. If you work any other job that revolves around clients and working within an open and close time period it's the same way. I work for a mechanic's shop, and i'm used to dealing customers to the very last minute. Yeah it sucks to have to spend an extra thirty minutes at work, but thats like complaining about working too much in a salary paying job. It's a part of what the job details.

>> No.17198825

Everyone understands this except for restaurant workers. I work as a train driver and can't just leave the train if we're running 2 hours late

>> No.17198827

Working in the warehouse that supplies dominos is objectively harder, and thats just withing the same company

>> No.17198828

Low wage wagies like cooks who have to stay unpaid additional 30-60 minutes to clean don't give a shit about restaurant revenue in the last 10 minutes.

>> No.17198832

I was denied service in a pizzeria in france for showing up at 13.20pm. they eat really early i guess

>> No.17198836

That's kinda weird, makes me think cause you were actually too early, but idk for sure. The restaurants that get all my respect are the ones that open for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. That's caring for your wagies right there.

>> No.17198867

Just remembered something,
if any of you faggots are working at a subway right now, your store most likely has the cinnamon sugar for snicker doodles since it's the holidays.
When you get the chance (and if your boss isn't a prick), take a stick or two of italian bread and prepare it the way you'd prep with the parmesan-oregano blend for herbs & cheese - but with the cinnamon sugar instead. Bonus points if your store has cinnamon rolls so you can swipe some frosting from a packet.

>> No.17198891

At least he didn't go to cooking school, r-right? Who would do that? H-ha.

>> No.17198920

No I haven’t because I’m not a complete failure

>> No.17198929

Cool, then shut the fuck up and order from restaurants that won't refuse your cheap ass.

>> No.17198930

Your fault for starting to close before you were closed.

>> No.17198934

Aight... aight.... let me break this down for you, Kyle McCracker von Mayoface. Closing operations at just about every restaurant involve a solid "preclose" cleaning of backup refrigeration and low traffic areas, as well as prep for the morning shift if such a shift exists. Half of the grill area might be shut down if it's a slow night. Sauce/soup if they're still there might pull back to two burners. If it's too busy to do this, then it's easy to justify an extra half hour to workers and management. When someone comes in at the last minute, especially to dine in, it can add a half hour to the exodus that is difficult to justify to a numbers-focused manager - the foreknowledge of which can create an air of stress that flows downward toward the bored staff that still remain. It was a boring night; they want to go home, but instead they have to dig things out, clean things twice, etc.. Their direct supervisors have to explain an extra 2-10 man hours to people who don't understand BOH or the reasoning behind their metrics nearly as well as they can tread the bottom line.

It isn't just that it's the workers' expectation to leave "early"; there's pressure from above as well. Very rarely does anyone with the power to close the restaurant in any situation but the direst emergency work past 7pm.

Yes, they're open. Yes, they should serve you with the same enthusiasm you should expect at any other time during their operational hours. If you're even the slightest bit apologetic about it, you can probably expect great service. If you're a dick about it, you can expect to be treated as such.

The entire restaurant system seems to be crumbling anyway, so enjoy it your way while you can.

>> No.17198950

>shell out another free hour
It's illegal for them to even insinuate expectation of this. You're paid for the hours you work.

Depends on the restaurant. I've had people come to me crying after a rush and quit. I've got some pretty decent scars. It can be dangerous, loud and stressful. There's almost always some heavy lifting involved, and for most restaurant staff with any actual skills, the pay doesn't, can't, keep up with their skill level. I had to leave to make a decent living, and I've put on weight since. I am no longer surrounded by food that I can't take the time to eat if my crew's going to have meal breaks. I no longer have to run with 300lb carts to get stations open when people are in the weeds with prep and service at the same time... and I miss it.

>> No.17198955

That's how it's done in every restaurant.

>> No.17198972

I worked in too many restaurants that told kitchens to preclose to save on labor. It creates a pointless rift between FOH and BOH. When I was a GM I made sure our doors closed at the designated time but I wouldn't kick people out. I only had a handful of customers that sperg'd because I didn't let them in as they watched other people's orders being taken.

>> No.17198984

>Every restaurant only does food prep when the restaurant is open to customers.
Talk out your ass more.

>> No.17198992

Every restaurant precloses. No restaurant ONLY cleans and preps outside of business hours.

>> No.17198995


Food service has to have the most entitled wagies.

>> No.17198999

Minimum pay minimum effort.

>> No.17199002

Film,100%. Even the craft services people (film food wagies) seem perfectly reasonable compared to production assistants, LXs and grips.

>> No.17199012

>If you don't want to take orders then don't take them and close the shop.
This. There's a local restaurant that closes at 10:40 pm. Who tf closes at 10:40? Nobody, really, they close at 11:00, but they stop taking new customers in the door at 10:40. Every time I closed a restaurant I was still there working for like 1-3 hours afterwards so someone coming in at closing time didn't bother me at all.

>> No.17199023

Any real restaurant can have that one dickhead manager who will seat people right up to closing.

>> No.17199032

>If you close at 8, you close at 8 - not 9:30 or 10
Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.17199044

>have to stay unpaid additional 30-60 minutes
Report the employer to the government, see how they like fines and being forced to pay backpay with interest.

>> No.17199049

>The entire restaurant system seems to be crumbling anyway
Even though cooking for yourself grants you control over your meals, it's still going to be absolutely shitty when chains like Burger King, Pizza Hut, Rally's, Wendy's, and others go under. There's certain qualities that franchises have to offer that are difficult to replicate once they're gone.
The situation wouldn't be so bad if society still had a legitimate code of conduct, and not the narcissistic, sadistic, arrogant, sociopathic human refuse that's tolerated as a modern norm regardless of classes. The pandemic + Democraps' stay indoors & free money initiative isn't helping the situation either.

>> No.17199052
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>Bye the way

>> No.17199091

You should be given a reasonable amount of time to close after your shift. The last restaurant I worked at closed at 9pm; I scheduled my closing crew to come in at 3pm. They'd start with an hour-ish of prep while AM and swing killed the lunch rush, get a quick rundown, do the dinner rush, preclose, and have 2h to finish prep and clean their stations. I convince the FOH powers-that-be to schedule their evening crew until 11 as well, to take care of those last minute tables, get things ready for AM and make sure our overnight deep cleaning crew had time to do a good job.

"Part time" swing shift - people who will work 1-3 12h shifts a week. Just don't have them work on line for both rushes all the time, even if they insist on it. It's a solid recipe for burnout.

>> No.17199103

Housing's ridiculous here. People who work at restaurants can't afford to live within city limits. The minimum wage hike's more of an insult than anything.

>> No.17199123

And you wonder why your boss doesnt like you

>> No.17199168

why tf don't they specify kitchen closes x minutes before closing ?
>restaurant close 12.30 pm
>kitchen close 11.00 pm

is it that hard ????????????????????

>> No.17199186

What's the alternative? Everyone gets paid the same?

>> No.17199194

>everyone gets paid at least a living wage or more
Oh no, imagine the horror! Some wagies clearly do not deserve to live!

>> No.17199196

That's not what's he's saying retard

>> No.17199204

Doors locked at 7:00, kitchen closed and desserts away by 7:40, kick em out at 8, lights off by 8:30

>> No.17199210

Explain why you shouldn't be able to stop walk ins 30 minutes before close?

>> No.17199214

It's pay you agreed to for the work you agreed to, if you don't like to find different pay

>> No.17199225

Yes the dipshit wagie who makes the happy meals definitely deserves to make as much as an electrical engineer or even a skilled plumber tradesman or a trained and licensed nurse.

>> No.17199244

If the job is required for society to function(sadly fast food is one of these) and it keeps you away from home and family for half your waking hours then yes you deserve fair pay. You're fat paycheck being your only source of pride doesn't make any difference

>> No.17199250

Based anon, expecting the one that makes his food to be paid below living wage and not shiting all over his burger.
Notice I never said that he should get paid as a trained pro, eventhough he is also a trained pro. What I said was "living wage or more" so your plumber superpro can have slightly nicer things, the key is that wagie can opt to a higher status than just renting a fucking room and eating trash to just survive. But you don't want that, you want him to suffer, not afford healthcare and give you some fucked up disiease when you act upity with him and he decides to shit all over your burger. What goes arround comes arround. You're still a wagie, same way he is.

>> No.17199257

>Housing's ridiculous here.
Indeed. 1 bed, 1 bath apartments are at least us$1k a month. Most apartment complexes expect last, first, and next month's rent, in addition to, a security deposit and background+credit check.
Then there's the monopolistic utility provider that dominates the essential water, electric, and gas amenities - gutting your expenses by at least $500.
Need internet? That'll be a 1yr, $45mo contract for 10mbits/sec. Need to terminate the contract early for whatever reason? Prepare to promptly pay the difference of the remainder of the contract.
This is all before the costs of nourishment, transportation, hygiene, etc. are factored in.
Lower housing costs in more rural areas are counterbalanced by transportation+fuel+maintenance expenses. Car broke down and is in the shop? Shit out of luck, son! Either walk along the side of the road 15 miles into town or you're fired. Groceries? Lug around a backpack of dry, unrefrigerated goods only. If it's storming outside, too bad!
Have to love the working two jobs bit just to make ends meet, and having your employers threaten you with termination citing 'conflict of interest' when you try to explain schedules overlapping.

>> No.17199264

>Boohoo I skated through high school and partied, with no thought of the future and now I am stuck in a dead end minimum wage job suffering the consequences of the choices I made but I am going to whine about being a victim of "society"

>> No.17199272


Shut the fuck up and do what you're paid to do.

>> No.17199273

You don't think about anything you say do you? Or do you just need to hate people?

>> No.17199278

Not sure about papa Johns, but domino's at least near me, closes online delivery orders 30 minutes before close, and pickup orders 15 minutes before close.

>> No.17199297
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>> No.17199309

I see a whole lot of grievances and not a single solution proposal

>> No.17199310

Lol there it is

>> No.17199325

"should" is not the same thing as "are" or "will be"

>> No.17199358
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The fact they got toppings in with the cheese and vise versa pisses me off...

>> No.17199394

Um don't live in a urban shit hole that is probably on the coast?

>> No.17199413

Another wagie ignoring all the work that goes into getting degrees or certificates. How about you take some night classes to learn a more valuable skill then cry about how you deserve more pay than people who already made those life sacrifices

>> No.17199427

How do you get a degree with reading comprehension like yours?

>> No.17199437


>> No.17199441

Go cry on r/antiwork where you will get validated by the swarm of uneducated retards that are too lazy to do anything except the bare minimum to function in society (if they even manage that)

>> No.17199482

Uh yeah, people don't like it and they have decided to not work those shit jobs anymore. That's why there's a massive labor shortage.

>> No.17199485

I order with app way before it open for a specific hour, never got any problem

>> No.17199500

Personal responsibility, commiekun

>> No.17199507

Damn right, I have to go home and smoke weed so I can get up and deal with you fucking retards the next day

>> No.17199923

>tfw too dumb to get a real job

>> No.17199934

Maybe if you were not dependent on weed you wouldn't be working in food service

>> No.17199965

>experiencing food
Lmao why the fuck do you fags still sell it like this? It’s energy. People only care that food tastes good. Fuck off with your meme bullshit you poor cunt.

>> No.17200005

They are driven by base desires imparted from their long-nosed masters

>> No.17200008

Obviously not because people are willing to pay a premium for better service and a nicer looking restaurant. Clueless retard.

>> No.17200025

Maybe if you werent such shitty people I could pursue an honest career in cuisine like I intended to in peace

>> No.17200028
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>This is when we just need to take a deep breath
>Reddit spacing

>> No.17200032

They saw "Do the right thing".

>> No.17200035

I propose we speed up what's happening - a mass exodus of the lower and middle classes from the inflation and self-indulgence of metropolitan areas, a collapse of the housing bubble, and a potential restructuring of capitalist society into something where survival isn't a luxury.

>> No.17200058
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I work at mcdonalds and I picked it because it has communism colors

>> No.17200062

If your employer makes your job impossible, and will not accept advice or options to make it a better workplace, it's time to find a new job. If you can flip burgers at one place, you can do it somewhere else. If you have a grasp of a few stations or service at a restaurant or even a bar, you won't find that the fundamentals change that much somewhere else. Being treated like a poorly maintained robot isn't supposed to be part of that deal.

When film and live entertainment take (took... sorry, with capitals, TOOK) a hit, I went back to freelancing with the catering company I used to work for, helped them make a quick switch to delivery, cooked, cleaned, delivered, etc. but I did it on my time for my dime. I realize that's not an option for everyone, but it's how I made restaurant work work for me. When smaller events started happening again (and speakeasy weddings) and I wasn't on set for 13h a day, 7 days a week, I'd call up, make sure the agreement was still kosher, do a few shifts, and submit an invoice with a 15 day turnaround. Film basically shut down over the holidays (partly because of covid), so I got a swab done, did 30h in the kitchen, and delivered for 10h on Christmas.

>> No.17200080

unintelligible post

>> No.17200110

Nobody cared about your story lmao

>> No.17200124

Your job was stealing from you

>> No.17200129

>If your employer makes your job impossible
It's not impossible to clean a kitchen twice. It happens every night.

>> No.17200136

Or you could just apply for welfare y'know

>> No.17200166

You're easily replaceable by some guy and his extended family that have little education, speak no english, are here illegally, and are willing to outwork you every day of the week for actual slave wages. The same politicians promising you "fair wages" are doing everything they can to bring more of these people here at the same time. There are over 20 million of them here now. If I were you I would start thinking about a career change.

>> No.17200169

Yeah I always crack up that the people crying about wages also want open borders
Absolutely unreal

>> No.17200178

>gatekeeping food service
You wouldnt even be able to work 5 min in my job since you'd never get past the interview

>> No.17200192

where to apply? im undocumented and in Canada

>> No.17200837

That guy shouldnt get shit wages either and should be treated as well as I should be.

>> No.17201043

It seems to work better than working around here. (Un)fortunately I landed myself an actual career 5 years ago. I'd need to cheat the system at least twice to make it worth my while. I guess it's probably not that hard to do.

>> No.17201146

Did the use of punctuation throw you? Was it the smattering of complete sentences? Conversational writing style? Separate paragraphs for separate ideas?

>> No.17201153

ITT: wagies seething that they have to serve superior beings up until the second they close

>> No.17201157

>As a Papa John's manager
Imagine thinking this makes you superior to the average wagecuck

>> No.17201167

ITT: wagies act like they're not wagies.

>> No.17201172

Not every hour, just when you say you're fucking OPEN!

>> No.17201192

I live off government assistance and have never held a job in my life
I get to do whatever I want during the day and get to eat better than the average middle class worker

>> No.17201232

Do people seriously not call and complain to the manager when shit like this happens? You get a free meal and you get a subhuman wagie in trouble

>> No.17201254

>unless it’s just you and a manager
That’s how every fast food job I’ve worked was?

>> No.17201284


>> No.17201289

Set the closing time 15 minutes earlier and spend the last 15 minutes getting ready to close. I don't give a fuck about you or your employees.

My job closes at 4:30. We lock the entrance gate on the parking lot at 4:15. We don't deal with late coming customers because the people setting the schedule aren't lobotomites.

>> No.17201317

It's for even portioning

>> No.17201346

After a certain number of hours I'd rather be at home with my family.

>> No.17201370

If I work 45 hours I want to be paid for 45, not 43.5 hours

>> No.17201396

I believe it. Before this current gig fell into my lap I was torn between going to work in the mines and just going on the dole.

>> No.17201403

How about if you want everyone out at ten, make your closing time nine? Why call it open and seat people if you're don't want orders after nine? What the fuck, man?

>> No.17201417

Good for them, there's to many restaurants anyway

>> No.17201438

-3-6 years at uni to be an electrical engineer
-2-5 years to be a fully trained chef(not McDonald's, not a chippy shop fry cook, a chef)
Engineer gets his dicked sucked by boomers and the chef get ridiculed and abused.
Explain this

>> No.17201447

There are more chefs than electrical engineers.

>> No.17201455

Why would the owner turn away a transaction when he still has staff in the building that he is paying
The cooks clean early while the owner keeps the door open until the nips are put away

>> No.17201461

So what?

>> No.17201465

Wagies don't decide the hours the place stays open until and will generally be scheduled right up to when it closes. When you order shit a minute or two before it closes they are forced to stay late to complete your order and then finish up whatever task your order interrupted them from completing.

>> No.17201466

My state was running commercial cookery classes, for free. So it was worth it

>> No.17201471

I mean, just order earlier lmao, it's not hard lol

>> No.17201479

But anon don't you symathise with all the unpaid intern cucks finishing at 11pm that are working hard to become a failed doctor? They should eat too

>> No.17201485

Why pay specialist rates on an oversaturated market?

>> No.17201488

no i don't and it feels fine

>> No.17201499
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>so what
>what is the most basic and rudimentary idea in economics

>> No.17201587
File: 24 KB, 450x438, 259881258_10221010639757558_6702212249735754105_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local pizza place
>closes at 11
>order 2 pies pick up
>pick up at 11:01
>guy says were closed
>my pizza sitting on counter
>point at pizza
>say i'll buy that one
>sells to me half price

>> No.17201645

Having 10 bread rolls doesn't means each bread role has less calories, they still provide the same amount of what you need.

>> No.17201649

It's a retarded Jewish idea and you know it.

>> No.17201653


>> No.17201656

Bread rolls aren't going to make sure my industrial systems have all the power they need either.

>> No.17201667

I don't really know what you're getting at, but they'd better be some amazing rolls if I'm paying the baker $50+/hr.

>> No.17201679

>Any real restaurant can have that one dickhead manager who will seat people right up to closing.


>we close at 9pm and you are scheduled to 9:30pm

Stop bitching that you can't leave early and have to finish your shift, retard, or go find a new job

>> No.17201689

>once they're gone

those aren't restaurants, they're distributors with access to supply chain to sell low quality premade food to retards

>> No.17201700

and those retards are calling the shots. Maccas will see the end of capitalism.

>> No.17201720

They earn what they need for rent food and a life in return for you not needing to make your own food. How is that a wrong thing?

>> No.17201762

The baker gets $1.25 for some kickass rolls. His price is set by the market. He can charge more, but he might not get it. If he is actually a specialist - say someone who makes wedding cakes for celebrity weddings - then his renown will allow him to set his price. The electrical engineer gets five figures for a small project. He might set his price by the -comparatively understaffed- market so as to not be the only astronomical bid on a project, but he can also use his portfolio to justify a higher price.

I like the way you think, but we do not live in a meritocracy. If I were to hire a live-in cook, I'd make sure he or she was paid handsomely and treated like a human being, but I'm not going to pay $25 for a hamburger unless it's got slivers of truffle, comes with a mountain of frites and has a perfectly poured beer beside it.

>> No.17202033

>Stop bitching that you can't leave early
The kitchen closing 30 minutes before closing is not so staff can leave early, it's so they can have everything cleaned up and put away, prepped for tomorrow.
Ordering after the kitchen closes means they have to de-prep, cook, re-clean, and re-prep. It keeps them late, and they're not getting paid overtime.

>> No.17202377

I remember when this board was a lot more empathetic towards people who work at restaurants.

>> No.17202397

>complain to delivery app
>leave negative feedback
>free meal
yeah bullshit.
maybe one time they'll comp you. then you're fucked any time something goes wrong.

>> No.17202401

looks like one of those 14 hour operation pics.
except it's fucking pizza.

>> No.17202414

>it's time to find a new job
Easier said than done for a lot of people. Low paid jobs pray on the desperate.

>> No.17202420

Some jobs won't pay overtime.

>> No.17202466

The actual issue here is wage theft, the reason workers hate this shit is they have a list of shit they need to do before close and to actually do it and serve customers would require paying more staff. So most employers just force their workers to stay off the clock to finish closing (because this is murca)

>> No.17202470

>Crimewave of Africans

>> No.17202558

If you're hourly which low wage almost certainly is then report them to your states labor and industry. Those departments exist for a reason and those people prey on idiots not knowing the law and how to deal with it

>> No.17202570

>If you're hourly which low wage jobs certainly are then report them to your state's labor department. Those departments exist for a reason and people like owners prey on idiots not knowing the law and how to deal with it

Do you see how grammar makes your communication more effective and easier to understand?

>> No.17202582

Lotta overweight neets in here

>> No.17202595

You fucked it up at the people part. The original communicated more effectively.

>> No.17202643

now its just filled with wagies pretending to not be wagies and shitting on other wagies.

>> No.17202664

a refreshing breath of honesty

>> No.17202680
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How's daddy's money treating you?

>> No.17202684

Do these people get fired? Like imagine doing something like that and filming it

>> No.17202708

My brother does it pretty often and he hasn't had his account suspended or anything yet

>> No.17202718

Ironically I think "brain hunger" is caused by the bacteria in your intestines due to eating like shit.

>> No.17202727

Yes, thats one theory. Bacteria who are specialized in breaking down junk foods multiply in your gut faster than others, then send signals to the brain. The more of these bacteria there are, the stronger and more frequent the cravings.

>> No.17202735

Hurr durr "apparently" you fucking stooge

>> No.17202947

read the thread

>> No.17203512

It's only ever been fear and a fucked up sense of obligation to my coworkers that's kept me on at poorly run restaurants. It might take a few applications, a phone call or two every day. When other people quit (and they will), find out where they're going - they might be able to get you in.

>> No.17203531

Nah they'll comp it regularly. Same with Amazon btw, next time you order something and it'd be neat to own another say it was stolen at your porch. They've sent me dozens of extra shit no questions asked.

>> No.17203564

>counts driving as exercise
Want to know how i know youre fat?

>> No.17203770

If you don't have a car you're a sad sack, if you're a European then that's just the default for you.

Also, quit being a bitch. If someone wants to shoot you they'll shoot you, are you gonna lock yourself in your room so the baddies don't hunt you down?
Stop being the way you are.

>> No.17204141

I don't think theres been an easy time to find low wage work when almost every single store is hiring. What do you mean it's not they easy?

>> No.17204603

>9 hours with no break

that's illegal in my country (USA). if you haven't reported your employer or quit that job, then you're a fucking dumbass and you deserve to be a slave.

>> No.17205579

I used to work at a car dealership in the service department and people would come in 5 minutes before close and expect an oil change.
You'd tell them, sorry, we're not taking anymore customers and they'd fire right back
>UHHH aren't you open until 7?
Yeah, dipshit, it's 6:55. It's people on both sides that don't understand, when people expect some service and the manager doesn't want to piss off the customer.

>> No.17206084

ordering food close to the end of business hours is annoying because they KNOW that when they eat the hot food they go into heat and become excited, and also to keep the heat going they open their mouth wide on the hot food and then when they open it they swallow it whole and make it a hot water or hot broth. And when the food heats up the taste changes from bitter to sweet and the heat goes away when they swallow it whole.

>> No.17206127

>Working at a restaurant instead of cooking meals for your neighbors from home

>> No.17206142

How did you get that from what he said?

>> No.17206525

Fuck off Tyrone McNigger DeQuandre Fatherless Bastard the Third, the worst people to do this shit are always fucking niggers.